HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1998-01-28, Page 10• 112, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 12. REAL, ESTATE FOR SALE I9NTEE Real Estate (SoSLZl 150 Main Street South, Seaforth (519) 527-0560 Fax (519)527-2763 Associate Broker Sharon Medd 527-0560 Market Value Appraiser MLS Sales Representatives Andrea Ross 238-7777 i 154.1 AC F SOL D BRI K HOMEII Hardwood CUSTOM BUILT HOME!! !Maple loors, 9 bedrooms, 4 baths, forma kitchen cupboards, 81 appliances, dining room, eat -in kitchen. family hardwood floors. central air & vac, mom. gas fireplace, original woodwork main floor family room w/fireplace, throughout Utilities upgraded, excel- double detached garage/workshop lent Bed N' Breakfast' Excellent location close to park COUNTRY ATMOSPHERE!! Exceptionally clean home, formal din - Ing room, airtight stove. sunken living room, 3 bedrooms & more Central location Hwy location. Large yard 200' x 110'. Call today for more details. LOW COST HOME!! 3 bedrooms. hi eft. gas furnace, survey. ensulto privi leges. insulated shed, low taxes, low heat costs If you rem, you could own this home Call today for your person - at showing 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW!! YOU CAN AFFORD TO BUYII Mobile Hardwood floors, oak kitchen, rewired home with replacement windows, with newer plumbing. patio doors in Int- newer doors. bathroom & rear bod- ing nn.. deck, fenced yard & more room redone Appliances stay & more EXCELLENT BUILDING LOTS in country atmosphere Cell today for details,' WORKSHOP!! Aluminum sided shop 55' x 32' Two sections Many possibilities' Free Home Evaluations THE HURON IXPOSITOR, January 2e, 11.9S-* and Coun MONDAY, 1:00 PM C.E. COMING EVENTS • DENS AND FRIENDS of Seaforth is having a large moving sale. We're offering huge savings, up to 60% off In-store merchandise in February. Save on MattelI collectibles, bears, plates, Valentine gifts, clothing, handcrafted items. Call 527-1199. Cash or cheque only please. CE - 04 -4 "WOOD" YOU LIKE TO PAINT - Learn tole and decorative painting, pen and ink, landscape painting. Register now. Open House and - Safe Feb. 7, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Feb. 8, noon to 5 p.m., 11 Main St. S. Seaforth. Phone 519-527-2233. CE -04-2 SINGLES DANCE, Sat. Jan. 31 at the Kin Station, Victoria St. Listowel. Dancing from 8 - 12. Music by Nite Watch. CE-04xlcc KEEP THESE DATES 'IN MIND -St Thomas A.C.W. events for 1998. February 24. Pancake Supper, March 25, Soup and Salad; April 24, Spaghetti Supper. Following dates for euchre - May 26. June 23, July 28. August 25. October 7. Soup and Salad, November 21. Christmas Bazaar. CE -04-1 THIS WOULD BE of interest to mer• and women. Come and hear Tin Heathers. Ordained Minister Spiritual & Reiki Master of Natural Healing on Thursday, February 12, at 8 p.m. in Egmondville United Church. Freewill offering. Lunch provided CE -04x2 MONSTER EUCHRE TOURNA- MENT - St. Joseph's R.C. Church. Clinton, Wednesday, January 28. 8 p.m. Over $100.00 in prizes. Lunch provided. Everyone welcome. Sponsored by Knights of Columbus. CE-04xlcc SEAFORTH MANOR RETIRE- MENT HOME invites all community seniors to our Valentine's Tea on Feb. 8. from 2 - 4 p.m. on the 2nd floor. For more information call 527- 0030. CE -04.2 'SEAFORTH MINOR SPORTS Bingo every Monday. 1st and 3rd Monday of, each month. $750. Jackpot. 2nd and 4th Monday $1,000. Jackpot. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Ticket sales ,6:30 p.m S.D.C.C. Lottery license #M297196. CE-04-tf 1. ARTICLES FOR SALE 1 SATELLITE DISHES Buy a 'satellite system with pro- gramming for lust $29.95 a month with no money down or buy now and make no payments or pay no interest for 90 days (oacl We Sell and install all brand names of small dishes starting at $259.95 Cali 519-527-1009 of 1.888-269.0669 Burr Enterpnses. 01.04-1 APPLES - Still available Ida Red. Cortland and McIntosh Phone Martene Orchard 522-1507 Free delivery into Seaforth. 01.04-tf WINTER SALE on large variety of fabncs . quilting supplies etc. from Feb 1 - 14 Open Mon. Wed. and Fn. Sat by chance. ' Retail dry goods, 2 miles south of Glamis or 4 miles north of Kinloss. 01.04xlcc EL NINO Clearance Sale -good for you, bad for us' With no GST or PST on January sale pnces, you save even more on snowsuits. mitts and bomber !rackets. Buy now for the lowest prices in years Brophy Snowsuit Centre. Wmgham, 357- 3712.01.03x2cc STAR CHOICE - EXPRESSVU Satellite System serving Huron County for over 6 years Phone Ontario Country Kable 519-233- 3944 anytime. January Special: Show Time, TMC, Aix, Sundance. $189.00 yearly.01.02x3cc Pentldrn 166 MMX. 32 MB Ram, 1.7 GB, 24X CD -Rom, mouse, stereo speakers, 33.6 fax, Windows 95, monitor, Canon color pnnter and much more. $16/wk. Free delivery 1-800-515-5545. 01-02x4cc SUPER STEREOS. JVC or Fisher, 400 watts, prologic surround, 5 speakers. doubly cassette, 60 CD. awesome home theatre, $11/wk. Free delivery 1-800-256-1722. 01- 02x4cc MOFFATT AND POWELL Building Centres. complete Zine of lumber end building matenais. Free esti- mates, 48 Highway, Mitchell. Toll free 1-800-663-6977. 01.04-11 SATELLITE SPECIAL: 18- digital system includes 80 channels for 1 year, includes install. Free delivery. 1.800.515-5545. $6.50/wk. 01- 02x4cc EXPERT WATCH • CLOCK • JEWELLERY REPAIRS Free Estimates • Fast Service SEAFORTH JEWELLERS 527-0270 "MAGNA POWER" Batteries Car - Truck - Van $69.85 from SEAFORTH 519-527-0120 1. ARTICLES FOR SALE • STAR CHOICE - EXPRESSVU Get your Canadian Digital Satellite Systems today from the Satellite Specialists with over 20 years expe- rience. Enjoy movies, sports, music, news, PPV, etc. Call L & A Southwest Satellite, 524-9595 any- time. 01-44xtfcc 5. CARS FOR SALE • CERTIFIED CARS AT BARGAIN - PRICES 1990 Pontiac Tempest. V6, auto, air, $4950; 1990 Olds 88 Brougham, loaded $5350; 1988 Chrysler Dynasty LE, loaded $3650; 1988 Pontiac 6000 STE, loaded 52950; 1988 Buick Skylark, 4 cylinder. auto, air, $3650; 1989 Chev Corsica, 6 cylinder, auto, air, $4950; 1987 Ford Crown Victoria, $3450: 1990 Ford Tempo. auto, air, $4650; 1988 Ford Crown Victoria, new paint. $4450: 1990 Ford Tempo, auto, 52950; 1990 Nissan NX Coupe, $4450. Donny's Bargain Autos. 252 Huron Rd. Goderich 519.524-5398.05-03x3cc 1989 DODGE SHADOW Red, 4 dr., 2.5 L, auto, PDL, tilt, cruise, delay wipers, buckets, new brakes, tires and exhaust, $3,350 cert O.B.O. Phone 396-7480 after 6 p.m 05-04x3nxe 1984 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass Supreme. 305, 4 bbl. 2 door, $1000 as is or best offer. Please call 524- 2702. 05-02x3nxe 6. TRUCKS FOR SALE • CERTIFIED TRUCKS AT BARGAIN PRICES 1986 Chev pick-up, V8, auto, air, 53650. 1991 GMC Sonoma, 4 cyl.,' 5 spd.. $4650. 1989 Ford F150, 6 cyl. standard. S4950. 1985 GMC Astro Conversion van, $2950 1987 Dodge Dakota. 4x4, long box, $4950. 1988 Ford 150. 6 cyl, stan- dard. $3450. 1987 Chev S10, blaz- ' er, 4x4, $4450. Donny's f9argain Autos, 252 Huron Rd.. Goderich (519) 524-5398. 06-03x3cc • 7G. REC VEHICLES • CAMPERS' & TRAILERS 1 � 23' TRAVELCRAFT MOTORHOME, only 68,000 miles, Chev chassis, 350 engine, chassis and roof air. Immaculate condition. Must be seen, only $10,900. vehi- cle trades considered. Donny's Bargain Autos, 252 Huron Rd.. Goderich 524-5398. 7G-03x3cc 110. PETS ERLAN ACRES: Golden Retnevers, chocolate. yellow and black Labrador puppies for sale occasionally. Excellent tempera- ment and healthy Parentships and eyes certified. Also boarding facility. Inside and/or outside runs. Phone 482.5773.10.04x4 cc COLLIE- Blue Heeler pups. $20.00 each Contact James Hugill 527- 0441 10-04-2 11A, FOR SALE GENERAL ProRich Seeds Inc. MT. ELGIN. ONT. NOJ 1NO -CERTIFIED SEEDS -NEW VARIETIES -AND OUR ROYALTY BRAND ALFALFAS Specialists In -FORAGE MIXTURES -PASTURE MIXTURES -PLOWDOWN CLOVERS • Custom mixes available at no extra charge • For All Your Forage Requirements Please Call GILBERT VANSTEELANDT 522-0648 E-mail vansteelOtcc.on.ca 11J. FARM LAND • • LAND FOR RENT by tender. Approximately 190 acres. Well drained. Brodhagen area. For more information write to Box 46, Brodhagen, On. NOK 1130. Tenders dose Feb. 4, .1998. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 11J-03-2 11K. FARM REAL ESTATE? FARM FOR SALE: 100 acres, 96 acres workable in one field, bam set up for feeder hogs, liquid manure, implement shed, good Crouse, corner lit. Phone 395-3108. 11K-03x2cc FOR SALE: 98.4 acres, east of Clinton on Hwy. 8, 90 plus work- able, house and remodeled bam for beef or veal. Call 522-1853 atter 7 p.m. 11K -04x2 (12, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE• OPEN HOUSE, Sahrrday, January 31, 10-4, 14 Erie Street C3, Clinton/$69,900. 1 1/2 storey/2 bed- room low maintenance home/garage. Totally upgraded. Five appliances/extras Included. Mortgage O.A.C. Call owner 482- 3204 anytime. 12.04xlcc 17. APARTMENTS FOR RENT SMALL one bedroom apartment for rent. No pets please. Phone 345- 2792. 17-04xtfcc TWO BEDROOM apartment with fridge and stove. Gas heat Available immediately. 5525 plus utilities. Located in Godench. Call 524-5586. 17-44xtfcc SMALL ONE bedroom basement apartment for rent Rent includes. heat, fridge .and stove. (Hydro extra). Laundry facilities In base= merit Controlled entrance Call 527-2369 17.04-tf 12. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 17. APARTMENTS FOR RENT 1' CLINTON One bedroom apart- ment. $315.00 monthly plus utilities Available now Phone 1-905-852- 3754 or 519-235-2559 17-38xtfcc NEW GREAT PRICE on our one and two bedroom apartments locat- ed in Hensall in a quiet, clean build - Ing. All units are freshly painted. Call 262-2827. 17-04-tf ONE AND TWO bedroom. stove and fridge included, laundry facili- ties, quiet location. Call 524-4994 Available now. 17-04-11 NEWER 2 bedroom unit Mitchell Controlled entrance, laundry facili- ties. Suitable for seniors $576.18 Call 348-9102 17.02xttcc 12. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 1 r J The Huron Expositor's CLASSIFIEDS C E Congrg Events 01 Articles For Sale 03 Garage!Yard Sale 04 Antiques & An 4A Crafts & Hobbies 05 Cars For Sale 06 Trucks For Sale 08 Computers, Videos, 22 Lots For Rent Elc. 23 Commercial Property 09 Automotive For Rent 10. Pets 24 Wanted To Rent T'' 25 Wanted To Buy n. ,,..: ��, 26 Help Wanted 11A For Sale General 27 Wanted General 118. Wanted TO Buy, 28 Business Opportunity 11C. Wanted To Hire 29 Tenders 7A For Sale General 11D Employment 30 Employment Wanted 78 Wanted To Buy Wanted 31 Service Directory 7C Wanted To Rent 11E Livestock 32 Babysining 11F Farm Product 33 Miscellaneous 7D Bicycles 11G Farm Equipment 34 Personal 76 Motorcycles, ATVs, 1111 Farm Services 35 Notice To Creditors Etc 11J Farm Land 36 Announcements 7F Snowmobiles & 11K Farm Real Estate 37 Mortgages Equipment ;;k:;;>::'s:s'E>yag.:;^i?; 38 Auction Sale 7G Rec Vehicles- 12 Real Estate For Sale 39 Educational Campers & Trailers 13 Mobile Homes 40 Lost R Found 7H Boats. Motors 14 Vacation Properties 41 To Give Away Marne 16 For Rent 42 Deaths 7J Service Pans & 17 Apartments For Rent 43 Births Repairs 18 Houses For Rent 44 Engagements 7K Swimming Pool & 19 Rooms For Rent 45 Marriages Supplies 46 In Memoriam 3 20 Rooms & Boars 47 Cards of Thanks DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS MONDAY 1:00 PM For other papers Deadline is MONDAY 11:00 AM All rates plus CST 25 WORDS - One Week $t 00. two weeks 54 50 ea week, three weeks $4.00 es. week Additional words 20 cents. An additional 52 OO.will he added if billing is necessary. ' In Memorialns - 55.00 plus 35 rents per line cifverse. Card of Thanks & Birth Announcements - 25 Words 55.00. Each additional word 10 cents. We are also able to place word ads in the following 'papers. Goderich. Clinton. Mitchell, Lucknow. Kincardine, Zurich. Walkerton & Port Elgin By placing an ad in The Huron Expositor we can place the same ni 125 words or less, in any of the above papers for an additional $3.00. THESE PRICES ARE PRE -PAID Call 527-0240 Monday to Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00'M . r iirisINTEE Real Estate 19 Albert St., Clinton 482-5991 TO LIST OR BUY GIVE US A TRY Tony & Mary Vanden Hengel 233-3168 THIS WILL FIT YOUR BUDGET!! Large L-shaped living room, 2 bedrooms. 4 pc. bath, FA gas heating, mostly hardwood floonng. Gas stove & garden - shed included Rear patio. ° Walking distance to schools, arena & uptown Seaforth. Immediate Possessi,n With 55. down (S2695) • 5358.64 (7%)/month this home could be yours - why pay rent'? Now reduced to 553,900. Vendors anxious "To List or Buy Give Us A Try - Culligan REAL ESTATE LTD. R.R. e2, STAFFA -1.28 Acres - List 5125,900! R.R. *2, SEAFORTH - 3.61 Acres - List 5112,000' 17 REGINA ROAD, VANASTRA - List $79,900! R.R.55, SEAFORTH List 112,500! Elio'', wasiNA - i ria 137 MARKET STREET List $99,0001 74 EAST WILLIAM STREET List 5109,0001 WE NEED MORE LISTINGS! FREE MARKET EVALUATION YOU'LL BE PROUD TO OWN this quality, one floor brick home with Its gas hest, 3 bedrooms, oak kitchen. family room, wood fireplace. concrete drive and attached carport with storage. List $119.900! POTENTIAL PLUII An Ideal starter home on specious, double lot, newly renovated and updated, wtiirlpool tub. hardwood flooring. Quiet end peaceful location! Yours for the list price of $89,9001 EXCEPTIONAL FAMILY HOME featuring brick/trame construction. 4 bedrooms, gas heat, central air, 200 amp hydro, rear deck off kitchen A doubin attached garage. $199.000' ENJOY THE OPEN ATMOSPHERE of this 11/2 storey, solid brick home featuring 3 bedrooms, gas heat and 2 baths on a 82.50 x 132' lit There Is an adjacent lot that can be also purchased Call today for details List $49,900! 21 YEARS SERVING SEAFORTH & AREA 1 10110 'MRCP 1Cw4Elorl ws♦.a Seefofth Office: . 519 / 527-1577 6 Main Street \muuuus 71 YEARS OF COMBINED EXPERIENCE-' *DONNA TI6ATfR0 1.27.1727 OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEK! •ROW MUMMY 246402• 11MM COOMBS •-DIANNE WIS MAR *DON PII11IMAM 33t4443 4024010 4112.0101 'SALES REPRESENTATIVE **ASSOCIATE BROKER MLS REALTOR