HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1998-01-14, Page 6S -T1111 HURON EXPOSITOR, drwry 14, 1!N
Introducing Seaforth's new OPP sergeant
CLINTON - Sergeant Paul
Holmes is looking forward to
working with the community
as -he begins his role as con-
tract administrator for the
Clinton and Seaforth OPP.
Holmes, a Clinton resident,
began his career with the OPP
in Essex. He spent two years
there, before transferring to
Huron County after his wife,
Julie, got a job teaching in
Moving to Clinton in 1984,
Holmes began his work as a
constable with the Goderieh
detachment of the OPP, a
position in which he served
until 1992, when he was offi-
cially promoted to sergeant
and transferred to Exeter.
Serving in Exeter until June
of 1995, he then returned to
Goderich as a result of re -
organization within the OPP,
in the function of program
manager (administrative
sergeant) for the whole Huron
County Detachment.
Now qualified for the posi-
tion of staff sergeant, Holmes
began as contract administra-
tor for Clinton and Seaforth
on Jan. 5.
As contract administrator,
Holmes will be reporting to
the police services boards in
both communities. He will
also be in a supervisory posi-
tion, as he noted, "I'll be
supervising nide officers
assigned to both contract
locations to ensure we've giv-
ing the best product we can."
The sergeant explained that
he views his role as that of a
facilitator, working with the
police officers under his
supervision, the police ser-
vices boards, the community
policing committees and the
communities themselves.
the past, he said, the
police often tended to work
isolation, but that is changing \
as work progresses to open up
lines of communication with
the public, through such bod-
ies as community policing
To this end, Holmes noted,
"I'm looking forward to
working with the communi-
Holmes is involved in thc
local community where he
and his wife and their two
daughters, Hilary, 5, and
Jessica, 4, reside.
In the Masons, he is Past
Master of the local lodge, and
its current treasurer, and he is
also a member of the property
,and finance committee for
Ontario Street United Church.
He is a member of the hoard
and treasurer for the Clinton
Cooperative Childcare
Centre, and he is just getting
involved in the Group
Committee for the local
Scouting Movement.
He noted that working in
the community in which he
lives will "certainly he a dill.
ferent slant," and he added,
"It's exciting. I'm looking
forward to it."
Decorations gone but memories remain
The Christmas lights have
been taken down, thc halls
have been 'undeckesi= and the
decorations have been packed
away for another year, hut the
memories of our wonderful
Christmas celebrations
We are appreciative of all
the community groups and
individuals who volunteered
their time and talent to enter-
tain our residents during this
past Christmas season. A
special note of appreciation is
extended to our clergy or
their inspiring advent ser-
vices leading us up to the cel-
ebration of Christs' birth.
Thanks to Rev. Dino
Salvador, Rev. Nick
Vandermey, Rev. Rob
Hiscox, Rev. Rick Lucas and
Elly Vanbergen for bringing
us the message of Christmas
to our residents.
(Seaforth Manor
Nursing Home
We welcomed the Harmony
Hi-lites for a beautiful
evening of singing. These
ladies did an excellent job!
The Seaforth Lions Club
visited for their annual pro-
gram assisted this year by the
members of Bethel Bible
Church. The bus tour to view
the Christmas lights was
sponsored by the Seaforth
Lioness Club. The members
of thc Harmony Kings car-
olled .
Everyone was delighted to
welcome the children from
the Seaforth Nursery School
as well as the Grades 5 and 6
class from the Seaforth
Public School who per-
formed their concert.. Our
Christmas Wine and Cheese
party was great fun for resi-
dents and guests. Christmas
morning found Santa Claus
(alias Pat Ryan) handing out
gifts in our living room..
New Years Eve was ush-
ered in to the tunes of the
champagne music of
Lawrence Welk followed by
champagne, punch and fancy
We would like to thank all
the community groups and
individuals who remembered
our residents with cards.
flowers and goodies. It was
very much appreciated.
Upcoming events: Jan. 15
Winter Ball with Zurich
Connection. Jan 22nd at 2
p.m. Robbie Burns Day pro-
gram with Rev. Jim Sloan.
The Bear Facts
Students spend holidays skiing in Quebec
"the coaching stall of this
season is Jan Hastieytor the
Midget boys'' basketball,
Shawn Restall for Junior and
Paul Menary for the Senior.
The Midget girls' volley-
ball team is coached by Mr.
Ante , Linda Doig and Mrs
Waldick for the Senior girls.
So far the junior girls have
have gained six dints, which
is not an indicator of their tal-
This upcoming weekend
thc girls arc in tournament in
Godcrich. On Feb. 7 they
also have a tournament in
Listowel. Senior girls have a
home game Feb. 10, but
juniors will be at St. Anne's
in Clinton. The junior Girls
Volleyball Team consists of
Sarah Agar, Alysha Dalton,
Jen Delvecchio, Marsha
Denys, Wendy Glauser, Jill
Houston, Kim Janmaat,.
Corinne Leonhardt, Christie
Medd, Angie Southgate and
Samantha Sturgc.
Hopefully all teams will
make the Huron -Perth play-
Senior Students from
Seaforth District High School
boarded a bus Dec. 27 with
the destination being Quebec
Local representatives Jill
'Dolmage and, Starla Wick
organized the student trip.
The 46 students stayed in
Quebec City for six days
arriving back home New
Year's Day.
During the stay the students
had the opportunity to sec the
sights during tours of Old
Quebec; ski at Mount Sainte
Anne; go tubing sliding at
Village de Sport, shop at a
major shopping centre and
watch fast paced hockey.
Topping the whole trip off
was a New Year's Eve party
at the Hilton, which was
attended by over 900 students
from across Ontario.
Another trip is already in
the making for next year.
Busy gym
by Joanne Dale
With only a few games
played so far this season, the
girls volleyball and boys bas-
ketball teams have great
Exciting events in Dublin
As 1 look at my January
calendar, I find a great deal
of exciting events.
Happy Birthday tli a very
special lady, Mary Dantzer,
who celebrated on Jan. 7th.
Also Happy Birthday to
Steve Shewan who will cele-
brate Jan. 18. Bill Ryan
whose special day is Jan. 24
and Don Duffy who cele-
brates Jan. 22.
Anniversaries arc always
special days! Happy anniver-
sary to Gord and Deb Phillips
who celebrate Jan. 19.
Thought for Today
Sermons would be better if
we'd listen as a Christian
rather than a critic.
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General meeting
/tomorrow night
at Branch 156
by Barbara Scott
The Branch will he hosting
the Sunday Dinner for the
public Jan. 18. Desserts and
help will he needed for this
The January General
Meeting for Branch 156 will
he held Jan. 15 at 8 p.m..
Please plan to attend.
January 24 there will he a
steak harheque along with
karoakc. This is a popular
'event. Come out and enjoy
the music and food.
The Ladies Auxiliary to
Branch 156 were saddened to
hcar of thc death of Agnes
Walsh of Stratford. Agnes
was a long-time member of
the auxiliary. Because -of the
weather we were unable to go
to the funeral home as
planned. To her family and
friends we extend our sincere
At the Going Down of the
Sun and in the morning we
will remember them.
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Q: 1 have lost my purpose for living since my wife died. What
good am 1 anymore?
A. It's natural to feel purposeless after a major loss. particularly when
a spouse dies. There is such a total adjustment required that day-to-
day life seems to have lost its meaning. We arc cut off from every-
thing we know as "normal". Rut each of us is a whole and complete
person. We have a life and a purpose unconnected to the deceased. It
is difficult to keep this in mind when we have lived closely linked to
another. We can help ourselves by reading self help guides and by.
attending a bereavement group if possible.
Questions asked during bereavement classes are answered here by the editor of
Af erlar, the monthly grief -recovery HdpLetter. For your free copy of Af erLms or
one of our other hdpful booklets about grief recovery, please write, call or stop by.
Questions & Answers
about grief recovery
Whitney- Rib ey
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