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The Huron Expositor, 1998-01-07, Page 9
'OLF)WFLL RANKER - Ex wet t t Ic L' )LUWELL RANK CC NNW 7_. COLf)1VFI.I. BANKER - Ilxp('('t the h.'st.(t_` ('OI.I)11'I:I.I. B:A\KI:R - Expect the best.' MI 1)1111E1. 13.A\KI':R - Expect tht' best.): (26. HELP WANTED ) FULL TIME gas atssndant required. Apply to Wilson's Auto Service. Seaforth. 527-1200. 26-01-2 HOG FARM WORKER required for large farrow -finish swine operation. Duties: breeding gibs. trucking and general tams duties. Must possess good convnunication shits. ability to work well with others. vaid driver's license. Contact Bob Robinson. Vista Villa Fann Ltd. 345-2317. 26- 01-3 DELIVERY PERSON Adult person to deliver London Free Press in Mitchell Must have valid driver's license and `1,000,000 liability insurance. CaII: Distribution Department 1-800-363-1785 - for more details Vincent Farm Equipment continues to grow and has open two positions: SALES MANAGER - If you have proven sales experience, management ability, and are enthusiastic and self -motivated, this position is for you. Activities involve working in a Team environment to execute our marketing and sales efforts. PARTS COUNTER PERSON • Applicants should have a farming background, a positive attitude and enjoy working with pe9ple. If you feel you have the interest and motivation please send or fax a resume in confidence by January 23. We are an equal:opportunity employer. While we appreciate all applications we receive, only can4dates to be interviewed will Le coned ted. Personnel Dept. Box 189, Seaforth, Ont. zytualiaf NOK1WO 519-527-2572 fax FARM EQUIPMENT Llt.tiiFD 26. HELP WANTED • Huron County Library Board Huron County Council invites applications for the position of library trustee on the Huron County Library Board to fill one vacancy. This appointment wi11 last until November 2000. ilitcVngs are usually the second Thursday of each month. In the morning. in Goderich. This position is voluntary. but receives a small honorarium and expenses. The Libary Board will address the challenges of Increasing demands on the public libraries by their communities. and a decreasing traditional funding base by provincial and county governments. Candidates must, be at least 18 years old. Canadian citizens. and residents of Huron County Please submit a, written application by. January 15 to: Ms J.A. Murray Clerk -Administrator' County of Huron Court House Square Goderlch. ON N7A 1 M2 • 30. EMPLOYMENT WANTED • WILL SHOVEL snow from lanes and sidewalks in Seaforth. Phone Ben at 527-1643. 30.01x1 • 31. SERVICE DIRECTORY DUCHARME'S Furniture Refinishing, P1 wood work refin- ished, touch ups and repairs. Contact Tim Ducharme at 519-527- 0059 after 3:30 p.m. 31-01-4 WILL TUTOR in my own home. Betty Beuttenn IIer 527-0282. 31- 53-1 REPAIR AND REFINISHING of fur- niture and antiques, handsMpping, also custom made furniture bult to your plans. Robert Kerr, RR 11. Seaforth. Phone 527-0786. 31-53-0 ALUMINUM AND CUSTOM WELD- ING. ornamental railing, trailers, custom hitches, pig/cattle penning, machinery repairs and fabricating. Phone Peter De Jong 523-4816, Londesboro. 31-53-0 PHOTO COPIgS Photocopying Service available at the Huron Expositor office, 100 Main St., Seaforth 81 x 11 copies - .25 cents per sheet, 8/ x 14 copies - .35 cents per sheet. (GST and PST extra). Phone 527-0240. 31-01-tfnxe • VEAI_S Abattoir and Meat Market toy. 83 - 3 1/2 miles east of Exeter Try us for CUSTOM KILLING and PkCCFSSING Kill Days Tuesday OUR SPECIALTY Home.rured and smoked meats processed exact;7 the way you like it. SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS Repairs to All Makes & Models. 20 Years' Experience. All Work Guaranteed. Contact Stedmans 43 Main Si, Seaforth 527-1950 111E SIRNION EXPOSITOR, January, 7, 111114-11 31. SERVICE DIRECTORY • erner C0r4 raaC riNG L rD •TRUCKING •GRAVEL •SAND & STONE • BULLOCIANG • EXCAVATING • TOPSOIL • SEPTIC SYSTEMS 7:42:. 482-9926 RR3 Clinton Res. 482-9212 34. PERSONAL • START your New Year's resolution to lose weight and keep it off with the Herbalise weight control pro- gram. Call Mary 522-0266. 34-01-4 A.A. If you think you have a drinking problem Alcoholics Anonymous has worked for millions. Call 527-1650 or toll free 1-800-706-9833. 34-53-d ********************* * KATHERINE'S * * * * * PSYCHIC * * Palm & Tarot Card Readings * * • advises on all problems * asli of Life, Love, Marriage, 0, * Business. Health, Travel. * * Free Question - See her * * she can help you * * 519-238-8404 * * Available for Parties * ********************* 37. MORTGAGES 1" & 2"° Mortgage Money Absolutely No Upfront Fees Available as tow as 6.50" Interest Personal Loans 1f you qualify. payments AmL AQpf1wx. Mo Payment ' 5.000 41 66 '10 ' 83.33 '12500 Consolidate your debts Call (519) 363-0211 1-800-387-1932 ASTRAL FUNDING INC. • (35. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In The Estate of ANNIE MALCOLM All persons having claims against the estate of Annie Malcom of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 29th day of October, 1997, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 21st day of January, 1998 atter which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, Ontario this 17th day of December, 1997. McCONNELL, STEWART & DEVEREAUX, Barristers and Solicitors 77 Main Street, Seaforth, Ontario, NOK 1W0 Solicitors for the Eicecutors 38. AUCTION SALE • RICHARD TABS AUCTION CALENDAR CLINTON 482-7898 SAT.. JAN. 10 at 9 AM - Car. coins. antiques. Irrrnlhuv. good appliances at Lohh Auction in Clinton We are accepting gond additions for upcoming auctions ' Remember to Read the "Little" Ads With the "Big" Buys (()I.1)1\ELI .ItANI.I.I: I \ t.tI thr httil. ( ( )I 1)\\ 1.1 ,1 1. \"ISI l: 1 \Itt t I Ill !t..1 LINDA DZIOBA, Sales Rep. 527-2103 CALD BANNER COLDWELL BANKER ALL -POINTS WELL REALTY SERVICES © 34 MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ON OPEN MON. TO SAT. OR CALL ANYTIME. 1. co.owe.r n n"Keu -, PREMIER OFFICE 24 HOUR PAGER Our clients and customers will receive the finest service that honesty and integrity can provide. MIKE HODGINS Sales -Rep. 527-2885 NEW REDUCED PRICE - S97,000 LARGE DEEP PRIVATE LOT (.45 acres). Home is immaculate with possible 5 bedrooms -or 2 large family rooms. Living room boasts a woodburning brick fireplace with patio doors onto rear deck, also a Targe eat -in kitchen, main floor laundry. Super property . NEW LOWER PRICE S279,000 When the ordinary just won't do! Then this unique home is for you. Some features include 2 fireplaces, skylights, cathedral ceilings, pine floors, cherry cabinets with island and built-in appliances, whirlpool tub, central air and Tots more.-lProperty is professionally landscaped with fry': prchard, double car garage. PLUS workshop and office 40x24. Call for your private showing! COUNTRY PLUS WORKSHOP RARE OPPORTUNITY to buy a delightful main floor living home in the country for only $149,000. Large country kitchen, lower level family room with bar area, main floor laundry, 2 baths, 2 tiered deck plus 30 x 30 & 30 x 14 workshop insulated and heated. CALL SOON on this Super Buy!! VENDOR OPEN TO ALL OFFERS! ' COUNTRY - NEWER HOME - NEW LISTING 5 acre property on paved road between Seaforth and Dublin. NEWER HOME with oak kitchen, main floor laundry with walk out, patio doors off dining room, full insulated basement, great location. Your chance to own a new home plus have peace & quiet of the country. $179,900. LOW - LOW - PRICE - ONLY S79,900 SELLER is anxious, will consider any serious offer. Excellent larger family home located on large private lot that backs onto open fields. Family room/den, living room with gas fireplace and mantle, separate dining room, 3 bedrooms plus survey is available. PRICED TO SELL. COUNTRY -MAIN FLOOR LIVING PPEMII r: Red brick bungalow on over 1/2 acre lot located close to Seaforth. Main floor laundry, large country kitchen, attached garage. easy care aluminum soffits and fascia. deck at rear. survey is available Great country home with plenty of room. All this plus much more. FARM FARM REDUCED BY S10.000 APPLIANCES INCLUDED 243.00 A MONTH IS ALL IT WILL COST YOU TO OWN THIS 3 BEDROOM HOME. Includes maintenance fees. taxes and mortgage payment: Home has new windows, central air, Targe deck. healed workshop PLUS SHED. Located on large treed 1ot. Priced at $39,900. 1 FARM FARM 1 50 acres systematically tiled on"paved road. Good productive,crop land located iMcKillop Township. Also may purchase an extra 200 acres with gorgeous hod and good bams. SPACIOUS HOrvlE Excellent solid brick 5 bedroom fame on deep lot. This home features original woodwork., modemized-kitchen. open front porch, main floor bedroom. formal dining area. character inside and out. New high elf. gas furnace end home Is newly decorated. YOUR SEARCH IS OVER A pool for mom and workshop for dad Gorgeous .88 acre lot with exceptlona landscaping Inground pool is 18 x 38 and separate workshop is 20 x 40. Double cement drive, family room with fireplace. 3+ bedrooms. home Is tastefully decorated. This is the one you've been waiting on. $189,900. COUNTRY - 5.27 ACRES Prr Bib SUPER HOBBY FARM on paved road complete with horse stale. Wood panne area, newer addition on home, new *Waive, hmwce, original woad ceiling end wainscotting In huge country (diction, pins (loon, 4+ bedreor e. UM is the hobby fermi you've been *sang on so 555 moot! 200 acres systematically tiled in McKillop Township. 2 storey renovated house with new oak kitchen, dining room, 2 sitting rooms, 5 bedrooms plus attached double garage. Drive shed, 3 barns, cement holding tanksteel granaries. Extra possible 50 acres. NEW PRICE/NEW FIREPLACE r , - tilt 1.1 I !Wilt Great starter home on large tot dose to school and downtown. 3 bedrooms, main floor laundry, gas heat, large lot. deck at rear. DONT BE RENT POOR. PAYMENT LOWER THAN RENTI! Only 569,900. LOOKING TOWARD RETIREMENT? OMNI l Raised ranch In Immacill'ate condition. Walkout to gorgeous large backyard from lower level. Family room,.large kitchen, dishwasher, within walking distance to uptown. Plus check the price only 5123,000. YOUR OWN DRIVE SHED - US ACRES c(pv.cy with circular drive. Pato doors off ils*Miigg room onto deck, large klldnmd nl g area plw excetint aloe shed 4d x tiff with kill waldlencti & large poop doors. NEW PRICE $135,000. BETTER HURRY on located on coiner lot to be sold at only include wrap-around laundry. separate d taxes. and survey is are included. this excellent property in Egmondville. Pnced 574.900. Features verandah. main floor ining room, very low available. ADoIIancn FOR RENT $500.00 a month, 3 bedroom home, with gas heat, low heat costs, detached garage, in quiet area. References are required. BEATS RENTING HANDS DOWN Large well kept home.located 2 Mocks from downtown. Main floor laundry plus a main floor bedroom with ensulte. Separate dining roorfi; lMng room plus a family room with fireplace. Back sunporch and deck. nice spacious rooms. Super value. Only $89,900. BEAUTIFUL LOT Well built & beautduly maintained. Country style kitchen. 3 + 1 bedrooms wpb ensUNe, oak stairway & ceramic entranceway. Huge family room with bar area and wall to wall stone fireplace, central air, mature landscaping. Plus 2 tiered cedar deck. All for only 5139.000. Don't Mies Out. Cell Our Number. ONLY 398 PER MONTH Appllancea are Included In this LOW, LOW PRICE OF 564,000. Newly decorated. drywalled. tub surround & flooring ki bathroom. Home is In moms -In condltlon. Large rear eundeck with huge deep lot. Low taxes and ntagage payments lower Then rant!. 1 OI 1)\\ 1 1 1 1. \N1\1 It 1 )Int '1 lh 1- -1 7 Ind 7.