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Wednesday, November 28, 1447
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Postal system of the past?
While Ottawa and the postal union continue to 'negotiate' to
try to reach a settlement in the Canada -wide postal strike, con-
sumers have managed to fill some of their postage needs
through couriers and another modern mode of communication
- electronic mail.
The e-mail systems have been jammed to overflowing the
past week as people switch from traditional 'snail mail' and
just send their messages electronically. While it is routine for
many to Ilse e-mail, it's still not widely used for such common
mail-outs`arrnonthty-bills and statements. But like the old
expression, "Necessity is the Mother of Invention," a few peo-
ple have found it necessary during this postal disruption to
send their messages via computer and phone lines. The more
commonplace it becomes, the more it will take business away
from traditional postal sources.
Although the big revolution people were expecting in
Internet use and subsequent business on the Internet hasn't
quite reached original expectations, experts are still predicting
that next year 10 per cent of all business transactions around
the world, worth $600 billion, will be made electronically. In
addition, "on-line commerce" done on the Internet next year
will be worth $200 billion - up from $900 million two years
ago, so say the cyber business predictors.
Right now there are more than 50 million people around the
world connected to the Internet. By the year 2000 they're say-
ing this number could reach as hieh as ane billion. In Canada,
6 a ready on-line. So while the rest of the
world (or at least those in Canada affected by the postal strike)
are discovering their e-mail or being forced to finally use it
and moving forward into the next millennium, the postal
unions are back at the bargaining tables (again) talking about
the same old things and quite possibly being left in the past
with an archaic bloated system. - DWS
J •
Letters to the Editor
Mixed emotions on Bill 160
Dear Editor:
It is with mixed emotions
that I read about Bill 160 and
the claims that our
teachers/educators make
about it.
Education reform is a must.
Hopefully the government
and our educators will
realistically consider what
needs to be done. When a
power struggle is the
problem, education will not
be a consideration. One
begins to doubt whether
either side is seeking to
provide quality education.
Quality education does not
need to cost as much as it
does. My education dollar
goes toward public education
but my support goes toward
alternate and independent
There are thousands of
students in alternate and
independent schools that are
getting a quality education
for half the amount that it
costs in the public schools.
These parents arc paying
their tax dollars which are in
turn conveniently used by the
public system. Not one of
these tax dollars goes with
the student. in fact in Huron
County we pay tax dollars
toward busing for our
children and yet the Huron
County Board of Education
charges us for busing also.
This is paying double for a
service to which these
children are entitled.
Independent schools are
expected to match the
educational standards set out
by the Ministry of Education
and yet by the same token
they arc not entitled to free
health services that the public
and Catholic schools obtain.
One example of this type of
service is speech therapy.
I think that if teachers and
government are thinking
about quality education for
our children perhaps it is time
that both sides consider the
following: I. Education tax
dollars should follow the
student; 2. Parental
involvement helps cut costs;
3. Speciality schools in
conjunction with industry
will teach and train our
Reform does need to take
place. May we never be a
society that does not
continually look for ways to
improve and change. Please
let us remember to take all
our children into
Margaret Dykstra
Huron school centre of radar in 1940s
Not long ago I found my
old pass that allowed me to
get inside what was then the
Royal Air Force RDF school
near Clinton. As well, the
pass gave me access to the
compound, considered one of
the top secret places in
Canada, or in fact in the
Allied controlled part of the
Inside was a treasure of
sorts that was invented by a
fellow called Watson -Watt. In
fact he became Sir Robert
Watson-Watt...the man who
invented what we now call
radar. It was at the radio
research lab at Ditton Park,
England in 1935 where he
first demonstrated his new
apparatus for the "detection
and location of aircraft by
radio methods."
After the war he came to
live in Canada...and I believe
he settled north of Toronto...
fo4it was on Number 11
Highway a bit south of
Richmond Hill where he was
picked up for speeding by the
very apparatus he invented.
His delicate invention was
to be a major element in the
winning of the war and
Canada was chosen as the
site to train airmen in its
use...it was considered so del-
icate that when it landed in
Halifax a special CNR train
took it from there to Clinton.
An engineer, considered to
have the smoothest hand with
a brake in the CNR system
brought it the whole distance
with all other trains giving it
the right of way...his name
was Turnbull and he was an
engine driver who could start
a train and stop it without the
passengers realizing they
were moving. Although he
was hated by farmers from
Stratford to Goderich for he
could never go by a herd of
cattle grazing by the right-of-
way without stampeding
them with a long blast of the
whistle. .. _.-...
As a Royal Air Force estab-
lishment it was not under the
command of the RCAF. The
C.O. and most of the early
command officers came
directly from England as did
most of the instructors and
other station staff. In fact
many people who dealt with
those first arrivals believed
the British government and
the RAF were quite happy,
even relieved, to have them
far from the shores of
Guest Column by
Clare Westcott
I remember two things from
those early days. The com-
manding officer was hastily
returned to England after he
was apparently involved in
an accident on the highway
almost at the front gate of the
camp. As I remember it,
drinking was a factor and a
pedestrian was killed.
Huron County was not con-
sidered a bible belt...our pro-
fanity only went about as far
as hell and damn...maybe
sometimes a bit stronger. It
was a rare occasion when we
heard the infamous four letter
F--- word used. That is until
some of us attended the soc-
cer games between the team
loud while playing soccer.
The RCAF took the base
over with a C.O. who was a
colourful character as he was
unique. His name was Patrick
and he was, at 27, not only
the youngest Wing
Commander in the British
Commonwealth...he was the
only Wing Commander in the
Commonwealth not wearing
wings. He was not a pilot. He
drove around a souped -up
Plymouth with a two-way
radio...the first I had ever
seen. He would head towards
the compound gates at full
speed calling the guard on his
radio saying, "open that
bloody gate, I'm comin'
His job demanded long
hours and he spent days and
many nights at the base,
although he and his wife
lived in Seaforth in an apart-
ment above the store next to
the Regent Theatre. An odd
twist to the story...the daugh-
ter of CNR engineer Turnbull
and her husband operated an
electrical store below the
apartment where the Patricks
In the early days of the base
I worked for Frank Kling and
we were there almost every
week installing and repairing
equipment. The compound
inside the base was very
restricted and I remember
being interviewed by an
RCMP officer before being
issued a pass.
I:o. 31 R.D. Ht70I:ALZilfrOl+. ONTR* .10 •
PASS ISSU 1JB`_' 21.11.4
1'o fio a. Jam..• Rank — 1.(r't * ...len/A-.444Z.
To be .prba e tet n demand by autircri ty�
Signature of litti'IW
tu'>xliste --
Tech. Ad
{Mr -"•
years the people in Seaforth
opened their homes and their
hearts to many of the RAF
instructors and technicians
who were far from home.
Aside from the few rowdies
that came in the early days of
the base most were tine
young men and quite a few
returned to England with
Huron County wives. One
girl, Jean Herford, daughter
of the Anglican church min-
in Seaforth, married an
English corporal and returned
with him to live in
Maidenhead, England.
Many romances began
through invitations to Sunday
dinner by Seaforth families.
Almost every weekend one
or two airmen from the base
arrived at the Westcott hou
One of them, Ron Evans
from Toronto, married my
sister Marguerite.
Huron County was host to
four major bases...the Royal
Air Force RDF school at
Clinton, the Royal Air Force
AOS station at Port Albert,
the RCAF Elementary Flying
Training School at Goderich
and the Centralia Advanced
Flying Training Base. It was
the largest air force training
station at that time in the
I'm sure it was a proud
moment for Seaforth when
Frank Golding, one of its
sons, became the final
Commanding Officer at the
base. Although not meant to
be, it was indeed a tribute to
his father William Golding,
who was the member of par-
liament for Huron from 1935
to 1945, for it was no doubt
the effort he put to making
sure Huron County was front,
and centre in the war effort in
the dark days of the early
1940s. The county was home
to four major air force bases.
A claim no other county in,
P/a Canada could make.
want(// ' I still remember an interest
Cap' `'I' 7+! ""' I frig and somewhat arrlu's1ng"
��;itleident Frank Kling and I •
watched one summer after-
noon. Men from the
American forces were trained
at the Clinton base and were
brought in by bus from the
U.S. Air Force base at
Selfridge Field, just outside
Detroit. As the men stepped
off the bus they were lined up
on the tarmac and each pre-
sented with a foreign service
ribbon...and they were less
than 200 miles from home.
RADAR PASS - This is a photocopy of Clare Westcott's
now tattered pass to the radar school near Clinton.
from the Clinton Base and
the team from the Royal Air
Force AOS station at Port
Albert, a few miles north of
Goderich on Lake Huron. It
seemed to be the only profan-
ity they knew...they used it as
an ongoing part of every con-
versation...and especially
In later years while working
for the Seaforth PUC I got to
know Mrs. Patrick for each
month when I went to read
the electric meter she would
invite me in for a cup of tea.
She was a stranger in town
and hadn't made many
friends. Although over the
154 births in 1946, 788 patients
Premier inspects hospital, 25 -.bed addition
SUCCEED - Twvo more have
come to the front, as we find
from the McGill University
lists. Miss Lizzie A. Brooks
and Miss May D. Kemp
passed the ordeal of examina-
tion with distinction at the
opening of the session. Miss
Brooks won a second year
scholarship of $100, and
Miss Kemp passed the higher
examination of the first year.
We extend hearty congratula-
tions to these clever young
ladies, and wish them contin-
ued success and honor
throughout their whole
course. They already have
good places on the honor roll
of the Collegiate Institute,
and it is a pleasant thing to
report their satisfactory
career in the Universities.
Our school has now quite a
bevy of girl undergraduates
at the Universities, who are
well able to keep up the name
and the fame of old Huron.
McKILLOP - Local Briefs -
Mrs. S. Robinson, who has
been visiting friends in
Tuckersmith and McKillop
for some weeks, returned
home to St. Catharines last
week. Mrs. Robinson was
formerly a resident of
McKillop, and is a daughter
of Mr. John Crich, of
Tuckersmith. - Mr. Richard
Robinson, of Leadbury, who
had his collar bone broken a
short time ago, is nearly fully
NOVEMBER 24,1922
Local Briefs - Many friends
will regret to learn that Mr.
In the Years Agone
James Dick was seized with a
sudden attack of heart trouble
on Sunday last, and is still in
a very serious condition. - Dr.
Field, Public School
Inspector, of Goderich, paid
an official visit to the
Seaforth public school this
week. - Mrs. S. Dickson, who
has been spending the sum-
mer with her daughter, Mrs.
A.D. Sutherland, left on
Saturday for Edmonton. - Mr.
Ken Ament has returned
from the London hospital,
where he underwent an oper-
ation several weeks ago. -
Mrs. S. Morton, and son of
Hamilton, are guests, at the
home of Mrs. Morton's
grandmother, Mrs. J.H.
Broadfoot. - Miss Margaret
Edge is visiting with
Hamilton friends. - Rev. F.J.
Oaten, D.D., of Toronto, was
in town recently. He was rep-
resenting the convention
interests of the World League
against Alcoholism and
arranged for some of the del-
egates from other lands to
visit Seaforth to address a
mass meeting at a latter date.
- Messer*. William Venus,
Louis Fortune and William
Trott, returned from Blyth
last week. They were
. engaged with Sloan Bros. for
the apple season and packed
some sixteen hundred barrels
of apples.
While in Seaforth on
Friday, Premier George Drew
spent an hour discussing hos-
pital matters with the mem-
bers of the Board of Scott
Memorial Hospital and in
inspecting the hospital and
new 25 -bed addition, now
nearing completion.
Accompanied by Chairman
James M. Scott and members
of the board, Col. Drew
toured the hospital after see-
ing reports of the increased
activity there. Opened in
1929, there were 278 patients
and 44 births that first year.
With the same accommoda-
tion the hospital served 788
patients last year. There were
154 births in 1946.
Figures for 1947 so far indi-
cate a new record will be set ,
both for patients and births.
The Premier was particular-
ly interested in the new wing,
much material for which
came from a former RCAF
building at Pon Albert. He
discussed with L.H. De
LaFraniet the manner in
which costs of construction
had been lowered.
Marking the 28th anniver-
sary of the marriage of their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.K.
Cornish, Bruceficld, on
November 26, members of
the family, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Brock, Exeter, and Mr. and
Mrs. Carlyle Cornish,
Seaforth, surprised them with
a duck dinner at their home
in Brucefield.
Mr. and Mrs. Cornish were
presented with a vase and a '
bouquet of chrysanthemums.
Mrs. Cornish, who had
intended arranging a party to
celebrate the event, was
unable to do so because of
injuries received in an acci-
dent a short time previously,
and from which she is now
Seaforth voters showed lit-
tle interest in elections here
Monday when slightly over
30 per cent bothered to vote.
It was among the poorest
turnout in a municipal elec-
tion in Seaforth in many
In the election for two PUC
commissioners Dr. Roger
Whitman was returned for a
second two year term. Also
elected to the three man com-
mission was a former
Seaforth Mayor Edmund
Daly. The third member of
the commission is Mayor
F.C.J. Sills.
Seaforth electors will have
another chance to go to the
polls. On Dec. 18 one winner
will be selected from three
candidates for council: Mrs.
Marjorie Whitman, William
Bennett and David Schenck.
McKillop voters approved a
liquor vote to permit sale of
liquor with meals and in
To the two questions: do
you favor the sale of liquor in
dining lounges with meals -
272 said yes, and 101 said
no. A 232 yes vote was need-
ed to win. The second ques-
tion, do you favor the sale of
liquor in lounges - yes won
over no by 269-108.