HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1997-10-29, Page 1Briefly deem kilkidantilifinvit A 16-ycear.old Steal girl was hiltedky morning .when the .e. was tlri.vi :hit a:tra •Hihttert Township poke say another I6 old from +mundvillc wasa pr�+'enger-had " injuries." According •to> Sebringvilie.tfutaahntsn the Ontario ;t;ruvin Polic�c, aiintiitcI A i$ruumc of ,62 James S &caforih ".was drivi 1990 Chevrolet aurum north -bound on H' :Ruud ll 2. lost control. elled imu the cat ditch struck alive." She died a little may t three hours tater in Seatu hospital. Theresa ` leClo y u120 Patrick St. in tbgmuttdvi remains iihuppilgl. The accident trimmed I:30 a.m. Solidity • Hibbert `Iitwnsttip IRO. I in ,Perth County. 1..l :k south of line 32. abciltt Ants south -cast of Seaford] Scgforth •firefightt assisted at the scone ,ori extrication. The OW eaves ligation ciontinties. forth undny 'ar attic e:in and •year - who major .the t of ,meved 'Huron :and IRurth 0411 ibuards;ufudjt tism- nne •)it , (RHS,) ;is ,cote cuF Aiic • 1- In ,4Iluctls'being ,luckatl:at,intt it etbilit �`entral n jun uf•thernewslic Nib OldtQb - 29, 1997 -- $1-00 GST IUghschooJ possible site for new board office pusitur�ltter Raul (Catcttlt, dtiuuatur,pf tdttuaatiun tfur Murcia :s 7ntitlte 'Uhugl *neat! std tuuurdinatur ,uf the Wucall Itrducutiun II" 4Fruwttmunt (Committal: 01.11t0.1, ?has ,.cunt untamed [that Seafurth tWistttict i#1t ltStflrugl is one tof the Ihuildttys tuning "sliacttssted inf'mnttlfy ft�y tthe aite i evitsw ;committee" fur ipossiitle :lutattiun tfur tthe mew `hoard ,uffisx ,of tette tunuuntly ite lilki/ET 1- Mita-ttuen* lit *am pause f The siwaritz o�,;.Pcttflo tt am +bulb Nolen Athos' �Qfioe iri �$ ir* will **hers ttr ^`~'�r'rnvtfittg.TheeoiiQQlijlbe , fittings v)ahi is quietl °fi at ►n9 looked Ott � is �it� lair** �rm� mrd otticv. IMO Mason Scwunttary *Awl lin ttoAl lot,effl' Clinton .'4hetce dt� MeV. was .4 fi4tte11 wuuariva ' 1> .and aocus,, Outwit) ,byd ittemisiisto as sZtiiVll twee Univ tr 4 etalt 1R1t�U3- used byy :the tbuafd <ur tut law/ .siatne dittte .away. Coma hats ,moi abut ,cit:tiurs. Fake tow .an iantity Aghoul, • ii1 mut/ flue # Ass 'S . saidiCatntll. matintuttattete,uR ,jute rtawtve+4iat- sd sauce impact at n The fii h suhuv�ls tin ;i Wit011 f � WOO in ' +ti�letOS iia �d �' Mit4ltsili :and Svafuaih [twig and ttQhmun esutld fife iihe )(vat thaw' fWr etc mat ren ,idsmtit+ivd .as Atte rtAwto 'utacmtisutl aituatiun. lit `1 of ilttr ai .ln titin smnKi ,vf tthc felts s d.tWFJ4► �r it teat vrtwt Ar disIfiut. tI V t1 stfrttatvs :a tuft tI 109.ask• ke Ib ;GelfegtiiaAe witl4 cettrlttirtctl �raruniRetrth bud :fstnditt)g ,y►ir�j) �`� �. may usv :a tae;v of apyacityi- ;future tiv the lbatind oknogan tC:arrvtid 'd *titiaaa if the mately iIUtUUU tv $0 tlQv R VIM 6� . G#tteo ViKi, A i)blJ ttigt- ibiteh who'll its Ihutng borwtammad ttu •took .at,thuir,4 rav- :runt t tijty tur.studenis anti their lattice an 1 Carroll. of mesttt:" mid hap t4 timeline Mist ite Nt�l dtt ul' The site ,committee was asked to identify {ur•thetetlu- St Ile itien•intpruvetnont,uummit- tee :builsttngs ,torose tike dis- at •Kt`l 1 lldtt:heatttitabletfstr' n iicw Lttl rd office. Ik't hn 82 ' 'Or` {lutf�ttstnts. Ys Cation. ,'t list ,uf'fittlf Ms dgi<c i pgivainly.uwnsuf,litcs t0 Was cq topiled rangitlg tfrutn - the •yasant tGunadian Tice rs store ;in'S Ufurlh to the soon th tv .be (ilpty OK office . �rlitgMfU. • 11(1:04411 _ease thc;tuial sstusre ,fnutagv •.was insuffiujunt ,for one • uf. the board utti4w, saidtthe 14iBK' coordinator. ;for.0ccupJ,i .an a*oat 'ing •as 091;for't#tnatd (Ofjfic:e d. whae..,it (amid was done .at (Control rei211;15 Win Meter liwl The coin'.tnetor at cthetett nos courts ntmi to the lag school has -bean vandalise :Damage could • be ;ts •muuh as $.1,000 says Seafurth's ree;rcation director iltilarty t3cdard. who discovered it fFftday. The meter wits *8$141100 fiefore,t t4s 4pftlg;10 cttntfstl ,musts. Nhgn,cuilas.arcpat,in ie auto,vain$ tNic ;lights, sv tom:skon,tthMe its*Aro all IOW IRe si s�y� lite 1110_0W! Jtnoaw.0,1taat . sptatit4fcAlli- Jge N►RII t�e1 iltecG$1'It get. ittiv; lite( ultit;{ip�,v. lie estittlAtes tttteiCe relight !haw Ikon f'RipItQ Diiprule !MAW, 4,V6K4111044lt 4lifs'cotslr .5wy6 lit rtitgii0$ y 1uN rfttrid '' title ,it wx :a •"*ttiolorts *it" mitt t iic s !Wive rt9 thgarrlbe � ki�gf. MOM 6 141414 A *mow ;j migettit.ly 01t94Q Jf ttiij k4rrthl+l';Its ltY443ge devil- tcionfroil rfqsmis F !hf�l, Ittfi 411, thug t4AJFs (ctomif' panic 4P$ h N1 4N* tlfie't `'sx>i t(iG ads , and possibly OAC around). St. Aosrc's srip attract more local oedemas and contribute to declining enrolment in Carroll said people can -wait and do nothing or dal a'irb the future." Presently there is not a time -frame cut in stone for lie sod movement of torte new bt w4 office. But he felt a decision on the kkcaticon souk, he made boom te that no one single site will be named by the site committee. "They are orquirof to bring wren! rec-- oannittedttiut s." And aiert't> still a possibility the offit:es amid remain *here they are Mier itli is said aod done. RSA to Cholas 1 `worry Atm a well rural Like Seatfonth los- josh lbts, lunch s out. What happens to Se.. forth as a sw:+nninstity without i1't," WU Maureen Agar, ciltair of the SIMS school 4tyy comet ststirs *wok; to Sie people go know about thv r14+ y of the hi;Il *Moot mkniox. 'look at 1k all the pass scholars whC, ague d ss1Aood is Seatorth mei ban tow on £9 kg a sub +tv�e t lyre lh Witted ;Ate stigUtor 44 ��atds two - Owed liars ip � dot, s rs-b+ps awarded tow. raiisalisg students of year some Of• acb e ass Algporinsi sNuare'fi t. tt9 Brawlr uu attars ttv sthus�e :an ibaarsls d a, - tg I topic4stmetnttt<�y •asihTams 0'�., ;mv' .about 110.4990ttv a u � Mum ,org maths -And Ittkgky plexal ttboir Ahc ..whin rbailtiittg �tuuld the R, - fltetr :arootunin suite. iaf . ,atMAKS itins 4AIRRNI iby 2i0 Sb�IRS was ; ' ,. ft14e. Jit portion ,uf {4r s ip 1144 tiv Rv ;t4nl " :the •ltc;itagl nook! tt � 1 dtt ((Cowl tttnatetd S A* tit41thtreslt Aix*14�ismitxt µ- c�rts ,fife ,t{pRt• ally �% lit its maw that ail suh40,15 ; . ri d, atttdtt yll Cas�uil says tate entcvl4,r t the .tutuee site 41f tvutnr tine p4 i �r . - !he fbottfd,u portion tt9 r two Mute-ft�CaRutl � • tt� ware tf�at ll ,sof *puce) 'it gran teachers choose to *limn (Cvmsq Aft* 1100 (9P t� p sl4s tilt aft'�muttst Own �tsm. tt V tt�lM f�i ti'OO cptltl Mt it) At odImattlti in mat$4 itheigN.... Qqfattrtl,,P, twetfiiflss gilfjitlllltic �(itlotillV19�;'' iRi4401 /910- ts4;0 §94)9441 Akyorilisme li 1 ttaclt';sthyttWqryRota,tittt iht tine rttcittk11OM&t44Le41gi$• SliI4q'M!1iq c409ijg .td t1Ike * WWcompliowt Ko ttsat)� AVOW- ttt lh�e ,du»ii:iiti y 4$h'. dittti49004ggs oticIlda#stt lrefiNlly .4iI$#$0% tt9 fl qL :iN tae iiitl►iftil14f 4IhQgl, ihat an#IJ tt9 ttMi i t;hgirAt tl '8'ge. tw tt9 file 1ti1si141 tptst• tCstG94r l tt ' ( ,Aan1�1I il(IiNS?i'Pjyqk .411» Rite ;{hc its si4t'11i� Agliigteo 441n41/ 'momins ttltt4t 4be 44014.03044/ dlop riW Ai r '"ga.ki rets eesii foie and Vie" Achesitn :that aitttati'W. ptgiyti*.d .ss �# c rnw ltkoaml office .listiggoixi :at MAW of mi.. Kkg 9 ukke eat Ike sem kW fro Ow • ticilK4 mt.)he Al►vgiter from. affecgirag ARK4444to 603000 and Oc- e ria tithe Akavo)y. is ,g4is /yaddtbwwe sstAmai 6eah�avd tCtliAiti94• Cu two •ymv.4., oh* tglte Atikkiiw 4. Al. picket MPP Johns Ifl tmo tib .14t 4h9 ' o4 Q»' > mg l civ atilhitt axe 141 et194lo,;t'f flus, a►siib itA J Nd' * tu$t w !K$�itlw w _ fN % d11 file ,flil''ttt4#vflNt t K+ sd9t441e �katlsllt ilii it lEgtgr.. '`KAW tthetrtt eke ;1t' untie ,tic fitly. 'W :1411 $011 $ lftZr !c414R441.49, MOW sets 44411,Y 44194 114;`/041#9' ANtat' Aqilt4fike 044#* ftecititilww Alcoa �' W.• titles gll44441110111( gbq ls. Its � � Os 1901,tut 49 Acwefi ':: liMim d lbw (4%040 4010 ,NWciluttelr$' **44049* f I14�iWweic , 1q Affmmit miwitcc for AlaNyy 4 O AfAilislf,f 04914444. `Xliciik9w M941? 6610WftWASWS JAIIIP 094W 4 ttlkw *',qv9 r )001404. AIWA OW A9 `vim A99* 09#444r44., ti>c Irp,ty ft'' , I[41NtitNte kgfgra. mislivA44 etc m9,0, ille449$ 09.r ,er, :» • 4gc'1)#osAke RAY- gockw ae'ri44 *NW 4491900'f (44- tt• Om* #491- ei 4 eR � ��iRin� t i4b1e is w► tiye d 1V$W - s, lovdiii4gog sly$,, oi•totked 1,41140491 ke:kgf "at AfterR *if sioke olooksAry for kig4 roswoos e 11419 i+s• �60 i, R4t��Q, LAPMVPAWAlt 44q, , 'limovin, Iw tf79ts wi4dreo, .,' try frilalc,d 614444.4#4 Filmics for rike 6 Ate Ntoimic pice#A4go4 #49 A *Ik rtw ftgAteg. for�Woo►', MWr�9's 40,4!4 jHk 00 0414tefe worptirl brekorim pit4tis !R foati woe* tkwmrs ey',ery