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'Thanksgiving decorating contest winners
HensallOn Saturday, October 25
the Hensall and District
Horticultural Society will be
planting bulbs at 100 a.m. If
you could help with ttds pro-
ject please phone 262-3431
or 262-2715.
At Hensall United Church
Nancy Fraser was the minis-
ter. "Long Before Tlme" was
sung. Lloyd Ferguson gave
the announcements.
The *stall shuffleboard J
scos+es for October 7 are as
follows: Dave Woodward
746, Hazel McEwen 672, by Lis Sweater
The Williams 661, Doug
Insley 660. Ina Williams 332,
Ethel McMurtrre 548, Alice
Thiel 541, Lloyd Lovell 513. Carmel Presbyterian Church
The Hensall. shuffleboard on Sunday, November 9 fol -
scores for October 14 are as lowed by the laying of
follows: Ethel McMurtrie wreaths at the cenotaph. The
543, Lorne Archer 502, annual banquet with Rev.
Hazel McEwen 493, Dave Stanky McDonald as guest
Woodward 465, Betty speaker will be held on
November 11. Tickets are
available from Legion mem-
bers at $10 per peson. Branch
members welcome new asso-
ciate members Hugh
Lightfoot and Colleen
O'Connor. Watch for further
notice of the solo tournament
and turkey draw to be held on
Saturday, November 15.
The winners of the Hensall
and District Horticultural
Society Thanksgiving
Decorating Contest were Bob
and Dorothy Taylor, Marg
Cole, Grant and Gladys
McGregor, Andrew and
Linda Martens, Babe
(Marion) McGregor and
Hensall Pizza. The prizes
were lawn ornaments
designed by Charlene
Grenier 453, Alice Thiel 426,
Edna Dietz 417, Theo
Vandenboom 401.
Hensall Legion held its reg-
ular meeting Wednesday,
October 8. A motion was
passed to donate $25 to the
Week of the Child. On
Thursday, November 27
Provincial Service Officer
Randy Groundwater will visit
the Branch at 4:30 p.m.
Anyone wanting an appoint-
ment should call Branch
Service Officer Larry Uyl at
262-2618. On November 6
Hensall Legion members
assisted by cadets will be
conducting a door-to-door
Poppy Campaign. The
Remembrance Day Service
will be held at the Hensall
The ushers were Ross.
Kercher and Dave Campbell.
Linda and Jerry Traquair
were the greeters. Ann Annen
conducted the children's
time. Mark Garlough was the
organist. The Friendship
Circle meet at 10 a.m. on
November 3 followed by a
potluck lunch. The
Anniversary Service will be
held on November 16 at 10
a.m. Dave Williams will be
the guest speaker. A ham and
beans dinner will follow the
service. At 3 p.m. the Soul
Singers will give a concert.
Tickets are $10 for adults and
$5 for children. If you want
tickets, please phone 262-
3505, 262-2304, 263-5683.
or 262-2935.
St. James CWL holding annual bazaar and tea
The St. James Catholic
Women's League wants you
you to mark Nov. 29 on your
calendars, the date of their
big annual bazaar and tea. It
is at St. James School in
Seaforth from 1:30 to 3:30
p.m. Come check out the
crafts, sewing. penny sale,
baking and candy. Quilt and
money draws will also be
The annual Peter Flanagan
Memorial Novice Hockey
Tournament will be held Nov.
15 and 16, at the Seaforth
and District Community
Centres. Teams from all over
Ontario will be competing for
the title in games that begin
at 8 a.m., and others that con-
tinue throughout each day.
Come out and watch the
exciting hockey action.
Beginner clogging (at 7
p.m.) and line dancing (8
p.m.) have begun on
Thursday evenings at the
Grader pull challenge for United Way
by Marty Bedard
Hold the press!
Foul play is not suspected.
But there will be no shuffle-
board today because of the
Egmondville United Church
fowl supper. Shuffleboard
will resume next week
local community centres. though, same time, same sta-
Plenty of room is still avail- tion.
able in both classes. Anyone Learn how to preserve your
interested in joining can,just family heirlooms at a work -
show up, or calf Sherry at shop at the Seaforth Library
527-1307. on Wednesday, Nov. 12. It's
called maintaining your trea-
sures, goes from 7 to 9:30
pm, and guest speaker is
Claus Breede, director/ cura-
tor of the Huron County
Museum. Tickets are $5 each
and available at the local
branch. This workshop is
sponsored by the Huron
County Library, The Huron
County Museum and the
"Celebrate Seaforth History"
Senior shuffleboard contin-
ues Wednesday afternoons at
the arena from 1:30 to 4 p.m.
Everyone is welcome for an
afternoon of fun and social.
Last week's winners were:
Verda Sinclair 342
Helen MacKenzie 333
Beth Pryce 316
Bruce McLean 364
Ken Preszcator 346.
Ken Lingelbac 334
Earl McNaughton 334
So you think the employees
in your business or
department are tough?
Well, you can test their
mettle and toughness in the
first team Grader Pull for
United Way on Saturday, Oct.
Champion Road Machinery
has laid down the gauntlet.
The local grader
manufacturer has issued a
challenge to all businesses
and industries in the area to
assemble teams for the
Champion Pull for United
Any group, comprised of 10
to 15 participants, both male
and female, can form a team
and enter this unique
community fund raiser for the
Huron United Way.
Each team will face the
daunting task of pulling a
Champion 730A grader, a
distance of 30 metres. A
special course will be set up
in the Suncoast Mall panting
Champion will provide a
plaque to the winners, which
will be the team with the
fastest time, as well as a
complete set of special
edition Champion golf shirts.
The team raising the most
money for United Way will
receive Champion sports
bags for each member.
It's easy to participate in
this community fund raiser.
Just try and identify 10 to 15
mildly athletic or semi non
sedentary people, or in
extreme cases just pick co-
workers who watch sporting
events on television, and
form a team. The entry fee is
set at $2 per team member,
payable at the event, and each
team or participant is
encouraged to secure pledges
for the United Way.
To enter, contact Wendy
McBride at Champion at 524-
2601, ext. 5260 or fax your
team name and captain to
Wendy at 524-3081. The
deadline is Thursday, Oct. 23.
Only the first 25 entries will
be accepted and organizers
have opened the competition
to all of Huron County.
The Bluewater Tug -of -War
team, the reigning
champions, will particpate in
the event at the Suncoast
Mall parking lot from 11 a.m.
to 1 p.m.
United Way representatives
will be on hand to take
donations and issue receipcts
and food will be available on
site. The event is part of
Champion's United Way
annual campaign, which gets
underway this week.
Champion has brazenly
issued the challenge. So, get
your team together and
Like, how hard can it be to
pull a road grader 30 metres?
Railway invoices town for GST
As the result of a Revenue Transportation Agency of
Canada ruling, the Goderich Canada's 1996 standard
Exeter Railway Co. Ltd. has maintenance nate."
invoiced Seaforth foroods Crocker added that After
and service tax (OST) on consultation with the county
monthly invoices back -dated engineer be has "held the
to 1995. The tax payabk is invoices back until we can
5234.35. arrange a meting with the
In addition, administrator manager et the OEXR so that
Jim Crocker advised Seaforth we can be assured that it is
Council Tuesday nisOit, the registered end submitting
local railway has notified the OST to revues Canada, t�
town it Is tennieati its let- to ask for proof the mouldy
ter of a,0.meets al the noir maleta snce fee Worth C.
of November "std leaguing being charged does not
the signal crossing malars- exceed 50 per cent of the
nascs foe from *111.40 actual malst.Aase .cosi of .
l; the Itrt."
month *00t02
ptstsuttnt to the Nations
Max Ferguson entertaining at Bayfield hall Friday
Legendaryradio character He can currently be heard his favorite music with amus -
"Rawhide," aka Max on the CBC's The Max in anecdotes."
Ferguson, is at Bayfield Ferguson Show, with co -host Por more details on the
Town Hall for an informal Sbelagh Rogers, where a fundraiser you could call
evening this Friday night press release notes "he blends 565-2244 or 565-2462.
from 5 to 7 p.m.
Savings bonds, money, coins stolen in Dashwood break-in
and a quantity of Keno, bingo
and Banco lottery tickets
(some stamped with store
number 391186) were taken.
An apartment above
Dashwood': General Store
was broken into on Oct. 10.
Huron County OPP say
1987-95 federal and provin-
cial savings bonds were
• stolen, 1963 - 1997 Canadian
coin sets, a 1963 U.S. coin
set, old Canadian paper
money in $1, *5 and $10
denominations, 50 first-day
covers (stamps on envelopes)
The Huron Expositor is pleased
to announce the arrival of the
which was distributed through the
Focus Weekender Sat., October 18th
Extra copies are
available at our
office for
$2.00 + taxes
"Your Community Newspaper"
Will there be quality health care
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All of us in Ontario are concerned about the
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The Hospitals of Ontario are working
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hospital stay now takes just one or two days.
And many treatments can now be provided
outside of hospitals.
So the Hospitals of Ontario are developing
new ways of providing health care and building
partnerships to provide care in the comnnutity.
And we believe we can maintain the quality of
health care on one crucial condition: that we
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services must be. in place so you can continue
to receive the care you need.
The Hospitals of Ontario know what it
means to make changes. We've been leaders of
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