HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1997-10-22, Page 12A 1J C T 1 0 N ASSOCIATED 1Z-TN1 HURON EXPOSITOR, October 12, 19117 (C.E. COMING EVENTS 1• EUCHRE TOURNAMENT, Watton Hell, Oct. 23, Nov. 13 and Nov. 27, 8 p.m. Bring your own partner. $5.00 each. Cash prizes. Lunch provided. CE -43-1 COUNTRY CHRISTMAS Home Tour, Nov. 8 & 9, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., tour six luxury homes In Grand Bend area decorated for Christmas with professional design ideas for your home. Avoid the line-ups with the Candle -glow Preview, Nov. 7, 7- 10 p.m. Tickets $12. Call 1-800- 265-0316. CE-43-x3cc TURKEY SUPPER, Walton United Church, Wed. Nov. 5, 4:30-7 p.m. Adults $8.50, children 6 to 12, $4.00, 5 and under free. Take-outs available. CE -43-2 ELEGANCE IN The Country, 2nd annual Gift Show and Sale, Nov. 7, 12:00-8:00; Nov. 8 & 9, 10:00-5:00. Sebringville Community Centre. Handcrafted Victorian and country collectibles. CE-43x3cc COMMUNITY BRIDAL shower for Jane Anderson, Sat. Oct. 25, 1:30 p.m., Cavan Church basement. Everyone welcome. CE -43x1 COMPUTER FAIR Sixth Annual Computer Fair, Sunday, Nov. 2, Teeswater Community Centre, 11 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Proceeds to figure skating club. Admission $3, students $1, preschoolers Free. CE-43x2cc "THE DOLL AND I". Don't miss this fascinating show and sale of col- lectible and modem dolls, doll furni- ture, clothing, accessories, teddy bears, complete range of dolimak- Ing supplies, doll and bear restora- tion and repairs. Hundreds of items. Lunch room, free parking. Sunday, October 26th, 10-4:30, Knights of Columbus Hall, Highway 9 between Walkerton and Mildmay. Admission $3.00, children $1.00. (Information phone 519-881-0345. CE-43xlnc THIRD ANNUAL Craft and Bake Sale, Walton Hall, Sat. Oct. 25, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. For information call Barb 887-6068. CE -42-2 HURON COUNTY Health Unit invites you to attend Life After Baby sessions (for parents of infants under 1 year) commencing Thursday, October 30, 1997 at the Health Unit Office, Clinton. If you are interested, please call 482-3416 ext, 256. CE-42x3cc HAVE FUN this Halloween: Rent a costume, clown, witch, animal and more, from Carol Humphries, 22 Victoria St. Egmondville. Adult sizes only. Call 522-0703 after 5 p.m. CE -42-2 PLAN TO ATTEND the 8th Annual Crystal Palace Craft Gift Show, Sat. Oct. 25, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sun. Oct. 26, 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. corner of Wellington and Waterloo St., Mitchell. Many artisans represent- ed. Vendor information write: Box 134, Sebringville, On. NOK 1XO. Fax # 393-6685. CE-41x3cc THREE BY THREE, a Gala Evening Including unique miniature art draw, at Blyth Memorial Hall, October 25th. For tickets or infor- mation call (519) 523-9300. CE- 40x4cc SEAFORTH MINOR SPORTS Bingo every Monday. 1st and 3rd Monday of each month. $750. Jackpot. 2nd and 4th Monday 51,000. Jackpot. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Ticket sales 6:30 p.m. S.D.C.C. Lottery license #M297196. CE-40-tf TRiP TO SAMKO WAREHOUSE SAT. NOV 8 Leaving at 8:30 a.m. from Seaforth Children's Co -Op Centre and returning al 5:00 S12.00 per person, pay when you sign-up. Bring a lunch. Sign up at Seaforth Children's Centre before Oct. 31. No one under the age of 16. gmondville United Church 604th ANNUAL FOWL SUPPER WEDNESDAY, OCT. 22/97 Seaforth District Community Centres 5pmto7pm Take out available 4:30 - 7pm Aduhs 59.00 Children (12 & under) 54.50 Preschoolers Free Tkkets available at Pizza Train, Egmondville Store, and at the door. (1. ARTICLES FOR SALE 18" SATELLITE DISHES Great prices lust 1425.00 your choice RCA, Hughes or Echostar. $475.00 Echostar with UHF remote or Sony for only $595.00 plus no money down financing. Call 1-888- 289.0869 Burr Enterprises, &ROOlh. 01-43-1 (1. ARTICLES FOR SALE) STYCHEN TYME cross stitch kits, charts, floss, fabric available at Marione Dulzer'e, County Rd. 15 east of Londesboro. 519-523-4848. 01-43x5oc RUBBER STAMPS and acces- sories for card making at Marjorie Duizer's Stamps 'N Stuff, County Rd. 15 east of Londeaboro. Phone 519-523-4846. Classes available. 01-43x5cc SKATES: CCM 652 pumps, boys size 4. Used one season. $170.00 new, asking $80.00. Phone 522- 0493 after 6. 01.43x3nxe FIREWOOD for sale: $35.00/cord picked up or 540.00 delivered. Phone Tyler Popple 522-0874. 01- 43-1 FiSHER wood stove which is brick lined and front loading. Also 8 teet of double walled steel chimney and five cord of dry firewood. For more information call 524-2776, after 6:00 p.m. weekdays. 01-43x6nxe CHRISTMAS SEWING: Use a com- puterized dream sewing machine Pfaff 7550. Once you've used it, you'll not want any other. In excel- lent shape, video included. Don't need two. Phone 482-9838. 01- 43x6nxe BEAUMARK microwave 530; 24" Admiral stove 575; bar refrigerator with freezer, white, practically new, 33" h x 21 3/4" w 24" d $175. Phone 527-1993. 01-43x2c SAVE NOW: Many 1996 and dis- continued compound bows below cost. Excalibur Vixen cross bow package, 5399.00. Horton Explorer crossbow 5369.00. Sorel mudwalk- ers $79.99. Slugs and buckshot in stock now. Noodle rods from $59.00. Neoprene waders from $199.00. Huron Sports Outfitters, Hwy. #4, Kippen. 263-2141. 01-43- 2 PICK YOUR own Cortland and Ida Red apples $8.00 bushel. Windfalls 54.00 bushel until Nov. 1. Marlene Orchards, 01-43-1 FOR SALE: Polymer utility tool box, tits Lull size pickup truck, $50.00. Phone 527-1573. 01-43x2c FOR SALE: Niagara massage vibrator chair, excellent condition.Asking $175.00. Phone 522-0959. 01-43x1 SEASONED firewood for sale. Phone 345-2489. 01-43-3 TRADITIONAL pine windows, storms and screens for house and barn use. Made to order. Call 519- 523-9445. 01-43x1 cc McKENZIE'S Associated Auctioneers Buy & Sell Where The Dealers Do ONTARIO'S LARGEST PUBLIC AUTO AUCTION Every Tues. & Thurs. at 6:00 pm 1881 Scanlan St., London 453-7182 1-800-285.1906 AUCTIONEER A U C T 1 0 N the Lawn Master 527-1750 Tree planting orders now being accepted for fall tree planting. - Cedar hedging - Maples -Spruce - Ivory Silk Lilac Fall Planting time is running out! Litt e seaf Linden Mountain Ash 8-10 ft. branched Bare Runt 25.00 (1. ARTICLES FOR SALE NEW PINE entertainment centre, approximately 58" x 48'. Valued at $850.00. Asking 1550,00. Phone 527-0421. 01-43-1 FOR SALE: Yellow reclaimed brick. Phone 519-522-1030. 01-42x2c Napoleon gas fireplace insert. Call 527-1493 after 5. 01.42.2 APPROXIMATELY 100 tree tops, mostly Maple, some Ash and Cherry. Near Varna. Phone 233- 3307. 01-41 xtfcc PUMPKINS and squash. Call John and Allan Storey,1R.R. 01, Seaforth, 527-1049. 01.42x2nxe APPLES: Macintosh and Cortland. Also cider on weekends or orders taken. Custom pressing by appoint- ment. Marten Orchard 522-1507. 01-41-tf COUNTRY ACCENTS at Cathy's Shoppe, 1 1/4 mile north of Winthrop and 1 1/4 mile east. Call 527-1484 days or evenings. 1-41x3 ATTENTION HUNTERS See the new Browning 30-06 pump rifle and the new Browning 12 gauge 3 1/2' semi eutorgatic et Lake Huron Rod Gun and Marine (519) 368-7182. 01-41 x4cc OVEN READY roasting chickens, 6 to 10 lbs. Call 345-2277. 01-40x8 FRESH APPLE CIDER. Empire, Mac, Cortland, Russet, red and yel- low Delicious, Ida Red; apple but- ter. Jim Bell Fruit Farm, Clinton, Hwy. #8, east of lights, orange fruit stand. 524-9460. 01-43xtfcc SATELLITE SYSTEMS, big or small starting at $589.00 installed. October Special: HBO and Cinemex 5235.00 per year. Ontario Country Kable 519-233-3944, Serving Huron County for over 6 years. 01-40x5cc MOFFATT AND POWELL Building Centres, complete line of lumber and building materials. Free esti- mates. #8 Highway, Mitchell. Toll free 1-800-663-6977. 01.40-11 EXPERT WATCH • CLOCK •7EWELLERY REPAIRS Free Estimates • Fast Service SEAFORTH JEWELLERS 527-0270 3000 psi BULK HOSE for Pressure Washers $1 49 ■ /tt. SEAFORTH 519-527-0120 WECOLICI7 It 11 RETIREMENT SALE Ceramic's by Bess 526-7267 Greenware, busk, glaziers, stains, brushes, decals, etc. Two even heat Kilns 25"-50% off Open Wed. -Sat. 10 am -5 pm WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS For your reading pleasure we have available at the Huron Expositor office eight weekly newspapers: The Mitchell Advocate, The Clinton News -Record, The Goderich Signal Star, The Lakeshore Advance (Zurich), Shoreline News (Port Elgin), Kincardine News, Lucknow Sentinel and The Huron Expositor. 01-01-tfnxe 6. TRUCKS FOR SALE t 1988 F250 3/4 ton, XLT Lariat, loaded, air, tilt, cruise, pw, pd., plush Interior, 4 speed standard with low gear 460 engine. Good Interior and body. New 16" tires and hitch. Good work horse. $3400 or best offer. Phone (519) 524-7115. 06-43x3nxe 7F. SNOWMOBILES & EQUIPMENT 1990 ARCTIC CAT Prowler 440, 114., well maintained, many new parts, i.e. prime and secondary clutches, shocks, bearings, cables and more. Never abused. Asking 52,760.00 Arm. Call 524-7487. 7F- 41x3cc ENJOY THE OPEN HOUSE celebrating the NEW ownership and new winter line of Dickies, Hammfll & Baffin Clothes & Boots SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25 gam - bpm FREE COFFEE & MUFFINS Every purchase entitles person to a draw for 1 of 6 door prizes 519 523-4426 Lot 16, Conc. 12 Huliett Townehlp. Just off Hwy. 04 North of Londeaboro 7P, SNOWMOBILES & EQUIPMENT 1974 MOTOSKI CAPRI, excellent running condition. Lost Interest. 1100.00. 524-5140. 7F-41-5nxe . 10. PETS SPANIELS, Poodles, Chows, Lhasa Apso. Buy now they will be housetrained tor Christmas, 5275.00, $325.00. Older puppies, 2 male Chows, 5100.00. Phone 263- 5388.10.43xlcc KITTENS: Fluffy, adorable, irre- sistable. Cali 527-1750. 10-43-1 BEAGLE PUPS 5100.00. Spotted Llama weanling 5450.00. Pot bel- lied piglet, white, $50.00; miniature horses starting at 1750.00. Call 347-2518. 10-43x2cc 11B. WANTED TO BUY WANTED -TO BUY - 500 ton high moisture com (25 - 30% moisture) from combine, deliver to farm, pre- mium pricing, no clean out, 1998 pricing and payment if desired, no storage charges on later pnced corn. Call Bob Robinson 345-2317. 11B-43-2 • 11E. LIVESTOCK 1 f APPALOOSA horse, 1 1/2 yr. old filly, excellent temperament, learns quickly. Phone 263-5060. 11E-43-2 • 1116. FARM EQUIPMENT 6' SNOWBLOWER, like new, $1200. 2 furrow ACE bottom plough, good condition, $100. Call 519-348-9880. 11G -43x1 cc KARCHER HDS 750 hot water pressure washer, 500 psi, diesel, 50 feet hose plus wand. Good machine. Best offer. Phone 482- 3318. 11G-43x2c 11H. FARM SERVICES ♦ LiQUID MANURE REMOVAL REY-AGRA Cal) Jeff Reynen 519-345-2478 519-527-1818 (16. FOR RENT J The Huron Expositor's � SSIFIEDS. PARTY TENT RENTAL No hassle set up, anywhere, fan- tastic rates for weekday use (anniversary, birthday, shows/sales). Tiesma Industrial Coverings 482-3540. 16.43xlcc FOR RENT LONG TERM. Free shed 105' x 48', good as new. Business - motorboats, sail gliders, boats, cars, tractors, machines, horses. Advance payment. Werner Bugler, Box 14, Walton, On. NOK 1ZO. 16-43x2 12. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE t C.E. Coming Events 01. Articles For Sale 03. Garage/Yard Sale 04 Antiques & Art 4A. Crafts & Hobbles 05. Cara For Side 06. Trucks For Sale it 7A. For Sale General 78. Wanted To Buy 7C Wanted To Rent 70. Bicycles 7E. Motorcycles, ATVs, Etc. 7F. Snowmobiles & Equipment 7G. Rec. Vehicles - Campers & Traders 7H. Boats, Motors & Manne 7J. Service Parts & Repairs 7K. Swimming Pool & Supplies 08. Computers, Videos, Etc. 09. Automotive 10. Pets MEM ti A. For Sale General 11B. Wanted To Buy 11C. Wanted To Hire 11D. Employment Wanted 11E. Livestock 11F. Farm Product 110. Farm Equipment 11H. Farm Services 11J. Farm Land 11K. Farm Real Estate 12. Real Estate For Sale 13. Mobile Homes 14. Vacation Properties 16. For Rent 17. Apartments For Rent 18. Houses For Rent 19. Rooms For Rent 20. Rooms & Board 22. Lots For Rent 23. Commercial Property For Rent 24. teI11r1eVg Rent To Buy anted 21. Wanted General 28. Business Opportunity 29. Tenders 30. Employment Wanted 31. Service Directory 32. Babysitting 33. Miscellaneous 34. Personal 35. Notice To Creditors 36. Announcements 37. Mortgages 38. Auction Sale 39. Educational 40. Lost & Found 41. To Give Away 42. Deaths 43. Births 44. Engagements 45. Marriages 46. in Memoriam 47. Cards 01 Thanks DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS I8 MONDAY 1:00 PM For other papers Deadline Is MONDAY 11:00 AM All rates plus GST 25 WORDS - One Week $5.00, two weeks 54.50 ea. week, three weeks $4.00 ea. week. Additional words 20 cents. An additional 52.00 will be added if billing is necessary. In Memoriams - $5.00 plus 35 cents per line of verse. Card of Thanks & Birth Announcements - 25 Words $5.00. Each additional word .10 cents. We are also able to place word ads in the following papers: Goderich, Clinton, Mitchell, Lucknow, Kincardine, Zurich, Walkerton & Port Elgin. By placing an ad in The Huron Expositor we can place the same ad (25 words or less) in any of the above papers for an additional $3.00. THESE PRICES ARE PRE -PAID Call 527-0240 Monday to Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM 12. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ♦ 12. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE I TO UST OR BUY GIVE US A TRY Tony & Mary Vanden Henget 233-3168 235 ACRE FARM: with 180 acres workable, 3 bedroom 115 storey sided family home. Large 2 storey barn wih additions. very suitable for beef cattle. 8330.000 WE HAVE LISTED AND SOLD THESE MORE FARMS IN THE AREAII FOR A CALL TODAY. MCKILLOP TWP FARM: 200 acres of prime agricultural cash crop land with 11/2 storey, 3 bedroom home. new furnace. 5565,000 TWO FARMS RECENTLY AND NEED FREE EVALUATION ON YOUR FARM. iINTEE Real Estate aTr�str-� 150 Main Street South, Seaforth (519) 527-0560 Fax (519)527-2763 Associate Broker Sales Representatives Sharon Medd Andrea Ross 238-7777 527-0560 MLS Grant Bradley 527-0283 Market Value Appraiser t OPEN HOUSE Saturday, October 25, 1997 48 George St, East, Seaforth 11:00 am To 12 noon POSSIBLE RENT TO OWN 115 storey, 3 bedroom home. Main moor laundry, large yard. Closed In rout porch, large kitchen, close to ptown. 572,500. Vendor Transferred. t.e Solo, SOLD, 601.0 FORMAL DINING ROOM ADDS CHARACTER TO THIS HOMEI Hardwood floors, 4 bedrooms, detached garage, large yard complete with privacy fence & morel $105,000. UST LISTED - Zoned Commercial! deal for professional home based ualness. Possible bed, breakfast. • : cfous rooms, D.R., maple floor, hot ater hest, double garage. Located . 021. MOVE RiGHT INI Family room with wet bar, 8 person hot tub, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, private fenced In deck, Redecorated, hi -ell gas. Excellent ocatlon between Exeter, Clinton, Seaforth & Bayfield. DUPLEX: 2 ton bedroom apartments allowing your tenant to pay your mortgage, or just Ideal investment opportunity. Many updates. Excellent location In 8eaforth. Cali today for nava details. UILDINGT7 We have bull 2 lots n Harpurhey, 1 lot In Welton, All eve excellent country tmosphere. 0 ACRES ZONED "FUTURE EVELOPMENT". Systematically Ilett build your country retreat ml Many possibilities, CMM today or more details. STARTER HOME! Quiet location In Seaforth, patio doors to large deck, family room or 3rd bedroom down, storage shed & morel Free Home Evaluations LONDESBORO, 1400 sq. ft. two bedroom home on comer lot, 110 ft. frontage, 170 ft. deep, attached garage, laundry room, full base- ment. 523-4846. 12-41 xtfcc 17, APARTMENTS FOR RENT) TWO BEDROOM apartment, avail- able now. Utilities extra. No pets. Call 527-2010 days or 522-1822 evenings. 17-43-2 ONE BEDROOM apartment for rent in Dublin. No pets. Phone 345- 2314. 17-43-tf SMALL main floor bachelor apart- ment for rent. Rent includes heat, fridge and stove. (Hydro extra). Laundry facilities in basement. Controlled entrance. Call 527-2369. 17.43-tt LOCATED downtown Hensel!. Available now. One and two bed- room apartments, main floor, totally renovated, well maintained build- ing. Convenient laundry facilities, 5270 - 5350.00 monthly. Cart Jim 519262-3445. 17.43xtfcc TWO BEDROOM apartment in Seaforth in duplex, with own yard and private drive. Close to uptown. Call 262-3232 atter 6 p.m. 17-42x2 TWO BEDROOM duplex. References required. Available immediately. Phone 527.0560. 17- 41-3 ONE BEDROOM apartment In quiet building. Available December 1st. $375/month includes heat, PUC, garbage, parking and laundry. Call 524.9078. 17-41x3 ONE BEDROOM apartment In Seaforth, main floor, 2 months free rent, $413.00 plus utilities. Call 393- 6921. 17-39.11 CLINTON: One bedroom apart- ment, 5315.00 monthly plus utili- ties. Available now. Phone 1-905- 852-3754 or 519-235-2559. 17- 38xtfcc BACHELOR APARTMENT for rent In Seaforth. Available Oct. 1. References required. Bob' Beuttenmiller 527-0282. 17-37-tf NEWER 2 bedroom unit, Mitchell.I Controlled entrance, laundry faclt t ties. Suitable for seniors. 1578.184 Call 348-9102. 17-02xtico