HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1997-10-08, Page 18VIONIMOMMENOMMiiiiisealiber11, �tttrr►
Mance welcomes new administrator Peter luttoelitsviszmItillied
Retirement Morale
The cooler weathertisyam-
ing,closer and .we nastettintg
to see the nieeatolors in the
trans, fall is surely en itts
• way.
Staff would like .tu.take this
opportunity to ‘ValiiCUSUC our
new administrator: Meter
Burtch. We all ledk',forward
to having you as.part of our
On August 25, we went on
a picnic to tate:Stratford park.
The dietary staffpwioet us.a
lunch with salads, sandwich-
es, anti ,a drink. We would
like -to thank them for a.love-
ly lunch. After our lunch in
dee park we went out for Ice
cream cones. they were deli-
cious! We went to see swans
& ducks and fed them bread
crumbs. On our way home
we stopped by at Jody
Brown's house and toured
through her home. Thank -
you Jody for inviting us in:
rM1Al1lB3At D Dam! .Bowker, tett, and 'her sister
Lynda (not to panto), rearentty.ttonemd a wakcer;to Eeaiorth
Manor in memory of tttteir; mother $uriel Spears .who was a
Manor .resident :tor 'tour ,years. Pictured from lett is: Carol
:Bowker, resident Margaret 'Freeman, activation aasistam
Dianne Maur, and Joanne Hardy, spttysiottherapiat'with the
buggy ride. Agnes . We tad iRttb Night in the
McClinchey was one resident Rctimment 4lome.on'fie . 30
who .want for a buggy ride Verna Edgar was ,our wait -
you have a levet), hone. and enjoyed this ,vary :mucic. ress. She -served 'brier , wine
On August 29. we had the We thank the Adanits'famRy coolers, cranberry }punt* tend
Adam's miniature horses from Atwood. for 'bringing some munching. 'We ,sill
over for the afternoon. Some their horses over. we .really enjoyed .each antes cnmpa-
residents went for a horse and appreciate it! ny :and .it was a nice ad hitting
Residents take trip to Walton Inn
After enjoying a wonderful
summer. residents are .busy
with their regular routine of
scheduled activities.
The month of September
started off with a trip to the
Walton Inn where residents of London. The fashion show
enjoyed a delicious dinner. was a hit with Jean Ross,
Members of the Seaforth Jean Durst, ,Helen Nott,
division of the Senior Gaines is
Hazel McGonigle, Bea .Kale
crokinole, which included and Viola Lawson modeling
Charlie and Peggy Perkins, the fashions. What a dedicat-
Barbara Scott, Beth Pryce ed gtffup of models we have.
and Thelma Preszcator. visit Debbie Childs, granddaught
ed Maplewood and chat er of Minna Scott, also visit-
lenged residents to a croki ed Maplewood with a par en
role match. Great comped tation of Weekender fashions.
Residents had their dancing
There was a great display of shoes ready for the "Zurich
Connection" who entertained
tall fashions brought to for another afternoon of
Maplewood by Geri Fashions music.
Early Years ass his tea pa'
The Early Years . class
talked about the letter 't' this
week. They held a tea party
where they ate terrific toast
triangles. The children also
worked with tools and using
the toy telephones they
learned to dial their own
phone numbers.
Mrs. Maxine Houston visit-
ed the classroom with two lit-
tle day old piglets. The boys
and girls enjoyed holding
them and passing them
around. despite squeals from
pigs. They sang a pig song
for Mrs. Houston and had a
lot of questions for her about
thc piglets. The kids wore
surprised to.lcarn that her
pigs played soccer in the.
Karn! Almost everyone
thought pigs were cute and
pink when they are small.
The Grade 1/2 are working
on maps along with thc
Grade 2/3 class. They arc
mapping objects. things in
their desk and their class-
The Grade 2/3 using plas-
hcine made detailed maps of
thcir.classroom..They also
snapped the playground and
the whole school.
'Mrs. Crocker took the
Grade 3/4 kids tothe bush for
by Patty Banks
their aquatic creature studies.
There at the pond they found
tadpoles, salamanders, frogs
and other creatures in the
pond. They took all the crit-
ters that they had caughtback
at the pond on Wed. to set
them free._
In Mrs. Vandendool's
Grade 3/4 they finished up
their story about "James and
the Giant -Peach" with a giant
peach Pinata. Candies of all
kinds.spilled on the floor and
they were pretty well distrib-
uted evenly to all the .kids.
Olene ,Dennis greeted wor-
shippers at Duff's 'United
Church Sept. 28. James
(Toned the service with the
Call to Worship followed by
the singing of thc Introit. The
ohoir sang, 'Out of Deep
Unordered Water.;
;Rev. then called the young
worshippers to the front of
the church and invited them
as well as the.rest of the con-
gregation to participate in,his
telling ,of the story of :Ester.
The Huron County Board of Education
}4161&U/t4TION: Please register at the school office during molar
-business bows. RegisirMionNight will beTuesday. October ,l4..if197
from 7:00-3:00,p4n. Courses will begin the week of October 20.1199f1
at 7:00 FUn. Registetaatly,litoach class vtrgt have limited enrolment.
I uesdays:
• Beginning Genealogy
• Conversational German - Inuuducuon
• Internet Basics
• "Beginning"' Computer it Internet
• Basic Cake Decorating
• Artful Stamping / Card Making
• Sign Language - Level I
• Sign Language - Level II
• Photography M An Art Form
• Internet Horne Page Creation
6 weeks Str0.00
6 weeks 460,90
6 weeks $60.00
6 weeks 560.00
6 wocks $60.00
6 weeks $60.00
,6 weeks SOAP
6 weeks $60.00
6 weeks 500.00
6 weeks $6040
IR you are interested in instructing an interest course, p
contact Uavld Vate.+, Night School Principal at 519482
,pr Joanne c;icehinl, Night School Secretary at 5194214-r a
,#. 'ter
'Marion iRoae and 11111
Gibson .emt* ant3ertained .resi-
dents .Withttheirppiamo.mtwic.
.Church services have begun
for another season. Residents
welcomed ,Blly flan Bergen,
Rev. Vandermey and 'Rev.
Hiscou :for church services
this month.
Craft classes .with Betty
:Harris and Barbara Scott
have resumcd.:Plans : for our
Christmas ;Bazaar are wall
underway and .will beheld
Sat. Dec..6 from 10 a.m..to 3
Get your Halloween cos-
tume out and join .us for our
Halloween party with the
"Huron Strings".on Fri. Oct.
31 at 2-p.m.:It's-bound to be a
lot of fun.
'On Sept. 4 'Verna 'Edgar and
her grandson, Went, 'brought
in his sister's; pet bunny. His
name is Smeary. Everyone
had a chance IV }hed Smoky.
Margaret •Gulps 'hold Smoky
and he srutldltsd right up to
Cher. Thank -you Verna and
IPmnt for bringing Smoky in
tenses us.
on 'September 311, residents
and a+isitors enjoyed the
'Stratford Olde Wytme Band.
Toe tiripping music and
waltzes. Tom Miller was
amilinig:through all the enter-
tainment and' had a hard time
keeping those feet still 40 the
music. 'We would like to say
tthank you to the band for the
The Clinton 'legion Pipe
Sand Allayed music on .our
front lawn .on 'Sept. 17_ All
;idents and wtisitars .enjoyed
this weary_ much. George
/Might ., along with kis ,wife,
Edith, Thad front ,row •aeats.
George tno .doubt gnaw some
,uf the 34 band members,
mace fie originally came 'from
;Clinton. Thank -you to the
;hand :for the loudly pipe
Until next ;month, take tare,
• from the staff at .the Seaforth
Manor Eatirennent Home.
j gine Neuss
Parkwood visits
Last' Saturday a team flute
the Ladios Auxiliary to
Branch 3516 tame first in the
Zone C3 !bow!ling Avarua -
meat. Congratulations ladies.
Throe members 'from the
®tsansib went to Parkwood
ilgo�piinl ;an Saturday along
.with as Zone 'Variety Show.
lucking .With /them the toilet
articles .donated. Thanks to
everyone :Who :dmmatei ' There
.was enough bags ifilled for all
,veterans to recti ve.ene.
There .will be .a auto :tourna-
ment .at Branch 156 .Seaforth
on Oct. s11..Registration
12:30 -pan. Price $5. Public
At the going down of the
sun and in the morning we
will remember them.
I. Join the "Harvest Celebration" II
at Tasty Nu!
Serve only the bent for
• Dinner Rolls
*Pumpkin Pies
'Apple Pie•Specialty Breads
*Carrot Muffins • Harvest Cake
♦%'�� • Apple Fritters
Canadian & Imported Cheese it
"Fresh off the block"
Co lb 39916.
ras a ar,sss, Hous.
!� te�i �'s�'.;Ilk.
You we ed to attend
daese tensa eduames
St. Thomas
Anglican Church
Jarvis St. Seatorth
Rev. Robert Hisoox
Service of Holy Communion
8:30 AM
rst Presbyterian
sotto** et. in., Soutane
11:15 start.
Sunday School during
Ohurbh Services.
Mi'thlt ir:
Rev. Nicholas'Vandermey
Thanksgiving Services
Cavan - 9:30 a.m.
Northside 11:00 a.m.
Sunday School during service.
Please bring a donation for
the Food Bank
Sunday, Oct. 12
11:00 A.M.
Bethel Bible Church
Meeting at Seaforth High
9:45 a.m. S.S. 7100 p.m.
11:00 Worship Evening
Bible Study
Small Group meetings Weekly
An Associated Gospel Church
St. James
Catholic Church
Victoria St., seafosth
MASS 8:00 A.M.
Father Dino Salvader
This isn't just a sign.
it's a promise,
illus slanle !letter of ttlLte alphabet,
ipointmd ,qu .a }blue square and ,bvlhc4i tto
a AIMI ide ;pole .ccpresesttts 6410 tcef Igbte
moat impvmtAnt ptoinibes tellAr AAAde 149
,the ;people oft )ntatio. ;lit >is .a proAkiete
,gf guality iltco44 care Ito t4Y,t,T9t•
LlatatuAtic 411Ange 4 t Hence cy
tQW ; tobpitails .and AP ak1 aspects R,
tour health .care systtegt. /44 1
:many ir,e.0A01115 *At :c4 Ibe ,leveed.
,Becs.WS,e ,c16.0;rlge 1s ,gtecessary. But
,41Alptge qt cotlplp,conses your health
,Cate is not ,acceptable. And we wU fight
tto _Poke Awe you got riwa ity heath cue
AvAcia you geed st. AecAuse .#e hurt
ithis sa tele letter of rice alphabet,
,, .0 bllye Arima a and bolted ;to a
, oo4side ;Pale is o pkomise Oat the
ilt(9sipiit*ls ,of A99tt la Are ,deke,ranned to
protest. Mat ttcto, pia .• pko &e•
Wtygt t4 i irgitli t4RAre about how Awpitals are 449 011
,c411 us fora free ,ltlt<bauapA4lbooklet and Apt Anysil cQ11 okie Aviwie 610,91w hem* o.ct.
(fir ty ilia i9w e b s i t e at: w)ONOf •agate# .ttt9A9
' !IMPS 011,9011F s RP Ala1441#Q