HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1997-10-08, Page 14nMIW J1YMl•81 1fadlyy Mu tell my tinarNy, Mende wad w9MMwre, a Dr. Oa anon, Dr. loneileekel r, Dr. Ynaaiyn and Ow eminetslin Ogre Ott floor awl OOP) wee ler ttw ahwetierrt cue and oemetnwaneri lases in 1111111111110111 Qtec ahel,Mee m Mary *Igen tar teen eeilltlet .ills. it was awry missal 8111peeci Lod. --Jean 47.4111 *MILL I would Ilke to thank lite diiaatorthl Lions Otub ter eponsoeitig nee for Fall Fair Aralbommelet. slaw caMrhu- mD support out arinu igerwent node the expesdertoe a ntemorebie Oft - 6anereiv. Jane Powell 47 - We wen to *apes our gratitude to everyone who supported our hxkdrweng activiaes tor our tap to the Society tor Proteoaeonals in Dispute Resolution Youth Conference m Orlando, Florida feat week. It was a wry rewettng edu- cational experience. We were exposed to dues, CWUxrs and Pro- BOMETIME$.CALLED'MLL:WON DOLLAR HITCHES'- taur.horse teams were a spectacle in the bright sunshine ill 1$2td Svr'th Fall Fair Friday' .. grants from all over the U.E. and the world. We are anWbus to share our new knowledge in loch workshops with otter people in our coat area. 8peceal thanks to the seatotth Legion, the SPS Advisory Council, and SPS students and staff for their Manual support Thant you Mrs Reynolds for all ,your hap et the bilgs. - Shannon Stocker. Kerkira Bert ewies. Mrs. J. Holmes 47.41 - sett iartias One of the advantages of hiring in a small ctose kilt community is the love and support received in difficult Ones. For the Compassionate dna Professional Care we would like to thank the artbulsnce attendants Dori Phillips and Arthur McNaughton: Dr. Dan Rooyakkers, Kay Mallioux and other staff at Seafotth Community Hospital; to Dr. M. Woidnik end Dr. A. Van Welreven • for their Care and Concern for Edward over the past years: Paul and Jeff Lockhart of Lockhart Funeral Home; end the staff of Floral Treasures Our deepest thanks to our friends, neighbors and relatives for vistas, foors, cards, flow- ers, memorial donations, and babysitting services: Bonnie and Elan Rapien, Say Hagedorn for their immediate assistance at home: Pastor Uoyd.Wisentan for his worgs of comfort; and Ed Havenga, organ- ist and the senior choir; the E.L.W. for the delicious lunch following the funeral; and especially to Pastor Martin Molina for being here for Us since. To Tom and Carol Miller and staff of Miters earn, your gift of • two trees wqt be a lasting kving memor- ial to Edward. For each and every- one of you to Mak to and see us through this terrible toes. we w 11 for- ever be grateful. God Mees you all. • • Doreen bennewies and Family 47 - OPEN DAYS dun. 1a err16 pen TAYLOR'S MARKET WHOLESALE & RETAIL 212 Victoria 9t.,, Ciintala M2-3413 ROMA TOMS :by the basket BARTLE rT PEARS* the basket PE -fit HALliOWEEN PUMPKINS r+ taw.allralisbie APPLES by t3asket outamt$hel M. 3lotMland g Wolfe River SQUASH (fumy At:Ar DOLOILIIIIRLILSIOURDS Cantshaape, Jams, Pinkies and Chili:Sam (made in-store) 50 lb Slag Su nr *gimp POTATOES • "A Place torRenernber • DELICIOUS THANESWVHHG BUFFET LVED SAT., NUN. & MON. • SUNDAY BRUNCH Located at St. Joseph on Hwy. 21 between Grand Send and Tiayfield CALL POR HE$ RVATION$286-17O7 CLASS1I9E MARKETPLACE MECHANICS Freeman Truck g apart or the eocnor y cants group of oorrparer) has an opening to a journeyman truck mechanic We pro- vide. An op io Wy b lead a Mute with a leader in ogled Wnspala- hon. a company driveled 10 ndwduals.wt o tape on 1ne chal4enge of meeting our ligh standards in customer service; oompeitne wages arta tenses. You provide, OuaMwd (NdpnirJ liths. a pos0ne learn as - tuck. previous teak mock etpeoenoe Satmt your resume 10 Freeman Trucking, Bat 605, Fox GM. AB, TCN 1P0 Fax 403922.2003 COLLECT CASj1. Cake. Peps. Howes. hied, Ca hey. Mc. RwroCk eaablened unique vamps an your area ea seem, ketu te,part•Wne Mi0inum inveslment.S13,980 3400.546-2799124 hours) Member ab.8 GOVERNMENT FUNDS Gawmawnt auatanoe programs nfarnaion available. For your new P emend business Take adeantage of the gov- ernment grants and 10w40. Cat 140(-915.3615 ENTREPRENEURS** SUBSTANTIAL monthly earrings ken hew. No door to Ord, 98% success rale. $30 investment gets you steed. Untied issues. Comes with a double your money bark guaaa40si Free into Independence Pub4lsrs 4101.1001 W. &oadway, Dept. 4116, Venno- vee. B C V6H 4E4 UNIVERSAL PROD. welch over I86 chimes U.S. T:P.N. end Camden Prime star SWAM s No equipment to buy. one erne iAMalWwn. coat and monthly service charge. For ergo. Can 1400687.9700 FORTUNES MADE AS INFORMATION BROKER. Gan.Ua's Wiest grime franchise. N0 memory. No Malt. Law 0vwhead. Computer PG' mates income a 24 hours per day 1488$89.1010 AMAZING FACT The Internet ell grow by 2,700% n 24 seas. Huge sameig polwMI a* Canada's lastest gig MsmN Fondue. FW Owing. kwesenent requred 1468478.7510 NEED EXTRA MONEY? &eak bee ken the Rat Rao! Earn mews I M O wading pad -Ice ham tome. Sure now below U.6. hirci 000n, 1488.418008. 24 hairs. recorded message THE CLOTH LADY loonies immediately disidbutor kr amaung 'Magic Goes' bel cleaning using only cater. Seas 45041, very p144We Net M1Y Phone, lax 4037463786 SALES, BAZAARS' Moans! Fundraisers! As seen on TV. 'Our ChM - mss Mamoees'. an innovative 25 year puma, captures seasons and years novo Outstanding satas/pmets 1800.9634679 DOUBLE/TRIPLE your neem.. Dramatically reduce your axes Work al home. No Meng, not ULM! 245r Wo. 1400.6224221 EARN SUBSTANTIAL $WONTH! ( roved parol OveraSekrod wan teals Fantainc support, no sing, not MUt ToNree 247us 1.888-224-5989. Ext 2602 TRANSPORT DRIVERS NEEOED. A neer caner a accepting opi0e- 9orts for our 4es. No 50955enoe mewed - excellent pay. for inks - wow or apeicalion MOO Orsa00 TWO( (Agog School (London) 1900- 2634177. ONE TIME SPECIAL Tee bedroom thenduaage package Mendes rod, waYs, 4454500. OOPS, *4000ra. cathodal Owings, R100 triad Only 516,995. Act row 1.888-875.9691. Free co USE0 ELECTRIC ADJUSTABLE BEDS - Waratwuae deaa,oe - craft; mwi0lAkamsao type • rslurbtsrwd aW new nemeses -most sizes oval able • wnled supplies - horn 5495 For mote itlorm when call annme 9059593248 SPORTS REPRESENTATIVES WANTEDI! Shing spats uniforms. t- exas. Mas. pasts io aWeec tactor. organizations pad trainees. HT iv • PLT Free kUomn0Ocn, I4agarp Sportswear 1400.991.0899. 3479 Rouge Road. Niagara Falk. Oniony 1212K5 $ATTENTION STUOENTSS Mate a lot 01 money 54849 chocolate Haw. New products avanade Noehig 40 pry in edema. Fail pswery 140D- 363-3583 SEASONAL PMT TIME POSITIONS. We are seeking he energetic. pt1 legs in promote, set and demo cellular phone lor a leading Wecoreaaw,- nicaiats OPtpamy You pow eaoe11e1 mete, seting slaps, are out- going. utgoing• people owned. Ind milk* to work days. evenings and wee: pads. Car an asset. SI0rhoam. Fail Pining pgvided. Pease lig rerun,, W Sc041 wweaoe 41 -730.1813. ABSOLUTE AUCTION: ARAIBM1,0211BES Apprwinaliy 300 Slrapfn Egyyians N0 maintnrgenstspl(ea. kiew 11 6 12 Montebello, Oue beco Call Go 8194234206th 00 Gaud. CuenrwWle TP8:104792142.457 TQV1 ASHGROVE CHRISTIAN SIWA S. CPmganotshphrnarnkie A905 18 85 Single. redoweddnoreed Supe age M aaess Gariad 9.0 Box 205. Chase. B.0 ,,VOE IMO. free information, 1.250.879.3543 waver be vitruies.oaNs4r►iOWAangrove AUTO INSURAPOE HOTLINEinstant, no obkgabon quotes, spew' group nes, Iaw meol y payments, lapsed coverage Car Jenna til tree 1.888313.7587. Bikever Pkrs Murano Brokers YOUR OWN hewn bugloss Amman k aldule pt Nahxal Sosoose caws Hone $404p OtelwM Causes in Heae& Business Written. Aro- matherapy, Magnetic Therapy. Astrology. Ak:ott04 d Drug counselling Many more. Flee prospectus 1488415-1212 • LEARN AUGTtONEERINO Classes Meld Nov 15.2197 For Warne. -Bou eynieU Southwestern Ontario Siad d Auaioneen ng. R,P 45, J IdVvc4, Ontano P46 7V9 014537-2M 15. ,0119TIFIGATE 0OUROES, leen inane its prepaas1P+ P bes+e b0dt keeping by correspondence For nee btcdkres, no obligation U b 11 Tax schools. 1345 Pembina Hwy , Wmpeg. tIB. R3T 1B6 1400465- 5144. (moues about lue Iranchira 4009655144.:(mouesaboutlueIrandake Ono*. COUNSELLOR TRAINING 5544441 d Canada odds ort•cecapus and cor- plponda oe odurses toward a Diptoara in C0us.Yrg Pradace, l0 been Oa snot Free Catalogue, ren *Ns 1440465- 7044 OWN YOUR OWN manufactured fame lot in Smocks. 'Mena 51 lots remrwg, 6,790 ag►uo ied (517,930.110 13,400 aglsra lest 025.000.1 Rose Cat is Suttee To Or4Oe goats -asst. IIrr40343B 2100 E- mt siindre0agtnw L18T0WELd COOKSTOWN RETIIjEMENT•8UN(MLOW6 horn 879990. Club House Facades. tip j5ppppg tsx1ea90n and me¢ - al 1x01814. LW land ions. GM 416441.1758 or 519-291-1990 lor Woken STEEL BUILDINGS -Clearance Special Canskuceon and I.eaaM onl- able 20,x 14x30 63,68800 25 x 14x30 $3,8&00. 10 x to X 49 554044.00 40 x 00048800 40 x 80 512,244.00 50e 109824111011 60x 120$08,900.90.081ers.P454eer 1400.6886422 PRE•ENGINEE4ED STEEL BUILDINGS Higbee quabty, beet price k4m45r. Commerce'. Encodes/11 Quonsets Saks end tre0ioos. Fall Species. For quid. accurate owes Witted* * 650141400499-2983 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111 GULF -FRONT VACATION PARADISE. Panora City Beach. Rorke Luxurious 1 /2.3 bedroom sates rt¢oor healed pod. Ienns and mar Snowbird whim, Mended eav discounts 1.9004744823 FLOf90* SANIBEuGIPTIVA ISLAND Tuning d A FP or Winter trip 1n pwade's.Over 3,000 condos, piste heroes and ri chey rental Cat Properties Para0se. 1400411.7135 Retirement party for Kramers followed Sunday Dublin by Dorothy Dillon 345-2E:83 mass -at St Patrick's in Dublin A rnlimt ical pasty +oras build at 'Bt. Porkies Pariah HMI. ptJblin un Sunday Ifctll4twing the morning mass. la huge crowd attended :to extend apprecitttic�1 Hank Kramers WITo did an enor- mous,* and ,is :now attiring. 14e worked aur five ditietent parish priests and -tin neer Owe different bishops of ixhe London Diocese ,and was always there when :nseadnd. Following mass, presenta- tions and thanks were given by :Kemal* Flanagan, cowry 'fan Loon and Margaret Rowland. Iltev. 44. Del _Cianci9 gave .an eiccfallont talk informing .us of Iflank's achievements. 'We all swish you, Plank, .e 'long happy and relaxed retirement. Happy 90th birthday to Catherine Flanagan, Kitchener (formerly many years in 'Dublin) a very rick lady who celebrated un Sept. 28, at the Knights of Columbus Centre- A very large crowd attended t4iis lovely party especially nam- ing Catherine's aiater-in-law, Mary Dantzer from Dublin. and her very special long time friend Esther Kelly -from Dublin. Joe Eckert enjoyed the fol- lowing vlaitors, Joe Eckert Catty, Jost .and Zack from Kitehem. and Stephen and Ntmib Easel, 'Bayf etld. Happy anniversary tO Dublin area couple, Rob and Lawmen Regale who cele- brated Out. 6. ,Congratulations to two tltpe, tial couples who were mar- ried recently: Jennifer Murphy, daughter of Robert and Sharon Murphy, -Stratford and Christopher Vogels, son of Cinth and Marta - Vugels. St. Colttmban and Patricia Bertens. daugh- ter .uf -Gerry and Annie Bertens .and Dale tsitCornb. son of Marvin and Shirley McComb, Mltl..•bel1. Heartfelt sympathy .of the .t,'ummunity.is extendndto!da Diehl of Sealorth whose son Donald Diehl, 'Stratford, died on Tues. Sept. 30. Thole sit Murray Bros. had a harvest sit; -hand game of cards - just plain and simpic al .bertha 1 rys residence In Dublin: At harvest time the cows get out. the pork tedueais, the ducks quack. all and all a beautiful Friday night- Seven games 114, Cie played till midnight, then Jerry got the lunch ready. A wuederfui talk at lona and after lunch. 1t seemed this was the night to talk and we did. Ado lies either. P.S. So far we hive one hurtle and three nephews for the attar in 1998. Happy Thanksgiving to all. , THOUGHT POR TODAY A small town is a place where they are proud of their traffic congestion. Cat crackdown by council Hensel! Council is propos- ing a tough new airtl-sat 'bylaw. This new taw plrupos- es dog tags for cats. a hefty annual registration fee for each :animal, and many other no-nonsense measures to crack down .on the eat prob- to n• . 'The itterisal sltufflebOaroll scores -for Sept. 30 were: Pearl McKnight 528. Ray 73eanewies 456, Lorne Archer 443, Dave Woodward 423. Hive! 410. Jinn WED.. , 1:09.3:00 p.m. - Parents' end Tots Swa1rn8 at the Arena 1:30-3:30p,m• --$anion Shuffleboard at•the Alen 4:30-7209,111..- Slkt4ete at -the Arena 7 SOp.m. - Seafoeh Horficulturel 6acieq+mrneeting. 4,82(1 laid. United Ohut011 7:3041.-00p.m. • Junior and Minor $r000thall at the Arena 7:30.830 p,m. - Fitnees/$tep with t2rusille et the Arena 9:00-10:30p.m. - Ladies' SroanbattatAt g/kens 10:30-11:aoprn. -!Men's $roamballaat.t a Arena THI . , OCT. ' 9:90-10;00.00. -Fitness i6 Fun with prusiile Mitts Arena 1:30.4800 p.m. - Senior Games Ewobre.Fuodraiser al the Legion 4:00.6:OOp411. Figune Skating ad MO Arena 700.9:40 p,m. - Minor 8roombell et the Arena 8'40-14,'OO;e.m. -,Recreation basketball.attteliph *noel 9:00-11:30 p,tn. -,Merl613roombat Of Oa Arena ice.,, SACT. 1 O 1h44.8;p0:p,m• • Seniors' 8owli09 ,at.$radight.t.ane6 • 4:164:40‘p,m• -Senior and Junior Mguselepgue,Hocicey Preotioe 5:16.7:169An• • Minor Hockey weot(oax.atihe Arena 7:15.8:169ml. -lRingptie praatial at the Amp 8:-15-11:15p,41. -:6e1TOP(►1 We. Centenaireg -.Junlgr r SALT. 11 6:30.7:39 ad!).•,ik.il!fquM(RIRP►li - Whaiere 90. NO - Timika0P0(4010 INM,9't Jim Morris 7:304:30 a,m. • Jr. Houseteague - Leafs vs. Genedlens - Timekeeper is Parent of Steve Medd $:30.9:80 p.m. - Jr. Houseteague -.Sharks Ns•,KingB - X•inTaiteeper le parent of 4¢4egory $tankard 400-10:30 a.m. - Sr. Houseleague ,bruins vs. Blues • m)eheeper is Parent of Ryan yiO4is 10:30-11:30 e.m - S{. Houseleague - Panthers vs. end Ducks - Timekeeper ss Parent of Josh Dale 11:80.12:30 p.m. - testes Hockey et the Arena 12:30.2OOp,m. • Rtrigette practices at the Arena 2:304:39 pnn. - Minor hlr ckey preotioes etthhe Arena SUN., OCT 12 41;00a,ni.-1:80 p•m. - Recreation Hockey League 2:30-4:00 p.m. • Free Public Skating at the Arena NEON. r :fl.CT. 13 4:30.9.•00 p.m - Figure Skating at the Arena 7 00 9 OQ p.m. - Furniture Refinishing at Me High6ohool 7:301010 pm. - Minor Sports Gpuncit $logo at the Arany - Toogsuiabhtt's'host is Ringette 900.40:80.p.m. - Seaver O4d1imers i tockey TUES.OCT 14 ti:O0-11!d0 a.m. - Parents' rind Tots' Playgroup at Northside United Church Hall 3;00.10.•00 a.m. - Fitness is Fun lltitl.Otvsille at the Arena .10:00-11:00 a.m. - tine,DAnctn3 mW .Onueilla at the Atone 10;'99-12:00 p.m. - Parente' and ' Sitatin9 at 411e Arena '1 9 9tm•--$eafoth Wunhetl's kkeaute monthly meeting qt Yalta l,ewoon'6 . ' 6:a04;00,p.n1• - Minor Hockey tit theRi(4100 710p.m. --Sepfotth.t'Ioepitai Aux4iery rfauting M Gankusince f oom 12 7;40$144,tip. -'flog ObedienOe 4111R19 1111:i40(1. working at 4 at. - 4G• entenaires 1.00. 109 p.m - laacgcdg' anti TQ49' Skating Oat the Acer$ 1:30.3:30 p.m. • Senior $tW$fleboard et the Arena 7:30.9:00 p.m. • Junior and Mwwr $rooampatl at 111. Arens 7:30.8:30 p.m. - Fitness/Step Aerobics with pruralla at the Arens $:00-10;00 p.m. - Recreational yolleybalt at the Hite soiwpt 0;40-1030 p.m. • hes' ldroonk1a1I at the Arena (49:30.11:30 p.m. - Men's ercxxnbaiI at the Nen. it H yocire organizing a nonprobt event of interest W other &eafoth area r esadent5. phone the recreation office 6274802 or she Expositor at 62/.0240. or mail She anfornnation to Community Calendar. 1tw Hixon 68900450, 94x 69, &eatorth. Ontario, nrix 1 we in advance oat Uw schedhAed dote Free kaang ancludee dace, bate. -...1 mnaed event end )ocatgn Spew fo•,the Corrtmunny Calender rs donated by The Huron la is r. Hensail by Liz Sangster 262-27l5 , Davis 391, Russell Ferguson 356, Hugh McKay 351. 100491{ 4Mht Steal eicis si b your friends or nuke new friends at the Walsall cad Area Community Drop -Le. Our next one will be beId Thursday. Oct. _16 at the Hensel' United Church. The day begins with foot care at 10 a -m. Please contact Mang . Cole at 262-2304 if you are interested in scheduling dap appdiatineot- Lunch will ibLe served at noon. Following lunch, f3hiddy Cammack will assist with sone easy exer- cises sled stretches. To Ankle werVatitADS WOW( Marg Cole it 262-2344 Or Shannon Dougherty and Faye Skinner at 235-0258 by h'1oop on Monday, Oct. 16• This event is sponsored by Town and Country Howe S.sppo> Services and local •v4lylW,t4eetrs. The fittlnSaai) Lesion 1lAwkes 4u naJrn 1y ranee(Aog wss b►ee4 04. 1 is Ote /dodo {fend, ehaired d by prtesi4eH* • f yid Read. A donation of $35 was made to He salt's Wee* of the Child. The Awiciijtary p)yyr- chased "at-#tooae" sweaters for he»s.al'-'s hockey tubo. • owessi re ;eAkc ►'R *ill be bel4 ac tw.e iiegsall ,444arr 4 of D•e4. 9 at 1::,30 {p- - 4,4 issioco is 62 :e,* .a.sd polies Ailttd Wad) wild be provided. Uu45 {*Vent sS slaw cored by the He>nsall Twt fight $.unions• iAt iiitinsidSS {hulled church i 4yy i F,e1rgAlsrvfP,BaPYe take anogMMCeWif*S•/Wig a lato,Ataeptt of 1tl>le4it4400 4104 Ake .slip ,Ag of .0 11Yr$lA the mIanalag prayer wmf# seed in WAWA - Hwy KIIMXIAW i$ *MAW Rev) 44a s avis t , px9t p14,iv41 tie 100011tar -�,�• kCAP$0Ato A0r1'741 TT 1 116:690 1f! �dxyne, R ii4s Ibroi for tCN►9hf11 g iW Act* - * 41> wlefe for - J