HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1997-10-08, Page 13(35.NO11�TOCREDITOR) rs..p• •• FE .l 1s one Of j:i az ea We have an immediate opening for an Q) individual who wishes It to demonstrate their ID decorating flair and 11) sales technique iv a *Ivo �t high mod, low press ere, Id customer oriented COI environment. This is a part-time O position (approx. 20-30 IC hrs.) and does require weaker d work Candidates niay submit applications to: G. G. Cwarettifer. Fasrraitssrte lssc- 62 MW 82. Dublin, Ontario NOK IRO Attn.: General Mesmer No telephone inquiries please! (p) SCHOOL ADVISORY Commitee of South Huron District High School invites tenders for computers to be placed in SHDHS Library. Sealed tenders addressed to the School Advisory Committee of South Huron Distract High School will be received at the office of South Huron DHS. 92 Gidiey St. E., Eiketer, Ontario NOM 1S6 until 1:00 p.m. on Friday, October 17, 1997. Tender docu- ments detailing specific require- ments are available to potential sup- pliers from the office of South Huron Drstnct High School. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. - K. Hayter, Chair, SAC. 29-41x1 cc RELIABLE woman would like to do housecleaning, excellent refer- ences Phone 348-4980. If no answer leave message. 30-40-4 31. SERVICE DIRECTORY WILL TUTOR an my own tome. Bett Beuttenmiller 527-0282. 31- 34-t VLALS Abattoir and Meat Market Hw 83 - 3 1/2 miles east of Exeter , 2:35- 1 -1 ' ; Ct/SipAt Kf Try us for Kill DalliROCESSING -Tuesdays OUR SPECIALTY Home cured and smoked meats processed exactly the way you like rt DAVE'S CAR MUMS amaranortd $t &yet 4115411M. ors M lit youroar alai. Moan Sot. Open dalyt lash. -#e(1141. Bet. Wearer p.mmalMlap 3t- MOW ALUMINUM AND CUSTOM bellowI ELD- venal*Maim Molise. penning. Isaohisary atpsb sad tiab_o Phone �o a1• % �8'l°t8. "NM COMM Phaboopsiqg Swam ' lhaflu en zeloe, ISO at Asalomlh 3►4 x 11 copies - !S calor per eitelt >a!h x 14 cobs • .35 oinks .per asset (GBT aa) Phone 5270. aand PBT t 31-01-tMnms REPAIR AND REFINIBIaNGoffur- niture alsoatao IMAM mode furniture your pians. Robert Kerr, RR 41, Beeforth. Phone 527-0786. 31-40-tl KATHERINE'S Psychic palm and tarot card readings, advises on all problems, lite. love, marriage. busi- ness, health, travel. See her she ,can help you. (519) 238-8404. Available for parties. 34-41x2cc ARE YOU living with a drinking Problem? Al Anon can help. Phone 527-1650. 34-41-1 A.A. tf you thank you have a drinking problem Alcoholics Anonymous has worked for millions. Call 527-1650 or toll tree 1-800-706-9833. 34.40-tf EVANLY RAYS Psychic Answers Polios use us...rated 41 in Canada. Instant answers about love, money, career, lucky •s. relationships. Achieve success. $2.99/min.. 184, 24 hrs 1-900-451-4055. 34- 37x14cc NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of CARL CHRISTIAN LEONHARDT All persons having claims against the estate of Carl Christian Leonhardt of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron. who died on or about the 12th day of July. 1997, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 27th day of October, 1997, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth. Ontario this 25th day of September, 1997. McConnell; Stewart & Devereaux, :1. ilesiseeismad Boliataia. 77 Main Street, Seaforth, Ontario, NOK 1W0 Solicitors for the Executors (35.NoncEm11rm) NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS in the Estate of LAMM All ria against the estate of Cecelia Gladys Looming of the Vllta a of Egniondville, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the :'2nd day of July, 1997, are hereby notified to send in tull Parllallers of their *huts b trio undenig ed on or belere Ow 1st coy of November, 1397, atter which data the ammo o will be Mieribuled having dams then es sat d only to DATED at Seelomst, Drmlare, itis Sib doy of nY1197. B sea llerrilisie and leMaMsre, 77 Main Olest, lo. MIK 11fM0 Solicitors for **Enablers NOT1AND E TO OT HERS In the Estate of CECELIA GLADYS LEMING All persons having claims against the estate of Ceoelis Gladys Lamming of the Village of £gmondvllle, in the County of Huron. who died on or about the 22nd day of July, 1997, are hereby notified to send in full particulars Of their pains to the undersigned on or before the 1st day of November, 1997, after which date the assets will be distributed having'egard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, Ontario this 29th day of September, 1997. ilcConnell, tl1..esrt 1 Devereaux, 77Mein and Solicitors, Seaforth, omens, NOK 1 WO Soltcttors for the Executors 36. ANNOUNCEMENTS NOTICE: In order to reduce our inventory and expand our process- ing capabilities we will not be receiv- ng scrap at our yard from the public commencing Oct. 3rd. We will con- tinue to service our industrial cus- tomers. Watch for the opening of our reorganized facility. Secondary Resources (Perth) Ltd. 393-5390. 36-41x2cc (37. MORTGAGES 1 •' & 2'" Mortgage . l Absolutely No Upfront Fees Available as low es 6.50'- Interest Personal Loans If you quarry, payments Amt. Anorox floe Payment ' 5,000 ' 41.66 110.000 113.33 `15,000 •1225.000 Consolidate your debts • Call (519) 363-0211 1400.387.1932 ASTRAL FUNDING INC. • Culligan REAL ESTATE LTD. (111.AUCTI(M SALL ��. A[1C1 11 SALE ) x A,7 8A[1 ESTATE aucrioN 06 APPLIANCES; •'mum *ire Oct* II at 4../0P.M. tllarsIoNobl masa Me 1m);mob atilt aim CM; gloms dap tonnes rand+seri drinks; Omar odour Tit/ edit enrols; Gomel gnaw ale - IsplleAy* pile naw); mictotsavas: arta lost lowssivilalands; ies.bslk chair, side .. *ocher ono crocks, 7-piensaltsa0ar IAMrtr mss; ,41114lbn dishes: tools, fishing #���n buds ,41114); milk carat; fail*: tlkait antie; yes rob -blank; amen, mixer; incubator,oamear+t Went gas alaaalwlsr; able awn; lean swing and our usualness aiming at dean lame lteid aEltab' At 7:00 PM.: 1977 GMC e500 Vb WO autonomic black mai 1500 gallon tank with only 11.900 mi. front MMohise Fie Deportment followed by a EDNA BUUOK and consignment TE OF THE of bewails horn Ihe O OM Proprietors. AUCTION: Doug Jacob and Joe Zehr 519-271-7894 519.8879599 LARGE AUCTION SALE to be held at Rachlard Lobb's Auction Bulking in Clinton. Contents of Wingham home plus additions from Bayfield Seatorth and Clinton area homes. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11 AT 9 AM APPLIANCES: Small chest freezer, fndge, 3 microwave ovens, older dishwasher, Filter Queen vacuum, colour TV's, VCR, video's. dehumidifier, mini vac's, 2 Thomas Collector radio';. FURNITURE: Nearly new recliner chesterfieki with 2 recliners, china cabinet. double wide wall unit, single wall unit, electric power tilt single bed, 4 piece bedroom suite, box springs and mattresses, 2 cedar chests. hump back trunk. 10 gal crook churn, Blue finger painted crock, new single box spring and mattress, new round oak dining table with 2 leaves and centre pedestal plus 4 matching chairs, t blanket box, press back nu sing rockerrk dressers and chests of drawers, wicker fern stand, upholstered chairs, bag pipe chanter. rid barrio, upholstered chairs, coffee and end tables, picture and frames. doll collection. good Christmas decorations, Halloween decorations, spoon collection, several lamps, large offering of bedding. linens. dishes. glassware. cups & saucers, Royal Alberts. Ansley. knick knacks birds, horses. cats, people figurines. Royal Doulton Figurine nems tar too numerous to mention, lawn ornaments, etc. etc OTHER: Trademaster 10 inch table saw, 22 inch gas lawn mower, electric leaf mulcher. Yard man 3.5 HP lawn vacuum on wheels, electric lawn mower, hedge tnmmer grass garden.tools plus other items far too numerousto 'fir' TWO AUCTIONEERS SELLING AT THE SAME TIME STARTING AT 9 A.M. TERMS: Cash or cheque With proper LD. Auctioneer: Richard Lobb 519-482-7898 Clinton LOST: "Missy' adult female cat, white with orange and grey mark- ings. very fnendly. Wearing collar and bell 527-2451 40-41x1 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1997 9:00 - 10:30 A.M. '42 MAIN ST., NORTH List $69,000! HOSTESS: • DONNA TEATERO SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1997 10:30 - 12:00 NOON 40 MILL ST., EGMONDVILLE List $97,900' THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1997 6:30 - 7:30 P.M. 32 NORTH IT., EGMONDVILLE List $159,0001 HOSTESS: • MAUREiEiN WILDFONG SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1997 10:30 - 12:00 SOUTH ON HWY 021 FROM BA FiELD RIGHT AT DURAND-HURONVIEW RD., LEFT AT 1ST STREET LOOK FOR SIGN List 8114,900! H.1_T• - Y: t!R R.R.02 DUB List $96,000! LET'S MAKE ADEAL! GORGEOUS, TOTALLY RENOVATED STONE HOME with 4 bedrooms, lull basement, family room, new windows, new wiring, new addition, hot tub,.H'd double garage plus steal shed - localed on picturesque treed lot. $289,000' EX LL NTAMIL HOME 6N ' _ • a.r' " featuring gorgeous modernized ly kitchen with breakfast nook, 1 h storey, Iu coCohome this lovely laundry, 15; baths, �� Hoar 1 � storey, .stucco home .porilrhp 4 bedrooms, newa gas fireplace, 4 bedrooms, gas heat, bright.kltohen, high efficiency gas formal dining, open front porch. &� lurnace. new windows, new roof, dega rsg•.and located In t'd nicely evergreen treed lot. 589,9001 central area of town. $89,9001good 'MAUREEN WILDFONG 'PERCY fiCieiNDEn 482.3224 Seaforth Office: 519 / 527-1577 OPEN SIX DAYS 8 Main Street A WEEK! 'DONNA TEATERO 627-2737 ENJOY THE 0INET TMOSPHERE of this lovely, 115 storey, viniyi sided home fealuring 3 bedrooms, large country kitchen. main floor laundry, economical gas heat and Largs dock Call for detail 8 a private viewing 20 YEARS SERVING gEAFQ today. 79tX1W & AREA 298.4401482-0600 -DI 'SALES REPRESENTATIVE "ASSOCIATE BROKER MLS REALTOR 56 YEARS OF COMB/NSD EXPERIENCE (42. DEATHS HUARD: Marie Yoand Paulette: of Norview Lodge, Simcoe, formerly of Seaforth, peacefully at Norfolk General Hospital on Saturday, September 27, 1997. Paulette Beriauft, beloved wife of Robert. Dear mother of Maurice and wile Lynda of Seaforth, Lorraine Good and Helene Tremblay, both of Brantford. Loving grandmother of Michelle, Douglas, Maurice, Marie, John, Wayne, Michael and great grandinother of Danielle. Dear sis- ter of Gerald. Mrs. Huard was deceased by a on Michel, Serge in infancy, a grandeon a brother Antonio and a Ceche. Mass of Christian Burial celebrated at St. Mary's Church, Simcoe on Tue September 30, 1997. 42-41x1 PEPPER, Lillian of Huron Home, Tuckersmifh Township formerly of Seaforth passed a on Wednesday. October 1, 199 Huronview Home, Tuckersm Twp. in her 89th year. Predeoamaed y husband David McIntosh urvived by Sandy Pepper Seaforth. Loving mother of McIntosh of Brucefield. Eric riene McIntosh of R.R. eaforth, and Nancy and illson of R.R. 42, Seafo herished grandmother of randch ildren and 14 great grand Ildren. Predeceased by ratter Gordon Richardson and Orme daughter.M4aw Kay McIntosh Lillian's request there was neral home visitation. A pd service was held on Friday, October 1997. Interment was in gmondvlie Cemetery. Box and Smith Funeral Chapel, Sealant, trusted with mangements. As rlbute to the life Mrs. Pepper e will be pant - in her memory. -41-1 I�C,N fad. oar. 11 ane at - Lame altering 'at *whoa la Clinton a�°'taMets t starting am i a �- aide seorgyow truck* ad mp truck, one too trucks. pick up trucks. btahway sander +ria. rotary duet mowers. 14 ft camper trailer. eahrsews. r �oe..ster pumps etc. to be held one mule north of Auburn on County All. 22 et Huron d Over Miforddles= Gaieties additions fro ate counties For Information phone Joe Staler at 526- 7231 flEID, At her h �G� Friday, October 3; 1997 Gladys %clone (Miler) Reid in her 09th year. Beloved wile of the tate Wert Reid (1955), the law John Eisler (1950) and the tags Bill Barwick Sr. (1979). Dear mother and mother -in -ley of Jerk and Doreen Einar, Doris and Grant Ellison, Mart and the We Frau* Hogue, Loyd Sr. and Bsv Eider. Bill and Nomas Elder. Step- mother of BIN and Pam Beret* Bob and Joan Barwick, George and Una Bewick. Marion and Peter KM, Lbyd Reid, K. Reid and MurrayelReid. Also survived by sev- eral great-grandchil- dren, great -great grandchildren, brothers and sisters-in-law Veins Muter, George and Helen Eisler, Ruby and Charlie McDoneid, Loma and Gerry Hudson, Doris and BPI Humphrey, Evelyn and Pete Cook, Agnes and Murray Hardy. Also pre- deceased by son Richard "Dips Eisler (1996), brother 8aie Miler and two sisters m infancy. Funeral service was held at McCallum and Palle Funeral Home, Godericth, on Monday. October 6, 1997. Rev. David Clements officiated. Interment tldtlandbanl Cemetery, Seaforth. Flower bearers were Wayne Metter and Ken Flannagan. Pallbearers were Gary Eisler, Laird Eisler, Kevin Dunrteman, Otto Harynie, Grant Langlois and Bill Collins. 42-41xlcc (43. BIRTHS MELLEN Brian, Joan, Sarah and Joseph wee blessed with the long-awaited arrival rson and little brother, Jackson James Meilen, on Friday, October the 3rd 1997 at 129 p.m_ weighing 7 lbs. 9 oz. Jackson was gently delivered into the arms of his mother in the pesos and comfort at E by, Midi tvas .lane rdniarf end Crystal 1�ali. Caring labour support was provided by Doija Cynthia Thoren. The atten- dance and support of Aunt Lois and Nana Yvette was also gratefully received. Loving privileges are extended to Hank and Yvette Binnendyk of Egmondvflle and Larry and Connie Meilen of London. 43-41-1 (46. IN MEMORIAM ) KERSLAKE: In loving memory of end Grannie, Grace Kerslake passed away October 8, 1993. back with memories, the path you trod, cherish the years we had with pre- Mum end who David, Looking sister Upon was We R.C. You. aday, And leave the rest to God. Remembered, rrtiseed.love and for- ever in our hearts. Brenda and Jim; view Rick, Christine, Ashley. Chelsey and end Desiree; Renee and Brett; N7'a; Danielle and NosIle. 46-41-1 ith HAW: M memory of Vera' Hoist and 1994 away passed October 146- pf 41x1 es Luger. Pegs 46 - Ron and 14, Bill LEE rth. The family of the late Isabel Lee 13 would like to express our heartfelt b s Sea A S M C 9 ch b At fu 3, E en a at of Mee ori 42 thanks ore to ail our family, friends and neighbors for all the Dards, flowers and food sent t0 us as expressions of sympathy during the sudden Panfng of our dear mother and grandmother. Simone thanks to Paul and Jeff Lockhart for, as always, their kindness and profes- elonaiwn. 79 Pastor Derek Maters for finding the right wads to esy and to be nurses and doctors et Stratford end Mad desperately to saveieThHospital an you, aka, to to Legion Ladies for providing delicious lunch following Me Gen ass. Dawn and Dave would also like to .xl.nd a *eclat thank you b all our pose friends tor bait- ing with arrangements and for being there 1a us each and •wry call during this difficult time. Your irl.rad- ahip and generosity wg .be trea- sured ki our hewn forever. • Dawn, Cave, Taylor, Madlson, Audrey and Bob, Elizabeth and Paul and Dow (Moose). 47-41x1oc by • no vale MCMAICIHAEL To Anthony and Ktists, a daughter, Chloe Audrey In Stratford Hoapls' born Sept. 27, 1997 welghyngl lbs. 6 oras. First time gnindparents are Brian and Heather McMichael, Stratford and Mr. and Ma. Mulholland, London. A great grand- daughter for LOie McMichael Seaforth and Ross Mowclyel, 011 City. 43-41x1 KIRKBY We are pleased lo announce the birth of Sean Douglas Kirkby, a son for Paul and Van Klrkby of 8fi9mt erOugh, a grandson for K�TeiK Kirkby and 1 Wh Thi and Doan Of HO Chi Minh City and a great grandson for John A. and Clara Perris of Brussels. Sean was born at Scarborough General Hospital Sept 23, 19979 w• g 7 lbs. 16 Is oz. He we with great joy! 43-41-1 CARTER The family of til Tale Margaret Carter express their.pplaplsypn to all relatives, Manta and lslghbors who through vista, donations and remembrances shared in Our loss. Special thanks am extended to the staff of Seaford) Community Hospital and Doctors Rodney, Rooyakkere, .Zettel and Percival. We also thank Rev. Vardemey, the ladies of First Presbyterian Church, who supplied refreshments and the staff of Whitney-Ribey Funeral Home. 47-41-1