HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1997-10-08, Page 2a -vault. fauvism azwumrT*. Ss a1 R, 1tit1f!'7 PHOTO'S*? ORECIORIMAININELL HeiVnntlllr fOR, s41i1 U1INDT - Dr. Marc Wokinik.airees Dr. Laura ,Walker urns of :the about 8OO tie *hots the'iii•Atotth MedicaiisClnuc ttas:txtohtmdlorthe corning Iasaaon. Toothy are evadable for those who qualify, and others whomusittmay,.at 'ttte'focal .cMnic'to4tmw (Thursday) and -Friday, from 8:t30 a.m.-to .1 p.m. Dr. . Maker who has been working part - bine at the cline is now working • f uta -time m • for Dr. 'fate l§inrton, -who .ieon maternity leave and recently the proud mother of Robert David, alb. 18 ex. Chid Find recruiling volunteers The • Huron and Perth -Chapter of Child Find Ontario is trying to recruit marc volunteers in the Seaforth. Mitchell, Clinton. .Bayfield, Exeter. Goderich. Grand Bend, Stratford. Wingham end Clifford areas. "While the Chapter has been m exiutune for a -num- ber o! years. the volunteer • 0 Oto BY:DAVIUsuo rr -F,xpositor Editor An ad hex: heritage commit- tee for preserving and show- casing Seaforth area's her- itage has developed its terms of references. The group met last Tuesday night in Sealorth council chambers to hammer out its objectives and get the ball Comtmittele Representation: • Mayor of the Town of Seaforth . -• Deputy -Clerk, Town of Seaforth ,• Minimum of seven mem- bers at large -possessing an interest in Seaforth's her- itage. perhaps having ,an dtfiltdtiOrl with any of the following: Seaforth LACAC, Seaforth Library, •Huron County Historical Society, Van Egmont House, local Boarcis of Education, media, etc. �• Resources - Claus 13reede; Huron County Museum; Cathy Campbell, MCCR, and )ant' Muegge, OMAFRA, as needed. $vgpe of I• Surveying the public r• Contacting collection owners �• Identifying publicly owned spaces • Investigating other muse- urn arrangements ,• identifying strategies such as establishing a communi- ty museum: creating a storefront museum; estab- lishing an historical society; expanding the Huron County Museum's da plays un Seaforth; creating rotat- ing displays coordinated, by the Huron County Museum. t• Establishing sub -commit- tees as needed. • And others. fikatiber FAiposityr Emposedl The Ex -Files '40*WI Mistakes:() Page .6 - "Tugfjott'' should be "Tugnutt"-,>Ijfri Morris 2),Page 1 - "workers will hold be" -Mare Henderson 3):Pege 15 -.part of scri- WRGe.fflisaittg - "Omitting "Arygtifl communica- lipns"...' -Dolly McQuaid base hassle's -teased and we centre on tine Gudericfrwater- are concerned the programs fnmt at 7:30. and services in your xomntu- There swill he a question nity will suffer," Inst medic's period .and ;the electing will press release states.. :pravide,an-overview,oftSlbild Anybody • wanting -to learn Find, ,outlining the teliFon.1- about the organization and Willies ,of .axecutitce.t.'tnnmit- volunteer opportunities is tee monikers and the'.voltm- invited to a _general meeting teas. tomorrow night (Oct. 9) at 'Motriinfunnatitm:is avait- tMeC K train station and trail able by tattling mig1.100.4417-- 6047- 1ti11 tanu�� ftxw rolling. Secretary Cathy mt3snbsrs,titrthe ;putitic are ‘.Garrick reviewed the draft wt3lctmne;to attend. s .er at The Huron • County Museum in conjunction .with ,Huron County ilribraniss,is hosting a "Huw acv ,thane for berita ge,objeciS" Wetkihup; in ;Exeter on ,Qelober and in Wingharn on Qatober.22. Huron County .Museum curator Claus ;Hr ode .will host the seminars ,on caring for photographs, ,_dor uments, .wedding dresses. .artifacts, ,p etc. There is a ossibility Seaaforth ht tboat ,a similar event inihe future. IRK mow information, ctm- tact :Brcede at (5.19) 524-' 2666. 'terms and chose a deadline un the life of die ad hoc _corn - mince of one year. -At the,end of that time (qr sourer), the committee should have cho- sen a location to display Seaforth heritage memorabil- ia and established a system for accepting donations. The committee's term .of reference have yet to be adopted and approved by town council. .Regular meetings of -the heritage group have .been scheduled for the last Wednesday of the month fat 7:30 p.m. in the second florE council eternized of$eafortb Town Hall. Any interested NOTICE OF NOMINATION FOS OFFICE Mu icilatlelitintiosis-ti9*0 NOTICE is hereby given to tbeMunicipal I:leetuts of rbeCveyor of the Tuwn of Seaforth TAKL IOTICE THAT twtou►atiots may bolded *wen 9:00 mit. and 5:00 pm. on Nomination Day, Frilay.Octobter 10, 1997. or during the period Ervin Tuesday. April 1. 1997 to Thursday. October 9, 1997, inclusive uninediately preceding Nomination Day. at a time wben the Clerk's Office is open, at the office of the Clerk of the Tuwn of Seaforth. 72•Main Street, Sealorth. Ontario ' Nonentities for the following offices will be accepted A t Mayor. Reeve: Deputy Reeve. four (4)Councillors for the Tuwn of Seaforth and two (2) Public Utility Comissrooves for, the Tuwn of Seaforth. B t One (1) Trustee for fhe; _iryp eg tl, gyid for. the SJeectural Division of the Towns of Seafunh amid C,'tbe Villages of Bayfield. and Blyth and the Townships of thaleit. McKilup. Stanley awn Tuckcrsnuth. (nominations io be filed with the Clerk. Town of Chown 23 Albert Sueet. Clinton) Ct Oce ( 1) Trustee fur t e,Uggs icon iuigguale >tgah fur the FJectoral tvision uribe Town of Sedif.utth,ih Townships u Perth bast..Noah Penh. M*KiUup. Grey, and.Howick. ,and the Village of Wessels. (nominations to be filed with the Ctork of,Whet Township (Perth 451).4 187 - Line 46.. Rostock) P) . Sipe ( I ),Trust a for the ' for theEltectural Division o ibe.Cewttlics gf t, Lainhturi and Huron. (Nomination papers to be filed .with tbeCletk artCity of Chatham, 3 )5.King Street West.- Chatham. Ontario 519.02-4500)' h) ,4PRe. ,4Pi Difipscee. for qtyfr(Nftx.thetflot soca , tvtuon o . ouaUcs .I,ambtvn, ARAM �d se�t�ego)i)Aation paapers io he filed with the clerk. City of Sarnia. dt(.rtpriSate &refl.AS*. Pinerio5193320030)• . •Pieaase sanest the televa00•1411k pr. the. gaup gipft gffiec fgr sif1lltiupf I m inforation if your tesoleoce, is ilisp 1100,1)ilnoNekos.fr i ce where thepgWjgatµt)tt. is io be too. ti umirwfipa;pryatbeintheprescribed,!violend acci pfiaeelbytutee presnbed foe of S1103.90 It Were are insufficient number of calif* candidates le flit atlrpRfii1gns available. nominations will be reupenockfpgabe vacant mai *Own iia rite , dikullataust 1Sttt•113e bet wsgf4fbchrwrs of 9,'99,40.000* p.m. and such nominations may be WOO tic office of tberJestk. 49414 an slectifats be ree i. tfk.olutah+11 be bead un Munfliik November 10.107. An Advance<PRO. Wit bcbided 110t W of Se furdifirt aicipft Deadline for a voting cera to vote by prosy is November 100,11997. Proxy c:prlifie;atcs may also beebtaine 1 on November I,,ita99,bitwowthe hours of 12:00 noun and 5:00 p.m. at the Scafort 1 Municipat (Mice. J,saics Croclr4+f Returning Officer' Town of Seaford Vorssiksilog yes pions Huron'M1PtPaul'fhoctkie is a menttserat the d.ihtsrut caucus .conmittes .oatanimir)g gaso- line pricing in Canada. ')Cunattians wunt and tesaave sin !know the reasons lading! tthe ,frequent and sud- den gas iptity hikes," u press Totearetfrum his nffuz states. "C)ur.aonimittee will endeav- our to provide them with some answers and with Wats un what can be tune :to enamor .the tintareat sof the .consumwr alt liming tprutecl- sed. "My soft tin tCiadntieth tis caurmntly in ,the tproueas cif satinett* 'sigtatutmti :tm rptsti-- ttions .as an additional mas- s= ,of sant atittg sthe-mown sof tttet iMlotaae ,of tCnmmuns tfor !this ;important action. a .ananurage ;inW>roatail mem- tau ,of .tits 3rtttilic tto saotttant my off ine ,(1244693111i) and .traunnte tinaoMatti tin lite ipos sass" ; Osis t lk res Jest tali tip, sways teltflarofrNluw slisslC r tINtJf1D trom Ttsge '1 $39,744,%211. The anuuipawd ehurthaI is 119;653;11115," Carroll maid. 'We are ,finding these suntburs don't add yp." The gtwrttall, Carroll eon- tinuad, w aIll the sittf(cru impt►s sililc .W nuike tip since ria• new TDiattitft !buttal slituur4 that comes tittle ,dflcctt Man. 1, 1.996, will taw an ability to tan. "i14tis lis .a rani, tteritu t; problem," fie said. Helen t. elhnsington Pbwnetut Ttannuny De'mUtunt AFP Asemardatted Financial Limited ere 7'tte dlirtomor atiltd1 that therefore, the attlty law SO nate up this dhestaili is through es.per Belot - 'Uons. ''Girvan the srjpillso st annual ems:adnure aaisltflian beginning in )993, astir atlai- horns! rv4luctaj,n *te.ld imposuifdk so achieve, Carroll stated. "We COMM rime titian this kind of moray in -air year." ATTENTION - Existing IMP Holsters who rima 69, 70 or 71 this year! Ulu -tootle your RRSIAs t efr Tilsoanitaer t ! of this year. These :Lar amly B dtteMtatines in choose from 1) Cash in an liRSP 2) . Ptntthare an annuity A) Transfer ..,._, asserts -to nrRREF a/ or 12 interest rates art near 40 -year loss. lire you looktngfnr higher yet conservative returns? How about Armrest, protists tk re favor table tax treatment? tGotll me for a consultation a the pr7iuuoii of your aum shame. 887-9964 or 1400-8698922 "One day thereat be an empty chair..." Q. What ass saw adwantagca vi pre--pwixauing my hues it' JA Tou will meant your laved on= Trate -clic painful thurtlon and auras -that ggoos wit) crying so =aim all of oighr ticcknons about your f uneatal ,Wiasma they ars ika,t able so -maks thorn. Your wisibes about your .Ants will 'ix :known to your survivors and to ,tour dlittstutar. And finally, you will fedi .chs pushes of mini! ttilaat.aetnut* from Winning ahead, maim- .ly, .ly. !lscotillgraverythitng pt.per y.c.amtl for and paid fox. For,yourttelerislpy of•Grie,Oq 22weelf,8eAs,E+ypry Gins, the new 24- p +bostktor (tom the boat -oohing book. .A=5,4 A Ge npio 7ianfrr Max .(r/ho Are by Mobs* stelPAY. 114110740•01,0411•. • Svcs X 3.9571 '.mese sleds are all warme&up and readvto go! 131 ilt9QO CITAT10(11 81.M01'Q'$1 l FUTUFALLitS+ SKI'D094)14ZZAR991,90 f 9t$ 00TO l ,�QptiC; LtC SKI•DgiQttiQUIOULA PLUS '9tittf i 9 1`677 .40 04149940154el W1 YAMAir* iAfr *Mkt:kW VIT11 11 0 19911410;094#00 • fikiltbn9Kili0tM Ari ttO • ti141tDcQQWit44144sPj lj §L •'91 A 101-1 4TOfff '92 SKi•g09 lliE '92 SIil4QQ94411 '83 SKlf9g9St4 �14> 41 113 A1I,Qtt�hT. . t9ftAAgTsIQ ltTtPUM4914U)E !Eft. (1 .. )MACH Z !lifsil'C(CAT THUNCIFOICAT 4:6 1i Q tTOUAING.,LE AMP; jP99fFQRMUTA S . 'lei ER,00,UXE 111510• ' IRQ1Af41g7iQLT '1)1+)119• '0111Q1. AAlS)4iT 0114114t ,1 R. 490OKl•DOO 6140110 A9.l•DOO >I/t1i�lll�TS +6200• `06 �01A1i1S �tTtAitiOA d, p• ZO,SKSKI:000DC(9 ,c-t4lURKI fi60'6400• c ' l,4 IN1 '6090. 1169. •11941C1'DQ91FORIM tS-1111 460919• MOO. 'PO SKI -0Q9,09,441tWAII two. ''81100. , $Kl-OQQFORMULA 40 *Mt 1800. 96 ARCTIC (CAT ZRT 600 "061919• 12700. '86 POLARIS XCR '6100• '20p0 ! 400 MACH 1 '6450. -l22il�. '%!6 SKSKII•000 GRAND 1 4;fiill)19 `7600. Mt SKI -000 MACH Z . 14100. • '96 SKI•D00 MACH ZMACH Wow. 17400. 101. XLT LTD. '6099. 1 p71RQ ARiS _T LTO"6900. 10091409.:10091409.:'97 YAMAHA VMAXXl60.0 XT '6190. W .SMK1149Q 416404 it 07499. '+299. '51p0. `6600• SWORTIO 27'OI2O O,rr'b.LW.a5 M M , udwe•.rb..'rwsr., U.,.e v,*. OW Cud. . etrla' 1t PJ w,�xNA nVJ nMlrvtM.rr.w..el�rl+ter,e�fura�.q�A�ard�n reei�/td�veeglnaehranr• wrAiy., w yd(.a e�► r'tl 76311x. MMe• 14OhM•!6,•••MY. W •✓) 7*'.!1'roy t.YYcbM+olMtlee�W eM►�Y` /.M IPPY TO PUT YOWE'LL Ilk TQOOERICIf iP . 1 i 1/ /- ' t t- f a f t tv