HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1997-09-10, Page 7r.l t urth Manor Nursing Home liquifteedl,,crisp duyf of autumn .As our lazy haay.xiays of summer draw to a -Clete Land we _WNW the 000i, Ceipp-idtiys of !fill 4src Jack bask on the many wonderful occasions .we enjoyed during the pact :month. (►vena hundred residents. tatnilies. visitors and guest gathered on oar front lawn to enjoy .the music of The Western Entertainers. 'We also enjoyed the music of Marie Flynn .and the -Huron -,Strings mho. entenainod for our August birthday party Ooagratuiations to Marie Dalrymple, IJorts Smith, 'Mary M. Coyne. lla Gardner. Mary 'McFadden, Eleanor Sharpe and Adell. Jervis Residents were also happy to have Marian -Rose entertlun fora sing -along. • - Outtngs were enjoyed to Stratford to .the Upper Thames Park as well ns to BiII Gi.bson•s home in Hensel!. Bill entertained everyone with organ music followed by delicious dessert .which inciudcd five kinds of pie' Wk were pleased to have Sheila Adams of Atwood bring her miniature horses.tor an atternuun 01 buggt rides. A "Laurel _and Hardy film had everyone chuckling and the popular movie:'•One Prue Day" was enjoyed. Looking ahead to Sept. we .would like to invite all com- munity members to our WesternMusic Patio Party on Sept. 14 at 2 p.m.-as.woll as our "Clinton Legion Pipe Band Cdn(sert" on Sept. 17 at 7 p.m. For more info. please call 5274)030. Abol INCREDIBLE DublLoots t a', 1 c i birthdays and anniversaries are always a time to celefeate and very special "Dubliners" c nay lob cnloyable. y birthday to 4 great n lady, Joyce Shemin, celebrated on Sept.A. ale all -wish you a very' -happy birthday and good years ahead. i ppy: accond.anni Yoram y tto,Steve :Cod Pain • Shearon .aalho celebrated on the same Aay:;bopt.L9. May both of you have happy years ahead. Joe Eckert .was *axed to :have, a visit .from his daugh- ter.-NancyStorey. Clinton, and \Nancy's daughter, •Sandra. .-irltastfclt sympathy of the community is olttended.to the family, treJativcs.and :many, taaoyt titaoods of James flash ofaforth • who -died at the Sfssforth Community Hospital on,August28. -Our love:and prayers are -with you atihis difticulttime. Don and "Eileen ,Mac.Rae „Ah.. student, Laura Jahkaki. who .cNebratcd ott'fiopt. 1. Also a special little niece, Holly O'Neill celebrates her tuunh buthdsy alt Sept. 5. Anniversaries always arc times to celebrate-. Happy Anniversary, to Yvonne and Vic kichartllilrt of Strathroy (another niece of Dorothy's) who celebrated on Sept. b. Happy 40th anniversary 'so Tun and Charloue Nicholson .who celebrated on August -24. aay Try yearsehead. Congratulations to Janice and Pat Van HakcI'who wore married on Almost 123 :at Egmoodvillo United. Church. Congratulations ttlo•paronts Erie and Arlene •.Meintoah .:and John .and 'Mary Van Bake!. Janice .and Pat,. all your many friends ,wish you happy years ahead. THOUGHT FOR TODAY' When someone says. "Well. to make a long story short," it'S.tOO late. by Dorothy Dillon 345-2883 ir woes guests at the wedding of 'their brother, •Ytsith.DDavidson .and Lorraine "Scott in .Kitchener on 'Sal. -Sept.1). The bride . was -given in mar - nage -by'her. eon. Best roan •was Jim Davidson, Toronto, son of;Keith. Dan Mattka, Keith's sortan.isw read scrip- . Keith and Lorraine .will -be residing •iniCttchener. A -honeymoon to Jamaica is planned in October. Miss f'attiMa ,MacRae, Los Angeles, California was with her -parents, Arm .and +Mary Macgae, R.R. 3,..Monkton for a .few 'days and has now _Birthdays arc .always good -news. Correspondent Dorothy—sends a special Happy •Birthday to •a former litt%sidmits have -njo yd warm slu r /Residents •ot'•:Mapiewood Manor have enjoyed relaxing in the warm temperatures of the,summermonths. The Maplewood Summer Olympics .was•held with:a picnic to start it off. After several games and relays were completed, .the awards were presented to :Edna Tremcer who .won the_gold medal, silver to Bert Walters, and bronze to -Renta Brodhagen. Everyone cer- tainly put .forth their best efforts. We had perfect weather for our family picnic on the lawn. The "Notes of Yesteryear" added music to our festivities. Al Brown. June Cockwell and Tom Workman weree the lucky Elewoodt Manor winners of uur.draws. Norma -Hoetgy .won the -guessing :game contest. Residents chose another perfect day to head to the beach for;a:picnic..Kentucky- fried chicken on St. Christopher's Beach is always.a•hit. May Habkirk invited staff -members to the home of Jackie and Mel Melanson in Meneset Park ,where we -enjeyed -a tour of the park :and.beach.;Before leaving for home .we were treated to a delicious lunch. The Maplewood van is.usu- ally packed when there is mention of going for a drive • in the country. Everyone has been interested in .watching the progress of theoew;water tower. The summer would not be complete -withuut :a visit to the home of Bill Gibaun..The tour of the flower _gardens and the Cash pond .gets better every year. Geri. Fashions of London will be at Maplewood Manor Tues. Sept. • 1 6 from noon (0.4 p.,m. with a fashion show at 2 p.m. .. The "Zurich Connection" will entertain on Tues. Sept. 23.at 2 p.m. Hope you will cume.and join us. Fines double fnr,tnotorists passing school busses Fines doubled at the start of this tnunth for motorists ille- gally passing school busses - with overhead red lights Clashing and stop arm out. First offenders ,now .fitce _a fine of from $4(x) to $2,000. and on a second offence can -For repeat offenders fines be thrown in jail for up to half a year. Transport Canada says chil- dren riding in a school bus In addition a convicted dri- are 16 -times safer than those ver loses six dement points. riding in any other vehicle. have doubled, to $1,000 to $4,000. OferY ONLY home • 00 :,8. Month" Subscription U !G 4NCLUQIN -G.S.T. Sojivionlao . to to -Huron EApositor for 8 ' Months (while yo. e t 4tM ►1) nd -ifitneive . new from -home weekly , €or gy ' ,i:°° (thi¢ -e_pepial -ark* :enci is 'fornts-pn0)• r---5 P.O. Box 69 Seaftrth, ON NOK TWO NAME ADDRESS POSTAL CODE t - CON for Pleatwortolose wdh your ottnq a ;ta7-0240 PNQNE # Mc MIaster Siemon INSURANCE BROKERS INC. •- Diu •HU/4L • • IAVEL *COMAE r i.!Tr 1(\;(...1i1-tANnv. ,BROKERS: 01-Siemon Vicki Sienam Anode McTaggart Llan Proctor Ken Hutttuson 68 Onla►to. Rd. 346.9150 MitChBf l . 1.800.561.0183 iMBiliUMMON 1*+BR, isseasemer ar SEAT ORThh INSURANCE SPOKEN talk 527-'t6'10 . bft>r<ttilig Four 2ktstrteis Is CJlur'J9ttrllrNt!' • Honw*rC nu grcful • Auto • Form • Life • Out ofln(wince Travel Insuratter Call Your:Reppeaentativee rIbdtty • Ken Cardno • Lynn Pieta& • • Bart) Watt • : *mute 4Vill>iiimmaat F(IIRM 9 SALEMF LA'W)) BY PURIIIC t11iC'I'lU The Cornoratiotf of oke County of Humn Take Notice that the lmrd(s) described below will be offered for saie by public auctiotl at IU:W) o'clrnk in•lhe forenoon orc.Nre 7th clay of October, 1.997 at Hums Count). .0 ourt.House, I Courthouse Square, Goderich, • Ontario N7A IM2 Uucnpuort of eau*. aiiai�taaalNtti MI attic imisslimirrpair .s. a rte tract/ err dm,•rrttmt 1 Put of Lot ". Cunecssmwt 1. stent 1)rvmron S7.259.62 As per Instrument Nuinbrt 3375r " 'tuwn tun of Ashtu:lo. County of Huron -Nrovsnce of Oman, - PiKS111. All Lot 21. Plan l3t S6.499.05 M prr instrument Number 12952s SECONDLY: Pan of 5th Avenue. Pisa 133 as Pal 1 un Kelereace Pian 221(-2253 As prr lmtruurent Number 241991 Strom slopped up by Boy -law Number 40.1985 registered as instrumcntNumber 241988 As per instrument Nurnber 261041 Township 01 Iuckersuuth. County of Huron Province of Ommno {. Block "F". . Pian 131 S114;74826 Subject to an easement registered in favour of the Corporation of the Township of lucktxnnnth registered as instrument Number 119375 . As prr instrument Number 248(11`' . Township of Tuckers:unit. it. Cuuniv 01 Huron Provoux of (Interim �. All of Lot 196. Plmr 131 519.736.13 Asper instrument Number 254017 Township of lucketnnnlh. County of Huron Pruvurce of Untano 5..411 of Lot 19'. Plan 131 $16,448:28 As per fnsuuute►rl Number 254011' luwnsinp el Tuckersnnth, County of Huron Province of Ontario - r.. Ali of Lor 36, Plan 133 S184,885.52 As per instrument Number 254011 Township or 7 utisersnnth. County of Huron Province of Ontario 7. Lou 165. Plan 230. Vdfagu of Dungannon 37,240.9 As per Instrument Number 126755 "iuwnship of Woo Wawanush, County of Huron Province of Ontario AIL amounts payable by the successful purchaser shall be payable w full al tlx: WW1 of the sale by cash or money order or by a bank draft or clrcxluc certified by a bank. crust corporation err Province of Ontario Savings Office The uontcyioluy or board makes no representation regarding the Utle to or an"y Uthet matters relating to the land to be sold Responsibility for ascertaruurg these matters rests with the putenual purchasers. 'Dos sale Is govern0t1 by the Afunrafwl lux Saie1 Act and the Municipal Tax Sale,"Kule, Hoc succraslul purchaser will be nitiurred to pay the amount bid plus accumulated laxer and the relevant land transfer his For further infurntatiurt regarding this sale, contact: Itcayurct, Cotporahon oldie County of Huron 1 Cuunfouse SOAK', c udettch, Untorro. N7A 1M2 Personal tnlorrua contained on this toren. collecttxf pursuant to the Atunrupoi ho Scars Act will be used for tlx: purposes of that Act. teluestwn5 should he duccte,l to tltc"Fseeduut of Intonnaton and Privacy Cuordiratur a! We institution responsible lot th-: procedures under that Act THE BIGGEST U THE BEST YEAR END CLEAROUT OF IT'S KIND: SMALLIME WI PRINT ELAM INCLUDE: ,Xourtket payment e No down payment ° No security deposit 4,44o -extra charges r•Noeariy termination penalties *Slap insurance Freight and pre -delivery inspection • Fuel tax • l=ull tank of gas • Licence tee AOer Your Credit Is Approved, yYpiefe9n The Road IFIK911e549w Monthly Fee! 4907 6ZDA PROTEGE ON THE ROAD $279FOR 48 LEASE!!! MONTHS 1997 MAZDA 626 ON THE ROAD FOR 48 LEA6Ell! MONTHS r, x s t t AO A L "Your -Community Newspaper" 633 ERtE$T, $QUTH STRATFORD Toll Ftee �SOQ 4067 YCAILT'i�Tr i;2 - HWY. 0$