HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1997-09-10, Page 6gees alit f Princes
bawl spariplf7
,'pesraaesottessof the BraussOh eae■iinneid,asngte lopyrrings.
chili aRltd obertes Auxiliary "'�"" Aisotaip `iia
nohl15 (slaslasticl. Thanstarti-
pa K
'ialk (dile will be Woes go
af:Diasas,17Nae:Princess of Ivy Hannuntileaft 1Pailkwotad Hospital coat
Wlh is.t.l1>ttsr;sympathy goes October 4 with the zonet:1
out to shetlitiooes William'
and Harry grad shear families.
The Early Bird campaign
began w1 Sept. 1. Please pay
your dues as satcut as possi-
ble. Be air Darty bird.
tall activities are getting
into swing. The following are
already scheduled.
Monday euchres will begin
on Septeinber 15 .at 1:30 p.m.
September 21, Sunday din-
ner.4:30- .'$9 per person.
Takeouts available. Friday,
September 26, . port uck ,sup-
per, seised eneime,6:30,Pan.
$3 peripe:san..aAII:pooaeods
go to prizeasesey.Asosnisy,
September 27,-tmst drlaws,
horse races, JcantOke socia
Cheryl Adair, sats at 1 p.m.
beef on a bun available.
October 11, sake tournament,
$3 per person,.
Cloud tusk to the four teams
of golfers heading to
Scarborough for the provin-
cial golf tournament this
Anyone who %%m d' Bloc . to
donate whet artules:for:Nee
veterans at Parkwood
Hospital phase ioree them at
the Branch before October
30. Needed are.disposable
razors, unscented soap, shav-
ing create (foam) and
deodorant, toothbrushes,
toothpaste, fingernail clippers
(large and small), kteenro.x.
variety' Mow. \Wt could .also
use items of entertainment
fur this shoe. It yuu could
sing, Minix, play ata instru
ment or recite for the veter-
ans please contact me at 527-
Bight nitsntbers of the
Branch and Auxiliary attend-
ed the Zone CI tall
Convention last Sutulyy;in
?This year Zone smears ‘Vet -
:loans dinner will behold in
•froderich ctrl Noveutber 1.
`fttotific:aliwr of thiswrlll soon
Vie, ant o(► theseveermts. •
At -the going down of tie
sun send in the; morning we
toil l rvrsenthev deters.
Back to whoa with pigs kindergarten
1 t was hack to school this
week and balk to the taiditou-
tine of getting to 'lied _Daily
.and getting up Hoary. After
seeing some tired looking
children on Friday Afternoon
• it was clear that itbasbeenra
little difficult getting into the
swing of tugs again: I.Jmo w
that has been the case at our
house. Mrs. Crocker reported
that it had been agreat mock,
things running smoothly with
96 students enrolled, the
same number as last year.
Things to look forward to. are
hot dog meet the teacher
night on Sept. 11, 5:30 to 7:
Terry Fox walk on Sept. 12.
Parents. are invited to join in
the walk around the school
grounds with the children.
Walton was the first school in
this area to participate in the
walk •and now two other
schools have joined in.
Mrs. Scott said that she has
Zit SK and JK.s. Out of the 14
SK only two are girls. Their
unci this week was about
pigs. The children drew pic-
sures 01 pigs. cut out pictures
-of pigs and.talked about pigs -
Mrs.' Bennett has a split
class of Grade 1/2. She said
that they are a nice _group of
, • kids and she noticed how.
helpful they are with each
other. lending a hand to other
children. Their theme is
''eorn.rnunity' and they will
be working en what it means
to be a community.
Mts. Vivian's.split 2/3 class
has 23 kids in her class and
they all worked on "all about
me'• and made some person-
ality plates and a few other
introductory ideas.
The school welcomes new
students. Cassie, Terry and
•Kristen Bressett and Cody
This week the Second Step
program was introxiuced to
LOC Grades 14. It is .a,pro-
Wakes 1
gram which teaches skills
that can help all children .get
along with other people and
do -better in school. The pro-
gram is divided into three dif-
ferent areas - empathy,
Impluse control and Anger
Tor three years Derek
?intake, owner of the Watton
Auto and Small Engine
Repair had set up -shop in
Walton. This weal(•be moved
to Brussels en 13091urnberry
St. South. His,uew shop is
still .going -by tyre same name
and he is -oat ping:that his reg-
ular customers will, continue
to be -served -by him in his
new shop. Rerek:.saslid that the
Walton people were very
supportive of him and the
enjoyed his time there but by
moving into a bigger shop
with more modem equipment
he will be better able to ser-
vice their vehicles. Good Iuek
by Cecilia Ryan
Cemet iy 'Sunday
Cemetery Sunday was bell
un Sunday. September 7*
. the St. Colurnlwn Cemetery.
Mass .was celebrated.* 12
noon by :Reverend A.V. Del
Ciancio. A large crowed Of
relatives .and friepds of the
deceased attended the cele-
bratien. Following Mess 4:of-
lee, jt+ice,rind donuts ?here
served hy•the St. Columban
Catbolia,Wxtptpit's League.
With caerrY .and ,Karen
Ryan, Jason, lAtnaotda ,and
• Jeremy on Bogy.to cele -
bra to A intififie.s ;tM.fl i4(y1
•Cronin's old ldt�y '•+111ere
,Wayne; and,Melita Cff 11 l!.
Christopher and Kyle of
•Lginundviiie,,i,aura Ward of
•Kitchcnor,i)P• MRd. tang
MacI ac,AlftL.ppdon NIr[ark
and Uc a rot
00J of
Kitchener rood cilia tRyan
of St. Colttltabwt.
FCC- and ;ReI4y •Eekeft -Af
Cambridge bpd Sister'
Margaret lyckert of Strathroy
visited last Thursday with
Theresa and Jerome Kelly of
Mitchell, aloe Eckert of
Dsblin,.Ahelaionse ats1,Annie
Cronin siiidicateiliaAeon of
St. Colurnban and Roth and
Rita Kelly of Scaforah.
,Cecilia Ryan spent a week
With ,Mary Jo rind ?John
-Nawn.,Isachary and their
!slim son, Benjamin
loon vf: IK- j . 4405 µ W.
and Russ Bennett
Se.tiforth Manor
ladieg foreland
es odours del
were greeters at Duff's
United .Church on SSstpt. '7
•Rtnv. .'Murray welcomed
evesyvste mid opened the arer-
vice .with the .Call.aaty
Worship. After singingtthe
.Lord's:Payer people greeted
each other and then lames
delivered the announcements.
There wilt be no service next
Sunday, -Sept. 14. as it is the
Bluevale Anniversary.
Sunday school wilbe in full
swing Sunday, Sept. 21 and
children in the community
are ,invited to attend.
•Muaday, Snept. 15 the Walton
UCW are hosting • the .East-
thew'UCW Fall Rally. The
theme is "Music to Live -By'
with guest speaker Dorothy
Claimer' with Mary Moffatt.
There will be .a book display
at 7 and everyone is more
than welcome to come and
listen to this dynamic speak-
.Rev. called Bruce and
Katrin Godkin and their
infant son Mitchell
Alexander up to the frontof
the church where the
Sacrament of 'Baptism was
performed. Standing up .with
them as Godfather to
Mitchell.wasMtebael'l helia-
!Hello .everyone! WiEel1, Atte
Children will -be offtt90 '
soon. it's bard teiilieer'that
summer is wcr. ,1♦46e.>ere;Iook-
ing forward tint the *II wvith
all tisGitroaolf5iisdialuts in:the
We have Had ctwo writun-
:tltrers cow, itt tiespratltsMth.
Ytonald 'Murray .sand tDism
`White have` non.aonitag in
toplay.ettCtbre, kelparithrape-
events sad wisititig'mith
the. residents. WQe Reek tfnr- -
Vlfardtt yourrrisiIttd. -
,eiase this - eery mhtdh.4h .
On August t12, [Bill Gibson
invited us m fiis*lee 'for .ar►
aftcntuon. Wife cnjoyad'tek-
ing at ;his ;lovely flower gar -
:lens and +is fish; pond. life
then invite: ruin and played
-come arisen nwaic. It was
vecy.mice. We also.laljoyed .a
•variety epics, o henttasaarts
and t+oe.111 was a.lovely after-
noon. Thank ;you '.very much
On August 14 we &ad a
pike party on ourfront sawn.
-The `Western Entertainers
from'St. Marys played some
western music'fer.us.'It was .l
beautiful summer afternoon.
'We bad refresinnents .after-
wards, which were..ettjnyeti
by all. Thank you -to every-
one who came out. and a ape-
.cial thank you to The
'Western ,Fntartainers who
played for us.
We would 'Hite 'to say
Happy Anniversary to
'George and :Edith Wright,
their anniversary on Sept. S.
Also, Happy Anniversary to
Norman and Ethel Tuned:
their anniversary is on
September ,13.1M4ay'.they have
many more happy years
Happy 'Birthday to Olive
Sall. Sept. 11 and Doug ,
Stirling, Sept. 27.
Until -[react month. take care
from all the staff et-Seafurth
MauoriRetirement Moine.
Nl utatr.Mta '
ttrnrnrlu •
ttlMsasrAlsM '
'b Asrraaallrn 13
4111"16111n"tnveatmeM i 'Tax Planni
8scure investment Products ... from people you cion tr
EAF1 RTH 96 Alain St. 527-0420
lin 1977/siighteen year old
116nays( tort tus reg to
tin ironer. He was BD
aittselsd by the Buttering of
tnthermancsr patterns that
the decided to run acmes
Canada to raise moray
tor rainier research.
(During his Marathon of
*tope in 1980 Terry ran an
average of 26 miles a day .
:tor 148 -lays until to was
tfaanad•to stop due to a
raaWm of canner. He died
In ;lime 1961.
!hefty` dream to find a
asureforsanoer litres on
tot* in'tne annual Taw
'Through your efforts
llbrry's-oiream and our
sewn dream of'hndinp A
;cure+brrartcer *Vibe
Seafosth's ion will begin
District Community Centre'
.mebetwaen 1:008.
6:00 p.m. September
14th, 1997.
or -more info -cantata itra
Ree Office st 62740862 tar
The Terry Fox Foundation
60 St. 4tair.AvertueEast,
Suite 205
Toronto, Otttano*W t 1615
Phone 1 430136074209 ,
national i@terrytoarun.org
OR TIJ 4t"
t K OMtMiut
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