HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1997-09-10, Page 5',,��. strirnsstlriw M1.e
�' radarexpert atDieppe to check mit German
'!!te trial w�ioJba'Nssr
Yolk ifinsei.itaaarmsdsmir-
sole was neat edsoesve
itioneids—meditemme. A
fossteratikber visits the
Limited iket a en medium of
the trialeopeaeed incamas
rho caseates wad* up. He
announced hikprosestettand
askedaabeiesrd. He feltie
could offerevidence cmcjal
to the case.
He told the court that*
was Col. Jack LIMO= from
England and dtunig the war
was on.Lord Louis
Mountbattet's staff. .Loaf
Mountbatten cateeived the
idea and was responsible for
the planning of the raid on
He order Canadian Officer
Col. Merritt to choose ton
infantrymen -from the South
Saskatchewan Rifles to
accompany Dr. Wardell.
They were all to be crack
shots. Col Laurence added,
"Lord Mountbatten gave
them the order to kill him if
he was in danger of capture
CONTINUED IloolPilto4 she RsttlitBsiskateh wren
lisetthe Palo of Gentian *ms.1 atLse; It -was
Ceasht_leieosc - especially retarsdie in lopaeoret files
*claret afeopi6isti aboo of simply as Dr. Wendell.
theirR.D.E Wasrip They were mamas( hen in
-Bswoss, commonly known geniag,ashore, stay with him
as Radar. at all times and return hint to
Nisaen.ioekodat me almost an escape vessel whertfiis
like a acerber telling a story mission was enrapleed. If it
to a class. lie said, "You appeared at any time that he
know very Brite wasIaown would t oai*u ed. itis own
of the types or kind of Redar guards were to shoot him. It
she Gomm bad to wam of was tort much of a risk to let
invasion." the Germans capture this
had written that man...and he was told this
mason for the raid before he accepted the
top secret plan to land assignment.
snider expert. at Dieppe. An He had spec most of his
expert who could, because of life researching and develop -
his -knowledge and experi- ing radar detection equipment
ecce and powers of observa- with men like Sir Robert
lion, see precisely how Watson Wau, the man credit -
advanced and what kind of ed with inventing wartime
radar the Germans were radar.
using..,and get in and out in a
hurry. This story of Dr. Wendell
In the story he filed he said was so absurd the wordaof
the Allied High Command ridicule from Westbrook
had approved the raid and the Pegler's lawyer seemed to
technician would be accom- confirm Reynolds indeed was
puttied by a small unit made a drunken writer of fiction,
up of ten infantrymen from not truth.
Goal for 'Case for Cure' is $200,000
CONTINUED from page 4
On top of all of these ser-
vices, the CDA also helps
reduce the financial strain for
those who have the disease
and who are on a fixed
income or don't have a med-
ical plan. Supplies to control
this disease can be costly.
The association provides
many supplies like syringes
at a reasonable rate.
I am telling you all of this
because I am asking for your
support. You can contribute
in a painless way by saving
up those beer empties and
donating a case or two to the
CDA on September 27 at
your local Beer Store. Each
of the 428 Beer Stores across
Ontario will be collecting
empties in an effort to raise
5200,000. To meet this goal "Case for a Cure" bottle
we need over two million drive, you will also be help -
beer bottles and cans to be ing to protect the environ -
returned. ment. Those two million beer
1 also want to add that 1 am bottles and cans collected and
proud to work alongside donated will be reused and
employees and for a compa- refilled. At The Beer Store
ny that takes seriously their we estimate that we have
commitment to the oommuni- diverted more than 60 billion
ty. In addition to the CDA, beer bottles away from land -
The Beer Store and its fill sites over the past 70
employees support other years - enough to stretch to
worthwhile causes through- the moon and back 13 times.
out the year. For example. Thank you for this opportu-
our Coin Box Program has nity. I urge local residents to
raised more than $150.000 in drop by their local Beer Store
the first six months of 1997 on September 27 and to
for groups that include the donate a case or two of beer
Canadian Cancer Society. empties to help us in our
Variety Village and the "Case fora Cure" campaign.
Ontario Community Council
on Impaired Driving. Sincerely,
By participating in the Jim Kennedy
Collection for muscular dystrophy up from '96
Seaforth firefighters col-
lected 53,858.95 for muscular
dystrophy on the Friday
afternoon of the Labour Day
They manned four toll
booths around the main inter-
section in town for about
four hours.
The total is up slightly from
last year's collection for the
charity. .
iassrtsr*Moor flan
` oginad wan an to testify to
thereon, "I-was.thsaeastd
hassiniomatisifitme aell1 r.
RoymeldsAbout the raid aid
the tale of the mart who was
given the code name of. Dr.
Wanddl "
snot partner, Jack
b lammed forward in a
tutshedo me, as if he was
passing smstate secrets,
added, 4%'aw people outside
the high Command know that
the information gained on
this aid ahgnt a lootwsy to
aasum the'atreeass of the D -
Dry invasion of ihimpe.'.
rPagisr's b tcrhadso
foamed his astireasse an this
ane incident that whim k was
refuted .so dramatically by
this rFpttatble sad Jtnowi-
elgeable-stranger from
Begland, his oast collapsed.
Reynolds was -vindicated.
The court felt that if some-
thing as bizarre as the Dr.
Wendell story was true - the
otter stories written by him
were likely true as well.
iiellahl adthe story as we
owae'haviggcofthe.l`had to
admit lives a'fascinating tak
and If It assail time h s►arc
iadssd*ranger then .rsedon.1
as having troubleconnect-
ing his story to ourcailier
discussion about his building
c hibits for the Science
Centre in China.
"It was a great story, Jack,
what prompted you to tell It
to me?„
He smiled and said simply,
"Because 1 am Doctor
In memory of...
Diana Mother Teresa
Princess of Wales and Missionary of Charity
If I should die and leave you here awhile,
Be not like others, sore undone, who keep
Long vigils by the silent dusk, and weep.
For my sake - turn again to life and smile,
Nerving thy heart and trembling hand to do
Something to comfort other hearts than thine.
Complete those dear unfinished tasks of mine
And 1, perchance, may therein comfort you.
As a tribute to the lives of Princess Diana and
Mother Teresa, two of the most compassionate
and giving women of our time, trees will be
planted in their memory at the Memorial Path
of the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority
by the
Box & Smith
Funeral Chapel
Monday, Sept. 15
2 Hours Only 6=0° _ 8:00
"A special book signing"
Book Autographs Only Please
Come to The Huron Expositor and buy your
copy of "To Catch a Dream", an autobiography
of Lloyd Eisler and Isabelle Brasseur.
A Great GIdea!
$4)795.+ car
See 'you Monday
(If yrou have already ,puvuMasted,afogpy*QoCatAb
a Dream", feel free to w A 4 by and 41aNge lit ;awtinc 1