HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1997-09-10, Page 1Straight Shooting
Kippen Gun Club blows
away competitors in
U.S. tournament..
See page 9
Your Community Newspaper Since 1860 — Seaforth, Ontario
DHC merge
with Grey -B
The Huron -Perth a
Bruce district health
are expected to
Ontario's health mini
representatives last Th
Thirty-three DHC
province are expe
undertake similar m
reducing their total to
It appears the m
expects the mergers
accomplished so that t
district health council
ing the four counties
funded as a single en
next April 1, the start
new fiscal year, Fras
Huron Perth DHC ex
director; who re
announced his resign
"It is currently not
what the impact o
restructuring will be on
ing DHC staff and s
Bell's press release s
"This and a number of
issues will be addresse
'transitional team' com
of a small number of ex
bers. The transitional
will be appointed by th
of September."
As the DI -IC restruct
takes place both the H
Perth and Grey -Bruce h
councils will need to
nize their workloads so
existing planning com
ments can continue, the
release adds.
nd Grey -
stry told
s in the
cted to
will be
he new
cover -
can be
tity by
of the
er Bell
f this
d by a
e end
IPM winners
"Cultivating Ontario's West
Coast" is the winning theme
of the recent IPM '99 in
Huron County logo contest.
It came from Margaret
Mclnroy of Blyth. The win-
ning slogan, "See Huron
Shine in '99," was submitted
by Les Falconer of Clinton.
Town gives support
At last Tuesday night's reg-
ular meeting, Seaforth
Council supported the local
committee seeking to estab-
lish some kind of town -based
heritage collection to cele-
brate Seaforth's history, by
agreeing to explore a partner-
ship relationship with the
Huron County Museum.
Coun. Heather Robinet
commented some people had
contacted her with concerns
such a display might displace
the Seaforth Food Bank a
Town Hall.
Clerk/administrator Ji
Crocker said it was prem.
ture to even talk about a loo
tion, according to the co
mittee's recent museum sur
vey final analysis.
Phone Correction
A pre -registration phone
number fo; a program on
how those with chronic lung
disease can enjoy active
lifestyles, which begins at
Seaforth hospital on
September 17, was printed
incorrectly in the August 27
edition of The Expositor..
The correct pre -registration
phone number, for this pro-
gram being sponsored by the
Lung Association of Huron,
Perth and being held in the
lower boardroom of the hos-
pital which runs five straight
Wednesdays, is: 4$ 4�.
September 10, 1997 $1.00 includes GST
DOWN IT COMES - A backhoe brought down the east side of the McLaughlin Chev-Olds building on TMS nDSt Dori
Monday morning with not much problem. Trucks carted away debris Tuesday. The roof had collapsed a few years ago.
Manure Workshop in McKillop
Pig farmers get their point across
• •
Expositor Staff
Pig farmers aren't used to
being high profile.
They feel they are unfairly
being painted as enemies of
the environment in the press
these days. The idea that oth-
ers think they are responsible
for "Lake Urine" gets them
Friday's McKillop work- farmers making up five per soil and less pollution, along is
shop was packed, `Bring cent of the population but with profits for pork produc- 1
Your Own Bale" (to sit on), controlling 95 per cent of the .
as one speaker quipped. land this was to be ex ers. He said it is a win-win
Terpstra's Ashfield facility expected, situation• for these producers Cu
would be one of the bigger but it might be wise for pork and the rest of society. tra
88 (aproducers to be "proactive" Hilborn said such nutrient str
producer in southwestern before governments bring management plans have wh
Oxford has a 6,000 -hog barn) down legislation.
in Ontario and seems to have Don Hilborn b become more and more com- bili
become a focus for public and waste managementsuet mon amongst area pork pro- as
debate. It has some crit cs up cialist with te Ontario
ducers in the past five or six Tw
in arms, who say it will fur- Ministry of Agriculture, Food years. sho
cher aggravate an E. coli and Rural Affairs, said "agri- PROPER PROFITS unt
All the buzz at Friday after- sewage bacteria problem culture has always been theManure management sys- corn
noon's workshop on liquid along the Lake Huron shore- original recycler." tems and technology C
manure application in 'line. In the decreases the cost of fertilizer nee
McKillop Township was At one point, Evert Ridder, al practises tin other reaxt of s of and maintains proper profits, logg
about a producers meeting of the Huron Stewardship the world, for instance China, although some farmers still user
the night before and a big Council, who put on Friday's agriculture in Ontario looks have doubts about manure as ed u
article in that morning's edi- workshop in an attempt "to pretty good, he said. We have a chemical replacement, the • lain
tion of The London Free do something positive to lots of manure but lots of OMAFRA waste specialist reco
Press on Joe Terpstca, whose address the issue," had to, land base to spread it on, commented. And, there is he a
Acre T farms is building a remind the many in atten- which isn't the case in even still ence
fair amount of differ- In
3,400 -hog barn in Ashfield dance that "application is more highly agricultural ence in farming practises Coun
Township, only one of 12 what we're talking about developed countries such as here in Huron. said
production sites scattered today." Holland, which just doesn't We need a reliable way of Go
across Grey and McKillop. PROACTIVE have enough land. monitoring manure spills and Cliffoe
"It was one of the most Host fanner John Arts said A nutrient management shutting them down, he said. He
interesting meetings I've ever pork producers are "front approach, in which ghi hl More than 40 per neat of "cold
been to," one pig farmer was row, centre" for the environ- controlled manure applica- manure spillage in Ontario is realize
overheard to comment on the mentally conscious in the tion is used to 1 su le- relatedrRoberts,irrigation. roil
night before' s producer's get- press and other media at pre- ment chemical fertilizers, Gary Rbertr, ano d Agri p id
t together. sent. He suggested that with produces better crops, better mist with Stratford Agri said
CONTINUED on page 2 Gode
m•a ' and w
a tiger pointing won t solve wa . as well
ter pro -totem n
m There is a bl
Being handed over
with no repairs
Hullett objects
to road
from county
SSP News Staff
Although a roads study is
still being undertaken by the
county to determine what in
fact constitutes a county read,
Huron County Council has
decided to download several
of its roads to the municipali-
At the Sept. 4 meeting of
Council, 19.5 kilometres of
county roadway was returned
to the municipalities.
Colborne Twp was given
responsibility for a one kilo-
metre section of County
Road 37 from the Goderich
airport to Highway 21, and
Stephen Twp. was given 4.3
kilometres of County Road
21 from County Road 4 to
Highway 4.
In Howick, 2.1 kilometres
of County Roads 29 and 33
were downloaded along with
10.5 kilometres of County
Road 28 from Highway 87 to
the Bruce County boundary.
County Road 31 from
Dunlop's Tomb to Highway
21 was also transferred to
Colborne Twp., but before it
transferred it will be legal -
closed by the county.
Hullett Reeve Tom
nningham objected to the
nsfer of a one kilometre
etch of County Road 22
ich became the responsi-
ty of Hullett Twp as well
East and West Wawanosh
ps. He said the road
uld not be transferred
it the county provides
e needed upgrades.
unningham said the road
ds upgrading because a
ing company is a main
of the road and has stat-
nless the road is main -
ed year-round, it will
nsider doing business in
that case, "Huron
ty would be the loser,"
derich Reeve Bill
rd did not agree.
said it may seem
but townships have to
they can't dump their
ms on the county.
you want problems,"
Clifford, "the town of
rich has a lot of them
e'll dump them on you
a Cu
problem with are very applicable and pro- thousands of dollars. Manure include privt tc sewage treat- hocot
water quality in the Lake vide a good base for action," storages cost tens of thou mural facilities, municipal wilt ha
Huron watershed which Tom Prout, the general man- sands of dollars to construct.sewage treatment facilities,
includes elevated levels of ager of the Ausable-Bayfield Many cottage lots do not wildlresurf
the bacteria E. coli. But gyp- Conservation Authority, have enough space for new stock �operfe u operations; cultural live- f before
cration, not finger pointing, states in a press release in the septic systems." • Sources of raw sewage ' receive
will solve the problem, local wake of this meeting.
agencies and provincial gov-
ernment ministries agreed at
a meeting Aug. 21.
The group included repre-
ntatives from the Huron
unty'Health Unit, Huron
duration of Agriculture,
ron Pork Producers'
ociation, Environmental
Plan, area conservation
'horities, and representa-
s frothe Ontario min-
gy, and agriculture food
i ff
ningham responded
y pointing out most of
her transferred roads
ve drainage work and
acing done to them
the municipalities
them. County Road
wever, will be trans -
as is."
dded Hullett Twp, is
to maintain the road
er what, but in fair -
anted the county to
me care to the road,
p until this point has
ven little attention and
ng to break down.
id into the system as
everyone else," said
es ofenvironment
rura affairs.
vocal wa
E. Coli isn't the only prob-
lem but is currently receiving
attention because it is the
indicator used to determine
when Lake Huron is posted
as unsafe for swimming," he
says. "Phosphates, nitrates
and cryptosporidium are also
of concern"
Farmers are as diverse as include private septic s s-.: fer ho.
any other group, he adds, and tems, municipal sewage sy fened
over the years he has seen a tems and agricultural li prepared
change of attitude with "more stock operations;
(of them) willing to report • Bnrtetia can survive in none matt
neighbours who are polluting water and soil of watercou geva, w
the environment. Some Terni- es and on beaches; give so
ers even indicate they would • Rainfall flushes ba .. which u
been gi
like first offenses to include a from streams into is starti
fine of S 10,000," Huron; "We pa
well as
In defence of the county's
actions, Usborne Twp. Reeve
Pat Down said the section of
County Road 22 in question
CONTINUED on page 3
The general manager says • Wave action stirs up se
No one sector can finan- local studies by the conscrva- ment on the beaches and
claily afford to fix the prob- tion authority and environ- bacteria in suspension in
lems on their own. Aging .mens ministries of both feder. water where it is sampi
municipal lagoons require al and provincial govern- • E. Coli bacteria ca
improvements and expan- meats have found: eye, car, nose and t
sions costing hundreds of • Sources of bacteria CONTINUED on.