HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1997-09-03, Page 11u isairiTAmreaSALE, (f1.cAw-o1rmaNKs) BLUEWATER err r •., - 40. 4 M 4e Albert 1st., Mien 4111101111 TO UST GROUT GIVE US A'11RY Tony & Wry Hones!Vanden 233431x8 rf ) CSNiRE ST.. d11111OISWLLE• listing. This saoWsnt 8060 q. ft. family home has 3 + 1 bedrooms. great family room, ntral air & vac. Including 2 oar garage and healed - 20' x 40' workshop. Featured on beautiful large bL Cal today. NEW USING: McKillop Township Farm. 200 acres of prime agricultural cash crop land with 11 stony. 3 bedroom horse, new furnace. SMALL POULTRY FARM: 4.7 acres. 4 bedroom horse end 13,000 sq. ft. ban, 7500 broiler quota. Call for details. `Tc List or Buy Give Us A r\, 26. HELP WANTED OPENING SOON UNDER NEV. O\'/NEHtil-fl. We are now seeking new staff including Waiters/Waitresses, Bartenders & Kitchen Staff. Experience preferred. Please forward resume to: Murphys Pub & Eatery c/o Box 395 Clinton, Ont NOM 1LO Pub & Eatery CLINTON (31. SERVICE DIRECTORY WILL TUTOR in my own home. Betty Beuttenmiller 527-0282 31- 34-11 FAX SERVICE Have your important documents faxed at the Huron Expositor office. 100 Main St , Seaforth. 1st page 81/2 x 11 $4.00, additional pages to same phone number 51.00 To receive a fax at our office the cost is $1.00 per sheet. (ST ei(ira). For more intorration` • �1 phone 527-0240 31-01xtf '36. ANNOUNCEMENTS fIMMIN JIT Mervin a Windy thank the Lord for the sde arrival of Heidi J is4l, she Lined our farrtrly at tllaiderth Oonmauruty Hoap+W en Saturday, August 9. 1997 at 4:41 p.m. weighing 6 lbe 4 oz. Anziouety awaiting her arrival were 0ariek and Hailey. Heidi is *Moaned by grandparents Joe 6 Frances Kucman of Weiland and Keith 6 Janet 8aohert of Watton, as well as many aunts, undies 6 cousins. Another great granddaughter for Bert 6 Mabel Bathed of Seaforth, Rachel Bender of Tavistock, Frank & Susana Kucman and Bibiane Dube all of Wetland. 43-88x1 mittradowir saw IP NIP 1Nta1y� >1N! MIND UN TO SAX W The War Amps 36. ANNOUNCEMENTS i CANDIDATES INFORMATION NIGHT FOR Potential Candidates for COUNCIL MEMBERS, PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION AND SCHOOL BOARD TRUSTEES For the TOWNSHIP OF WEST PERTH (Formerly the Townships of Fullarton, Logan, Hibbert and the Town of Mitchell) Will be Held In The Mitchell Town Hall On Thursday, September 11, 1997 at 7:30 p.m. Hear about the changes that have taken place because of amalgamation. Don F. Feeney Returning Officer REPAIR AND REFINISHING of turnrture and antiques. handstrippang also custom made furniture built to your plans. Robert Ker RRs1 Seaforth. Phone 527 0786 31-35-tt ALUMINUM AND CUSTOM WELD- ING ornamental railing. trailers. custom hitches prgpcattle penning. machinery repairs and fabricating Phony; Peter De Jong 523-4816 Londesboro 31-35-tf PHOTO COPIES Photocopying Service available at the Huron Expositor office. 100 Main St Seaforth. 8' x 11 copies 25 cents per sheet. 81/2 x 14 copies 35 cents per sheet. (GST and PST extra) Phone 527-0240 31-01 •tlaxe CONTRACT/AK; t 7 •TRUCKING •GRAVEL •SANG & STONE • BULLDOZING • EXCAVATING • TOPSOIL *SEPTIC SYSTEMS & SHOP....118Lw992V RR3 Clinton Ras. 482-9212 \'IAS Abattoir an Meat Mar et H . 83-310 miles east of Exeter 2:D`; 1 1.' Try us for CUSTOM KILLING and PROCESSING Kill Days -Tuesdays OUR SPECIALTY Horne cured and stroked meats processed exactly the way you like it. (34. PERSONAL A.A. If you think you have a drink- ing problem Alcoholics Anonymous has worked for millions CaII 527- 1650 or toll tree 1-800.706.9833. 34-35-11 • 36. ANNOUNCEMENTS AD AND NEWS DEADLINE Tho deadline for news copy, clas- sified and display advertising for The Huron Expositor. Seaforth is Mortday at 1 p.m. Phone 627- 0240. 36.01-tfnxe Get a good thing going AI a x ed 57 ci I In,hl r•v /Own '' NOTICE OF NOMINATION - FOR OFFICE Municipal Elecuoas Act, 1996 (s.32) NOTICE is hereby given to the Municipal Electors of the CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF WEST PERTH (fomtetly the Townships of Fullerton, Hibbert and Logan and the Town of Mitchell) HURON -PERTH PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD - One to be elected (for the Municipalities of West Perth, Perth South and SL Marys) PRENCH LANGUAGE SEPARATE021100LIIO, - One to be elected (for the Counties of Perth. Oxford and Grey) Nominations to be filed at the City of Woodstock FRENCH LANGUAGE PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD - One to be elected (for the Counties of Perth. Oxford. Elgin and Middlesex) Nominations to be filed at the City of London VOTING DAY - Monday. November 10. 1997 DATED THIS 3RD DAY OF SEPTEMBER. 1997. For further information. please call DONALD F. FEENEY CLERK FOR MUNICIPAL ELECTION TOWNSHIP OF WEST PERTH Fullarton, Ontario 1-519-229-8828 CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF PRELIMINARY UST OF ELECTORS CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF WEST PERTH NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 1 have complied, with section 22 of the Municipal Eledioos Act, and that I have mode available in the following offices: (1) Fullerton Township Administration Building, 5692 Perth Line 20, FuUorton, Ontario (2) Hibbert Township Office, 3965 Perth Rood 180, Dublin, Ontario 13) Logon Township Office, 6082 Perth Line 44, Bornholm, Ontario (4) Mitchell Town Holl, 169 St. David St., Mitchell, Ontario the list of all persons enticed to be electors for municipal elections in that word, and that such list remains there for inspection. I HEREBY CALL UPON ALL ELECTORS to examine the list and file applications for revision of the list for the purpose of including the names of electors who hove been included or mtaking odditions,or corrpdions to or deletions from the list The lost dote for filing application is Monday, November 10, 1997. Applications shell be mode in wri'rng.and shall be filed a) in person, by dee applicant or by his or her agent (during normal office hours of each municipal office) b) by moil, by the opplicont DATED THiS 1ST DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1997. For further information, please colt DONALD F. FEENEY CLERK FOR MUNICIPAL ELECTION TOWNSHIP OF WEST PERTH Fullerton, Ontario 1.319.229.8828 37. MORTGAGES • 1" & 2"a AbaoluWy No rant Fees Available as low as 6.5014 Mttlrst Personal Leant it you qua8Iy, ymanttl t . 41, '10,000 '83.33 '15.000 *125.00 Consolidate your debts Caul {61f1) L3 -0i11 -11)1'! t (38. AUCTION SALE at ▪ Lobb Auction • ern. Clinton 12 place setting RRobert ose" �l• 8 dsbee. bp riding mower only 3 years old. antiques. furniture and appliances 46. IN MEMORIAM MCNICHOL: In loving memory of a dear fattier Andrew, who passed away 5 yews ago Sept. .8, 1992 and a dear mother Verna who passed away June 23, 1973. We seem to see in tete soft dim light The laces we love the beat; Recalling them as the sun's last rays Go down in tete far off west We miss them more es ante goes on, We can never close our hearts; And tete lamp of our love eitR1 bums. Thptr hearts the trUpst I LU*l;tha world, Theirieve the port to raaR; Nora on oath mild take thek They are ad i the deafest of.Ml. Fpndy ramembared by Stoma, ob.and,faintly. (a.Aua'ow ) (31.,tucrioNSALE Sale of Land By Public Auchan Municipal Tax Sales Act, 1954 The Corporation eft Hie Town et Sealer* * Ike Hoarse that the laud(,) listed bestow will be offered for sale by public auction at 11:00 in the forenoon on the 11th day of September, 1997 at 72 Main Street South, (second floor Council Cbaasbers) Seaforth Ontario. Descriplien.( Lands Mirtirmstrn !id 116,11+1.23 Lot 52. Part Lot 53, Plan 387 in the Town of Seaforth. County of Huron Municipal Address and 29 Huron Street, Seaforth Al! amounts payable by the su:,.zssiul purchaser shall be payable in full at the time of sale by cash. money order, or by a bank draft or 'cheque certified by a bank, trust company or Province of Ontario Savings Office. The municipality makes no representation regarding title to or any other matters relating to the land to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rest with the potentia! purchasers. This sale is governed by the Municipal Tax Sales Act, 1984, and the Municipal Tax Sales Rules. The successful purchaser will be required to pay -the amount bid plus accumulated taxes and relevant land transfer tax. For further information regarding this Sale, contact: James Crocker, Treasurer, Corporation of the Town of Seaforth 72 Main Street. P.O. Box 610. Seaforth, Ontario NOK IWO (519)527-0160 47. CARDS OF THANKS ) SACHERT We would like to express our thanks to Dr. Carotin Shepherd tor her excellent care of us dunng our 9 months together and through our delivery Thanks also to all the nurses and statf of Sealorth Community Hospital for everything they did to make our stay enjoyable To those who visited. sent cards. gifts and goodies, thank you as well Wendy and Heidi. 47-36x 1 SCHAOE We would like to express our sincere thanks to Dr's, nurses and staff of Seaforth Community Hospital. Special thanks to friends and relatives for visits, cards, donations to Melville Presbyterian Church the Cancer and Arthritis Societies, to Rev Catherine Campbell and Rev. Mark Gedcke Neil. Don Kent Schade and Bryan and Caroll Dully- 47-36x1 47. CARDS OF THANKS UOKELLAR Hi family, friends and relatives. The many ads of kindness shown to me since my recent eye surgery sure meant alar. The phone calls, cards. visits and gift basket from Legion Branch 156 were really appreciated. Thanks to Corrie for helping out with the house and to my brother Paul for babysitting me A special thanks goes out to Dr. Zettel and Norton. Seaforth, Dr. Hutnik,'University Hospital and Dr. Gonder and his staff from the Ivey Institute of Ophthalmology, Victoria Hospital. Westminster Campus London- At tines like this it is nioe to know people care. Thank you. - Helen. 47-36x1 SHOLDfCE Graham, JoAnne and family would like to thank all 'their friends and neighbours tor flowers and cards at the time of my mother Peg Sinclair's death. Also many thanks for meals etc served to my husband while 1 was away. - 'JoAnne. 47-36x1 CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE 'Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country' CONN EVENTS HOSTALOtA4LAMA FALL SHOW SEPT. 7NT IO -4. 65 Dutra. butt* 4105 srW Wagms. Osman, wed. cid bd r6aq pasters. rm. G0Mdrs. pekrd.. Sar Wan 5Ys, tinea, Cake. boots, documr10. WSW. yorbceds. too* bodes. towline. automobile. W ' mediae. tem mus.c. pboloplapt* apbsmra. Fair- grounds Auditorium, *00053OCK. Ontario Dealer Nunes 1.aS,27e7313 a1Iuwss OPPS. 00VERNMENT FUNDS. Oovwnnwu aawtarce pro- grama 64014014 awbbl% Fa yea Al. a 414116q bream 1160644085.01149)01401149010)54ps of Was Cas t100.6tSJ615 CHRISTIAN FRANCAISE Nope aerigpoler.d 11rat- so we 100 1a Christen marten .set todys ladeeb- py. Horne bawd. Fug Lama and %aeon CN 1400 469.7326 EARN SUBSTANTIAL frumps Wrong 141 meant' Propw to WOW/ seduce lases WAN W.A ban horn.. MI man. Na ARM 11063224166 Ed. 9003. 2 min. message SELF MOTIVATE0 ENTREPRENEURS. Oon't :pard a foams on 1e-thw,MYa bandis troops few hoar Nd MIM. hiding provided. Manua 0000s64r4. Free Ho 1/0032241 .Est.44A7 CAREER MUM CERTIFICATE COURSES! Lam twee la prmtpellGmt or basic bookkeeping by car.rpordancs. icor Ira. telae,. ma chapatti u 4 R Tal $duds. 1316 Porn We Hwy . WIntigeg. Maned*. 103T 286. 1400465 SI44. Errauia 16oul lee 1a, t6)a 60r60., EYPLOYYSNT OPPS. TRANSPORT DRIVERS NEEDED. A myon calla b accepting 5910. ar110 ow &WNW No •prima spewed . eviler* pry For Warder a appfcalion ton pfd (ream Truce Nem School 1100461.1 1.106263. 47n FOR SALE SAMARA. $409S SAW 1065 M10 BOARDS. planks Warns Laps capably Barr some vale MI 4*re Free inkianstion 14066644699. Non•ood $..m0), RR2.100ece y. One°POE t03 . ADM 1 ENTERTAINMENT Order we best atlas b, attl and pay be. FREE ,coo dell! FREE eyed calm 1p4e Oaaeel FMC Vda. 4840 Ann 2014), shrine 01 QnbecHIC 10. HELP WAITED EMMA EXTRA MONEY slip C 0 M Cies' Wpm Lem . d toys ed 9Ae CM 619266.7605. W 010256-0707 M ' wean bee taatop es and 06114Won 1618 en mon dead opportunity SALES HELP WANTED M11EN100N STUOENTS1 Mita a M d seamy Wag anodise Ors. iter react nabob. Nott* to pay Wince. Fall ddwy 1100.3633669 PAY TELEPHONE SERV. ME GIFTED PSYCHICS. P,obbaa n hruwWdn at*? Frindebved oras turnpike* you? Fed tricky b Wow? Roadie loved a10*51w dream G6 1100451-21$1, 24 era. 16.. 0.7SW, ADVICE? 11ELP7 Cal belay ed bi 10 ate d mnyqy digs Ws your dtoke. Lae. Ahoy &Wa..t4.& Oen ea Ad** 1-003-4514065. 24tin. 10., 544 ADOPTION ADOPT FROM RU65M1 TM dale roans Nin only • bo mar* and can be Winced Consul you apeaabN 1M adoWa wenn al 00S-521.2067 STEEL OUILDINGS STEEL OOLONGS FOR SALE .Erastc4Wd 25.40 vet 55.424. no. 64.956. 32 a 44 ass UAW, no. 55,521 4o a 00 4W6AI0. ran D.6u Uarre Gwen Pioneer 1400468 34 22 • We ANordsbts • We Fist • We Easy • One SIN Dees N An • Northam Ontario $36 • Eastern dniarfo 4138 • Was am On$aio $130 • t:snfral Ontafo $ 934 • AN Ontario 4390 • Ndond Packages Available • CA Rid papa nor ata& • Community CAlgn¢ar WED., SEPT. 3 1:30-3:30 p.m. - Senior Shuffleboard at the Arena 6:00-10:30 p.m. - AM Lakers Hockey Practices 7:00-9:00 p.m. - Fall and Winter. Registration at the Arena THUR. , SEPT. 4 6:00-10:30 p.m. - AAA Lakers Hockey Practices 7:00.9:00 p.m. • Fall and Winter Registration at the Arena FRI. , SEPT. 5 - 6:00.10:30 p.m. - AAA alters Hockey.Practtoes SAT. ,SEPT,6 8:00-9:00 a.m. • Mite Hockey Practice 9:00.10:00 a.m. - Tykes Hockey Pretties 10:00-11:00 am. - Novice Hockey Practice 11:00.12:00 a,m. - Atom Hockey Practice 12:00-7:30 p.m. - MA Wats XPrso 4p..m.-- Pa. W e Hockey Praotlai 6:304:90:1pen.-*NOIR MOW Practice SUN., SEPT 7 9:30-10:30 a.m. - Midget Hockey Practice 10:30-1:30 p.m. - Western Region Ringette Practices 4:30-10:30 p.m. - AAA Lakers Hockey Practices MON., SEPT. 8 7:30-10:30 p.m. - Minor Sports Council 13lnyo at the Arena - Tonlght's host is Minor Ball TUES. , SEPT 9 9:00.10:00 a.m. - Fitness Is Fun with Dravida at the Arena 10.'00-11:00 a.m. • Line Mali ang with Drusilta at the Arena 6:30 p.m. - Seaforth Hoepipd Awdibuy Potluck Supper and Meeting Conference RQ9rnN2. 12 Noon - Seaforth Women's lnstit44e Pot Ludt at Kay o'Rotrke 8:004:30 p.m. - AAA Laker Hook y Practices .200.11(OOp m. • Geli rlikkaa Hod* Proolice EE) , SEPT 10 1:304g8pm.-64nior fithi lt**11Ad1110.Arena 1180 te9,b,�.Pp4fl�. - Fit 0•99t�lap tftltli flrulSa! MN N W1A'e nonprofit sere to EEspositorat atc7rotion Jc�n� . Dr °Mandan The t'twer, Werth_ ,00.01014:g tine ln akin°. al the sofscUsd dew Frite.paNkaltalos do, *DC nem. of "Ant and loet _oriff SPIN for M•9PreffnunPi Um** Ar/.11, 41107.41 We would Ike 10 OW* ewry.ne who aMenrtrd our Suck and Doe, or helped out in any other way. A special trades to our Wadding Party and lerni iss for all ewer hard work organising such an enjoyable evening. H was reeky appndatsd Anne tdarie and Steve 47-36.1 Roobols arrive 50 years ago Hensall by Liz Sangster 262-2715 On September 8 it will be 50 years since the Roobol family arrived in Canada. The Roobols left Rotterdam on the 8th and arrived in Canada on the 20th. The voy- age took two extra days due to rough seas. For seven months they lived in Quebec before coming to the Thames Road area where they lived for two years. One and a quarter miles east of Hensall was their home for four years. Mr. Roobol was employed at Centralia and then at the Radar School at Clinton as a custodian supervisor. In 1965 they built their home in Hensall where Mary still lives. One daughter, three grandchildren and six great- grandchildren complete their family. The Hensall Shuffleboard scores for August 26 are as follows: Tom Williams 571, Jim Davis 503, Ina Williams 498, Dave Woodward 453, Pearl McKnight 481. John Pepper 448, Edna Dietz 442, Merle McLellan 439. Families in Hensall. and surrounding area, are advised that registrations are still being accepted for Tinker Tots Co-op Nursery School and Kids' Club, in Hensall. Families interested in learn- ing more about this special school should ' contact Michelle (262-2612) or Laura (262-3240). For more infor- mation about Kids' Club, call Barb (262-3025) or the class- room (262-2305). Guns recovered. On Wednesday, provincial police in Huron County reported Wednesday all but one of the weapons reported stolen from a residence in Stephen Township two days previous had been recovered. "Several of the other items that were also stolen have been recovered as well," the OPP press release notes. "No charges at this time" but the investigation continues. According to the police report of the original occur- rence; "unknown suspects entered a residence at Lot 33 in Stephen Township and removed: a 44 magnum semi automatic rifle, Marlin 32 special rifle. single shot bolt action 22 rifle, 225 antique rifle, Winchester model 12/12 gauge shot gun, pellet gun, Knickerbocker double barrel break action 12 -gauge shot gun, Crisbow crossbow, wood -handled Tock -blade knife, VCR, CD player and game player. KENNEL r CLUB presents the following courses: 1. MOTIVATIONAL RABIC OMNINENCIL lrutructor: Larry Phillips. St. Marys 2. CONINAMMION NIMMNANO Instructor: Linda Brox. Waterloo 'tonna l'IXTDAT f iPT.*. 1a 7 FOR 8 W*ZM; at the Seaforth Fairgrounds Agricultural Society Building HANDUNO: 7-8 pm OBEDIENCE: 8.9 pm COST: '80. PER COURSE Health Certificate Required Pre -registration required For more information call DEBBIE