HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1997-08-27, Page 13(47. CAMS OF TIMES ) &k.1144111610111.1A61 .4US. 'Man: ki 1ebigg ateseaty of admit hwband. Nam, gramtpa miaow ,greed am ttitto tweed away 1 you avo. Amami 27. MOS :7loaS1etNMapseet. Me *hook We WM thought the end was MM. And only Mose who nave feat can Mlt. The eon of paeptg without newt Mere -each day we miss you. Friends may thank the wound is heated. But they tithe know the sorrow Thatlies within our hearts concealed Lovingly remembered and sadly mired by wile Karen and Family. 46-36x1 FLANAGAN: In loving -memory of our ,dear *on. brother and uncle, Brian who passed away August 30 4981 !No length of tune oen take away Our thoughts o1 you from day to bay. ;You live with us in memory aril, Not iust.today but always will Loved, missed and remembered, Mom, Dad, Brothers, Sealers. esteems and nephews. 46-35xlcc HILDEURAND: In bung memory of a dear Dad and Papa George who passed away August 29 1992 Remember him with a smile today. He was not one for tears. Reflect instead on memories. of all the happy years We call to mind the way he spoke. And all the things he said, His strength, his courage and the way he loved us. Remember that instead. The good advise he gave us. His eyes that shone with laughter. So much of him that never died. But lives on ever after Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by Ruth, Steve, Jennie and Emily. 46-35x1 HILDEBRAND: In loving memory of a dear husband George who passed away five years ago August 29 1992 If 1 had all the wood to give I d give it, yes. and more, To hear your voice, to see your smile To visit Mends, play cards -awhile But since this special dream of mine Gan never really come True, i m grateful for the years I've lived And laughed and loved with you Always remembered and sadly missed by his wife Hazel. 46-35x1 EEDV: In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather Clifford who passed,away 3 years agp August 26 1994 We often think of days gone by, When we were all together, A shadow o'er our lives has,cast. Our loved one's gone forever. Sadly missed and lovingly remembered t., his family. 46-35-1 NNW To all the emit et Oa Booth Osa.uNty Fklspiald, a ltearMalt thanks for all the Boat pare 1 rsseived. A wed Moak you ..to Lynn a Mary a Dr's-Ftedetey • a fooya&Mrs. Thank youkaseeet flor all the Sewers, owls, fruits etc, tram W my bawls a neighbours Thank you mint - Fanny Wast. 47- 35xtec LAMONT 'Thank you. to my *wady, Mends and ooeforke s for doe beauMul Dards. gilts and Sowers and my tamely for tate surprise party: It was a wonderful and unforgest•bie birthday - Judy . 47-35x 1 FORREST • eaNNETT Thanks to everyone who • helped make our Buck 'n' Doe a wonderful success t3pecial thanks to our wedding parry and parents for all their hard work. We had a Brest time. Dwain and Sherri. 47.35x1 THAMER The family of the late Ruth Thamer would like to express their sincere appreciation tor the food, flowers. donations and cards of sympathy from their family. fnends and neighbours Your aces of kindness during our loss of a dear mother and grandmother have meant a lot • to us Special thanks to Dr Flowers, Dr McGregor and nurses on 2nd floor at Wngham and District Hospital for their care. Rev Paul Ross for his prayers and words of comfort, the Walton United Church ladies for providing lunch and to the Steven Betts Funeral Home Brussels Your kindness will always be remembered Paulen° John Shirley. Judy and Ruthie and their families 47-351(1 DIEHL I wish to sincerely thank all my friends and neighbours for all the beautiful birthday cards I received - Ida. 47-35x1 More flooforth northward tfbaasfllllge 7. ----tepee Tien Hoff, $6; ISINISILUNNIR Hugh Hitioott, 97; LOBMiOe Bill Stewed, 96. tely re covered yogi re not. All woks aro waleame in SCOREBOARD. They ahead be Mg*bk sed askant ed by maim Meade), so trey am be typed • in time for publication. Who? Where? Wren? What sad bow? That's what we want to know. Oar newspaper likes it relatively recent, too. Take particular care with -proper aamea, since nobody likes to see their ewes spilt wrong in the paper. Spare depends on the amount of advertising add. We will design SCOREBOARi) report sheets for your particular sport, if Beed be, then make them available et the areaa,Tke Expositor office or wherever. Our number is 327-0241. Hockey player going to Notre Dame Chad Chipchase of Clinton has accepted a four-year hockey scholarship at Notre Dame College. The 18 -year-old veteran of Waterloo's junior B •Siskins chose the -school over the junior A Sudbury Wolves, who drafted him. The 6' 1". 190 -pound forward, also had hockey scholarship offers from Harvard, Michigan State and St. Lawrence uni- versities. 5ommunity Calendar WED., AUG. 27 1:30-3:30 p.m. - Senior Shuffleboard at the Arena 8:00-9:00 p.m. - AAA Lakers Hockey Practices THUR., AUG. 28 6:00-7:30 p.m. - AAA Lakers Hockey Practices 9:00-11:00 p.m. - Centenaires Hockey Practice FRI. , AUG. 29 43 1&-iaa6p:rn.--Heekey-Seheol Game Day SAT., AUG. 30 SUN., AUG. 31 MON., SEPT. 1 7:30-10:30 p.m. - Minor Sports Council Bingo at the Arena - Tonight's host is Minor Hockey TUES., SEPT. 2 6:00-9:00 p.m. - AAA Lakers Hockey Practices 9:00-11:Q0 p.m. - Centenaires Hockey Practice WED., SEPT. 3 1:30-3:30 p.m. - Senior Shuftleboard.at the.Arena 6:00-10:30 p.m. - AAA Lakers Hockey Practices 7:00-9:00 p.m. - Fall & Winter ,Registre ion Night at the Arena H you're organizing a non-profit event of interest to other Seaforth area residents, phone the recreation office 527-0882 or the Expositor at 527-0240, or mail the information to Community Calendar. The Huron Exposuto: Box 89, Seaforth, Ontano, NOK 1 WO well in advance of the scheduled date. Free fisting includes date, time, name of event and location only. Space for the Community Calendar is donated by The Huron Expositor. 7 4t "Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country" GOVERNMENT FUNDS. Government assistance programs information available. For your new or wasting business. Take advantage of the government grants and bans. Cat 1.800.915- 5 TRAVEL AGENCY FRANCHISE • discover why Travel Proles- siohals International is Canada's ONLY way to enter the Tavel Business. Full-time, Part -lime, home based, or storefront. Investment 115,010. Fiwleiciig available! 1-800-799-9910. AMAZING FACT. The Internet wit grow by 2,700% in 24 mos. Huge earring potential with Canada's lastest growing Internet Franchise. Full training. investment required. 1.888.878.7588. EARN SUBSTANTIAL Earnings beginnrg 1st manta Program to drasticaly reduce fixes lawfutyl Work from home. Will train. Not MIA. 1400-3224169 Ext. 9903, 2 min, message. FREE 900 RS.,.Psydiicines, Datelines & morel Earn tip to $L40 Per minute. tnjphfy profitable. Call today for a tree brochure 1.888.287.4444. A NEW CAREER! t .ern income lax preparation or basic book- keeping. Tax deductible certificate courses. For FREE brochures, no : 11 & R Tax Schools, 1345 Pembina Hwy., Winnipeg, MB, R3T 286. 1300465.4144. Erpiire about free franchise larritories. BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER... with our great home -study course. Cell today for your FREE BOOK. 1.800.267.1829. The WritingSchool, 38 McArthx Avenue, Suite 2844, Ottawa, ON KIL8R2. COUNSELLOR TRAINING ini8Me of Carwda offers on -cam- pus andcorrespondence courses tweed a Diploma in Coun- seling Pracate, to begin this month. Free rawogue, aft 24hrs.1800485.7044. COOMiPgUTEAS. No ss co necessary. h Qorn prop yW mil &pp#oertte. OS COS lot baei•e0 - 9578. IIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMI 9 UMW F Oram! Aaor 's Wad , • conlinuoue . ccppeerr- ational and national �ppp�t� training. Contact: LomaILMermant 9,�1�II�7eati TRANSPORT DRIVERS NEROOp A cwdlr N moping lcr°01- t y. Foulramiew Or _/041,140. , nt!d Ontario nook Online Shcool lLh O . TT► SAWMILL 14895 SAW LOGS INTO BOARDS, planks, beams. Large capacity. Best sitwrrnill value anyatwre. Free information 1.800.566.6899. Norwood Sawmills, R.R 2, Kilworthy, Ontario POE 130. EARN EXTRA MONEY saing C & M Gifts' Unique sire of toys and gifts. Call 519-258-7905, fax 519.258.070710 receive free catalogues and nforrnationaabout Iris wonderhil opportunity. &ATTENTION STUDENTS& Make a lot of money selling choco- late bars. New products available. Nothing to pay in advance. Fast delivery 1.8003833589. HEAVENLY PSYCHIC 1400451-3783. $2.99 min 18+ 24 hrs. DAILY HOROSCOPE 1.800.677.7770. FLAT FEE $&00. ADVICE? HELP? Cal today and ler lo one of many psychics. Ifs sur n �y Relationships, General Advice. I- MO -451-7885, - your 7885?Love, 1Re LIVE GIFTED PSYCHICS. Problems in bveiralatlonihtps? Friends/Wed ores turn against you? Feel inkei y In business'? Reuatites lewd ones/Interprets drams. CAN 1.900451.2787, 24 lys, 18+, $2.761mi1. PEN PAL Pit&oWonl interesfd h menu bonds wound Ow world? For Inn intonation bond double S.A.S.E.: P.F.C.C., Box 1667, Gibson:, B.C. VON IVO. Fax: (804)888.8815, E - mm pen-jriendsOsurwhi enft RETIRE TO NOVA SCOTIA'S beautiful Sorb Shoal. New, Pro- taeetoraIy asa��pprr and marlloipd, tahnis,i s ofisrs. glraigy, aAonri ieterau lty him treat htalatcele,ameba ar=ses. Only Newt Minded, wra rlsranoo, 1186136662,166 Skeet, Blldgsatsr, NS,homes.One . Free hforma in hmistOgilhcom, .femme kesom. STEEL FOR SALE- Included. -25x40 ors �now $4.61.32 x 4t utas now $6,524.. 40 x60 AM, now x.644. Marty elms. Romer ,1.800.668 - A COVERED WAGON - Wynter Chelsie Fotheringham had a dry Plowing Match Friday mooring pulled by Barbara Fothenngham. Lots to celebrate Dubln by Dorothy Dillon 345-2842 Birthdays are always a time to celebrate' Happy birthday to Jean Ryan. Stratford. originally from St. Columban. Enjoy your day, Jean! A very happy birthday to Mary Jamieson of Dublin, who celebrates this week. Love from families, relatives and neighbours, Mary! Happy birthday to Tony Pickering who celebrates this week. Have a happy day! Anniversaries are also a time to celebrate! Happy anniversary to Linda and Murray Wagg who also celebrate this week. We all 'send you our love, Linda' and Murray! Thought for Today If at first you don't succeed. -deny you were -even trying' PHOTO BY DAVID Sam Fotheringham (left) and ride -at the Huron Cotmty in their, covered wagon i111111ot tn. 1111074a -Congratulations to newlyweds Congratulations from the community are extended to newlyweds, Anne Marie Maloney and Stephen McGregor who were united in marriage on Saturday, August 16, 1997 at Hensall United Cfutrch. Their parents are Mrs. Laureate Maloney of Seaforth and the late Clarence Maloney and Mrs. Betty Ehgoetz and the late James McGregor. The St. Columban Parish 'Cemetery Sunday will he held at the St. Columhan Cemetery on Sunday, September 7. Mass will be offered at 12 p.m. Coffee and donuts will be served follow- ing Mass. Please bring lawn • chairs. Don and Brenda Ryan. Matthew, David and Angela of London visited on Sunday with Cecilia Ryan. PROGRAM ENDS- Summer is over for all children who participated in the reading program at the Seaforth Library pis year. Supervising the crayons On the final morning was ' Andrea Gingerich. Be Sure To Attend The BRUCEFIELD FIREMAN'S OLD FASHION BREAKFAST Place: Brucefield Fire Hall Date: SATURDAY, SEPT. 6 Time: 7 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Come and Enjoy All You Can Eat Pancakes & Syrup, Sausages, Bacon Horn trues, Eggs, Toast, Coffee and Milk Adults x.00 Take Out Available Children 5-12 $3.00 Preschool Free "COME EAT IN OUR NEW HALL " NOMINATIONS NOTICE TO MUNICIPAL ELECTORS OF Towne of Clinton and Seaforth, Villages of Bayfield and Blyth, lbwzuhips of Mullett, Tuckersmith, McKillop, Stanley TAKE NOTICE THAT nominations may be filed betweeen 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.rn. on Nomination Day, Friday, October 10, 1997, or during the period from Tireaday, April I, 1997 t4 Thursday, October 9, 1997, inclusive immediately preceding Nomination Day, at a time when the Clerk's Office is open, at the office of the Clerk of the 'hien OFFICE FOR WHICH PERSONS MAY BE NOMINATED ONS 611311111911. OF DISTRICT PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD No., 8 (Huron County Board of Eduuatlea) Town of Clinton Town of Seaforth Village of Bayfield Village of Blyth lbwnahipof Mullett Township of McKillop lbwnahlp of Stanley lbwnship of Tuckersmith PUMTH R TAft:6NO11OE that nominations must be in the RAW form, and be accompanied by the prescribed nomination flfilinikfee of 1100. The nomination will only be certified where the Cie is satisfied that the person is qualifiedto be nominated and that the nomination complies with the Act. The nomination must be signed by the candidate and may be filed in person or by an agent as set forth in Section 33 of the Act. Nomination forms and full parlkulare to be followed may be obtained from the undersigned. Where there are more candidates than are required to fill the office, notice will be given of the location pivoting places, the dates and times that von places will be open for voting, manner in which tlectots asy we voting preludes, aid any alternative voting methods. M IURTHEK•TA1PCNOTION that where, at 5:00 p.m. on . ()Mohair()Mohair� 14, , the,numbsr of certified candidates for an once is the same as or.less than, the number to be elected the clerk shall iaunedietely declare the candidate or tm elected by acclamation. On WeidwlayrOe1ober`l6r between the hours of 9 a.m. and IS p.m., additional nominations play be filed for the raa� vacancies In the office in respect of Which thetre,waa an io t number ofcaddied candidates, and the provisions of eubeectiona $3 (6) std 37 (4) apply. OIVB,N UNDER MY HAND this 27th duty of August, 19117. Flower show held 'at 'Queensway Hensall by Liz Sangster 262-2715 The Hensall shuffleboard scores for August 19 are as follows:' Tom Wiliiarns,,476; Alice Thiel, 429;' Dave Woodward, 428; Margaret Deichert, 426; Theo Vandenboom, 408; Doris Hamilton, 407; Hazel McEwen, 398; Lloyd Lovell, .;10. The Hensall and District 9th Annual Flower Show was held Wednesday at Queensway Rest Home. Rosemary Burdzy was the top winner. Many lovely flower and vegetables were on display. William Gibson judged the exhibits. Marg Cole, Doris Jantzi and Jessie Allen were in charge of the tea room. The door prize was won by Haul Corbett. At Carmel Presbyterian Church Rev. Robert Peebles was the guest minister. Joyce Pepper was the organist. On September 8 the PCW will hold its meeting. At Hensall United Church Nancy Fraser was the minis- ter. Mark Garlough was the organist for the ministry of song. John Thompson read the announcements. John Goddard also assisted with the service. Champion head office moving back to Goderich The new ,owners of Champion Road Machinery Ltd. have decided tet move their corporate head office back to Goderich from Waterloo. Volvo Construction Equip- ment Also named Dennis Vollmerhausen president and chief executive officer of Champion. He has been a member of the company's board of director's since -1088 and succeeds Arthur -Chfuith, who will remain on the bo u0 but intends to leave the company and pursue ,plbRr irQttorcate.