HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1997-08-27, Page 1Local 'Talent I.au►a Devereaux earns a spot in Myth's Bain(lance. See page 15 Summer Hockey Hockey stars ix,ur it on for the Uiowd at Sumner Showcase. See page 7 Entertainment Harmony Iii -Liles gear up /or busy fall. See page 16 Your Community Newspaper Since 1860 — Seaforth, Ontario August 27, 1997 — $1.00 includes GST OPP asking for help in locating missing man Ontario Provincial Police are requesting assistance, from the public to locate a Seaforth man. Garry Young, 43, of Railway Street has not been seen since early Sunday (Aug. 23) morning, according to a press release. "Mr. Young's family and the police are very concerned for his safety," it continues. "If anyone has seen or heard from him this week please call the OPP communication centre at I-888-310-1122 or the Goderich detachment at 524-8314." Rider injured A 25 -year-old Ess rider was serigusly the recent Canadian Motocross Champi Walton. One of the organ' annual races, Chris Tom Parent was pitc the front of his bik hard and had a head i The father of two was in critical cond the trauma unit of a hospital last Monda 18). Work on grave Hullett Council awa construction tender Youngblut drainage improvement and ex at its Aug. 19 meeting. It went to Van Drainage & Bulldozin for $34,999.70 incl GST. ex -county injured at National onships at tens of the Lee, says hed over e, landed njury. children ition in London y (Aug. I pits rded the for the works tension Bree g Ltd., uding Council gave its superintendent the go "with the proposed reha tion work on the two ship gravel pits," instructed the clerk/treasure. to "set up a reserve fund for gravel pit rehabilitation with the balance of funds that are coming from the province." Hullett also approved a tile drain loan application of $10,500 for Lot 20, Conc. 13 in the township. Lung program soon A with chrgonicr lung disease knowledge and skills n to enjoy as active rewarding a lifestyle as pos ble" begins in the middle September and runs for fi straight Wednesdays in lower board room of Seaf rth Community Hospital. Pre -registration (27 7500/collect or 482-7450) 'necessary and there is a am ee. "Breathing and relaxatio techniques will be taugh and guest speakers will pro- vide information on .medic tions, diet, coping wi chronic illness and the use of respiratory equipment in the home," according to Pres release from the The Gun Association, Huron -Perth Counties. Sessions are "informal and include time to chat with oth- ers who arc also experiencing the challenges of living with lung disease." The SCH sessions begin Sept. 17, from 1 to 3 p.m. it 4 MUDDY PLOWING - Queen of the Furrow contestant Lisa Bennett of E 1 MUDDY Rain oQeen Thursday and Fridayurconte r i 9mondville gets a little Help with her during the'pIOW plowing BY GREGOR CAMPBELL g made things a little muddy and most glowers had to stop and clean the mud ft Who Does What recommendations released9 Portion of the queen o their plows. McKiJJop could face 64per Maitland River BY GREGOR uPthe worst off of Huron's cent tax hike r CAMPBELL 26 municipalities, where an Expositor Staff 81 per cent increase in taxes Estimates byis predicted by the county treasurer Ken Nix Huronndicate treasurer, with West and East taxes would have to increase Wawanosh runners-up 64 per cent in McKilloprespectively at 75 and 67 per Township in 1998 to cover The cent. the difference between the ed increase ford towns' is ► far road way funding stands now and less, for Clinton 17 per cent, ahead the new transfer arrange- Wingham 11 per cent, and bilita- ments between Ontario and Exeter and Goderich both town- its municipalities. and The corresponding impact nine per cent. on Seaforth taxpayers is esti- mated at a 19 per cent There are tWOwo factors in the ORS increase. Nix equation, which indicate The townships will really taxes would have to rise 2 get walloped next year by the per cent overall for Huron s county treasurer's calcula- municipalities - the increased tion, for instance Hullett he costs for swapping service estimates will see a 54 per ("Who Does What" commit cent rise, and Tuckersmith, tee), and additional costs as a 46 per cent. result of provincial down - Grey Township might end loading. An example of the hose needed More info and ; required si- BY RICK KEW their pre -service certificate in of SSP News Staff religious studies as well as ve- the faith reference form ohe Applications for teaching including its reflection paper. positions with the Huron- The reflection Perth Roman Catholic paper 1- Separate School Hoard will requires theef folapplowing to urespond is have to include more infor- 2to fowo ds: question in all mation in addition to the t IX1-250 words: "Why I want usual material contained in a School be and believe Catholic would n resume, the board t, Mnday approves be an asset in the Catholic A decision to require teach- School system in Ontario." ah ers to supply a faith reference Trustee Adulpho Spcl the portfolio was approved with essay id tstyle answer washe inclusion of an , only slight discussion on its excellent way of finding out a 1structure. a ' teacher's cornmittment to the The faith reference portfo- Catholic system. g ,`•lio will require applicants for eachin However Trustee John g positions to submit Devlin disagreed. He said, layground equipment that doesn The Huron -Perth Roman meet from a Stratford school atholic Separate School oard accepted the recom- endatioits of its manage- ent committee Monda to M.,Ve latter, the county treasurer notes: "known costs include an impact of almost $10 -mil- lion county -wide' as a resul of the elimination of the gen- eral support grants and an estimated $1 -million for the o downloading of provincial highways." He warns the numbers may c change as more details come g from the province, but his g figures are to give municipal- i� ities a sense of the increases ed they will face in 1998. The calculations also don't take into consideration any s restructuring or amalgams - 7 tions that might occur. Po Municipalities are studying its various options now. ta FEW DETAILS AM Details were scant when Ontario's "Who Does What ou committee" released i__ ommendations last week. The pay net anticipated additiona of these for Huron taxp is 4.4 per cent, as Nix figures. ister the ities n on ment and and the fa to L fund ban t ax, Po will L say th En Pi ay to les tested fo 1 cost aye's radioactive Municipal affairs min Al Leach said at Association of Municipal f Ontario Conventio Monday that the govern ill soon release details. autioned against "doom loom" scenarios about overnment's efforts rease efficiency and ucation by other t unicipal property t among other concerns. 'I suspect some of you int to the province and our fault if (proper x s go up," he told t "It seems like an easy w t," he said. It's not going rk. There's one damn ta r." material SCOTT HILGENDORFF SSP News Staff A study commissioned by Ontario Hydro is expected to 'nd lower tritium levels in "uron , and Lake Ontario; the two Great Lakes hat are home to nuclear wer developments. Ontario Hydro has hired tomic Energy of Canada imited, in partnership with he Ministry of the vironment, to collect sam- es of water from the Great akes and tributary rivers to t for levels of tritium. One such sample was taken m the Maitland River Aug. Tritium is a radioactive rm of hydrogen capable of -ing cancer, cell damage or defects depending on the 1 of exposure. It cannot be inated by water treatment ts. hn LaMarre, a senior nical officer with Ontario ro in Toronto, said the tri - found in the water sup- omes from throe sources. first is naturally occur - and is produced by fast ng panicles from space ng with water vapor in u l errat atmosphere that ulti- on the strict, "You'li find it in rivers and streams around the world," he label. ltitium from nuclear testing in the 1960s can also be found in the lakes. The third source is from Ontario Hydro, produced by the regular operation of nuclear power facilities such as the Bruce Nuclear Power Development near Kincardine. Tritium is CONTINUED on page 5 roc- wo x- fro 19. fo ca birth leve elim plan Jo tech Hyd tium ply c ring movi The aith referencethe react' lio was developed y t• - Ontario Separate Sc, mate TUustec's As: 1g o is teachers rather than a reflection paper, it would be better to print the board's expectations on the form and have applicants sign it, "then they will have something to live up to." The board kept the reflec- tion paper as part of the faith reference paper, but did change the requirement for the pastoral reference from one f that orn required the pastor to be to a reference parish ercnce that is current. Director of Education cite said junction wi priests have told them that in Catholic larger parishes, sometimes Officers' Association not everyone is known on a Ontario Conference personal basis and it would Catholic Bishops. 't meet standards being re pec ion of four Stratford standard then lernentary schools, a con- Vice -chair ulting firm, Playspaces Inc., tack said it W dvised the hoard it would the board more money to ring the equipment up to Gaeta n 131 not be possible to give t type of reference the board looking for. He pointed out that w submitted by the appli always followed up w phone call which will the person considcriri application further intheinto r ence. because it does t not meet sate- t ty standards.. --implications s which could affect all schools a in cost cgarding b