HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1997-08-20, Page 17PifOTOOYDAVID 800TT TOASTY WESTERNS - Residents 01 Seatorth Manor Nursing and Retirement Home and members of the public, many with cowboy hats on, enjoyed the music of The Western Entertainers from St. Marys on a toasty Thursday afternoon on the front yard otthe manor. Workshop on manure in Sept, The Huron Stewardship Council, "dedicated to the responsible management of our soil, water and other nat- ural resources," hosts a work- shop on liquid manure appli- cation on Sept. 5 in McKillop Township. Manure management is a growing concern in rural areas, and the council is try- ing to do something "posi- tive;" hoping recent develop- ments in information and technology will be of practi- -cal use for participants "to ensure they are carrying out the most responsible manure .management possible on their farms." Pork producer and host John Arts. provincial agricul- ture ministry by-product and waster management specialist Don Hilhorn. agri-analysis expert Gary Roberts and equipment demonstrations are on the agenda at Lot 21. Conc. 4 of McKillop (one intersection east and two north of Seaforth) from 1 to 4 p.m. Details are available by calling Steve Bowers (887- 9137). Rowena Wallace (522-0804). Evert Kidder (482-5033) Or Wayne Caldwell (524-21881- Barbeque & Buck 'n Due for Jennifer .Murphy Chris Vogels Sunday, August 31 BBC1 ticket, should be purchased before August 28". Buck'n Doe Tickets only are also available Late Lunch Included For more information call 345-23 tS or 356-2047 SEAFORTH I MEN'S SLO-PITCH LEAGUE PLAYOFFS' This Weekend ° Seaforth Lions Park. 1 Free Admission Music • , Food Refeshments Licensed Under L1.80 Special Occasion Permit Noon to 1:00 a.m. i` 11 FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE 1 Eric and Arlene McIntosh and John and Mary Van Bakel are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their children Janice Arlene and Patrick John on Saturday, August 23, 1997 at 3 p.m. at Egmondville United Church Four programs in Food Steps The Huron County Health Unit is offering four different programs in one, using a booklet called "Food Steps," developed by registered dieti- cians and health profession- als. "There are no meetings to attend, no preaching, no gim- micks and no costs," a press release from the local health unit states. "The entire pro- gram can be completed by mail so you can go at your own pace.' The health unit says "Food Steps" is a program for peo- ple who want to change the way they eat and also a pro- gram for those who don't want to change the way they eat. It recognizes people are at different stages when it comes to the way they eat. Details are available by calling the health unit at 1- 800-265-5184 (extension 710). HAPPY 50th tt ANNIVERSARY Norm & Isabelle Young lit Open House - Sunday, August 24th from 1 - 3 p.m. at the home of Sandra (Young) Jessome #2 Harphurhay Rd., Seaforth Friends and Family Welcome 441111 IJ WHY TAKE A BOATING COURSE'' IT COULD SAVE YOUR LiFE' The Qodsrtch Power and Sail Squadron Is -oftertng courses starting at 7:00. p.m. September 9 and 10 at Central Huron Ssco.ndary School in Clinton. *Manna Electronics •Boating *Piloting •Advanced Piloting tl ! , For information Call Rod Wraith 357.25116 Fulton Charlton 524-2578 • Joe Essery 482.9531 (Day) �• Graduation ' As many in the Seafonh area will recall. Linda played the riddle for the -Silver Shrugs- with lour d our neigh- bourhood children. They played for dances, receptions «osseus programs, and appeared mete often on Wutgham, Kitchener and Landon TV Linda riodkrn o the datrgisSmof June Godkin-Andrews and the late Mervin Codkrn and sister of the late Bryan Codkrn The family lived at RR 4 Walton in McKillop Township. Lind+ graduated from Sheridan 'College at the June 27 convocation, 1997 She received the Governor General's Medal for highest academic standing in all Diploma Programs in all of the Sheridan Colleges She,received the Sheridan Board of Governor's Silver Medal for academic excellence in the three year Diploma Program in Business Administration 1. and Marketing. She also received the Prentice Hall award for outstanding , achievement. She finished her three ' year course in 2ii year She has registered het own business a -God Given Talent,.' She also sa preps- ins to do Gospel Concerts using many of her own songs. She lives in , Misswauga. R P t'N 527-0180 After the Match, Plow through a Pizza! M EAT -IN OR TAKE OUT 2' PIZZA SUBS &M RE OPEN SUN. -MON. 11:00 AM to 11:00 PM TUES., WED., THURS. 11:00 AM to Midnight FRI., SAT. 11:00 AM to 1:00 AM se se MI es as as 00,1411 is elri; aa • Ala i; s1`ieafll►i' . s;a;tiaiTs7l.,`t'.is jis�r nR its.*�t - Lions Club.n, Blyth Festival present ce 4W'«oi' I 'sal .bout i' too reesz \HAIM elk nday, August 31, 1997 Blyth Community Centre featuring:.Bart Dance Band, Country Versatikes, Ernie King, tarry Mercey,'Sharon Strong, Ear! & Martha Heywood and the cast of Barndance Give! Barbeque / Concert, / Dance 4130 -6:30/7:30 -9100/9130 -midnight ADVANCE: $20 (incl. BBQ) / $12 (concert & dance only) AT THE DOOR: $22 (incl. BBQ / $15 (concert & dance only) FOR TICKETS 519-523-9300 f0444da'1 Largest T'ravelltttg bittwe FURYHCiO18NG MAIN ilr4GE David & Rewe Kiefer of RR 1, Varna are proud to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter JENIF'EK TERESA to GREGORY GEORGE: son of Bruce & Pam Clark of RR 3 Watton. The celebration of love will be on Saturday the 23rd of August, 1997 at 6:00 pm at the Exeter Pentecostal Tabernacle Open Reception to follow at 9 pm at the Hansell Community Centre WWI IIs{ L1P0011iOR, Aft 1 IS,1157-47 M.C.L. SOUND .a FULL D.j. SERVICE .a i1 Book Your Receptions, v' Buck do Doer, early! ." For more into call .a i.„ John McLeod f 482-9984 ir evenings oi.A.A.AsAvisa.a.*./t.a.r.•.a.4.A.41 SUNDAY SPEL Mak, her BOAS BEEF IIIIN i 501 • SPARKY'S FAMILY DINING I 527-1964 90 M*i st. ieetOrth t'6 iv e!»>!»;•»»!»» »•»»» awi a SUMER. SIIOWCASE g •II4KKEY GAME •• • • Wednesday, August 20 - 7:30 P.M. at the 0 A Seaforth & District Community Centres IS A A featuring... d A DAVE McLLWAIN CCM HOCKEY. al A SCHOOL STAFF to 0 VERSES li : LOCAL PRO AND AMATEUR TALENT i p, '1a' r Menem M unr er NW D�scott je a_eart toe r state uwersdY V A to,,,:::::::,:ngsngsGnrts'faY�°A AA ipRangers {K n pilau Bo1ld �ve� rsor{d Ars 9 0 t { 1' i� A K��� A 0 ADMISSION: Preschoolers FREE Students'3.00 Adults'5.00 Family'15.00 r Wall A All proceeds will go to the Seaforth and District 0 A Minor Hockey Association A Thank you for your support! Lim itilm >ret4>tt4><41�t4f[or yo 1Ct4C411[tex iC41C41C4Rt4f. strict ••• AUSUST 29, 30 S 31, 1997 -FRIDAY AUGUST 29 - 1:00 p.m. Grounds & Buildings open to the public 8:00 p.m. TOMMY HUNT in the arena Advanced, a1 the door Tickets available at Mare's, Bang's Thinking of You or from Verna Young 348-9352 Tommy Humeri FUN FOR ALL AT "THE BIGGEST little FAIR iN ONTARIO" -SATURDAY AUGUST 30 - 10:00 a.m. 4H Achievement Day Grounds & Buildings open to the Public 12 noon Parade leaves U.T.E.S. 1:30 p.m. OFFICIAL OPENING OF 1997 FAIR by Warden Donald Hocking During the Afternoon Livestock Judging Light Horse Show Step Dancing in Arena Horseshoe Pitching Antique Machinery Show New Machinery Display 6 p.m. Invitational Horse Pull (Light & Heavy Horses) 7:30 p.m. RANO CONCERT Mitchell Legion Band 9:00 p.m. Entertainment & Dance to °Sons & Daughters of the Pioneers" in the Arena 4UNDAY AUGUST 31- 11:00 a.m. Grounds & Buildings open .to Public 11:90 a.m. HEAVY HORBE $IOW - 6 HORSE HITCH 1:00 p.m. Pet Show Kiddies Pedal Pull Horseshoe Pitching Machinery Show 1:30 p.m. ENTERTAINMENT IN ARENA DAVE IiOY - PIANO PICKS A STICKS -Kids entertainment 4:30 p.m. Crystal Palace and Community Centre dose* to Public 5:00 p.m. Crystal Palace and community centre opens to Exhibitors for Pick up 5:00 p.m - 7:00 p.m. Porkolsop Barbecue in the arena 8:00 p.m. Church Service Perth County Jr. Farmers in the Community ity Centre CAMPBELL AMUSEMENTS MIDWAY IN OPERATION AT ALL TIMES -EVERYDAY- i C Crystal Palace - Horecraft Exhibits Women's s Institute Display arena - Cormtercisl Exhibits Ponderosa, Entertainment Community centre - Sc#oot Exhibits, Junior Fair, 4H Exhibits, Crops, Vegetables Down -On -The -Farm - Sea the Animal ramifies Grounds Farts M.chinery - Nitl�i� New -ADMISSION- 1 ADMISSIONS ADULT 121 UND1:13 (05T included) FRIDAY No trate Admission TOMMY HUNTER SHOW '20.00 EACH Advanced. '22.00 al dv.r SATURDAY SUNDAY $5.00 FREE $5.00 FREE ANYTIME - CARS $2.00 TRAILERS & MOTORHOMES - $10.00 (Per Day) plus gate admission