HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1997-08-20, Page 16PHOTO BY DAVID SCOTT NIGHT SWIMMING - Seaforth Lions Park lifeguard staff held a swim -a -than from 8 p.m. to 12 midnight last Monday night to raise money for new equipment, toys and life pack- ets. Former reporters in Hong Kong Two Curtner reporters for this paper. long since wed and now with son and daugh- ter all living in London. were scheduled to leave yesterday (Tuesday) for at least an I I - month stint in Hong Kong Joanne Shoveller. daughter of Gord and Janne Rimmer of Goderich Street, has accepted a position to help establish the Richard Ivey School of Business Asian Management institute in Honk Kong. which is scheduled to offi- H ON -PERTH CENTRES FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH and THE HURON -PERTH CENTRES FUND invite the public to attend their ANNUAL GENERAL MEETINGS Wednesday. August 27. 1997 7 p.m. at the Livery. South Street, Goderich The Centre is pleased to announce the appointment of the new Cruet Executive Officer Of trio Huron•PeRhCentres - TERRI SPARUNG JOIN US AT THE ANNUAL MEETING TO WELCOME TERRI! uialll open in September 1998. Husband Herb has reported and edited for the London Free Press lor the past I I years He plans to continue writing a ht -weekly column for that daily on lite there. Both worked for The Hurvn L.cpusuor In the early 1980s. Son Bert. t+, and daughter Aislinn. 5. arc both going with them. Joanne has visited Hung Kong five times in the last year. Vt4a CUSee Dee for Barb Baker and Darryl (Rabbit) Smith Friday, August 22 (Music by D.J.) Dancing 9 to 1 Lunch Provided Tickets" $6.00 each 40.o pt Mj3Q.ttY Tickets at the door or call John at 527-0309 or 527-0778 GRADUATION Robert Eaton Debra Eaton Keith and }oan Eaton are proud to announce the graduation or their children - Rob. tram Conestoga College in kncluner, with a diploma in Electrical Engineering, and rn Deb, iroFanshawe College in London, with a diploma in Registered Nursing Rob has accepted a position with Rockwell Automation/Allen - Bradley in Cambridge, and Deb bas accepted a position as a Registered Nurse us Greeley County Hospital, Iribune, Kansa`• Cocgiatuiations Rob and Ueb, we are proud of your many accomplishments. We wuald also like to extend our best wishes and congratulations to Rob on his upcoming marriage on September 17, 1997 to Susan Hempel Love, Mom & Dad - Grandchildren 01 Mr. & Mrs. Walter talon, Seatonh Country inn BUFFET DINNER &DANCE To The Music Of the "Romeros' SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6/97 PLEASE RESERVE 236-7707 Hwy. #21 fust north of St. Joseph FRI.-THURS. AUG. 22-28 FRI.:& SAT. 7 &,9:15 PM SUN.-THURS. 8 P "TOTAL SPINE•TINGLIN6 EXCITEMENT' An Unbelievably Powerful Film'' i" "RUN TO THIS MOW Toed Is rhe hided Premien: The Best Of The Best Role O1H,sCame. PUS ISi*r 1 0 LONG OiSitoi, t 11 s1t1tIst \ At R 110W :I ONI' ..J ,'.a8 FOCI IOU. 1AEt MOtlit 10•• -- a (Photo by Hobert 1Natcher) Andrea Lynn Muir and David Alexander -McGregor were united in marriage on May 31,1997 at Egmondviile United Church by Rev. Cheryl -Ann Stadelbauer-Sampa. Attending the Bride as Matron of Honour was her mother, Dianne Muir of Seaforth. The best Man was Doug Sloan of Vancouver B.C., friend of the couple. Ushers were Terry McGregor, Hensall, brother of the groom, and Jasen Muir of Bumaby B.C., brother of the ride. Soloists were Lisa Strong and Lori Janmaat, accompanied by Carol Carter playing the organ. After dinner and reception at the Seaforth Agriplex, the couple honeymooned cruising the California Baja, and sightseeing in Los Angeles and now reside in Seaforth. 1947 1997 Relatives, neighbours and friends are cordially invited to help celebrate the 50th Wedding Anniversary for Don and Grace Watson at the Goderich Township Hall, Holmesville, Ontario, Friday, August 29, 1997. Open House 8-9 pm; Dancing at 9 • pin -1 am to Keith & Gloria Wilbee. • "d- +0Be&FW ihcs tiDnlyi Please '[#ring -a Smile and Stay Awhile Tickets: $20.00 advanavi22.00 at use door Available at: Ma keit Agricultural Society - Verna Young (348-93521. Merle's Coffee Noolt - M4rhell • Eine Kancis Chef(Chinon. BINK) Oeeorating -13tyth Ernie King's (1993 Limited) . Goderich. viSA/Msstotcatd Phase Orders 1-800-4b5-78&9 -Presets:al in Assrrciaitiun u'Wr the Mitchell Agricultural Society www .tou rn hunfer.com CATCH THE EXCITEMENT 0 4)..) , ya• Come to the Ontario's Family Track for FUN FOR THE li/119,1if FAMILY ONTARIO SIRES STAKES 3YEAROLD PACING CELTS Sunday PoSJJ9&�,V3O 16th Annual Clinton Racew >DR I V ER' S CHA L t.16J1 "Ray McLean Tribute Oay" ,:btpnatit for,ths.McLean family NOM 40t son1 hU11 l f pr eseFyone. 44Suoatvised 6wirpming lif Picnic Area Q1 Chiklron'a P*OrOund Cd Uve.and simulcast r drtpki pipped Events and Barbecues 1; h CtintotiCommunity Centre - Beach St. 482-5270 Janice Faye Cater and David Michel Richardson were united to masngge on July 12. 1997. at First Presbyterian Chinch, Sealorrh Rev Nicholas Vandersney officiated Janice is the daughter of Don Curter of Seaford; and Carol Carter of Mitchell. Dave is the seq. of Carl and Sheila Richardson of Clinton and Jock and Karen Cooper effienaall Maid of Honour was Julie Carter of Seaforth& sister of the bride Bridesmaids were Joanne Carter o/ hantypool, sister of the bnde and Chnsttne P eszcator of Hensen, trend of the bride Junior bridesmaids were Lindsay Gibson of Clinton, fnerd of the Mede and Carty Blair of Sealonth, cousin of the bride Best man was Brian Nigro of Stratford, friend of the couple Groomsr.re:: were John Murray of Clutton, stepbrother of the groom . and Brod Carter of Mississauga, brother of the bade Usher was Tom Cameron of Pontypool, friend of the couple Margaret Whitmore accompanied the soloists. Lisa Strong and Lon Janntaat Readers were Andrea and Koren Brown of Leduc. Alberto, crinins of the bade Candlelighters were Amanda and Allison McLachlan of Tharnesvllk, nieces of the groom Brad and Leanne linter, brother and sister-in-law of the bride wen, the master and mistress of cerentontes A reception was held at the Seaforth Legion The couple honeymooned in A'tagara Falls and now reside If Gint011 Marty thanks go out to all our family and friends for all your love and swoon Golden Wedding Anniversar Mary and Murray Huether, together with their children and grandchildren invite, relatives, friends and neighbours to ioin them in celebrating their Golden Wedding Anniversary, Sunday, August 24 at the Brussels Legion, commencing et 2:00 p.m. Entertainment 3:00 p.m. Light supper at 5:00 p.m. Bast Wishes only. Your presence will be our cherished gift. Please accept this as your personal invitation. 11i��G ebb F4►1111, FAIR STEP 1)4 N('E .00111PE7'I TION SA 11IRI)A1", AIt(;11S1 30, 1997 REGISTRATION: 1:30 - 1:45 p.m. COMPETITION: 2:00 p.m. diloonsc Fiddler in Alttcedancc Rill 8 years and under t2 years and under open 30 years and over IX)WN IAS 1tCloe'Jieel..l) 10 years and under 12 years sod under open (,R()t iPS (dance al choice) 10 years and under open i'I IANL MIAilCif FJtt 1111' A1I(:11S1 22, 1997 1n Afirchcll ani uisuir 1 Agricultural . e(ietl ' .• Jkai ).il7 Mitchell, Ontario, MA 1NO kr/ Don't MissIII / V V TOYOTA HOLLYWOOD STUNT SHOW Wednesday, August 27, 1997 F C;LINTON FAIR ciRQ )NL S ,1 show only at 8:00 P.M. rtl New Toyotas