HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1997-08-20, Page 3cerin County's Complete
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!Blood donor
clinic tomorrow
at' Seaforth arena
What good is a blood
donor'' asks a press release
from the Canadian Red Cross
London Blood Services
"Baby Nicholas is sitting up
smilingand cooing baby tack;
a teenager is walking normal -
J) again, back to driving and
laying sports; a young boy
t k home with his
ing with .his
_Dome home newborn
baby; so tl • I • is back to
work after a few months
,leave of absence.
"What do These people have
in common'? They have all
received blood. Baby
Nicholas has a new heart: the
teenager was transported to
. the hospital -while receiving
three body replacements of
blood to keep him alive; a
young burn victim received
blood.• blood products and
skin grafts; a mother's baby
had a blood transfusion and
someone else has had an
organ transplant.
"Thanks to people like you,
others can live," states the
Red Cross.
The Seaforth Blood Donor
Clinic will be held tomorrow
(Thursday, August .21) at the
community centre from 5 to
9 p.m. Identification is
.required. And if you've got a
dental visit scheduled, please
,wait three days (72 hours)
.after having dental work
done to give blood, according
to the press release.
New VP for
women teachers
A Bayfield woman was
elected vice president of the
41,000 -member Federation of
Women Teachers' Assoc-
iations of Ontario at its annu-
al meeting in Toronto last.
Florence Keillor is a
French -as -a -second -language
teacher with the . Huron
County Board of Education,
has also taught in the inter-
mediate and junior grades
and. was French coordinator
at_thc local board for several
years. She has been the
regional coordinator for the
provincial student exchange -
foundation and has travelled
extensively with students.
"'Florence has been an
active -participant in federa-
tion activities locally and
provincially for more than 15
years, serving as governor at
the. Ontario Teachers'
Federation and as a delegate
to the Canadian federation," a
press release from the Huron
association,. where she is a
former president, states.
The provincial women
teachers federation voted at
last week's annual meeting,'
according to this press
release, "to support sanctions
up to and including a
province -wide strike if legis-
lation anticipated this week
attempts to take away the
right to strike, to eliminate
principals and vice principals
from the bargaining unit, to
adversely affect teachers pen-
sions or to limit thc scope of
"It is important to note that
teachers." it continues, "con-
cerned about the welfare of
their students, do not take
strike action lightly."
Funny money ,in
Huron County
Provincial police say some
funny money is floating
around the area.
The Clinton Crodit Union
reported last Monday receiv-
ing a counterfeit Canadian
$50 banknote, which was
smaller in size and had a
waxy feeling (serial# FHH
4866144), says the: Huron
County QPP.
On the same day, Aug. 11,
at. Blyth's Canadian Imperial
Hank of Commerce a cus-
tomer ,withdrawing money
from and ;automatic telling
machine .and "noticed that
one of the 'Canadian $20
appeared different."
A manager there confirmed
it counterfeit (#ASG -
Police warn people "to
always check thc banknotes
you receive from any source
altd learn how to recognize a
counterfeit bill."
New sidewalk vandalized �
Roughly 50 feet (16
metres) of new sidewalk on
Goderich Street had to be
removed and reinstalled
because of recent vandalism,
Public Works Supe intendont
John Forrest told Seaforth
Council Tuesday night.
He said the incident was
reported to police, but
Nicholson Concrete was
good about it absorbing the
Huron County Crimestoppers
The works superintendent
says what appeared to be two
sets of footprints walking
together (youths or teenagers)
were imprinted through the
damaged stretch of fresh con-
crete, along with a bicycle's
tires tracks, finishing with a
swerve. He estimates the
incidents might have cost the
company in the neighbour-
hood of 3600, for the reform-
ing and another pouring of
Forest also noted, when
later elaborating on the van-
dalism to this paper, that the
company had a man on site
until relatively late in,,the
evening when the original
concrete was first setting, so
the incidents must have hap-
pened later that night.
Grand Prix stolen from McKillop
A 1988 maroon Pontiac
• Grand Prix, two door, license
#647 FXS was stolen from a
McKillop Twp. residence
sometime between 11 p.m. on
July 22, 1997 and 9 a.m. on
July 23, 1997.
Weak Eater and Theft
Sometime overnight on
July 24, 1997 thieves entered
"ATI Season Repairs" in
Morris Twp. and stole items
from the business of a value
exceeding 318.000. Stolen
Crop progress
Current crop progress.
insect and disease alerts, and
timely cropping tips are now
available 24 hours a day via a
new Agriphone recorded
message, notes a recent press
release from the Clinton
Office of the Ontario
Ministry of Agriculture Food
and Rural Affairs
(OMAFRA). Callers have a
choice between field crop,
nursery, landscape, turi'grass
and tole crop information for
three regions of the province:
eastern, western and south -
from the Moms 7Wrp. busi-
ness were a tool coast, power
tools, a 2 stroke oil and gas
enhancer, a 386 computer
and monitor, an answering
machine, credit cards, a pair
of child's size 4 roller blades
and .a 12 by 'Nissan motor.
During the evening of July
28, 1997 or the early morning
of July 29, 1997 culprits
caused 31500 damage to the
Maitland Golf and Country
Club on North Harbour Rd.
in Goderich. The culprits
drove a motor vehicle across
the greens and fairways caus-
ing deep ruts. Suspect vehicle
is small to mid-size with nar-
row Ores. It
If you have aryy, information
about these or any other
crimes call Crimestoppers of
Huron County, 1.800-222-
8477 and you could received
a reward of up to 31000.
on new - Iiour phone
western. information will be
updated twice weakly,
Monday and Friday, and
between those dates as condi-
lions change. The message
centre is available by touch
tone phone. The toll free
number to call is 1-888-290-
Also new this yetari*bp-
ping information via the
OMAFRA Internet site. The
site posts the weekly field
and horticultural crop report
every Wednesday, accumulat-
ed weather data and a crop
New OMAFRA swine web site
If you are involved in the
ewine.industry and have been
frustrated in your efforts to
locate swine sites on the
Internet, there's a new web
site you will want to explore.
An expanded and.categorized -
version of OMAFRA's
Internet Sites for the Swine
Industry is now online on the
Swine Page of the OMAFRA
Internet Site at:
When' you go to the
OMAFRA Swine page, there
are two options: "Pork News
and Views" and "Hog Links".
To explore our list of sites,
choose "Hog Links". Scroll
through the list, or select a
category, and when you see a
site that interests you, just
click on its name. You will
not need to type in any of
those long, complicated
addresses or search through
pages of sites generated by a
search engine.
.The list is organized
according to topic areas, cov-
ering a wide range of inter-
..ests and.issues, including.
.-general •agriculture, animal
care/behavior, breeding and
genetics, colleges and univer-
sities, crops, extension ser-
vices, government agencies,
health, Internet resources,
marketing, media/publica-
tions, nutrient management,
nutrition, producer groups,
quality assurance, research,
statistics, general swine and
Three bylaws passed at council
Seaforth Council passed as recommended by the plan -
three bylaws last Tuesday ning advisory :committee,
• to terminate the town's
agreement with the Ontario
-Clean Water Agency;
• to amend our official plan
in regards to the PUC's water
tower property;
•and, to amend the town's
zoning bylaw for the same
The latter two moves were
after a public meeting the
night previous.
Minute of those meetings
stress that the official plan
and zoning changes have
"nothing to do with the build-
ing of the water tower, which
has already received a build-
ing permit for lands owned
by the PUC... butproperty
for a buffer to the west."
Labour ministry investigating :incident
rafters of a roof.
Huron County Ontario
Provincial Police report Steve
McNall, 20, was building a
secondary roof "when he lost
his footing and both of his
feet fell through but his
pelvis landed on one of the
Ontario's labour ministry is
investigating an incident
around 3:10 p.m. last
Wednesday at a Bengali man-
ufacturer, in which a 20-year-
old.Seaforlh man was taken
to Exeter hospital by ambu-
lance with minor injuries
after falling through the
Division of Suncoast Ford
500 Huron Rd., Gocicrlch
G*L..COUiCT Ask for }learn
Usborne &
Hibbert Mutual
Fire Insurance
Exeter, Ontario NOM 1St
(Established in 1876)
Provides Full Insurance
Coverage for
Farm Properties
New Applloatlons Are Welcomed
Jos Mk RA 6 Wel
Ron New, R.R. 2 Olbfn
Lay Gaskw, RR.2 SW
Jack Hodget RA t Wan
*NW Nina ftR 3 Granton
eips.Wil as, R.R. 2 St Pais
J.P. t)nne, Mit al
had Det,, Estes
AllAplund from surplus was
Otalareil for all polky hold-
ers who qualify, aro on
record and in good stenekto
es at December 91, t aa8,
pest alert bi-weekly. The
site is
Factsheets, newsletters and
lots of other information
related to agriculture can be
found at this site in addition
to links to many other agri-
cultural sites.
Car rolls twice
On Friday, August 1 at
approximately 3 a.m. on
Highway #21 near
Kingsbridge, a 1989
Oldsmobile driven by Shawn
Parish, 20, of Goderich,
Ontario was travelling north-
bound, when it went onto the
east shoulder, spun around,
hit a tree, rolled twice and
came to rest on its wheels,
according to a press release
from. the O.P.P.
Parish and his passenger,
Stewart Shields, 23, of
Colborne Township were
both taken by ambulance to
Alexandra Marine and
General Hospital in Goderich
with. Minor injuries. tFurtber
investigation -revealed -that
the car was stolen from
Goderich between July 24
end 25, also the license plate
was stolen from Goderich at
about.tbe same time, accord-
ing to police. Both Parish and
Shields have been charged
with .two counts ofposses-
sion of stolen property and
several Highway Traffic Act
offenses. Court date is
September 22 in Goderich.
Patients of
in the event a patient
is unable to see their
family physician and
requests a
prescription renewal
to betelephoned into
the drugstore, there
will be a $5.00 charge
September 1,1997.
TNS NI/MON taX SITOM, *woes leo, 117-3
tiY h1111 . 41NO
Sanas •ftwairreift 1
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We mesh to draw your aNwsaan
to the tdtowtng In Our current
'End o/ Season Clearance'
flyer that was his t5 i 1n our
76 Yams Price McNdown' flyer
Insert Page 4: Selected
animal lawn decorations,
59-0032x. The itiustration is
incorrect and should not
show the beagle puppy and
silly frogs decorations.
VVe swsarrstly watt any
inconvenience we may have
oaused you.
astoSs33347 zones: all
J watered Nosewe Therapist
For an appointment
*Mom' Chiropractic Clinic
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1.800-265.0959 Strathroy.
NOW IS DIE T1ME...to plant
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Choose ham our excellent selection
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Gads & Green & Yellow Bears.
Sell taking orders for Picnic Cucumbers.
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Keter-sQn Park )npro+nent Committee
would like to thank
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For their recent contribution to the
ball diamonds
at Keterson Park in Mitchell.
This is an example of community
involvement which makes our
facility possible!
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