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The Huron Expositor, 1997-08-20, Page 2
a -Yah rswMOM mmemoreemo 1 1 1010, *en fnlitnirssi Sergeant1ceive derciency in Huron courts' CON'IiNUED treat Mc 1 'tillbete- resolve, and tooted that "COURT IROsLAW!" teletK PP tssssisesswpm wrs- Stat t -Sgt Melones was 'tiff Nwttirlpl pie axiucal of what be perceives peelthibly bosaisseitietlriWte aas a lonieucy in the courts aiSlIa•is so ayttllhetiethfue t ; bore in Huron County, Dent- hifiirillireetat feieiirli■sd« pleated to elsewhere, persica- !tarty Perth. in his general tiie,st#iitlslrse;prbblsattIke .comments to council. He IMP nay ►ie forced ito described it as u "court 1,t* asitlieessiin Ileafetth soon: is ►lhetiieh incidence of Bice Alarms, 51 last year. t$isswhere when similar dans have surfaced with speeific busieesses, .for iessoanee around theater, the uttered ea system Of AiroafteingS wed suopen :ions hasHesten imp lease ted •.He mild I ttec (tP has not rewarded tloain Adam in two .years .at.owe prominent Coe ttut l'Alfa rea manufacturing plant because of the time wasted on false Crime and punesltetrt influence each other, MAW. "there is not as stresgsaalas- tice system here ras nese believe can be." Many who are eheraed•et+lilll various offences far 'prefer 40 be tried in Huron, rather than Sttsatiord where the court -sys- tem seems stricter. he said, if they have the option. He hinted that vandalism might be -better handled with stars. C4TH "ffeAVBHEIQ" The broil comemedereil- •ogezed to council I for Tare intnxiucing himself: to awn- •.cil sooner, but seed until !melee. training respoaslbil i- tisehsti oaten up nisiehofiis Am. Ilk Aiscusscd personnel matters.wp 1 \various • officer doves and teansfars;intthe Sea forth alike. i in thelfies1 year aid meowing. Asa "snapshot" of Seefotth ipolilaing, the Staff Sgt. : to ay 1 tube following tabula- tion of occurrences here in 1996 to council: Attlatll, of 274. Smelt mut eaten, :2Q; I theft , (metier -'$5,000)11;• frauds, 13; often - Two municipalities for Herron? Seaforth Council is "lean- ing" towards the twoenunici- pallets. oast and west, option outlined by the committee studying restructuring for seven •muniniptibties an sea- • ual Huron County. That option would .chomp Seafoith with .Clinton and she townships of McKillop a& Hutictt in the .west. with Godetich town and .townithlip, .gnd.Colborne township in the east. The restructuring commit- tee -projects this option would result in taxes for town ratepayers. -slightly lower than they are now, •$8140 per 3100,000 of -property ,assess - went compared to the currant $855, if:provincial grants sire eliminated and the costs of policing are imposed on the 0.11 townships. Under the .status quo and the sande "ifs" the projected loan tax is:31.142, ecus ung to the'prevaou$ly released Cement Heron maaicipslitres neem a ady. 00 Th STATUS QUO If these seven Municipali- ties Were to become one • odor than two, the projected •Seafonh tax would slide to $680, .(again under the same �nditions..acconding to the Wady. "The status quo is unac- ceptable," Coun. Arian Ferguson **tat last Tuesday night's fat0etiiwg of-Mferitt Council. Ile represents the . town on tete restructuring committee, **d felt council should have a .notion . of which way it may proceed before tate committee , aseets again Aslg. 27, .when -he undersisetts the eonsaltatts who did the study will make mon medic pre- ferred eption,.of the three studied. "Just to show which way we our leaning, not a com- mienent,•' basad. Inseners1 t icussion, voain- -ciders commented that with Clinton, 'MoKillap and Hallett, this town wouhd' be dealing .with "familiar" ria micipdities .who we could "itdcetlfy" with. With so.nay uNtsfowns at this stage of the restructuring process, petters the best we could hope fur is for it to be revenue neutral,, elerk/a dinin- istrator Jim Crocker said. CONTINUED from page 1 Forrest said, the town wouldn't -be tied to a fixed and debatable maintenance cost. It is -not -as if -the acme! work has changed and the transportation ministry will now have to go out of its .way to maintain these eu& ueping links. he added, because the MTO is still responsible for clearing the remainder of the various provincial highways. Council agreed with bis argument, and carried ,a motion to win down the let - est quotation aud.provide•the MTO with "a written response outlining our suede ods of maintaining our con- necting link," as the ministry asked. MORE CONFUSION In addition, there is,;lso apparent confusion between this town :and the province concerning the new con- cocting lint' arrangement hinging on the definition of ",10flperepicfooliar►g.'• • At last week's council •woeting Superintendent Forrest reported "a letter was ,iwit:k a the JfiTP W impress 0,10 views -FDgar4ial.thee-min- istry not committing the •amount of money requested by the eogiioeor's estinwee for outface planing and repaving 'the cggntieding link." ,Tbe engineer's estimate was $88,000. The ministry only gave $0,efe th $70,000, irydiceting the town aboulia :,fid any additional money to meet the tender s sbmitted, .after, originally advising 100 per rent funding was to be monnAskoeil fundi ?jr position .was • that the town could tact afford to put any money into the:project and ,we would only do the amount of work ,allowed by the'MTO's contribution," 'Forrest report steres. The, only tee) tenders sub- rrtittofd for;i'be *00. wore wooed Tuesday, with (Lravis Contracting the lowest at $89,730.20. by abort 53,500. The works superintendent observed this wits dose to the engitleer's anomic. Council ,die ed the Levis tender, with the CO0041o11 the trapspottatiOP ,Ministry matches it. .If -not, the town Plans to do. only -$7p,000 worth of work, the Amount already covered by : the ,?pprpveti proviipcial,gt ret. Owner of house being pursued Seaforth is pursuing the owner of ,a burnt-out out house in town, under the Ontario Building Code Act, to demolish it. A mess remains, the souene of complaint by .neighbours, after the ,wooden residence et 23 Coleman Street >w,as,,gut- ted by a. blade more ;hail ,a ygir. o. " G900400d efforts '-bY,,thilt ,to have the property Pw r (who IP/Asa' t identi- fied) demolish • the house have,feiled," Clerliadminis- tratorrherittecleir r.pyrto/t Seaforth Council Tuesday illi(. An order ist�s;ell ,r►1� i Oder tbe-OntiRPtNiifh!}8 • b4q•1le 111,46 r' C©NTINU$D Thum prtge 1 Huron _ plowt rs_ enMesetc, fpr at the IPM.yadyc,ylr.t to 20 have been Mop since the prugrem hoop. iF, :Betty,(il;FYi Foresters ,ate barbecue pude neon to 1 p.m. 4n • . .310,a ticket, for for children 12 :Tickets are avai �e directors and ,a 111inited aagereppt grill be for die et the mreh.+Lirte.eptcrtaiamen t will be prey 1$rom t2s45 (0 1:30 p.m. A horsesbpe pitchiag etwee test will be hekl at 1;30 and a "business c will be ,at 2 p.o' .ase" for plow artd oppp, W,,slAybody within/ to, itI also tits av,I 1children. ,rano fission fee iceir ie Huron •County ,INowing Match. ;The match site is about Nee . mile south of Highway Tuckersmith Twp. Slderoad 20-21, two -and -a -half miles west of Seaford). Code Act, to demolish the -4100 *.!Fpilure W eactby 1pe PefleeetWillrteselt in,jhe Wwn do notishing. the building and ;adding, the costs to, the ;prop- , 94y Vis:",the ,4 .reptin continues. "The ,pri petty s!'As,repis- . tared ppdgr the'MNnlcipal Tex Sales Actl bist, swath. alive crvrsepuna. Ai; latisohief ((under3115,800), 31; other tarimWel utaile offences (ie. dbe aoening,`il h of probe- ttion, animmitr), 71; drug alit eaoos, 9•toY1 - t3 cannabis t/atarijuanalhssh, etc.) and tone got:eine; ;provinuiell saaatuee.offescas, 65 (54,of dhow I liquor -related and ride ocovetieg •sueh categories as meow ,y*hicles ; assaults, 29 1(six ofthese sexual related). lfl�!l�I�lla A told • of 46, dor u1Tmtees handled 'hy the Soafiorth , Wt .ytear. Among these wove, rfalse gLsrms, 81;.dmnoatic disposes, !It; missing; persons, 9;.accidents, 37; noise .com- plaints, .16; ; pokoe .auistlanc; TO; ' 12Ntour suspensions, 21; trouble withyouth. 23. 'Ilinotarsnitth (anntinues meeting an xestzuctur* O,N(CALE'.COWIAt1 SSPNews Staff The .committee to study reatruaturing alternatives among six South Hilton municipalities will meet again Thursday. This meeting .of the Municipal (Reform Committee comes after the six involved counaiis voted on: proceeding with a consul- tants' proposal earlier this summer. Only Hay Township destined to make a rcatmt- mendation to proceed with - the report.: However, with the other five —.Zurich, Bayfield and Hensell and the town- ships of Tuckorsmith and Stanley --- voting to go for - weld, the meeting was scbed- u1ed. 'MRC co-ordinator laninte Simmerman said the-.out- coene.of Thursday's trteetit►$ .shill determioe. wbetber or,rlot ,fall 4•oimails:uood,torbc COP- ,sutted' again the following Week - Zimmerman, also clerk of ',Hay Township, said her council diel not 'Worse .going ahead because it was felt a possible . amalgamation should be a decision -for a new council after the -November e1ectien• The ongoing -meetings are in response to the ,province's mandate to trim. back the number ofmunicipalities in Ontario. There is an ,ongoing belief among .twiny in the affected six municipalities that a sin- ,gk,tiertkltiron4County &yalatn Of AgIVerilMeilt .nay -be in tate oft ng if they :fail to act on their own. Thursday's ,cneeting closed: to the public. wrioli par mow dips f27"V240 LCO 0 gllll prs afrd aeimirgo to *mud Howl County Mme' ._Meek Fi A 22, t997 toismsomilsogighwAdtt24,orkiliwomp,2aturkeilA Sippsored Amapa 11.3 Evasiesr The EX -Files: Spotted Mistake:: 1) Post 3 - "Mutiitdntu• should be "fvlahndinw'• -hut McGrath .2) Mast 4 - \ware dived tfrom !long oage :and •thlly Ito find •the mnt" - Deily itliteuaid R.ssssss�a►srtra►sssmtl A SEAFORTli CENTENAMICS g art- looking for a GAL A MANAGER A tor the 19f37-9 A hockey season Padden reply to wrtung w: box 1290. 'tieaforth. Ont. NOK 1WO • by Aug. 90th. 1997 DAN MALONEY CIRP Investment 1141secialist 527.0100 - iweatrnent Planning - - Retirerrtent Planning - -Esteem Planning - FALL RECSTRATION Tor all Programs offered at .. t>a Seaforth Co-operative Children's Centre - on Tuesday, August 26 '9:00 to 11100 AM, 4:00 to 6:00 PM Drop in. vl the centre and meet the staff at 126 Market St. or call 527,0682. Programa Include: 'Nursery School for both Preschool 121-6 yrs.l Toddler (16.30 iron.) -*Daycare Programs •'Musle for Young Chtidrert 'Sunrise: Program' (21-6 yrs:l •r3:fore & after aehool care Maw note tinsprvgrwn seruioes alt local schools in the area. TransportationIs available. Al* lending bbrasy t;it parent rexaurceb available It be . i05 with texture The real buzz on style is that a Metro( textur.z.ng serv.Oe at our'salor makes anything possible Create a hair style or ohange rt -to-suet your mood. Waves. lift. whatever The texture and body we add makes a style .410-911;110 .and .redo -dole. Call our salon today. "Helping you create your total image is what we are all about TAU IMA�.11 Main St. Seaforth 527-0780 !Ear Candling +Body Waxing •Skin Care •Hair Care July Montly Winter,: Jww Charier. ,t1 :OM, 4414.49:o(Hydrating SINIMPoo WINO OF WM% AL MO WNW F*40MING 1030411.• TOCKAOSOMI FOS x-1-1 000[490 CY RESPOWSA 8y authority of the Municipal Act, R.6.0. 1960 Chapter 302. Section 210 (Illy TAKE NOTICE that ihe.Councif of the Corporation of the Township of ;t kersmith intends to peens .a by -taw on Tuesday. September gree, r;tp raider e.ehe,tollowine highway. road and street names in:the O* qi Tygirirsrrtith. IhWOONAWN 4FRO T ; Con. 4-5 HAS Logi 1-10 .to TLE 87 trti'ip ROA(); Con. 10-11 .to ,, -• y. .1 ; - ,w GHIBELHURST AGan QAO; • 5 Las AS. (0 MGRRISOQI LINE; Con. 4-6 LAS .to•� �' • tAk6 :to HANNAH LINE: Boundarr Road ,iq "f , :.S _ road 6.6 HAS to ROAD:. `�ii�i ft. ' lr.: tp, pROUGH UNE; Vier ;16 HAS to r ' t Ll64dyaro 20.21 HRS, to DIVIS sderoad AS to KIK! RN LINE: Sideroad 30-31 'r'r' .to SANCTUARY LIN ; Sideroad 36.36 HRS to FRONT ROA ; • road .1 LRS to ROGERVILLE RQ Stdaropa�d 6-6 LAS t0 SALL iF/OAD; Sideroc�sdf 10-11 UiS,to LN , ,AQ,AQ; road 20.21 LRS ,to STAFFA ROAD;.6idarorid 6-2$.�� ¢,tO.G ENNIAL ROAD; sderoad 35-,36 LHS to ROMAN .RQAO;-.i1( cpad • 0. 1 ,LRS td HORTHORN ROAD; Sideroad 4546 418 to VANAST SIOAO; et of tiarpurhey Old Highway 18 to,HARPURHO feaCUlitifilAUSIGAWa ,Highway 1410 LONDON ROAD; Highway 8 to HUROleftgew. (County Road 03 Sideroed 30,31 LRS to MILL WNW; ,Cpu(tty.Rottd 12 Sideroad 15-16 LR_$ t K PPEN ROAO: CoUnt)r RRdditttdd .1332 (Concession 8-9 HRS to ST (f MA Blather attest Mittel M ,aM Astral* Mt fr#1$ nriMllr• i 44.41110 rAR> *1.1 1,00 ale.Mxlb ;ProttstY~ ;tQE,that .the Councir shall hear prima 4/1 rt, if'i1 O AV PA/ 1;1/Often appeals should be received by the undersigned by Friday, &gust 26th 1067 and appellants are 10 attend the hearing set at 8;00 fp,fh. Tuesday. September 2nd. 1997 in the Council Chambers. ,I,R• bictl4sotilon Glt►r�kk--Trransw•er >r 0#2k c k94041.1400 ffpip MMM�,iM..