HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1997-08-20, Page 1G*IP Groat LipdsayMMdiwut wins national championship five page 6 tUniulthme 'Huron lROlatein Show ihdltl.at ficatorth iFairgrouiui . Your Community Newspaper Since 1860 — Seaforth. Ontario Dir y Dug shot.in drive:by Shooting A dug on Harpurltev was shut last "Tuesday (August 12) tri a drive-by shtx>ting. The dog. "Presley" .a une- year-old Labrador and Husky eioss. owned by .lean Ayikruyd of the Harpurhey- bed and breakfast. was sitting on the lawn with her other dog and a neighbour's,at about 6:30 p.m. when the shooting occurred. Aykruyd heard the gunshot but by:the time she got out, to look. there was no one in sight. She is "really upset" about the incident. "1 have a grand -- sun, the next-door neighbours have kids. '('here arc a lot of kids up and down this road." She's thankful her grandson wasn't outside at the tome of the shouting. The dog is recovering from a wound to the abdomen fruit a .22 slug. 7'he OPP are investigating. Horseshoe pitching champ dies at 86 I,orturr Canadian horseshoe pitching champion Fred Harburn. who was also also an excellent fiddler in his day. died Friday at• Seaforth Conununity Hospital. fic was .86. He enjoyed a good game of cards and had lived m town across from the high school for the past eight years. cunning to Seaforth from Sulfa after his wife died. in his prime. in the •19-30s and early '40s. they called him "The Cromarty Kid- for his pitching prowess. • it was only late last munch that Harburn became one of the few Canadians ever inducted into the National Horshcshoe. Pitching}Mill. of Fatnc. 4Iospiitabw000nfll • outputientcwww Seaforth Community Hospital has .announced :an expansion to its outpatient mtxlical clinic services with allergy and geriatric..assess- mentclinics. Allergy specialist ;Or. Harold; Ki.{n.,and a gematolp- gist assuciatod with London's .Parkwood Hospital .will begin monthly cs.tetpec- tively un Scpt,9 I . The . local hpspi&al .i pw offers eight uutpa{ifnt Clinics, this latest pair and inteptal mull .ine. obstetrics/gynec, l- ogy. orthopaedices,.pacnt- atric:s, pal JiatricFl NT .and surgcrry. A -press rid aserfAcup)SCH's Cog, #ill f' 1bgrt-,si 4s; l#e "receutiy>ftlgii,K, nurthecphb qh, eatrer e- woFk p Iy supports. the expansion, Of outpatient mtxl- ical clinics in, rural hospitals as a means of,.enhancilig 31cccss to health care sit (CArlittili4ettit'l�t siq,14p I NUUQtt ,Aspriwt."014cexsjiptAle ignition .was f one r 4a t residence ppc.1i,Rf Hullo(fTP, 1liursday. p41°1 C' provincial pp ije. FLYING H(GH - .At the Canadian National Motocross Gharnpionships .inside. August 20, 1997 -- $100 includes GST PHOTO OX oRRoort-cAmPae . at Chris 14.430$:Of Mtaltpo lest ,week. 'More photos 271 ,-eIt itpinal c urTenees last year More police work in ttwndaan BV f:Rii,GOift CAMPiiIiLL •ExpositorStatf Ontario Provincial Police do more in Seaforth than sowIe people think. says Staff Sgt. Don McInnes. comman- der of our Main Street office. He had the facts,and figures to back this .up when he intro- duecd himself to Seaforth Council at last Tuesday night's meeting. There ;were 274 criminal ,atxl 456 miscellaneous occur- rences in , town last year, atx910ng, p the statistics,.ltc prcsonted. has !?cert a pgc;efi Seaforth accounts for 6.05 29a years,; is also liinofchacerrgefor of per trent of the Huron County t;.ontract policing with the workload. he said. and uffi- provincial force for . -Exeter tiers here put in 630 extra and Clinton. and perhaps hours beyond the ()PP con- soon -for Goderieh.Aesaid. tract. The town's contract 14IKlit,�)iIIS_tiQlB called for 5,888 hours of He told council he likes policing from last August to municipal police work; and this June. but actually got whereas his urbaocounter- 6,5.18.5 hours. parts in-the'ORP sometimes This town spent about perhaps would rather give $12,00(1 less than it hod bud- priority to "crime solving." geted for police overtime Out he sees the inuniciprali{ies he year: he said. Seaforth bud- serves more as "clients" so geted 519,732 for OT. but things lilts foot patrols and spent only $7,534. bylaw :enforcement .must Staff Sgt. iMeannes, .who come More ititapl4y. Huron Piowiia, laY,DAMiD.44TT Expositor Editor . }Everything is set to go for the 1997 Huron :County ;Rlpwing \Match on the 75 acres of -farmland owned. by ,Jim ,and Brenda McIntosh at the,ltome of George ,asci Roth Tpwpsend on ,Tugkersmith ,Sideroad 211-21, two and a half miles .west of-$eaforth on, Friday. rilwt4atY.ls,ta coaewng day t r4 ,a a ,vep n1 fJay. 00,n ,f te, f.tuctivities .$pits .witP. plowing ,1t ends AW001: gucen Aft►#et Afraw fpeeches at 3 rpe. follgyie t,hytfbe nail -dri- ving contest an'd_presentation of awards. its is,the irst,year for the 4iallcnge snatch, says ,Townsend, prey?�1epi 4f,tpes H,4fan RlowAten'sAtit?9VAPFt• itPOPP vW�N'1,4Pi P'IP tgh R,w,..., $ Pa rf �If1 Pe ,got ,Alta t R (tet t i m Ver 7� you think The annual street dance at the end of July during downtown promotion is a good example.of this type of community policing. he said. ;l.astyear it' had,problertts.•but the -recent tiine around police, the town and business solved them. •)If -there ,wore any ,cont - ,plaints. 1,haven't heard.":he commented. ,He told councillors.that the cost per household for polic- ing in Huron County is $171 a year.:the second lowest in this -province. CONTINUED on.page 2 ilf7P0lower6 yuvses Seaforth balks at province's bid for road maintenance :111''GR1Et7C OR titgibtIPBELL Expositor Stuff 'Road maintenanue plans for this winter dtm't appear to be working -our as Ontario's transportation ministry- first figured in connection with its reeent handing over of -con- necting links to municipali- ties, such as Seaforth. - "Conneeting finks" are provincial highways that pass through towns and villages. They became a municipal responsibility earlier this year. At Tuesday night's meeting. Seatertb Council said "no' again. this time to a ,quutatiun revised downward by a third -to $3,000 from the MTO to plow and sand the portion of 'High.way 8 . that passes through town this winter. :Works Sttparintondent John 11F►Q:Noat 4Ofttmontetd 't,e per- sonally -felt the .reduced fig- ure was -still "way out of line." and Seaforth .working with !Huron County could dv it as well .for less:. AiiKULICWO M1101500 The .quotation the tuw.n originally turned .down in April fur the sante .work was for $4.500. The works superintendent - said Seaforth regularly plows Guderich Street (Highway 8) in the daytime -until 4 p.m. .during the winter -in any cast. and any ,plowing and sanding in addition after normal working hours could be han- dled by cuntraet with Huron County, .to county standards. elf you didn't get a lot of snow in any given winter. 'CONTINUED NUE}D on:page 2 is spat to go at Mctntoh Farmer "The lawn mower :rodeo ,is what the gids get excited about." says/George. All Of the furrow -Queen c:oetitign,orsthraughuut daympwill be g tome$ .by past WW1 Queens 1ttC1ttditip a;lenc Townsend. daughter q 4egtge and Audi: .I y.ntte ,Cogolio and Shannon Craig. d it IRN4h sat a trier Queens }merkPilimited h),ve }been :inv►ted starting Zvj /1964's. Amy Stewart p actu lily ,reigned (or ec $%rat$ 1 years ,to As many as AtkEtAible w,itl,l A4 ri?d' *jl� xe 049 V1�lhtrun 11 t4i ,to' tvgbe- r cAIR pviirn in Q,4t '' the ' gY}+,1k$Ru4ls tPA t Agivici 44111 ARC. EtIcf RIvI e ,114 1,egoe474 A4t;s. R 411$ lfl ei4' iks.i P¢ AiR1 c. '4ypiFetitl4,litk' t yc ' (i ` • t1!t l q k Rr t' t l'4•4a) t541e t ,Was VID s SITE OF MAT (- O,pnd Brenda.Mclntosh and,Ruth.pnd lT9wnsend stand at the site of the 19 , , , µ-pit ,punter Pl9wing.Match rhich tN type held Ttnostay anciFriday, fptluwrct ljim ,Isis �y4�, ' ry1 49i r. 4309P. rhA t ril�ePACO AVM '4lf}P411?t st}I1 i urge. #p-} emit** hr :4 I jji> gl4il , t 4ite' t tirUP . ! dN t rmR < 4r1 t• is + -. A>�1 - .wihigi t , A�tfl trRYA 11P,s t 4�Ae s .1k.; MAY them .t ken Aff ttQr I- . (IP J�J1 .�KMt' , ws,Pys . ,'Aq t rfsr tk4:49 4 9 if t. 9 kis 1111P qpc :41f).411WAFP01141'•