HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1997-08-13, Page 27,s ttS. —.-wsig. curt►
Bean Meet '97 •
Spedialthrowing after dusk
Don't miss the friday cruise ni to litawfield through Blake
Clarke said the vrhow should
attract a ,capacity .crowd .again
this year. Every wear, the aommu-
nity centre grounds ane packed oto
the hilt with approkimately $00
.cars, uuoks and motorcycles.
"Everything's been working so
Well," he said, noting there Will
the no .changes this year. '9 'keep
thumping into .a 'lot of people.
They mark it nn :their calendar
because they don't want to :miss
Ear .years. the Bean Meet has
ten second only to tBothwell.
"The sport is getting bigger and
there .are new. old .cars an the
-Toad :act the time. People are
always fixing them .tip," said
"It's not _just a sport anymore."
For the past dozen years, over
800 custom rod and antique car
buffs from across Ontario and
into the United States thaw ,put
the Zurich Bean Festival.touttheir
"must do" roster of summertime
Bean Meet 197, hosted by the
Wrenehhenders Club, is one of
4?ntarios lamest .antique .auto
4hawsimd one .of the main attrac-
tions oft the 12th Annual Bean
-Festival;Ayg. Z3 and 23.
The ear show kicks . off with a
cruise night .on:Friday and topped
,aff .with a :new feature, "flame
,throwing" using .all the flame -
throwing vehicles the club can
;1l emni darcrutae-night takes a
new -.route tthis ;year. Club ;presi-
;tltnnt Zen Clarke said last .year
'1115 scars and trunks ,participated
in the .cruise and e*pacti .about
the same number. this .year.
The isysnrilegins at 7 p.m. at the
Zurichi ndl.diamond, adjacent the
.community .centre. The entourage
will head at on LHighwey b4
then urn right. onto the Sronsnn
.or Bay 'Towntitii}p Concession 12-
The group will °travel through
the hilly hamlet .of Blake until
they reach .a _dt adend and tthen
:tum due west onto TIighway 21,
just outside Bayf' dld.
•Cruise ;participants will ,dhow
off -their shiny and soliped up
.vehicles within the Village of
Bayfield 'by touring down and
badk qp Main treat before head-
ing fiome''to Zurich viii .the,coun-
• ty -road to `Vanes andtthe Goshen.
The colorful custom rod and antique auto show is s treat for Baby Boomers reliving their youth or a
younger generation getting a glimpse of the past. Hundreds of classic car owners show up yearly.