HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1997-08-13, Page 8THE AMAZING XXX RATED HYPNOTIST appearing SATURDAY, AUGUST 23rd) l S-TN*I MINION SXiPOSITOw, Amount 13, 1 t, v 1 Town and Country C.E. COMING EVENTS CPR CERTIFICATION/ Recertification Course, Sat. August 23, 8 a m. - 4 p m., Seaforth Community Hospital. Call 627-1650 to register CE -33-1 SEAFORTH AND DISTRICT Horticulture Society 25th Anniversary Dinner at Seaforth Legion Hall, Wed Sept 10, 1997 at 8 30 p m $1100 prepaid Tickets available from secretary Olave Little. phone 527-0188, or any of the directors or Hildebrand's store Deadline Sept 1 CE -33-2 EUCHRE. Tues August 26, 1 30 p m . St Thomas Anglican Church. $1 50 admission Lunch and prizes OE -33-2 COMMUNITY BRIDAL SHOWER tor Sherri Bennett, Monday, August 18 at 7 30 p m Anglican Parish Hall Everyone welcome. CE -32x2 MONSTER EUCHRE Toumament, St Josephs R C Church, Clinton. Wednesday, August 13, 8 p.m. Over $100 00 in prizes. Lunch provided Everyone welcome Sponsored by Knights of Columbus CE-32x1cc MITCHELL FAIR STEP Dance Competition. Saturday, August 30, 1997. 2 00 p m Classes Down. East (CIog,Jtg'Reel) and Group (Dance of Choice) House Fiddler in attendance Register by Aug 22/97 to Mitchell and District Agricultural Society. Box 1347, Mitchell. On NOK 1 NO CE-32x2cc SEAFORTH MINOR SPORTS Bingo every Monday 1st and 3rd Monday of each month $750 Jackpot 2nd and 4th Monday $1.000 Jackpot. Doors open at 5 30 p m Ticket sales 6'30 p.m. S D.0 C. Lottery licence *M297196 CE -31-0 RED CROSS Blood Donor Clinic THURS., AUG. 21st 5:00 to 9:00 P.M. Seaforth & District Community Centres This Ad Sponsored by: NIFTY KORNERS SEAFORTH (I. ARTICLES FOR SALE) SWEET CORN. Freezer orders filled. Two used refrigerators. Phone 527-2487.01-33-2 OVEN READY roasting chickens, 4-7 lbs Great for the bbc. Fresh or frozen Call Betty to book - 345- 2277 01-32x8 TRAILER FOR SALE - heavy duty tandem axles and full canopy top. 14' long by 7' x 7', $2200.00 o.b.o. Call 519-797-2012 and leave a message. 01-30xtt • FRESH SWEET CORN in limited supply. Melons, maple syrup, blueberries, beans and zucchini also available. Some pickling cucumbers available by order. Pullen's, 5 miles w '01 Seaforth on Hwy. 88. 233-7896 01-33x3cc OVEN READY Chickens, 6-8 lbs. $1.60 per Ib. Also turkeys. Phone 263-5778.01-33x1 RECONDITIONED Rainbow vacuums and power heads. One year warranty. Larry's Vac Shop, Blyth. 523-4205. 01-33xtcc RIDING LAWNMOWER MF, 42' cut, new Honda engine, - reconditioned deck, $1200.00. Table saw. solid wooden table and bench on wheels, $125.00; Kenmore window air conditioner, 8000 BTU unit for casement window, $260 00 526-7384. 01- 33xlcc ROASTING CHICKENS for sale. Phone 522-0148 01-33x1 A FORD 351 engine. -runs great, $150 or best offer TV antenna tower, approx 40 to be removed, $200 or best offer Call Jim 522- 0628 01-33-1 ONE CAST IRON laundry tub with pedestal. $50 00 Also solid brass foot rail tor bar. 12' x 8', $75 00. Call 524-5140 01 33x3nxe 18" SATELLITE DISH Just $259.00 for a complete dish systom (purchase of programming to qualify) Plus no money down financing and guaranteed lowest prices 1-888-269-0669.01-33-1 OVERHEAD DOORS Looking tor a commercial or residential door, then give Jim a call at Centra Door North We are distributors for Raynor and Garaga Overhead doors We sell service and install overhead doors (Duality products at competitive pnces Specializing in doors for farm driving sheds, dairy barns and commercial buildings Serving Mitchell, Dublin, Sebringville and surrounding area. Please call 519-335 6366 or fax 519-335-6563 01-38xtfcc BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND!!! TONY LEE 7 Tickets 57.00 ea. LIMITED SEATING! GREAT SHOW! �l)l'li���t'�� L Lititifrl1 . hitt Brussels 887-9035 1. ARTICLES FOR SALE) • APPALOOSA Yearling filly, dark bay with a star on face, excellent temperament and willing to please. Call 263-5060 evenings. 01-33x2 EXPERT WATCH • CLOCK •JEWELLERY REPAIRS Free Estiniafes • Fasi Service SEAFORTH JEWELLERS 527-0270 -♦ CASE IH "MAGNA POWER" Diesel Tractor Battery from $�Q,95 with trade-in MADEINCANADA SEAFORTH 519-527-0120 %VINCENT V>wssssslMlr>rssl11 A •Red Rhubarb A *Garden Veggies 1 A •Green/Yellow Beans s Aat s ADOUGALL'S A A 2 Miles North of V AExeter. Hwy. 114 i AFor Hours, Prices & • A Availability - Call V I 235-1491 s 11111l.[t4ft[<4R41[4'E4ft<S411410 SOFA AND CHAIR $219.95 up, table and chairs $69.95 up, night tables $29.95 up; older Avon bottles and cars $3.00 up; helmets $15.00 up; recliners $69.95 up; water skis $39.95; leather biker's jacket, size 40, $59.95: wood table and chairs $219.95; buffet w/hutch $239.95; wall unit $159.95; double bed, complete, $169.95; office desks $89.95 up; desk chairs on casters $29.95 up; love seats $29.95 up; high chairs $19.95 up; playpens $19.95 up; glider rocker $59.95; strollers $15.00 up; chest of drawers $39.95 up; dressers $39.95 up; colour TVs $99.95 up; crib w/mattress $69.95 up. All taxes included. Quality Used Furniture, 9 Albert St. Clinton. Open Wed. thru Sat. 11-6:30 482- 1444. 01-33x1 MOFFATT AND POWELL Building Centres. complete line of lumber and building materials. Free esti- mates *8 Highway, Mitchell. Toll free 1-800-663.6977. 01-3141 FREE CLASSIFIED AD Do you have an item for sale which is less than $20? Place it FREE for one insertion in the Articles for Sale column of The Huron Expositor. The ad must be 25 words or leas and the cost of the item must appear in the ad. This offer does not apply to busl- nesses.Phone 527-0240 before Monday 1 p.m. to place your ad. 01.01-tfnxe (I. ARTICLES FOR SALE PICTURES Have you lett a piece of your past with The Huron Expositor? We have a number of unclaimed pic- tures on file. You can pick them up at our office. 100 Main St S. Seaforih Monday through Friday. 9 a.m - 5 p.m 01-01-tinxe WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS For your reading pleasure we have available at the Huron Expositor office eight weekly newspapers. The Mitchell Advocate, The Clinton News -Record, The Goderich Signal Star, The Lakeshore Advance (Zurich), Shoreline News (Port Elgin), Kincardine News, Lucknow Sentinel and The Huron Expositor. 01-01-tfnxe • 3. GARAGE/YARD SALE INSIDE YARD SALE, Aug. 15 - 1 p.m. to Aug. 16 - 5 p.m., 11/4 mi. north of Winthrop and 11/4 mi. east. Tools, dishes, cans, barrels, J.D. side rake, cider press, etc. 03-33x1 GARAGE SALE,•Sat. Aug. 16, 60 William St. Egmondville (Harty Mero). 8 a.m. til 2 p.m. Rain or shine. Household items, mobile phones, Harley parts, Model A parts, lots of neat stuff. 03-33x1 15. CARS FOR SALE • I FOR SALE: 1984 Buick Le Sabre LTD., $500.00 or best offer. Phone 522-1858 05-33x1 1947 STUDEBAKER pick up, Y: ton. Needs - repair. Phone 527- 0187.05-33x1 MUST SELL: Red '81 Monte Carlo, good running condition, decent body, 305 - 4 brl., southern car. New rear shocks and springs, rear axels, seals and beanngs, muffler and tailpipe, battery with 7 yr. warranty Make an offer. Call 887- 9618 or 887-6795 and leave a message. 05-33x2nxe FOR SALE By Auction: 1989 Ford Probe, sold certified, no reserve bid. Kincardine Community Centre, 601 Durham St. Kincardine. Fri. Aug. 15th, 6:30 p.m. Phone (519) 395-5353 tor details. 05-33x 1 cc (10. PETS LAB PUPPIES for sale. Chocolate, yellow and black. CKC registered. Vet checked. Dewormed and tattooed $300. Phone '519-482- 7815. 10-33-2 BLACK LAB PUPS, purebred, 7 weeks old, have first shots and have been dewormed (519) 523- 9432 10-33x2 11C. WANTED TO HIRE l BARN MANAGEMENT positions available on a large modern three site swine operation. Excellent wages and . benefits. House available Phone 519-887-6181 or fax to 519-887-6330 11 C-33x2cc i eaxle-flow, small grains. Phone evenings. John Gillis 887-6009. 1IH-32-2 @H. FARM SERVICES ) CUSTOM COMBINING Phone Bob Regale, 527-0715 11H -31x3 CUSTOM COMBINING with Case CUSTOM COMBINING wheat, eats and barley, two John Deere combines with buggy. Phone 263- 5307, 263-6018. 11H-30x4cc CUSTOM ROUND baling. Phone Ken Bachert 527-2487. 11H -30x4 CUSTOM ROUND Baling, 4 It. wide x 3-6 ft. high, (John Deere). Scott Consitt,-233-9297 or 665- 2728.11H-24x12cc CUSTOM ROUND BALING -) Gerry Ryan 345-2620 LIQUID MANURE REMOVAL REY-AGRA Call Jeff Reynen 519-345-2478 519-527-1818 Large Square Baling Round Baling Dan Murray 345-2628 Custom Large Square Baling 1 wri,s •Hay *Straw •Halage •Soybean Straw 345-2880 Nick Klaver (14. VACATION PROPERTIES • COTTAGE FOR RENT, Port Albert, $500.00 per week. Call 482-5712. 14-33x2cc The Huron Expositor's CLASSIFIEDS C.E. Coming Events 08. Computers, Videos. 22. Lots For Rent 01. Articles For Sale Etc 23. Commenxal Property 03. GarageNard Sale 09. Automotive For Rent 04. Antiques 8 Art 10. Pets 24. Warted To Rent 4A. Craps & Hobbes 25. Wanted To Buy 05. Cars For Sale 26. Help Warted 06. Trucks For Sale 11A. For Sale General 27. Wanted General 118. Wanted To Buy 28 Business Opportunity ItC. Wanted To Hire 29. Tenders 11D. Employment 30. Employment Wanted Warted 31 Service Directory 11E. Livestock 32. Babysitting 11F. Farm Product 33. Miscellaneous 11G. Farm Equipment 34. Personal 11H. Farm Services 35- Notice To Creditors 11J. Farm Land 36 Announcements I1K. Farm Real Estate 37. Mortgages 38 Auctan Sale 39. Educationai 40 Lost & Found 41. To Give Away 42. Deaths 43 Births 44 Engagements 45. Marriages 46 In Memoriam 47. Cards of Thanks DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS MONDAY 1:00 PM For other papers Deadline is MONDAY 11:00 AM All rates plus GST 25 WORDS - One Week 85.00, two weeks $4.50 ea. week, three weeks $4.00 ea. week. Additional words 20 cents. An additional $2.00 will be added if billing is necessary. In Memoriams - $5.00 plus 35 cents per line of verse.- Card erse.Card of Thanks & Birth Announcements - 25 Words 85.00. Each additional word .10 cents. We are also able to place word ads in the following papers: Goderich, Clinton, Mitchell, Lucknow, Kincardine, Zurich, & Port Elgin. By placing an ad in The Huron Expositor we can place the same ad (25 words or less) in any of the above papers for an addi- tional $3.00. THESE PRICES ARE PRE -PAID Call 527-0240 Monday to Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM 7A. For Sale General 78. Wanted To Buy 7C. Wanted To Rent 70. Bicycles 7E- Motorcycles, ATVs, Etc. 7F Snowmobiles & Equipment 7G Rec. Vehicles- Carnpers.& Traders 7H. Boats. Motors & Manne 7,1. Service Parts & Repairs 7K. Swimming Pool & Supplies tsleeetriltUnitirf 12 13 14 16 17 Real Estate For Sale Mobile Homes Vacation Properties For Rent Apartments For Rent 18 Houses For Rent 19. Rooms For Rent 20 Rooms & Board 1 Pt X1.1 !4 1*Qet�i6Al 1 what a feeling! 12. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 4044i0k M•A-P•L•E•H•I•L-L RETIRPMF.NT Y VILLAGE. • 45 Charles Street Clinton FOR SALE 2 Units 916 or 121(1 a9 ft., 2 bedrooms,• individual high efficiency heating/cooling unit, 2 paths, 3 appliances. •Fully Accessible • Elevator •tTommunity Atmosphere Join Us For Our OPEN HOUSE Saturday 10 am -Noon For Information Call 482-9454 Culligan REAL ESTATE LTD. IIMINIMIERIIMMI P.H. ROYAL LEPAGE Hiller Realty it INDEPENDENTLY OWNED & OPERATED OPEN HOUSE Ryan's Roost in St. Columban Hwy. 8 between Dublin & Seaforth SAT., AUG. 16, 1:00 P.M. VENDOR SAYS SELL! .Spacious six bedroom home adjoins commercial area. That family business you've dreamed of can become reality. Busy hwy. location is perfect for truck stop/ restaurant/general store. Use your imagination. Priced to sell at $149,900. YOUR HOSTS MIKE & MARIA WALSH 393-6200 (H) 273-1650(0) 69 WEST WILLIAM STREET - List 989,900.! •DINSLEY TERRACE, CLINTON - List 989,500.! 32 NORTH ST., EGMONDVILLE .- List $159,000.! THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1997 - 6:45-8:00 P.M. 64 CHURCH STREET - LIST $139,900.1 HOSTESS: 'MAUREEN WILDFONG SECOND ST., EGMONDVILLE - Now $114,900.1 213 JAMES ST., CLINTON - List 9106,900.1 288 HIGH STREET, CLINTON - Liet 5210,0001 88 VICTORIA BLVD., VANASTRA - Now $67,900.! 20 YEARS SERVING SEAFORTH & AREA 'MAUR $ W`OfOKi 'OM8114404 6A�E Seaforth Mee' 527-1577 OPEN SIX DAYS 519 / 8 Main Street A WEED .••••56 YEARS OF COMBINED EXPERIENCE -mud *BRIAR 00(31131 -oa N MAN 'DON FRMAN 1311-41143 4600 *SALES REPRESENTATIVE **ASSOCIATE BROKER MLt3 REALTOR