The Huron Expositor, 1997-08-13, Page 2s-wIr i u r I lanowsrn.•r —s ter, »n
New pint is age of free churches
Expeditor Editor
\Moving to the country
tonight help improt(e -Father
Mho* Sdrurdar's golf game.
Mae amrtrptiest is tbo yr
-4or a cluster of two pin s -
St. James in Seaforth, St.
Jwteph's in Chalon, and :ane
scission-slt?V►Michael's in
;Salvador was given the
;assignment for this area by
-Bishop Sherlock of the
London Diocese. This is the
first nine the Catholic Church
has clustered three churches
together in this arca. In the
past, St. Jamcs and St.
Columban shared a priest.
But things have been
Shortage of Primes
"in the next couple of years
there will be a shortage of
priests," said Father Salvador.
"It's not too,ioag ago all the
smaller churches had priests.
There's just not the numbers
tot priests) now."
He completed his studies at
St. Peter's Seminary in
London. He swats in the semi-
nary eight years. including a
one-year internship in
Windsor .at Must Precious
Blood -.Church, then six
months .at St. Benedict's in
Sarnia where he -was palled to
be a deacon there for a year.
Father Salvador was
ordained at St. Peter's
Cathedral in London on April
28. 1990. From there •he
spent three years in
Leamington at St. Michael's
and in Chatham at St.
Joseph's for four years before
being.reassigned to this .area
at the end of June.
hest Time as IPatater
He admits things are really
different here .with a.lot more
• responsibilities. This is the
first time he's been pastor.
Mostly his work has
an associate priest in a larger
NOW PASTOR --father-Dino Salvador is the new pastor
of three -Catholic churches in Seaforth, Clinton and Blyth.
church .with a pastor. There is
a lot more -.administrative
work than be's had in the
past, especially with three
"When you're along the
401 corridor things can be
hectic and rushed. I'm look-
ing forward to stowing dawn
a bit." he said.
One of his hobbies is golf
but -hopefully he'll find auntie
41110re time to play the local
links, even -with his busy
schedule as pastor of three
"i'll try to fit it into my
schedule...With two parishes
and a mission it's:going to be
a challenge for everybody
and myself."
Legislation to provide `calm labour. environment'
CONTINUED from page 1
ing the restructuring of
• municipalities, health-care
workers, and school boards
and ;has - akegdyr 4,aygrtckeg
from teachers unions and
public workers unions which
feel the law takes away rights
of their members.
Dezell said, "They (the
province) say `the legislation
is to provide -a calm labor
environment.' adding "and
those are their (the
province's) words."
The cost of lawyers to deal
with labor issues could -be
expensive, she said, and sug-
gested West Perth seek
advice from lawyers within
opportunity; to
correct omissions
CONTINUED from page 1
port services for Alzheimer's.
While much time and effort
was put into ensuring all busi-
nesses and services were
included in the 6;000 entries
of, Savage noted
there will opportunity to
correct any omissions. "I
encourage anyone ,who
notices omissions to contact
us to be included in future
editions," she said.
Those .with information for
the business directory can
contact . Weber at Abe Huron
County Planning ,and
Development Department,
and ihose,with information on
service.organizations .and
agencies can contact Doucette
at headquarters for the Huron
County Library.
The book form of the direc-
tory can be -purchased at the
planning .and development
department, .through Huron
County Libraries, or at the
Huron .Business Centre in
Seaforth. Order forms for the
electronic version will also he
available at those locations.
Amigust'6 Exiastiapr
The Ex -Files:
Spited Mistakes:
1) l'agc 2 - "...type of how
use store or use the
manure..." - Arthur Horst
2) Page 2 - "before before"
- Dolly McQuaid
3) Page 5 - "horses races" -
[Jthel Walker
the governmentto rave costs.
In later discussion, transi-
tion board chairman, Bert
Vostenbosch and Logan
Ageve John- Van Sakel,agreed
it wouM"be ifs the best inter--
nter=est of West Perth to obtain its
own legal counsel for labor
The Ministry of
Citizenship and Culture has
informed MMAH that final
reading of $ill 109 is slated
for the fall, said Dezell, and
that will mean West Perth
will be responsible for setting
up a library boanl.
She told the board that Bill
105, which deals with polic-
ing in the province, states
that municipalities must now
have a police -board.
Mitchell Mayor Hugh
McCaughey asked Deaell to
clarify the issue and said,
"We (the town of Mitchell)
—bele an :Itreement with the
OPP and have been under the
impression that would not
have to be changed with
The police board set up
under Bill 105 will be
responsible for all the munic-
ipalities in West Perth, she
explained, and it will have to
decide whether there will be,
or .will not be„a formal ,agree-
ment with the OPP for servic-
ing the areas outside of
However. said .Dezell.
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RRSP's to RRJF's
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taw oMa diel d ie
fie the past, the throe
411■ class hal n total of five
muses. "Siaee 1 casae Ws
impossible to keep up -that
mow • oliedulc,” said Father
ihihisider..liolhatet art tow
Mauch --an the aralisuid.
+or a f eeriut moll tridf dais,
Myth will 'Save mass
,Bawrday Might at 7 pot.,
illeefuelli will have mass at 9
+tm.liimiay and Cliatat at 11
rm. Sealey. Than the times
will rotate with the three
.dterdtes. This is on a trial
:>btssis, peedingrreview, says
tiee pastor. Soffer, far, be has
,received no complaints
-rega ding the new schedule.
lit'.s.aiways good to aee the
church full," he says.
Aside from his cluster of
..churches there.;aee .elargy
duties of .visiting nursing
tlsomcs, retirement 'homes,
Ihespitals and.sebools in the
Right now Father Salvador
;is touching base with all the
Lehurch committees and with
The tri -church population is
fairly large including ,appiax-
iunately "375 families in
Seaford), 330 families in
C3Meonand 15 in Blyth.
"I'oi looking forward to
this. It's my first tune being
pastor. PeQple$avebea► very
waicomigg .and friendly -aa1
overall receptive."
His first two weddings are
in September then one in
October, in Seaforth and
John Brothers, a social
*orkcr who'has coerce space
at -St. James' Rectory, is avail-
able to see pariabioners in
Scafoeth, Minton and Blyth,
and other members of the
public, looking for help with
family problems, marital _rdif-
ficulties, addiction coun-
selling, etc. He is available a
few days a week, says.Father
for West Perri
regardless of .the type of
agreement with the OPP,
.West Perth will be paying for
police services in the. former
townships unc way or aaoth-
er. •
Regarding the recycling
issue, she . ,said, "We
(MMAH) just found out the
other day: from the MOE that
every municipality with a
-pApulation over 5,000 -must
provide curb-side•rocyClisg."
Reeve Vain Bake! asked
Deielt if that would -be con-
sidered one of the costs of
restructuring which the
province has said it would
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A Review of activities at
mulasuizardavicisur will be offered to eilWo te.intemst-
ed SaL, AUGUST 23, I9,7 from x a.m. In 4 p.m. suttee
Conference: Roost 2. Pioaae saH 527-1650 to rtgiuer-
HaestaimuintSidliatinsat at the 'Searonh .Golf
and Cwiatry ebb eat 1Ss1.,1A(000ST 16th. Tee ,Off at '1 p.m. 18
boles of self, genet Beef it er. prizes, complimentary gift and 2
chances to win a oew em' withers 'Rohe in One". Registration: Adults:
$7540, Sttrdraats: $60.00. Lots of b npura meed. Curse out eyed sytp-
pon your Mail Hospice Preussen'. il'n :resister call, 'Hospice 527-
0655 or Soafoith Golf Course 322-0985.
Oft PRF -ADMIT aCLI(JC • if you are an expectant Mom 34-38
weeks pregnant and pluming: to deliver at Seaforth Community
Hospital. you are encouraged to atte& .far sharing of admission
iafonuatiun on Thursday, AUGUST2l,,at 7r90 p m is Cope. Mea.
2,hr-registration tion regneated 527-1630.Eat. 219.
'INthirmation will also -he availeble as to bow Kara &eafie & Pam
liierew,.Betenstfeediegl adlifalm can provide breastfeeding sup-
port and problem solving if iu ired. For.further or immediate infor-
mation, please eeataet 1274 1650 hat. 219 or 322.0409. -
Please note, the nowt **Attila! Information Session will be hold
Thurs., Sept.. 18, 1997 at 7 30. p m. in Conference . Rooni 2. Tragic:
breastfeeding Atlltteliss.
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You decide!
...after you've heard it all
The8r6 of (trio are lobbying politicians to open a Beer Store in
*fah. They', 04kaying that a beer store will mean more jobs and bet-
ter service. This plan, however, has a dark side for taxpayers and the
wiiistoekow awl *OW
*or,. wine .and * ,customers will log Ime,Qp11>tlsill!IRce of one
stop shopping at the 1060.
• ,With beRrfprofluats removed itisktappialtetwoo and 1porns, the
tato atg ,e ,V a woe reduced in alae and operating4IQM . Thst
means towerspeRpoliyojtorants for the town.
• Beer Store profit8 94p1Oealarge multinational conies that own
Brewers' Retail whereasit4 O profits go to the peopiiiegMitario.
LCBO jobs will be lost resulting in more unemployment.
What's gained on the one hand will be lostoi9ther.
fur opinion matters! Make your views ip4►,hr
town council and MPP.
A message ffront/X #W cal y>li1yeec