HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1997-08-13, Page 1Your Community `Newspaper Since 1860 -- Saefo rth, Ontario Eanefly °Gd ffe s aneedett! Tbc Huron Hospice needs golfers for its Celebrity Golf -Tournatnent this -Saturday: The fee -has been reduced AO $75 fur participants. which includes a round of golf,.din- ner. price .and an income tax receipt of 525. -And also two chances at winning.a now car. Foi more details sae Recreation Preview and Tartan Chameleon un •page 12. Tools stolen, twice Thousands of dollars in mechanics' tools were stolen from McGavin's Farm Equipment in Walton in two separate incidents in the past week. Owner Nell McGavin said the first break-in occurred overnight Munda}. August Q. "They took the mechanics' tools. bigger tools. cut-off saws from the showroom." he said. McGavin said thieves removed -pins-in the hinged doors in the ,Monday night break-in. So staff:made weld- ing repairs right away. In the second incident. Thursday, August 7. thieves came in through a second storey win- dow and opened the big doors with -the electric switch. All the new replacement tools whn h had just arrived. were stolen. "Some tools had initials on them. Sonic weren't even out of the pack- agcs.They also took big bat- tery chargers and a high-pres- • sure washer.'' said McGavin. The dollar -hiss of the first break-in is around $9,000 to $10,000. Thursday's loss hasn't been tallied but the tnechahics' took alone are worth $8,000. •McGavins are looking at installing more security and considering guard dogs on the premises. The Huron County OPP is investigating. Races in Walton The Canadian National Motocross Championships take place at the Lae farm .n Walton starting tomorrow (Thursday) with finals all day Sunday. Thousands .will descend upon the small com- munity .and spend the four days on .acres of camp- grounds set up for the event. G.oderich police ,are. still investigating .a nuwber of Molotov, cocktail ,attacks in the beach.area clurittg the past two weeks ,and ;another attack that could have idevastated the ouW ntittecicP station. At least, t)vp attacks took place at tbecgP station, and a third may have been prevent- ed by people g;ttbcring for a reception (fOr°lie„Visiting cNommunity 41441pqm.judges) last Tuesday evcpi Another .attack :Monday afterno¢,nri beach NO, ,according to the ( r Jt 4Aor l -Star. ,rp afhe cocktails, bottles filled with gas..and a Sag. Fen on fire, matleito.esplode with flaming .gas „fie, lthrrw,n, cx► the crowded beach z1:47;,- , ging cirive;ltk,tft:C!ltt ,ing gas. • August 13, 1 97 --11100 tincludes;moi?' Pl1QT0t v OAWP8porr 'Y9 1SPNEXT - Lifeguard Don Sills, tar right, makes sure swimmers' carn4s are in order tor • upcoming reoef; at -the Inter County Swimming Aasociatiom s -huge meet et. Seaforth Ltoos-Parc on Satur3kly...(45 et alt eggs pattiutpated while parents end clubs horn visiting towns set up .umbrellas and ebeer+ng 9ediPtiS atrn ntd ttte_Perirt r-Afilskpool. .West PPerth nukesfinvt mops New mual.cl ality names comrniuee' committee ate the following: •from. Fpllarton clock -treasur- er, Don Feeney and corn. Lloyd Walkorn; from:itlibbort cleik-treasprer;Pat Taylor and conn. Flan Lannin; flung Logan clerk -treasurer .Icarian d eLasen and ;Keeve John Vanikakcl; and from Mitchell credo-trrasurer,DQn Jiplett sand coun.,Dorothy. BY JUCK#SW SSP News S,tttff At the end of July the newly created Township 01 - West Perth elected the execu- tive for its transition board and officially named mein- bers of the transition commit- tee. ' 'The transition board. which comprises the council mom- bers from Mitchell and the townships of. Hibbert. (Logan. and Fullerton, elected Burt Vorstenbusch, ;deputy reeve of Fultartorg .Township..as chairman; Walter McKenzie, reeve of Hibbert Township, as vice-chairman and ,Karan McLagen, clerk -treasurer of Logan Township as secretary. The transition beam official- ly .accepted the members of the transition committee elected and one appointed CHAIRMAN Bert Vorstenbosoh ,which is made up of utas VICE•1;HJRMAN •madter•MoKerizie member councils. member from each of the Members of- the trap;ition Board works on !transition w is Ay siekKAAv% £$P News Staff Qn;luly 31 ,a representative from . the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and "Housing (MMAN) updated the transition board for the new J, o.nicipality of West Perth. on four specific ,areas of provincial,lcgislation to .which the now. board :will have to devote time. Judy ,Pe ell, wbQ i,ls worked with :Perth ,County 'iEbc trartsiiiortal committee, .which re.purts:to .the transi- tiprtal - board, :has - the-respon- ,sibility. of _establishing an overall administrativeand employment strpotpce,for West Perth. ibis structure is to be. in.:place;Iap. I, 199, sp. ,a QC* 401/Wil fftisr MOO ii!Cfclit to be eleeKr1 in trite •November municipal elec- tions will Ape a framework from which . to,start govern- ing. pffirials during.tbe county ,tints holt process, told ilio, rinsitton.board that it abet* -laniliarixe:itself with Rill 1+3044eiRlsblic G:a)tQr Tratisitjon,$ls ility Act;; 109, :Local ocal r tro l of Public iLibraries; Bill 105. the Police Scrvic;es Atnepdnsnt Aet.uf 1997aud a.regulation fr4fn litc,iulstry of the liwYi int (MQE) regarfl- i 1Dg-Ke,Yc :am i►t& ,ip brig deals.with labor +4111As ich ,arise Our - IN [ on page 2 ilektf to be Witt *me cots rswearMOW Ole tWkst t Arc:cur 44114011 �r �r tc0,e44109 ij} 4is$taff ,The Wet .Perth, transition board has ,approved eliminat- ing.,jph 1 intens. if nctxf be, to establish the most cost effective means of' running and servicing the new: t c ipality. Transition corrtntoirttce cttpr- dinator, • Logan:iteCVe John Bake l saki the conauuuec July 31 the best way roach the issue Of ishiakg,a new work - Piton slrpcture for West th ,was to take ,a fresh•wi±tt ut roes f: for,huw y positi presently herr. c said at ' p11 became ACk:0p.wl r, t,'�' WI 1 el AMR Van • : t Wm- 4004.046 .wi rAt!4 - Lc? : Ab A1S4Y491 {te ve OW, P f,uribcr ;8 c4lu Lie ane, jub,t41W4Pse, • Fullarton •R.ee.:vc f►:ttrt Nw,ki ' staid: the.Prphlem;o,f extra crnployees may .toot arise if the personnel com- inittec presents it suitable sc ve t aaiccs,- package. Vain 44e1 I sev be; ennui wept Ott , tDx, . MAI' Vii” $ 91Pite tt8 'WitNitA lfr 19fn lith that was the, but !AWN not be Ali 4.7 .00W ft 44444.01. ortzi„-itiqrmwoltk {jaj4t{t ; 4P' , ' 1ti"' ,tirt'7P,041y 041/141* OPS' Directory helps locate resources NY SAM) VM NUE SSP News Staff Huron County is ;rich in local ,matrons, anti the method of finding 'those assets became much easier iecently with .the :launch of the Huron Information_ Directory. The directory, published by the Huron Community Service Network. is the first updated version since 1993. and this time :around, :it will be •available in' both book form. and in an electronic fin -- Mat - Blanche Savage, chair of the network. noted that the directory is a '"cooperative effort of manor information' ,providers in :#luno County." and added, "Production of this directory meets the .goal of the '!Huron Community ervive 'Network .to deveigp. ppbbc AWNIIMIS,,of-commu- nity,*tervices." ;lefonnation •anrbusinesecs was ;eottlpilod tby +the 1$uron County Planning and • Development :Department, while information 'regarding services for seniors and the disabled was provided by the Community Care Access Centre. Also gathering infor- mation was the Harron County Library. it is a valuable resource." said•Marian Doucette of the Huron County Library. who was presented .with acertift- cate of appreciation ,for'her contributions to the produc- tion of the directory. In one place it outlines all the things you can find in Huron ,County. from business. to .who to contact at your loeal jRUC, •to how tofind Kids Idelp Jhonc...'. $avatge added that one way of looking at the directory is. "No:matter,how rich we arc in local :resources. *bey arc .-nut valuable unless people can find them." ',the aireetory,•ahc said, .provides a link to ser- vicos for those collo ore i to fipd them. Work on!producing •the:new diruetory:began right after the • publicnation of the 11993 edi- :tion,,whiclg. $wage :saint, was outdated "tine day,it wastub-. Iished." Doucette ;lithe¢ ,that this .was .the case rbecattse a federal aleeti9p wp 4gld jest Wow ,the ,,putiMi$J of .the 19913onion, ""Ains gov- rtt cgtttacks ,ehanlled• $00001 Weber.Rf the adNWP (09001 tploonl4mimeo t tt4fitRffl,t!at,Rf st1t,191QK11# .4P (lbe tic *,X's`iai):" may ,fl' Pgcy cop t1� ,gale dtr�t �t4t�iA4ts. 4IPW- gltt,k t - kQnic .v 4t11Ktlr :Aitbeill�stt4� by clttt!N Doucette no that these on ,p Jiff Oic to Vie .d . *11f0.1 9914titPt tc QN'IN A On pc 2