HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1997-08-06, Page 11(41.CAJWS far muss )
This notice* toativisr- sial rde sighs Cow*Maw,i Mott
in Thrill areas .corn menosd •011 moi, fora _period of apptailleely 1210 14
weeks. Herbicides ,to 'be used ate: AW ADI T, Registration No. 16540; and
DIPHBNOP ROP, fiegistralion No. 15707. Tote controlled are noaious weeds as per
the Provincial Weed ConftoIAct.
This notice complies with Sections 8(2) of Reputation 914 under the Pesticides Act.
For further infommtion.'pieaee reUdieHuron Gooey Weed Nnpectorat 519-52441984.
.Mitoheli Driver &
Vehicle License Office
53 Montreal St., Mitchell
will be
Until Further Notice
A.A. If you thunk you have a drink-
ing problem Atcohohcs Anonymous
has worked for millions. Gall 527-
1650 or toll tree 1-800-706-9833.
1" & 2" Mortgage Money
Absolutely No Upfront Fees
Available as low as
6.50% interest
Personal Loans
11 you qualify. payments
' 5.000 ' 41.66
*10.000 • 83.33
•15.000 '125.00
ConsoOdate your debts
Cell (519) 363-02111-800387-1132
CLINTON 482-7898
SAT.. AUG. 9 AT 9 AM -
Cotns. antiquesfurniture.
appliances car at Lobb
Auctions in Canton
SAT.. AUG. 16 AT 10 Air -
Prano. antiques iurntture
appliances. farm machinery tot
Orval and Clara Cooper 5 mites
south of Seaford) then 2 miles
cast on Staffa Head
1U$8.. AUG. 19 AT 6 Par - 4
5o00 bushel grain bins. MC
grain dryertruck camper
sleeps 4. farm machinery.
trailer. etcfor ticnry Stasfk t
1/4 miles we then 1/4 mile
north of ticnsall
Festival School
552 Huron St., Strattord
Looking tor
a new
Festival School of Hairstyhing
of Stratford is accepting
applications for their next
class. Make-up, Artistry and
Nail Technology offered at
no extra charge. Financial
assistance available for
those that qualify.
For further information call
THURS. AUG. 14 at 3:00 P.M. -
Eslate auction of antique
tractors: vehicles; 1993 Prowler
trailer; steam engines; farm
collectibles and full line of
household effects held at the
Jacob Auction Centre 185
Herbert St in Mitchell (or the
Estate of the Late Roger Dow
SAT. AUG. 16 et 10:00 A.M. -
Auction of antiques; appliances
& household held 2 mi. south of
PlatIsviNe and a 1/4 mi. west for
Lewis Saunders
WED. AUG. 20 at 4:30 P.M. -
Auction of antiques; appliances
& household at the Tavistock
Memorial Hall in Tavistock.
SAT. AUG. 23 et 9:30 A.M.
Annual term toy auction el the
Quality inn at Woodstock for the.
-Woodstock-Oxford-Rotary Club.
271-7894 or 8879599 ,
Sale of Land By Public Auction
Municipal Tax Sales Act, 1984
The Corporation of the Town of Seeforth
Take Notice that the land(sI listed below will be offered For sale by
public auction at 11:00 in the forenoon on the 7th day of August.
199" at 72 Main Street South, (second floor Council Chambers)
Seaforth Ontario
Description of !.ands
Minimum Bid
Lot 52, Part Lot 53, Plan 387 in the
Town of Sealorth, County of Huron
Municipal Address and
Minimum Bid.
The municipal address in previous advertisements was incorrectly
listed as 40 Huron Street. The minimum bid in previous
advertisements was incorrectly 'listed as $4,733.57. The correct
municipal address for the above nolgd»tarty is 29 Hur1 g
• t.. ,
The Town of Seaforih apologizes for any inconvenience created by
previously listing the incorrect address and minimum bid.
All other Information and terms of the auction sale remain
For further information regarding this Sale, contact:
James Crocker, Treasurer, Corporation of the Town of Seaforth
72 Main Street, P.O. Box 610.
Seaforth, Ontario NOK 1W0
to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Building in Clinton for
Rebecca MacKenzie of Goderich plus additions from Dublin,
Dashwood, Seatorth and Clinton and area homes.
COINS: Approx. 60 lots of interesting collactible coins. Sell at 11
CAR: 1977 Camaro with chrome breather, tappet covers, new
headers, new brakes, run 68000 miles. Sits between 11:30 and
12 noon.
APPLIANCES: nearly new chest freezer; Admiral side by side
fridge freezer; Leotard upright freezer; 30 hatch stove; 0E -dryer; 2
microwaves; 2 air conditioners; dshumldlksr; portable colour. TV;
floor model colour TV; humidifier; component stereo.
ANTIQUES: floor stand haul rack and mirror with drawer and
umbrsUa holder; floor model phonograph; round dialing table with
centre pedestal; .buffet with mirror; 6 matohlrlg chairs; harvest
type kdlchsn Vale: treadle sawing mnchire; 2 washstands whh
end towel bars; Ornate oak bad (nice one); iron .pad with braes
knobs etc; old drop;leaf Mals; commode their: trunk; old picture
frem.a; old drifters with mirrors; gun stook chair; reproduction
Hietorkel.AWe s of Huron and Bruce; 1300 books;,Parlour tables
etc; old beryo and violin; pillar cloak; Mawr: b►Kflr•pdnt4 ladles;
teacher* bel; .1878 bells; meld Ford fntokpilawtr, j us; sad irons
.and trivet; tai vaylsnIsm.
MOaeRN r9i1111MtfJ :.SeatiarMl ebaellraand,whth pullout bed 3
yrs, and peat 112200.00 naw; modem kuwasst liken t with pullout
bed; leather recliner; ample Ma wheale;.fttaple
hutch; maple drop lesf.gtiMieg tab1S nab 8 maishIngeliMmt small
maple flaak;,plus much more.
+100 fI. new ifyai ,pga.krl r e prV le ti nt w); 2hrai . u ic
100 ft. new atgtirllnk, 7falat (craw)• Z sllan,IlY0lret
stoats; 3 nowlimey alserigg.my.Ws;-Wen and Mullen ,tavola;
.wldohY•;,Plus.00,eatealIMSapadng,fdesrastdto• iessraealo
2,Arftiortasre i song.
WSW rii01i11 K4161l 111140 lMl r IA.
CRADY, Haien Dorothy (Oleate):
Al Richmond General Hospital.
B.0 . on Sunday. August 3, 1167
Helen Dorothy (Clarke) Brady of
Richmond B.0 and formerly of
Seaforth in her 83rd year Beloved
wife of the tate Dr Paul L .Brady
(1986) Dear mother of Bryan and
Heather Brady of Deep River, Rob
and Phyllis Brady ot Lucan, Bruce
and Ginette Brady ot Gastineau.
Quebec. Stephen and Jan Brady of
Richmond. B.0 David and Mary
Brady of Gifford and Barb and Kent
McCarl of Kelowna B.0 Also
survived by 12 grandchildren The
funeral service will be held in
Richmond B.0 with cremation to
follow and interment to be held in
September at Park Lawn
Cemetery Toronto Donations to
the Ontario Heart and Stroke
Foundation would be appreciated
by the family 42-32-1
Al and Mary wish to announce the
arrival of Jacob Michael on July
24. 1997 weighing 9 lbs. 13 oz. at
Seatorth Community Hospital. A
new brother tor Katelyn, Brittany
and Matt Proud grandparents are
Frank and Leona Nigh. Seaforth
and Paul and Angela Watson,
Dashwood Great grandparents Bill
and Ann Marie Watson, Zurich
Special thanks to Dr Percival,
Kay, Martha and hospital staff. 43-
Pater and.Barbara-PeatLasmbappy
to announce the sate arrival of
then son Dominik, born at Stratford
General Hospital. July 14, 1997
weighing 8 lbs 14 oz Special
thanks to Dr Shannon and the
Stratford 0.8 nurses as well as
Dr Shepherd and the nurses of
Sealorth Community Hospital 43-
John and Susan. are thrilled to
announce the safe arrival of their
twin girls on Friday, July 25. 1997
Amber Mae was bom at 11:22 a.m
weighing 6 lbs 7 ozs and Ashley
Faye at 11:55 a.m. weighing 5 lbs
Two new little sisters for Amanda
and Michael Proud grandparents
are Blanche Parke of Bayfield and
Harold and Faye Dalrymple of
Seaforih Everyone is doing Just
fine. 43-31xlcc
MALCOLM: In loving memory of
Peter who passed away Aug. 5.
His friends they calked him
In that you could rely,
And when he played his pipes for
II brought tears to many an eye.
The Malcolm tartan was his trait,
And Peter was his name,
Two years have passed by
We still mills him Just the same.
I know that he is watching us,
And peeking round the door,
My father is in a better place,
Where he can day his pipes once
It t could have one wish I'm sift,
I know what that would be.
To welcome him with open arms,
And keep him close to me.
Always remembered and sally
missed by daughter Moire and
son-in-law Gerald and Unit* and
wife Annie. 46.82x1
KSMONT; In loving memory of Ruth
Knight who passed away August 6.
They say time hoses all sorrow.
And helps us to forget,
But time has only proven,
How much;we miss you yet.
Remembered and ,mimed by
Mellor*, Tom,'kion and Pawl
Have spar important dpcumin $
fatted .at :the Huron .8rtpoui*
office, 100 Main 8t., Sealorlh. 1st
pep. -,8ya x 11 $4,00, additional
Pelee .ifl WOG ,Phew number
$1790. To Meaty* a fax /t our
office 0. Post is SI 100 per shish.
ifidr extra). Far mar. inionnalion
Phone 62/41140.;g110IIAf
2111111//: hi ,Iwlp asamary a1 a
Mew . wn& a telber lewd
f .lbeseen,al ssimel[d
saw *VOX 1066.
Btvwya grinesteeamoilmo n,
Mwrmiaa M emu ammo ow Wee,
Me alae yswanweandasside
kr euMtasrtle yellemelas eaves
Leve, ttttfager, :Oral and Baso,
Mutsu, »tae and NYoihaal 46-
111ft 1
1 MALE: In laving rearnory
of a msrar, pandmatlpr, great
grarektwa her and .a %sad, 'Wien
Jean, wham God .osilad hems
Aupfst 10, 1004
The esenant !rat ysu Wed,
Our Marts ase e-llt m woo,
The we aids thtlsdafltll meehones,
The other diad with. you.
MN think of you in alenoe,
We arrays weak your name,
Farah me Nave am Minnorns.
And your Mature in a terns.
They ray there re amason,
They say 1hat.tim. will heal,
But neither time nor reason,
Help the .mgenees we Mel,
For no one knsws the heartache.
That our smiles try to hide,
No one knows hew many hoes,
We have broken down and coed.
We want to teff you somstlnng.
So there won't be any doubt,
You're so wonderful to think of,
But mom you're so hard to be
So sadly missed and always
remembered by Kevin, Marlene.
Tyler, Travis 46-32x1
FRANKS/4: In loving memory of a
dear husband and Lather John
(Joe) who passed away 25 years
ago, August 8, 1972
The years have gone by. but your
memory we will always treasure.
Lovingly remembered and sadly
massed by his wife Emma and
children Harry, Margaret, Eddie,
John, Paul. Nike. Tom, Dave and
MaryAnne 48-32xt oc
COSTELLO: Treasured memories
of a dear father and grandfather
Bernard James, whom God called
home Aug. 4, 1960.
A Dad is.sorneone special,
Whose love can never be
His memory is in our dally life,
And can never be erased.
A million times we've needed him,
A million tears we've cried,
1f our love could have saved him,
He never would have died.
If we oould have one lifetime wish,
One dream that could come true.
We'd pray to God with all our
For yesterday .arid you.
You never deserved what
happened to you,
You stood the task and stood it
Just what you suffered that day,
No one can ever tell.
Your end was sudden,
You made us weep and ory,
But the saddest part of all,
Was, you•tlidn't have a chane to
say goodbye.
To some Dad is forgotten,
To others part of the past,
To us who loved and lost him.
His memory will always last.
Always will be remembered and
loved by his son Robert Jaynes,
daughter-in-law Mary Helen, his
grandsons Shawn James and
Curtis Vaughan. 46-32x1
SCARROW: In loving memory of
Carmen Firth Soarrow who passed
away 25 years ago August 4,
When 141010, *AO sad M ihs
And the sun has sit for me.
1 want no rites in a gloom filled
Why cry fora soul set thee.
Miss me a litlie--but not too long,
And not with your _head bowed
Remember the love that we once
Miss me - but let me go.
For this is a journey that we all
must take,
And each must go alone.
It's all a part of the Mact.r's plan.
A step on the road to hone.
When you am lonely and sink at
Go to the friends w. know,
And bury your sorrows in doing
good Meds,
Miss Ate -- but lit eN So.
Lawngly reelembered and sadly
missed by.his family 4642x1
The fan* of LOM hit Ran
iltrusiTaisin sidend their basellak
thanks .In 'UMW, ssiatbres and
no111111bars alar 41118 kktdneas and
swat sham .aur repent khan.
Your impleopialla :of symINIOhy,
Mad,tMala*eAll))0410aN ►
Monk ski Or. *Airlk *OW
son and .eonsam, 40 40.400
Waien Wes land Orb Sok 4 q
10`0, MEW, ion aid s
-Oleic for ask +411tt1NMd AWING; 40
AM And *Ilk IN110101t rot MMM
,geld . and0iMM .
€I otowyth.
Yaw 4,00.08 •
11AlI11111111MIA1111%411mgtlsa41. 1 4th
Fewer farms, greater
acreage he Canada
in 1141, Who chert were a
record 733,1000 fauns in
Canada, slightly lose than
%6-mil4ien acmes of lard was
in mops. With feeler that bialf
that number of farms last
year, laorc than 116 million
acres erect in mops.
The greenhouse industry is
Aso booming in this county.
It grew 41 per cent from
Trends such as these are
evident in the final national
agricultural census of the
conttny, published this May.
However, the number of
working farms dropped by
only 1.8 per cent to 276,548
in the half -decade between
1991 and 1996, the smallest
drop in more than a half -cen-
tury, since back in 41.
Thirty per -cent of farms
had gross revenues of
5100,000 or more, that's
80,090 working farms, from
farm operations alone,
excluding land or equipment
sales and income from jobs
off the farm.
This figure (actually, for
the year before the census,
expressed in 1995 dollars)
was the largest ever in
Canada's 1996 agricultural
And fewer farms had debt
last year. Just 58 per cent of
farms had any interest pay-
I want to thank very sincerely all
who attended to me during and
atter my sudden illness. Special
thanks to all my family, the
ambulance attendants, and doctors
and nurses at Seatorth Community
Hospital and Father Tony Del
Ciancio Thanks also to those who
, showed concern with their visits.
cards and phone calls Everything
was much appreciated - Ray
mints et all, or 160,000
Mins, a dm of 7.1 per earn
from five yeses 'glorious.
'Mall seplid lens debt was
1'6.5 per coot of the ovate!
value of all the farms,
according to the 19% cams 's.
down front 18.1 per cast in
Expenses didn't keep pave
with gross revalue from fares
farming operations, which
grew by 21.2 per cent
between the 1991 and 1996
census to $32.2 -billion.
Dairy cows were fewer but
producing as much milk as
ever last year, but the 1996
census also indicated the
most beef cows (4.7 million),
the most hens and chickens
(102.3 million) and more
hogs (11 million) than ever
counted in a Canadian cen-
Diversity is also becoming
healthier in Canadian agricul-
The number of goats grew
by nearly 43 per cent to
125,819, paralleling the
growing market for lactose -
free milk and goat meat.
Farmed bison nearly
tripled, to 45,437, in the first
half of the 1990s as llamas
quadrupled to 8.669.
In 1986 2.7 per cent of
farms used computers. Last
year, just a decade later, 21.2
per cent did.
Many thanks to Dr Arciszewski.
Dr Van- Walraven. Dr Shepherd
and staff at Stratford and Seaforth
Hospitals following my recent
surgery To Rev James Murray.
relatives. neighbors and friends
your visits, .cards, food, flowers
and gifts bnghtened my stay Your
kindness will always be
remembered - Vera McDonald
Community Calendar
1:30-3:30 p.m. - Senior
Shuffleboard al the Arena
6:30-7:30 p.m. - T -Ball at the
Highschool South Diamond
6:30-8:00 p.m.. Squirt Girls' Game
at Optimist Park
6:30-8:00 p.m. - Pee Wee Gids'
Faatball at the Highschool North
8:00-9:30 p.m. - Swingers' Slo-
Pitch at the Optimist Park
6:30-8:00 p.m. - Mite Boys'
Fastbel) at the Highschoot
North Diamond
8:00-9:30 p.m. - Sluggers Slo-Pitch
et Optimist Park
SUN., AUG. 10
8:00-11:30 p.m. • Mens' Slo-Pitch
at Optimist and Lions' Parks
MON., AUG. 11
6:30-8:30 p.m. -Houseleague Ball
at the Highschool South
6:30-8:00 p.m. - Squirt Boys'
Fastball at the Highschool Nodh
7:30-10:30 p.m. - Minor Sports
Council Bingo at the
Arena - Tonights host is Ringette
8:00-11:30 p.m. - Mens' Slo-Pitch
at Optimist and Lions Parks
TUES., AUG. 12
1:30 p.m. - Womens' Institute
Meeting at Olive Papple's.
Please bring lawn chairs.
6:30-8:00 p.m. - Mite Girls' Fastball
at the Highschool North
6:30-8:30 p.m. - Ladies' Softball at
the Lions Park
7:00-8:30 p.m. - Midget Gids'
Fastball at Optimist Park
WED., AUG. 13
1:30-3:30 p.m. - Senior
Shuffleboard at the Arena
6:30-7:30 p.m. - T -Ball at the
Highschool South Diamond
6:30-8:00 p.m. - Squirt Gids'
Fastball at Optimist Park
8:00-9:30 p.m. - Swingers'
8b -Pitch at the Optimist Park
if you're organizing e non-profit event of Interest to other Seaforth
area residents. phone the recreation office 527.0882 or the
Expositor et 527-0240, or mail the Information to Community
Calendar. The Huron Expositor. Box 69, Saaforth. Ontario, NOK 1 WO
well in adwnce of the scheduled date. Free kiting includes date. time.
name of evert and locauon only Space for the Community Calender is
donated by The Huron Expoartor.
,foregerile""sir; -14
Advertise ,Ma. Q0110 a,lao. b Can..
LORETTA NPM, reamer OVItfR 61OsaE Mit Nair
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