The Huron Expositor, 1997-07-30, Page 6c kserta;o Nacho
las Af
The conclusion 'un p, j
three,part feature on .ghe
Malady Murderer. The -cun-
fession and executions of
Rs+wartded by °tlovid fisuti
Eighteen months elapsed
arum the night Niuholus
Malady Br. and; his selfc 1BI len
Sectmurdeaeq:in'their • home,
June 6, • 1$68, until the son-
tenae of 4tcath 'by .hanging
was carried ,out for son
Nicholas *kited), Jr. on
Dt emhcr 7,71869.
The final dramatic moments
!carding top to, as hoed moods
have claimed, .the :last public
execution•inCyada, are ;pee-
stunted hone exactly as 'they
appearedintheDiummber 11,
l869.isaue of The E actor,
then owned !by tG urge .�y.
Ross and •published by Arose
and /moron. The muco of the
paper, printed under the:front
page banner then, 'was
"Freedom in Tri. - Liberty
in Religion. - Equality in
Civil Rights."
Much speculation
indulged in by the pu
to what .confessions he
make, if any. Rumour'
that at one time he state
.Kehoe shot Mr..Melady
he (Nicholas 1Vlelady
killed Mrs. Melady: at an
er time that, he said, he
guilty of all with whic
was charged, and it was
others (o answer for th
selves. These were o
rumours. On Mon
evening, 61h inst., howe
he made out, for ,the Pre
the following: -
Sir, - As various .rum
have gone about as.tu,unkt
treatment J received sin_
being in gaol, l' cert
that .1 have been treated w
the utmost kindness ,a
.civility by all with who
bevelled any intercourse, b
particularly so by M
Campaigne and lady. Whi
Mr. Campaigne has been. dil
gent to an extraordinar
degree in the discharge of hi
.duy, bus.use:d.every effort
tto ro} er Tey rimprisonmen
as cheerful. as possible; an
for the few moments 1 have
.yet to live, 1 will ever remem-
ber with gratitude his kind-
ness to Inc.
And to my counsel. Mr.
• Squire who has made such
extraordinary exertions in my
defence. 1 can but express my
most profound acknowledge-
ments. My gratitude alsotothose kind person's who have
endeavored to obtain my
reprieve. God will give them
a merited reward.
Now Mr. Editor, as I wish
OWL ing
�«sestassorantiniselam now
rK f�'a st, awe.
iwa. d r eloil on taw IA flew, -S
Iter tsar- Mw�ttii met ��
ILEUAIIFF�'�� . meq,
tit � o*ios rnca'
AM !xi'f'tt R its
�" �W� ns+r e..a,,..
blit as pB#t _ This AGM* .of Nicholas Malady
would appeared in the Deoem r 11, 1669 edition M The
has it microfilm ogre lithe`his hanging.* hYas Mprirtted from
d, that g -wetter.
, and to make no public winch,
Jr.) permit me through (he.medi-
oth- um of your columns to make
was a last atonement to outraged
h he society: 1 confess tto'be guilty
formmythe ha charge, horrible and w sh''aid to
nly fore to express my exceed-
all ly sorrow
thea st, in their
ss, charity, to pray the terrible
Judge of the living and of the
ON dead, that he may forgive me
ors the humid deed, as.also per -
private .contreraatiuns where -
.by I may have intimated
directly ur indirectly that any
other person but myself had w
actually (tilled both my father
and his wife or either of Me
them. 1 du also wish to
express my sincere .4tach-
ment to and 'belief in the
Roman Catholic and
Apostolic Churofh in whose Pe
only saving faith it is my Finn u
purpose to live and die. exa
ad Jonas of w ch I bac May .God ,comfort my poor t
became sisters .and my brother: Such Salem
.e guilty in m endeavors to affliction .was not tfiu
ifs 'free myself from the accuse- them. And may the
heitLord su
ith tion. The evidence on which 1 Jesus .Christ mercifully for- .t
ad was found guilty was weak give -my sins and receive my
m :1 .and .almost insufficient. it is poor soul Limo Woven.
ut true, but notwithstanding in NICHOLAS M 1 .»y
r that conviction 1 perceived Quderich.Dec. 7th, 1869.
le the judgement of a just and
i- holy trod who has command- To comment on the above
y ed us to honor father and would. he superfluous, .wrote
is mother, and whose name .is the Expositor.
never to -be taken in vain. • JUS LAST HOURS
t In .connection .with this The'Right vious .to ,the
d however, 1 -believe •it ,is my ' exteau4ion she slept ,a fe,w
duty to society, and to the hours. Rev. Father Saubett
rights of aerogens ;tootles we was in attendane:e ingessantiy
state that the pnocippl tor- administering the last riles: of
tion of Mrs. Cooke's ovi- the Church, in which he tot*
donee was simply a fabrics- Pan. most fervently. Ile was
tion..1 neither admitted my Also visited by Mr. Doyle, his
guilt to her, nor did 1 state - Counsel.
that the murder was commit- THE RLLAPIVES' FINAL
ted between the hours .of
eleven and twelve at-IN3�RV,(EW
any on ar nd night, or About 6 o'clock .on the
I,lowcvor, I. ox ive bar and fimeri ntervtow oalcng of .the tp age
all others, as 1 hope myself to between the .
be forgives. lrutheraiore,prisoner slid his.
hereby retract all 1 brother Thomas, and sister
public or Alice. To say that this was
__�✓ rte•
�, would be bat a partial
'ct'Ipirwt, feu n was heart-
mai* aio die carcase• The
laat ltttt� `Harp of bomber gird
Omar was here caetapliifed to
a t14Porlatr ae esti *ower
maaaer. Ibe cheeks of ttlsoap
mon, who wore 'marc.
Sam watered with tears them
eyes, which, perhaps, had
been for years dry to ab soca
At forty-two aninutcs put
eight the clang of the iron
door of the condemned cell
was beard. The Ski ff
entered followed by the offi-
of the gawl, co sty can -
stables, and the ficadish
looking hangman. Melody
well k their mission, aid
stood as erect as his trem-
bling knees and emaciated
muscles would permit while
his arms were pinioned, and
the white .carp played on his
head. This being completed
the Sheriff' led the way to the
scaffold, followed by the
unfortunate man, who was
comforted on his road to
.death by the monitions of the
Rev. Gentleman aforemen-
tioned. Malady ascended the
scaffold with tattering slops
still with an air of firmness.
On reaching the scaffold,
while the last prayer was
1 hotrod, the fatal noose
as adjusted, the treacherous
bolt •withdrawn and, Nicholas
lady had suffered the
ate penalty of the law
for his v .-
On ac xilknt of the goes -
mod early hour of the
neapeetod early hour of the
action, not gears 3iiav
hundred gathered to the
Wine scene, though some
usands came :ie from the
rruuading oouutry during
he forenoon for that purpose
Preview fall'97
NEW -FOR -FA[[ '97
ri ftgamftcifft4000rlMnA►tt1..ft.
'rdtt�ytaaflY r��irsta+ftailibawisrmaftiftftift n Orr
1110 Wag-
amt a *IP .arMr.ribeiroeft
14644* SnhfiwaMriat'Mfiic4q.r
it-rj 447 HVI!r . ST
18:0640:80 a.m. Minor Atom (1987)
10110 a.m.-12:00 noonf
'12:1 S m: 1 • tvtalor Atom (1986)
p. .45 p.m. Minor Pee Wee (1985) !►
.4:4Spfn: 8:15p.m. moor Pee Wee (1984)
810 p,m.-5:00 p.m. Mayor t3antam (1982)
Sat A U 5.:00 p.m. -9:80 p.m. Minor Bantam (1983 '
g. 23 .5:00 p.m.4:80 )
>� .M+d�vt (1980181)
Al! yap,Wets mad have R "i9i9i-98 Oft'' TRYOUT FOAM" fteftil by carr rvra/ Aasociatiax
`r Charlie y s274p38
9 Pick k1Nd 284,E to" moo) J Loa 84599P2 (10 est. to 5 pin.)
k •a- Joe. 00233.9372(answannomadww)
u, PlAirilif IN N(*
1M1 LANSI f 4.4A AMMO' w
OW /rtAl/ TME NyYRpM ----
Yiu Deft fisve to Travel Far
Grest Destintf.nsI
Enter t8 Win 414e4 .Y.44909
3 �.r
uatiuntr! 6
wilc pu
avppt C�•
+' re R41106 99.44 e 1pRµr
Tournament , jm: t • ,''
Saatotth and 098169t Cyt' -
[.loris Club 41.000. ,�,
because 'Ugh winds,i.
many'ma{. fro
e to 20 frees. .
Alaari ketten'6 4919 (tioh
49 4*"41 em Nesbitt 94 tine
. ' IfieldflOmillor of the ;local
tiD 409441 41 Week later
Three people rescued rim_._
� i�%e'4u 'their ,41141-
� sinking boat
204 OW lined ggfic ,944t •q
:fie 11d144gtt ;fresh ,QOderiq r
to watch;tbehufisot ebout;tw9
hours ibefore,yp.a Iii-fggt
49At d ,{q 1be escu d 40
.040 Older >s
tCgtt�pQ iiPP��jj fly tanto
Piro {ifgi$l t4larut
9:30, A4�n at about
P,R 4410 $eturday
tit W14.Atfibcr hit h ., �ith
a4bfiP gn$ttie *it >,4d
rahh police
oyt wh'
Potential CA*11#1,
+ Ban
rich may ,beAnoteloilk-
' 'the;Putcnd4I 9f4ts water-
uryey ,uf ,tourists
t4t4�4{ttg,99 V4414r.A6,itirellti i144
1$9091/001111. SO ,headed 119 Abe
"Whey started ,to 69140 4l4e
Air'n94t' ;bolthe :boat,
about 2A�4ts.Vllt:r
lett• ;Rob A440f4 Apt•
411114SP tiahniskm .Ieca4Qd it,w9
T444ep And ,p wv44! ,,i�++pp tti�ce
viol , 9�i44i4$1gl y ; u9 tto
8AU4000e0qui 4hRte.4qrilhe
4111P,S9( a �q�
'boat 4tinJ n �4 cf cif �
nide 44cd p nearby canoe,
l40 , ithgir police gear
,icK40 • 49189 Awe
'Tge;0317# 4tow
1J -can ,4n ,c 4174
on,•' "taste �-,.,...,.�
;9$, ,cesegctii,
,;ran ghee 4t .
4910 44f4 49wfi tcrit
rt4t�v tt#•