The Huron Expositor, 1997-07-30, Page 4411111111111111111111111111111111.1111111111.4on suolgerr
tour Coomnunite Vektlqpir srSivas
gliamistatjtf tsar
*Atiartissise Manager
AValbJ Maaapa
IXANtiE ItleiRAift - Sabsusations
8 Glassine&
islitEfiCCITT -tditor
911US012 COMPial
foe sTOY
- &siva:aim
Ailowas Publianiss Conirminay Newspaaw
karaMg&leja W& 22.113...yaer, inedimosee46423),Cart.
SWIM 30.01) year, in billwams. Ova .10.5.1
OA 6i forger 244 cs year vtant, faivaleMplelip,:1411•011P1 -
PubialeedepesMy fry St -Sr emassiwver 1110-Mmenk afeoefieeh
mak repaint:shun Isk, 0696 evaid ot SoMeith, Datano AsibitielimpolsomPsed,1 riot 1,1 event u typagraphentil wow, esieuriiiiwpom actotamd
by in.. wroaisoiniron Airibiw with a tamanabie giliewonsaiervionabste, will no'
onargea, aotihokelansaoilitaimitaitiowieni wilt in palace at -6a applscakie
rale in libe imam of appgrapi11001•MOC.
.roog pine, s000ck or. moven. Amoy aot said Aciootiotag tsetse* an Aria
ion arid -may ao witivitoion at sew mar The +tyro. Emmett:or o rot responatiolorior
lee tees*, doings of ensosd nionwacup.), paoko or otter aemerek4 used
stprOciutbon purpow Chnnerael • presetstvnacripttonl von vntioln
wall° napes ow ioe bent to boo huron Lwow°,
Weldrisatiay, July 30, 1907
tidienol and leematto Cams - 100 Main iirest.,Sisokeith
lamiMme Olt 327424O fox 13*Ph1ill1111
oto Address- -POE69
sesient,, oessao, raw two
swot*, eke,. (.:AancgitooLnny Is.ivriapope'
Ainovalla,, °Motto cOmmuntty Nowss.K.I.tri 5 Auvcatto,
and iew ()mesa tsoo:Nov;
'Views 4wc.progiaed on our opiniun peoe(s)
neoeaserhy -repent Those of The Huron
fxpoettor sg wes Puiksher. Tice Hurtran
xposi&or teaetvee the t4tht •to -edit Wheys to •the
editor 0110 tehtSe.pstblivatism.
Ike los
:BY now- most Reg* have hawd of ttlic senstiless act of vio-
lence .against 22 -yew -old MitrY Ampler. an Amish woman
from 'MI lverttm. She was hit -by a lull •bear bottle in .the face
while riding -home in a buggy -front o wedding. with :her
!boyfriend and sister late last r.ritlity hight. Lt took 1110(C than
50 stitches to close the cuts on her lace_ `.There, arc rewards
being. offered fur information un the calash.% who .sped away
in their v.ehicle.
Milvinioifs town -sign. like .5.ertforths.4ilyS "The
'Nasty things can happen. in Iriendky" communities. -And our
local Mennonite population LS -WA itlilittlfte to abuse bvin loeal
citizens -maybe matting physiolylistressios
assault •but equally painful verbal abuse, often- to innocent
chsid*'onbytheir peers on the ohoot yard or on the -bus.
Mennonite children are viaati on and .poked at because of
theirdifferent clothing .and beliefs and perhaps because thgtr
.English isn't as good as other students.
Education. respect and awaioness :of .other cultures and
•beliets., and understanding -there's :more common ground ..than
uncommon around, is a statt..iBut as.. king as .peoples intoler-
ance to anything different -remains, senseless and unnecessary
acts of disornnination will continue. --PM'
Ceders to the Editor
Don't push disgusting
details on readers
.1 am writing 10 ewvreSss -My
disgust for the articles iDave
$cott is running in 'the ildiston
•Expo,sitor core:Q(4141S 'the
•Nigholas Moistly 'rnithico•
-bcosittsc ‘ftlY ;041De LSt410144..
of whit* I 4ij1 +.,gry prowl,
and JAY Atkshonsi's Standfa-
%her was a cousin of,the Mur-
dered •InarL but '1 hope our
editor does not think that our
..oiruntinity needs a "new
k Ind of ;paper" • dust eaterlains
with .this Xio.0 41l. s4111rsatiOnal
tfael thin it Wiks ,the 3init (COttosta
worthy gf1/04141iAn as -newP
but 11 CIROW;1041P we should
:have ,to ihme tke 401 „gory
Ontitilts 4011119911 HJ hallgtS
Aittliliti,d6c41•1P4he gory.
41.)y%, .AvAntwr8co big*
ilAkvc, Ahoy Pfeil& can Ilia"
fur the full disgusting ..details
hut please don Rash iit
your captiwc audience.
Somehow that "story" would
look -more at home -op r the
SCAilitill sheet vf •she !New
Yuck Tithes - bat )y.031 Are
As dfc .YoUngilie9111e
say 'coat a life' PAXe(-,ititd
lot like •me wuuk"NV&
about something ttlatt :iS Iftigte
newsworthy and tilktilitattke
and Will •otr
or Ave 0111,0 he syu •-•
itft__)r %M. -grit plivl ploy
"wket; ,A4clitikikg AP (Ow
il Roe, '•
*tip owpr
roaxgr :41NOW iiiTtkRIP riiitigO
,ko .1,Mhigtt -AC t!AfiXe ttrtiEtk
tglf IMO 61f tiikC
41f tlike if•rtiketkAlite
1p tfivilikw•
likastro (49, ovilistrft
mit ,Y91•1 4111104**i/4
OW** 41Wif
ti IP d4014:17:411)
ROtti lin *Nil ADO ,ddr feg-
%Mktg.., "PRO 14kmikoe 4ifte
Mokokstillt AtmeAtemi
190109. * Aygl-
kite 454T ttMe
WW A-Y/9114W
ii44101041 triAlieRP
gtoliwgtic 61W
MI AC (Ts94lkl1ktIlliti
iWillfiTi4 OUR** #51W Mik
4ttR1990 Alf itke (cRWITIO-
'Ty thAt -r
Ate,s,44,9" (itemikiviCrikkao
Ow Alf Aar,
14)0100 r
NW Aopoticw
ipm YAW iltilkyre•
Aifty 10,410,.
Electronic wizard weaves good tale
mailong couponmen sse-
ries., sois the co•Wielltid
rellillide war corespondent he
pnaleined ao be_
The tend became
al die gad dile
voice, un the WIthn-
'11uu .don lknow orac.
Witestuutt,lbut II tread
tthe paper that you aor aping
totlhinit.1111 like Itvonant sou
ter itundh,one day tiled= lose
wasttight. %was prim
tv(attinalin isatagils kof *wits
loattentl:the •ispenitsgsef a
,new -ORM= IllUnallin fill
Thremhibits wain
,th34nesd and thullt thy dile
nintativ Science Coate and
.were •!finantred wittiness:9c
made in 49E2 at agetat-llstqg
attifacts at ,thg (Ontario
Mr nag - and %Lek /ilium
tinttoduced *lbw-
ipar-41uotting sun, iteitt[y-
dhessed with an rumen that •
atigaested tte had unitedly
(Canada Antra linshmd. •
tile had Amen \with
alauttissity .andeleattimies the-
Emost,of this :life. liefete !long
ite Was timed with mstitement
Mil ONUS thieettrto :repair
its at Atte %S.uiernee
k• ti
.11 Iput :My 4kilks:tu vumen%
itsp ith.ideas.and developiny
and flindisptiy"tw
tys ."
aat(qpiny.own,compatty lo
bulLd\ wink iwoxilibil6.6n-rthe
He wanted ,to•talk to Inc
because -he had ,tlestaned and
built the- exhibits •forilie
inusiautin in China. He atikad,
"Gititattd rut, an yOUT Altura,
tell ow thow limy maw
taiseiitatitby the Clhineat:"
Loa* rtmath youniter
Auto this velars, AM* %imam
cecina itv want iv hill tar the-
haddhottentid tilii, tvinn
.and was thou in
England. it Ilewiah !patents. 11
smald tell cbylthr ,way
spar that be was 'very proud
of that.
tl think lilV sensed that i was
about Who the teal-
ty was and 4Milgt iirthAPtt hnv
tv settle in Canada. Fur some
:reason it .surniudi \VAVIC, 115
-key was
Cancer canvass sucassful
.On -ttaintlf 01 the kanadian
Canute' •UttietY. 11 want :tv
• thank all •of curlew „eispasins
• And _canvassers tor -their
tremendous efforts and -par-
ticipation in :this year's resi-
dential door-tolluor .C4101.1k8S.
A total, of -$1.867,49 was
raised by our Room -oils -A;ottl-
unity for .the ,bonefit ot
fatrOil And ,patient services.
such as emotional support
prow suns, if inets0 ial ass is.-
tance itatesportation.
in addition. Ate Canadian
Canter Society provides
health ficolitotion •ptesenta-
lions ,and adueatismal initterti-
:tv law putita. new :funds
alav mwort our .Cititctor
laottimitiou Servicer ( .1 -di&
939-3333). a it kaithlt
infonnitiion.on Iliagnosis aud
is another WW sorysice piss-
vidins selephone atippoet Ifor
those :who ivish ,te mica -to At
survivor at :1-4#10463.0§0.
Once again 3 ,.thank our •vol -
authors .and
'WC )(41t4r Ai& Niki.01 :0%)
WW1 '40 so many.
tit(( Situate
Sostorth and Atea itapMiu
Fits of laughter at theatre
Deaf 141110f:
ti it hove munching for
:the .right wotris, ;my Wind is
wandering }ba ok to duty 23 at
the •Olyth festival whore the
cast of savor enthusiastic
aotors ;entoutained Als with
• "Thew's Nothing iu he
Paper" wsittou by our •..very
special -editor of the ifAtittitt
FotpoSitor - PaMid Scott. NO
tKVitI tiV7pioud of you.. Dteke•
- This ifteeforitaiace iklPt %15
.or the SodlitOti f oW
Ifit& AilititighWn! flt
11tlopt ,thi; 1.oil".1V4 vf
'town -,ilowti-
fatfmr• ,you. Poe. and
nongicatidakions. Ulu Ad *
Ductility fiiition
Smling, sad raillosiat gat
sand. Asa aye ten pia a
sasiy.4" •
lie mind Sam
Q— min IliguradOs mad 1 said
I Aid. 1 401110111bor him as a
newsquiper vaporer and
oolumnrat VIM die war
as a cOrresiliuutlem ui Evac.
He wrote .dramatir and vivid
war Kuria or millions of
readers in Muth America.
Pia reporting .CID the war tAlib
Altn) tamed with anyway
and Intrigue.
7ilitiiter's awry c cmtinued,
'Aster the war, Reynolds
%wrest a hook.'
As this etspreasiou shawl
*Uusivnu1 vat= low -
mad the mem ou so mimosa
that Reynoilds tcparent
stloaeness to the isigh-ranking
military p hutu au ,advan-
.it saw hire au edge
over Ohm istraign orwspo-
peguan andb4ped establish
tttil;islputation in fig United
twin as a dartiag journalist
teputitiou was revive
and atamesimes Ito:Aught .itno
Vititnittll try Ohms voveratig
the -war. Ne Andy 10f/ed the
inuv inuip of a war slum-
apt.mdent cloaked in mys-
"Tim Wits akit 4 -Jealousy
w the newspapor ibuainess -
,dtttiq mitt -hulk said
.1Cumpetitionsviss Wes On%
brutal •iviteu lit same to cats-
fying AUtterit4e5 (thirSti fur WAS
koolording - -
Westbrook Peg/ar, the sundk-
takter volOinnist .at the
Chicago Tribune -hated • •
irkeyntilds with pii.stieui and
atuteked this.credtbdity
ivirlely-tesid syndicated 4.441 -
emu questioning nutob
*lbw be note .itboitt the war.
'Pegitir visioned Itkopolds was
u .littu,who spemt mit* of bis
time lifiukcia%tv iiiirr6 and
be* desaaryod. -
Seek* advice
famous augury, Leans If
be tomtit could
dad ei Alban of
Reynolds world leave so
bran Asada or detonation
of thiamieser charet to the
worts. That was a danger.
fois wetaid pa the onus
ouyer.akts so prove
PtDelar't, iic:cut,ituorti arm
and haicaused him
It would be difficult. if not
pobt.iblr. tor firsiolds to
prove all his writing was true -
So mot of what be *TOIL
came from confidential -
Nutumit cause down so
tug with the (am dial every-
one would believe him lo be
drunk and a bur, or bud; -
bit puukt go for aria*
and hkely dirty fight is pawl •
tvpnin Wert wrong. •
Die tare- was argued before"
judge its New York City...11
*JO WON licipWaJ1 that eves
the via 01 [Olin. Nutt amid
sot mike s loos; most*
care iv prove tint dab (81100Mti
• WN4EI*0 and author was an
honest itMMTIVitt4,-
Petkteb Lawor 4.141iThed the
wok* OW boo Emmy
*faze pillow sad soot up
oileatijavait y 4,41tegied - •
XI:y*4* to woe be was sot
s Ibis was isto
MMPOrst4154 for proof a tailai
of wbat
he *buitt was Wao,
and itat protooted by dm
War 60.10.5' A4.4. Record* of
Ake fieWirINRCO Atkd Aisc
Aiwa kw" wt.1.44 mot be
xellessett by Law #Laii n4ny
mirs .iiktit*MAtt of Ow itest
CONTINVEX, pii.vx 5
Parents disgusted at ball park
Oetic Editor: -
11 was, olotig with toy listiote
fottiiiy si Ai 4)4 itukomaslut
lbw was pa on iby Ale
tiders last wt n04
.what omit oil Sittukility
•vos 14E,44.41,31' ,t4isos-Olos.
Xut ste sitting wat4tio$ Ake
,b4d1 gmw sead two gays, if
you WADI to OkeW SW,
:wok 'their pots .4.1$ sot woke
Attioing ACCAktkil Alt 044
ihote awe At*
hitdru t‘htit'e.
W. as patents Weite itk4 of .14 ukc
AgbYg toitOf O*0 OAS 'MAW
ti,941100:41 biA 40 44f, op
• -witk WO* 6i;iWs'es --
smolt I fee; thst 'thew grrys
ith4sukt pubfkcly ***As
(*SC PAII606 NMI 40 419g-
1044 OW leem ppixiiss
4115 itiose 5POOKIWilg
NO** to* Pki&W. 'Moe ivi;
m5.444)4;4 bsksiked from
au U.ofior40 tufilfUltt,
likob *54 4istY Wow
Akw4 C-4)Awke4 Pigott*
Seaford' has 'sexiest post office' in '72
ftWond fib* 11'.44;04f
1IKEWO4e4 kil(4.i440
1134€)Y"cli 4F 1K4ciE -
third .of he sories of rc9,411
;races. under .the ,ati.rice$ f441f
tthe ,Scatorth lai0Yc1e
took place on Monthly
eyeing last. The COurse was
•kwice around the five mac
;bits* bY 4t0,09(9. dialailee
of tea ruiloti• Rigte
,c on tots t antS McNiff
iBral4Witt. Cstigit, Ikkoll
irlberhatilt• 10.01dWin name
first. :making the top mit%
minutes: crigh bewail Au
ai? .0410 .0 }ha. intintlkeS,
;AO ihd waa ;a lif
laittikteMiP, 1119AAKtIr.,
Av,P$ 411410licitRlNi1. ItlF11110.44}13
IglYStit Air.* Pkikcte.• liAolskwo
AOit sitf Mt; fr4W%c
SiggArrkgfi Illhe (gAriegr eof
MOW Mil Actilqic0 oCceAto.,
swo wiWAscte41Ayty
f000tow •
oosy 4149;01 .siceAt
An4ecAyW j1 7AmilArikqb
Amt.. s AcsmioiNott#
t1iM �itd,ee
&OOP AOk1AblkW 4
41,141p,, Gp,* siyqo
it, IP (iti* fillO4
MOW %1011w4tva4e ,41
• Ales.
W., oil
i•KlA)Y M., PPM
(quad )11 hew Froop skkv,i(
*Hwy - lR. K.ioxim190,1( tilos
AO A *OW 'kW
ter, IW l5-
4tiij s1 ARAI, %V.Itt9 14 at
11:01411.. 161krife atte
farithillg g619 4kCiC4.111lW
frAr0 fike mtiormitee44c4Aly
sogroco *Amy." TAkis
on**4I,f (the oiklosioto
811-'iheA00 SittleiingiltmfltioW
,4441 W. Awl AO Amor
soc ApkotIle Amite
;wit Awl. PAW* laskikoy %WaS
tche 1iwOYA9 &O. AR*:
AciGxe'f, kte qbt
-W V *IRO )4iio ikikikcetikt
NAlcil.c.. ,411C 410449,41..
(Mw 4111ii4W,A400Y.44tittlii
oil ay* 49 *144.c4O, Acir
Piiite61441905 tegiO *AO
qt»qqAklo Ataiesk*--
4040 40910c At Ales 4
Off ettem M' it1CiiWb,
mtkikW okke f4kw* e
*Ail 04 sk4
'W# 11041 MirMir
NtfAefiRWie SOW..
4WiltwIT eitirit,,
*Ay Aix410 Cokikomio kar
Mie RAM yx4l(5, 415
Atiometi ‘Ntiry Altike,„o441 moo'
mW WeAktib *Ace fiteigkeril 11.9
a 4., •ppo
figitgOit PR, klesv.• Pqksgiits
fitoroko, emu 04,r• sk4
%W. lltairtrY 400.4114 *PAW
km4* tketkvo‘49 Owfralb
0)4;4%10404a, Am*.
tkirkeffie0kg fiegAr/44
ttliemtc*Otwli Cli*OlAte
* figi1WW41.0
490 11$40FITALY dOVAO0gOW
OfiAkikcio Akow sigeteirt0
F'ireAsy 'LAO,* g441trige.,
kkem? WAIJAMO poi(
fAceeisy *to; Awes WON
kciorA4 Ake 4#9 swiexkiog p•vi•s
for WOO*. WOW); ;5 AiNte
#44448 ei)**Akke *
tilmige5-§4•C494,ymbo 01,•
IN CV:0,W% - ."11105 Wit
itte 4k feAies poa offxce
rz4iljoAle4 ope
pikiecw Ats Akoviy
etewAcei 4x06411) pito!
orkTic Or &KO Ow
t•Y* AAte Acitifq oke.4
• Aip4 ropig Awd Ome
komiAket4 Sael,4400? are4
PAkke 4c$9
AmeArAAtio t4keoke sifteo
Atiowitiv$ akeirPiiiijYg
MO *0,4490 ikkkke *kt
preriAlket4 4.44 * 401,40#
we* emem4. 00Aer 6P4'Nz
k* A. P4'y kitioRocfrif
* *9* e64,440."
r.4 ilkko glow* ia
Asc441,.„„i 4WWW4
4'm" NAtefe,wo
_ _
4Wif kg #444.