The Huron Expositor, 1997-07-30, Page 3mot $1.0111111•Rr adlp agia'e
f I ,► ••lin a, Jin
Delaney. to the Yukon. Ne
was .beneath -tire midnight
aun near ;the etattmt the
Klondike Bold *ueh. He
didn't strike ft nett but Ape
out with enough gold tm 7e!Y
cash tor the term when he
got home. Delaney .vsist
'from 1807 'to •100D. 'That'
item ascend 'team the lett
the otd.ptLnbsd>ove (the'
Sty Minimalist negatsvte),
on the bum inth0181106
the photalta-ttm'tight.
Family hikes historic Chilkoot trail
"Taf;ish•Chotley'� started h all
with a strike. when they !tit
paydirt. disuo.vering placer
gold ou Rabbit ('later
Bununz:a) Creek an Aug. 17
1 tt9b.
CONTINUBalrum pitge 2
slims iter Cather put down in
Ms memoirs of the 'Klondike
gold fields incorporated into
its displays of the Gold Rush
Centennial. which is called
the "Our. Gold Legacy
When the journal surfaced
within the • -family. the
Meladys forwarded n.
"What a charming docu-
ment it .is." the curatur wrote
back. when acknowledging
the donation last year.
Hiking a bit of the famed
Chilkuut Trail, where her
lather had toiled and climbed
with heavy packs it' the first
days of the stampede to
Uawsun exactly 100 years
beton:. to the day. was anoth-
er highlight Frances won't
• soon forget.
Her son the Dr.. .Don. did
.the entire historic Trail
before meeting tip .with the
rest uf•ttic laughing crew.
The old Indian trail travers-
es a summit 300 feet high.
from Uyca to Lake
Lindermann. 0 took Delaney
• 22 days to shuttle, muscle
and slug 1, IDU lbs. of grub
and gear over the treacherous
•route in Juir 11197.
11 took grandson Dem about
four days. without the pack
relay routine, in 1997.
Also a bit of a, romantic, but
a stickler for historically
accurate detail. Don says the
last mile up the Chilkuut is a'
slope of ;!bout 45 degrees,
and it's "even worse on, the
other side.''
He gut a big kick out ut
reading the still -popular poet
laureate of Klondike ;Robert
W. Service outside :about a
uuarter-hour past midnight.
and hts melodic rhymes_ matin* beet then and knew
about... "strange things dune what he wuiild be up against
'heath .the midnight sun .hy :Ne had been in un the Alaska
the men why moil for gold' Gold Rusttthe yearpreviuus.
and ihuse "Arctic trails" with J;le came out of the
"their sotet tales that would Klondike hack to `Seattle iu
make your blued -tun.culd." 1900. and then soon aFtr
'Dun slid finds it fascinating returned to this neck of the. )W. MUCH?
that in the Klink of an eye woods. "Theo1'�feet on the
Gold Rush lever put 30,000 'ti3J( /l L& " depressed :economy was
people "in the middle of rte :He staked some claims. but instantaneous," Berton wrote.
absolute .wilderness" u witty- there wasn't .enough gold to livery Cunadiun community
ry ago. make them viable, su UV- from `Winnipeg ,tu Viuttn-ia
The Melody's recent nttuni worked other .bigger claims. was permanently affected by
itinerary went by air Crum such as with '"!lig Alex" the bourn." .
Toronto to Whitehorse. !McDonald. who his tnemoits The .Dublin .and .fit.
Yukon Territory. and from describe as "the wealthiest Columban areas were m►' less
thence to Dawson City by miner inDuwsun-" affected. of the •tune. as .the
Winnebago. Atter a stint The Metndys tried their Mcludy gamily history
there they returned to hand at pinnate gold un the reveals.
Whitehorse. travelled iv the family's recent excursion. Premie says her dad talked
Skagway for a cruise up the Tom uetually ended up with a about .his experiences up
Inside Passage. then back it) nugget. Gold is 19 times north when prompted. but
Whitehorse and the Chilkuut heavier than water and seven, never said "boo" about exact -
Pass, and back tv'ti,runtu. tines heavier than any other ly haw much gold he came
'A TON 01'' GOLD' mineral. he explains. which out oldie Klondike with. and
:$ruttier Tuns says taw urigi- was the,basis.uf of as wttrau- she duesu't "auppuse anyone
nal stampede really started bolt •beak then. They bought ever knew," but ,Doric
when -pioneers reached an Official prospecting pun Johnny. lira's 'brattier, said
Seattle in mid-July with what back with item. ';uv .furtune" but "he pruba-
the Seattle paper termed "a "About 2,000 people •made bly had quite alut."
ton of gold.' Alt manner of money (during the (.;vtd Jinuugh .•to pity cash for the
men and women. most with, Rush)." Tum says. "200 of 100 -acre i%arw north of
little idea of what they were these became millionaires Dublin (now ChrisDeJtanoY
reit Ily getting into. went and less. than di.vekept it and Murray Mi.'Clure's) and
"gold mad" and just Pierce ,Berton cpufirms this all :the stuck and machinery,
"dropped their pens,' and in his piece un the Klondike and later another 100 -aures
took off. Rush in the The ,Cunudicul for cash.
He says roughly 100,000 Lacyclepediu. •
tried it. maybe 30,000 want By the ,time the stampede
over the Chilkuut. about ended in the summer of 111911,
5,000 of these made it to he writes. "it is estimated the
Dawson. and maybe 2,000 gold seekers had spent some
stayed. $50 -million reachitly the
It certainly did wonders for .Klundikc, a sum ,about equal
the economic depression in to Nn amount,taken Crum :the
•North America. His grandfa- •diggings in the ,five years fvl-
tber, Delaney, was working lowing Carmack's discov-
ori the street railway in oro." '
.04111V at the'time, and .was ,Lieurge 'Watttt4itgtun Cat -
no novice to the ways of tin .mack and bis Indian brothers -
wild ur the techniques of in-law "Skoukum ;rim" and
OkI tgivegenuine,;!.coon of Gold Rush
dugs .we Aidenit, tklnd. .
"We wl+rhed back finally ,NSW view 4 the eliweluw. near Wrangle
Wiwi, vile $pirik begin iv rise... ,it hod o perfect fvrrst qr k$eue pules -
mom fascinating iv oar uw.rperielx ed ,nyrs. Trees 4U feet high .with nips
I pped .s{ij were carved in devei unit f(uu utic design. 410 ,!!teal one
/night find the/Sow of craw. tfw beiv, ur the frog skiltfally .tv,ameba at
int! ktne.desAll. Mow'.! nil; Al re,eitired .w complete those gtgA!itic Vii.
oe few long they had Movd,rhar.e «yu dw elemento .we will/ !Held'
This uncle Johnny said his
brother never seemed to have
any money worries until his
house burned down in 1917
leaving them with the clothes
un their backs, when #prances
was but a "crew -baro -baby."
Frances had nine uhildreu.
Jim Delaney married Sarah
MOL, luaid ,in 1903 and they
And aight. AK *at :w#tatt rte
.was 42.
But that's *pother story.
Attacedit•d exanipOfts91n!tbe�G�td iwtb aE dist
. Watley*wn downthe 'rood ;hiOula iu,.as:warded bye
Piece, Mf ry (GtL8twi„i4 OM.)
,1895 -'96 AIIWtkl' Id Raab .Setlttk tto Cooketi J,uk
"Hundreds of otherwise sober men becwru' aranA,witll -the byre (tf 40.9
gold,(mfl answered the call... ,Thi wily avagnbk trat,spael wets an all
defunct ,cculuy; ves,sel.wlpah. in the .emergency. being rimer/from
the bellow of alaCk River. In the fever ("4N s e, it ,a u .wl sttlaat sraffit -
ted out br erten. who. like myself were.impp(ie/ the deli'•• ;fur .W
,T$ltolt;4Bp ,crit page 13
tg 8°0%10341es fictrObiokens Sams!
foet of re”
Ole Mos*
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