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The Huron Expositor, 1997-07-23, Page 10
11141111111/11111111114111111111141114414.410/11k +ted COUNCIL MAJOR SPORTS Mon Doublet Wily Bingo Arenao4 7:110 pm 841atorth .Ders ,open 6:30 pm Prizes ,doubled S2,00o Over 56,001) in a Jadltpot P �� OE •21.2 THEilL`M fellfESTIVAL SINGERS rectum an accompanist capable on Plano and organ to begn) beptember 10th Auditions to be herd Auguat20th bend ratuntes.op Annette Lindsey. Hoot 1275 Winghanl NUC .Stip) 'for .detaits Phone iWasie •YWtllioker•14116,22 1776 ,CIE4113.s2dc CQLLEUE MORNS -RE Gifts 6 Ora* -fey '86 ,wtoet ,Of lawmen Annual1,297a4, Aidy-26. 06, 27: Lath AGraft -Feet ntval E69b rerwde sale Super BRacivis Make it 6 -take n craft sobie6 Refreshments Fall ,plies On Gray 8 schedules .are mealy for a+gtrirraGon Sade runs unfll,lgtgf .2 OF -30 1 SINGLES DAN% Auly 27 at the :Brussels 1,� Nail >iOnd Dancing hum 7 p:m to 111 rpim Muarc by Country Trubarinurs.tQE- 30x1cc rR D TRAIL$RI iROR SALE heavy 1londem axles ant, null,onopy 4� rttVlonpby 7 x 7 , 112200.00 otb.c iCell S111797-2012 .and 'taws a meaatips D1.804tf 18" SATilldallIEMINN vtauere teetl lowest •ptioes •tetund ttw dflerernn s c money down end 90 plus no tree financing. cheaper heapinterest Programme ape r rip tine . aa1/1u 1488. •08E6Burr:6nf19rpnees 01.802 CHERRIESGond pitting available Pelts .pitted .poem fresh.or ifrnzen. Orders Rotten readyklulybl Ihouae`stllas . enemy Orchards ,on Aook Qa1atl Airtime DM* and defines 518.828,81174 ,Owen 7 wee 8 e.m 8 .pan (Ott -DION ALLIStOtHAL tractor 16 hp 'Knt1ormein, ,oW. r Amok emallient condition 2880. hp. BB•.m itatintgitwtn r, aned itrort�0;�lbm,. t1D rulingsoon lrtwrmmwer• '86' mitt Li1RR lease,call tkon24 1 SODOM mtlho 141Ox3Cc fif38Or$$rt Rex BABY DNANGE TABLE oke rtsaw 11'9 1ia6ro0. 5 cans powder Simi •lormule 1125010 2 cans , tronoentrale Carnattun holism mufa$8.o0,folernr A dr 'Wangles, ntaahme ass ID f4»IE AWAY to a good 'now It Oma a hoe year ofd male Biohun at our Mita naaLs some lender !twin. care ,Qien •md'Iats law seam* IGT - Simla slick. atrmoart air, cruise, b nbm wipers imam Igpo sa, uta, 160,000 dam 1:4.4190 minified Call 527-1781 )5 15106 OLDS 8legengy Brougham loaded .with alt options tilers exhaust 11300.00 es as or tafiai oiler Phone 510-524-7115 ash for Van 06•901dinoe 17. AP*X NTS tENT, STUDENT ^`'K's1aMO0ATOON - LO a/r y spacious s aspillovalisim. dose p lis* female; emageo. Fettle hinsished *swap Aoi�laroet All sole and -we. Mprdad (, - asi1codion 11ear 6pot. 'MIME _ � err 11 lAi1M. ((Paints oftC4127-2750 and Wore siessage7-21140 {gwrtl ante Unforturagt THIRD arm Lit ,rid lel Year and 111, Man) tan rent a Selet tient 'a abet.eenre Aper tel 4 too much il m Iv Iake includes mine for e, i Sept let tient � 1 have adapter rip i hyr3r0 E X Fra Glom •� flea! dope / Laundry ,n frond .viii 1tY m utkleiti km to H env awctuld Parenps at me phase rill my at 524-5140 for an nit nnow 10-8043noe ' sYoeMen �� �� n well and still Ion. basement Controlled entrance CDR 160 POMMERANIAN Mai IES trpetto tun looing •'I ellogs and mint $ %mils Rhone 346 2518 10 - COMMUNITY for Anne BRIDAL $h1t�q 30 at 7Marte Maloney ,Wed duly Parish Hall p.na at Golumben OE 30x2 Everyone .welcprtie SCLERODERMA ter GROUP SUPPORT meelmg Sunday July 27 1866 2 4 p-rn Maple Hill Apartments 46 0 .--- lac team Gf AISN'T Doberman/Lab lWtldlp1UPs 10 .e good home only sip 10- {yfe p� (510) 8452722 r hurt 8.nimis 1:6.00 D8114111 01 30x1 t Gmton For more TWO information Call Jener 6.18 4621373 CE 29x2cc MuQ 27TH ANNUAL KINSMENARTS 11 and Guilts Feahvel ftincerckne 262ula Dawdson Centre 801 `ham St 2820 FriJuly 26 6 9 p.m Sat466mSSnt July 26 6 27 10 i.n 6 p.m Sweat Adrnas6ton $2 (under 12 hie) hilt Pancake breaktaat Sat -'9. 12 and Sin° Sun 10 -i Sahy:Mtlag. c1111dren'$ $398 activates OE-29x2oc fluor AIR ,CO>(tt)Sttfif 1 Avec 1. a *Maw - 6271167 Gerafr al Electric 92.0130 BTU: taw BTU Call 527-2318➢ 17-26_!f LARGE BRIGHT , bedroom available SeVe natural 1 i�ourtd _ woodwork, hardwood month keast bred/Woeshaat PUC"° inflow aatrsdpa, ateemrtys, laundry arm Dell 5.24. 076 sr !rave message it 627-2622 17-2�gxdoc AVAILABLE OCT 1, taw bathroom in Outfit building.2 woodwork, hard, natural lire pleoe 14p0 month moi, des heat. laundry and perbego Call 524 X14 > lA tstuE Rf pegs. SSI "6611at 5Z7- . 17-2exlitoc `11E104 I ving _ try .10r gladeng CFO 346- Ot -29-2 118'•I fir is rete - erid av ,ate , f deals hem _L 6 A Salfthweat Isle. 18' Sohn** OWN OnlY - it $',18imo O.A.0 Ca11 624 day or 111 I1t. 0124 floc SEAFORTH CO.OPERATIVF o.VER Ghlldren•s C:ermet& nviw.t piia�8 a cpm ( Tatra we Jima oallet,Cmnra'QOor s9 tions lir .the . tqua-Quest then -swimming - ,Program, mg and r ;begiriri North arming .tor a :two 1g!'nor weep period All levels are being flows taught 1 - 12 For mor HEAD . mown,' x.4181 1° "d er mr�+lMatron Aver 129 2 .1,191 SChpl. fa7-1642. ,at 99419e We ere diataibuters for and w salt Qatage .Quem senate .and stitch head doors Ate,,,, JeadinftS have .pr, ltlliaitig riot Nam *wing 414006. b8aris .arid oommsedail write foltlohell, Dublin. and fnirrpunding, � • call 516.86,0366 or fax !�68 01 Boca m ,dgw.e C OMMUNtT.vgHp ,iStrOanipe :1414110096 -McIntosh on 1y.a13. at$ Sabring `ll4a►iday. Ju Everysnm in one ne E-2942 urofi 6 t1006e tone we MAJOR JURIED art ,,-sum orifi 1111QFFA showing coming soon rtO GQ4akes, Glangregor *mete, and !bu A, ugnat 2, a 1.800-21ft.�55 , E 4110106 af j -- - 'free 1-890 TANG; OSIE.LLIUlldir� compl0te line. of lumbar 01 maleriais• free ,sati- 1663.69 ,7 01hel0 Toll 8E FORTH MINOR Singe every • S, - Moodily tat and and Monde 2nd month $750 $1.-000 Jackpot. Doors penAlb at 5 pun Ticket Oates 6:9Q p.m S.D.7}:G LRrtery lice -OST e 316. GE -27* J.R FER APIARIES..Winylyam, has freak 1)000y for . ,fin closed -' r Saiw 840 '19 6. u shays.. vening6 and Sundays .by i1PP9intment or *Nonce 357-3656- Ot•30c29c 414SES" 1400601 Mike - . can Pick Pow 9W0Iready P)4ke0.:911WW9 m9ollines• families .welcome.'Qrders•Idken lor•pails.ot •Irephffrozon cherries pigked, 6114601 cherries ^'• • a1(JIlible Win M/ � pik0!,iYlprpjtrfrtlrlt Form. 1(2,miJe•E of Adsorj . 026- 306 01•30xlcc Do you have an item •lar bale hioh •16 less Shan $top PMaoe 0 'FREE Icor one insertion ip ,the HCt Io' ,Sale caprin() .of The 25 EAPpsitor The ad ,motif be words or .1e66 and :the -pest of :the ,item ,riiuet appear Thi6 otter doe 091.9954 in dtte ad. 0058e6.Phone 2rto 01Monday 1 P.m Io ;plow your 00. Have �i10Tr with lou -Mit a ;Oaf* of Your pant h ve The .*Muton aFJIPO6ttor? We a a number .of ,lOClamled pic- rures 9n -f 1e You ONO pick It1gril at our .9tf*ce, 100 Soaforth4Apnda IhrAn a.m .40.r4,1.Ot, llrtlllgy.9 For 'ow 'r %'p 0fe fie aYallablp 0t (rile H1090 Pike ,Riigghttt ,Mall it0( The•MitoWHASltrr 1p• The G inion NeWs•Rfocord. TheoG04/00041 Signal r eta . The ,1.4Iii9te Actino, (•Zurigh). •SI►Preil19 .4)Ie}Ms ,{Port E'pen)• NOC444 le *VOL ,144409* Sontinel•and Theilthat i`E, p9 IttMin . 01.01 -itnAp JAORES of wheal aka ash 11F �2 T BE,D44100611 APARTMENT, k*d• ataopean Mahon, lO iegey.. separate • dot. 461100m. 66 Niirmont plus. Stall uni •T1s 3 + bedroom halite iii brills, 5190rattpr>tla Plus AMU* fi ter r'�uired Air al'ff-11 Maureen i'lEfliSAL L - /Men •werti ,. nil OffEIRE •6609 combine. date taac lea1jloost enthl 11 drone roa569 806:.2816 11.G 29.2 §'� OUST Qt4( •OQMA_810U41G 1rrfleat. dais and 'bu Fey. {W9 .Min Dente •mAiittle-.wild. PhSxle AO_ F,. JC CUSTOM NM* Atallrl� 49rials *whe`'7:2087. 11H -fie TARPS 6 101DUSTAWL Goveripw, mode 40 614e -for Avaks. tr011or6. ooN 017 beasts e t •etc Vinyl. canvas. 0011.6 Rentals Ttesrna . 'I Party s:0 0 r �� IOM 482'8540• gnus won't SWg. lysis s1 and 2tb imam ,ree hkaue 1 Mow. ha* >ak1 b1'dro included. a P0s►11pd 1>poylre, you C01 Satoye At 262'2027 17-239.41 104We aPe t ant 99'4' ed entry ' d '' . . 0010, tuts At ie610-23649-8961 e 619.666 2 17.22x T'WQ 8Ep1dj*M, atoye kind included. 18w'Kiry 48511Mes, quiet iocetmn curb 6244994 Available Haw 17 .27411 LiNTON One bedroom 1Parenent $0.16-oo Monthly CUSTOM :ROUND Soling. 4 4t O wide x 816 41 high. (John Deere) 5 So it cos t. 33.0297 or 666' 27$8 11h11 441191( Away. t t poweiAttif FArliligArf "010* MULTI FAMiL,Y ,Y4K0 , C'AOKF�t ilia ,tu 116.18 �tl',111T' IF,00414,Y AAkt Oly i9O. �,,1. o ANNA ,toa. y 191146, Amp 0,4900. til4tws A PAS 19 2 hale 1.96962-5764 a 35:2669 t7,28xNcc EWER 2 bedroorrl Nriit, MUdiell loInies S4+i 1a mega/seckeady placed CO 18C•1111340,9192. 7:924c4ticc _ - --.-------__- - - - 233-3484 28.29x?,cc The Huron Exposjtor' s CF CtatsepEvents 01.CLASSIFIEDS Mose For Sats 06 ECorrputers. Videos. 22 tots For Rent Garage/Yard Sats 09 Auf 23. Commercial P Os Antiques a an to vs For Rem ray aa Crafts ►tr•Ors frets 24. Wanted To Rani 05 Cars For bate ?5 Wanted 70 Buy 06. Truces For SW 11A For Sale 26.27 -Hep Warted wanted General 118. Wotasp To � 26. Business Opportunity 11C. Wonted To hon 29. Tandem y 30. Employment Wanted 31 Service Directory 32. Babysining 33. Mwcellaneuus 34. Personal 35. Notice To Creditors 36. Announcements 37. Mortgages 36 &coon 12 Real Estate For Sale 39 Educet,n,paly 13. &sciage Homes 4o Lost a Found 7A For Say Gemmel 110. ErnpgyRyr* 78 WWtireed TO Buy Wanted 7C Wanted To Ria 11E. fives.' 70 Scopes NF. Fart Product Motorrydes ATV'R 110. Farre Equipment Etc 1111 Farm Services 7F Snoiteropks a 11J. Farm land £pagans 11K Farm Real Estate 76 Roc veto:Yes- Carrpers a Trai;y,b 711 BOW 61010(5 Menne punas Paas Replies 7K 'Pop a 14. Vjoaeon Properties 41 To Give Away floor 18. For Rent 42 Deaths 18APOIMOrtt$ For Rent 43. Births . =lir 19 Beet 44 Engagements 19 Rant 45 Marriages DEADLINE Bcard 48 In Memoriam 20- +a-arv>G Fp$ C����� g Cards or Tanks For other papert""' ADS I$XpNDA 0 44.M PM "�"�+'ae V MU1tIDAY 11:00 A� OT 25 WORDS - One Week 15.00, twAn rates o weus e 14.50 ea. week, three weeks 144100 ea. week- Additional words 20 semi- An le added if billing is additional Cary. d -115.00 plus 35 centsof verse. Thanks & Bitch Announcements - 25 Words 115.00. Each aidditionetword .10 cents. We are also able to place word ads in the following Beek. By , Clinton,, Mitchell, l ucknow•, Kincardine, Zurich papers: to (2 ort placing an lees)n in 7ise Hury t epose r we cao p'lace the addi- tional of above WPen for an 04111 627 THESE PINCER addi- 01.40 Monday to Friday 00 AM to A1N to 6:00 PM 24. HELP WANTED PA1t TING:B J INESS, expertierlr,. Preferred, vehd 30Cali 346 2766 26 30.2 s mull SHEET FED PRESSPERSON Must be exper'd with: •Heidg presses Kato alb Ord '8morz •2 colour/full colour Rao, ciliary, company bsncfks, WWII sharing & pension plan. Ideal war* environment. CORfaCt: (Irian McEwen Meridien Printing 403-875-3362 U.loydminister) 986467 D&_ i IUHlConttrolled entk0rcg, y•TWENTY TWO VEp •* CFONN STUDENTS GOING Fahabagie/Western • nice IRT lent war) 6 tutus Canty t tone) telt 6260,Op/ month rAdelaaile and Huron ,wag Can ©runes. 482 7334 26. HELP WANTED Gre `"BUILDING .j OR YOUR FUTURE"T FRED GROENE$TEGE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED SPecianzing in Agricultural poi/dings has 10 permanent positions available far herd W _' ""'9 �av,UuOIScooda the successfultirt Foirmst1G have 0ppHcg, most 41-10/44111.111,11147 Pt.f11 ;. rags. -experience ' formingen tran100datiOn n concrete Opportunities for oavonce- Ment with .quality fn performance. warkmanship• attendance grail seniority Positions available to start 1mrtreaictely Cali tor . on appointment between 9.00 o m ono 4110 p rT+ Monday to Friday 619-393-467p. . G44,,(( 3 ('(J(: ,r r•: ti,�1- ri, .lr ttllurc o OMT4 0I G . . house l4 sixteen year old lookinn to do Odd loss Such its, babysiiun9• oleanin9• lawn sonny, etc Hes babysitting course and hes achieved bipeap�,uardiny Courses NP 49 leader& P{Q.4se c1 i Natake Deo `tit 627.1710 39-27xtt6 AWED 4 TUTOR? Exams are ' 9U1c4 • PO lin NI ileiP iq n*h or science .81 622- .66.44. 30-Rkx 12 ------------- --- -- 4 Sniff. fr *yl h% to 4o Widow flier eche l hours and Welefekgds COY 622-0866 asst for bark- 30.23x116 441-cPxicc Nr4ti 0SE m? y io ' 4YictenHa y /A . A Net 46 t3r466/Pl, ployeAlgjes 6l9 -,457446y fiAl �A`9N1.61E F #T, 4 4190,9901. A9110 4490041) iAv,401A4le 4941411 1. 4810)986 .2901 %UI( P11ogg 44196 9 tq- REiA11TAF1Ul ,QTR la1 esi 100499 •9I 4949101)14e ita19 474099"10 , :.441 41' 1914999‘ PWAVIIM; 'EY1w6 P F ar Amara �141(W1 lt, 9 ford ,rwtw,rn,,a ,Au 6124. 1,4 4991 UR7-9 4iis vi 311.F that! coNcuRRENr Epy1GATfAN STUDENT willing to ;OAP elementary school attltdpnlc In NAV subject CO Cindy al 3,6648 31-30x2cc Fly fl 8RVl4 Hays your imporsnt 0ocume taxed of trio Hu(pn IENIP ler ofhcir. 100 Main St., SRafQrdl. 111 pay& 8r, x 11 ;4 00, addirienlll pages to same phone number $1 00 To receiye p lax al etir (*Ace I/te cost is $1110 par Sheat (GST exec) For 019(9 inlormyttpn phone 627-0240 31-01 xlt ,r�rr ( r•qp ,0rc.tAy6, y ARV ���,r,A,4 ('MARKET We buy, • Apr*. iF,OgiftwO, appliances, 09 1400. ( { 496 •0Allgttbtaa. w ;19,000 a13994s. So 11rtr1rr 9r We.Alttd91909, co,* r4Pca71` Vs SlI9 E 4191919 1,951.IIntoludin9 •14119itlr✓~Sinning• 6011 49494940r trades, 4 `t' � 1 : es. 1,',26.90. hall Tim grriw gouty W$rl II Motto Nlvlus•Qrra far P IIdTV lJP4M4f* - P#44A Ill CPOP I ICH SI6TIRcTtrpM,{.614TT iN6TITIlTE tip W T Thc Nurun PAW ,01)04 of Ddu• �tAf Tbc Hutu!, ('o o(r Will r04440. 44000 • ,301. ()maria. No 1 t 163 1 on p on r