HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1997-07-16, Page 14Go* igtiffes n casa �yak prizes Ora Blydk promo "You've aeon cheerer betecc ... wisnetimes arotoyitgg,'-soans- tiates hilarious,.errets in a rt awspaper. 'There is tursexampie• the t Vlttans he dlicic-(Somethiu atom Avrong,.taadh o4rerts any" There tsiibtxttlre}ttiWie school boadline=in tneIBaaee tcasnt> newspaper esiaeerlbe ?i'•wasdamped tinakgiiiic. "NUN your -away viva%Prize for spottiggttietnatotl,atitna- stens rrsaislttkaS, typos or ilitagttrrors,yon have ever road. • lie Blyth tiiosliwlll anielonecti • this walk u -e:» lostti astrd,on tie;ipcoming wowapip,per.soacsdy, Theme`s Note* tee tae. Ptgper, :auto premiere mtttie tBtym -hese July 23, lit is \writtten ttly Scaterth native- Davidiiioatt- Much of the hurrtarr(»tttlris ,play :is angpited tby Sliest Wink Mas thy) .Anti Rita , (Menton ittimapion1), awn* tdrill knobs.aid armies Wtlio Sit around ,outside Mee �SttutdowvilJr fhzsurttM,r offices and:JoeRpacieveuate Now (many mianlicasrthay, r �atmyy,tiandlinesanti ,the •thtw- tiiad in+dttur Availtly wawlipr- wends,uf w°Ytlb:nrwepttper 1Per, • when, 'have to 'generate, 'suet Mite 1Bllyth IFestivdl -will 'taunw e,iitpuips err funnier isaor nit goofs and geishas sfn un than utters." any newspaper - ,dai►y ,or The IBlyth Ifmttivul esnenur- weeJtly - until Wily 811. -lA ages In:attars ,tu Start ,prnuf- prinelin ttie lost' ,one mill loadinlS anti submit nnorno- tate aaanamtead tumult, tinter- table tblurdines tin iBtun 1111. emission .during telae tfwae Alar- Slyth,1(INtl thiel; len 011.0) tbarmartaos , of lifeenr lin J1d1y. 84M M; or ,ttrgp off .at ttbe i(1,daaw,ter.a jtttlttliptiraewul i atintiniatsatitm ,lime ,on tie,rnaile It Queen Sweat tin tBiv�ttit. There Are iiatattti1 tan the retia- ConemullaniciPanzlar II&kd tlakes anti itytaa,otos ,aIBt>tth tartittdlutic name, oddroars.antl Irenstivdlmow tndlertte„with 4 •• •• sympathies Aniarimrainkert4 Happy birthsLay tu.ta .very special:Dublin man,fFrank .Bruxer. .who celebrates ttttnomna'.luiy 17. .Birthday greetings colt for- mer Dubliner, Wary Catharine Williams (Stapleton) of 1aeksomvilk, Florida. who.celebrates on July 18. Happy birttday .also to John Mark Nash- of Seaforth..wbo celebrates on July IS. 'Last but certainly not least" happy birthday to GCtaidine Duffy. Woodstock. formerly from Dublin (and sister of correspondent. .Dorothy) who celebrated un July 13. • Congratulations to Andrew Jibb. son of Winston and Sheila Jib*, RR 2 Stafta, who graduated from the school of 'j Dobbs 'bye nthytlillion -.2883 visual ens .at 'Sheridan Co liege • OaWcitille, ,with diploma in inteipretive . illus- tration. Congratulations to Anne ,Kerskake. slaughter of (Bill .& . Frieda .Kerslake, ;RR 2 -Stafne, who graduated :from .Fanstsawe College • reeeiving her motive power technician (Auto) diploma. and is cur- -rcntly apprenticing at Guderieh Chrysler. :Congratulations to Marty and Anne Marie Hetiard (and big sister Megan i un the sate and happy 'arrival of Lauren tat ilamtdbowling club MIxeiI pairs ji,YMALAY t$MiLAMSON The'recent mixed pairs lawn bowling tournament was well attended with 17 greens in play. Winters were Fred .and :Betty Tilley. of Sealorth, with 3w+52op I0. .Second place went to the women's pair of Thelma Coombs .and E.rina Bell with 3w -i42; Third was Roy and Barb Triebner. of .I3xeter. 3w+,41 +2. Fourth was ,Erich Matzoh! and Jean Lunn with A,64440- cIiflb .went -,10 I ,ajirencc Russell and Margaret Deicbert of ,Exeter, 3w+39-+ I . Sixth place was l ob.Doig and Olive Pappie of the borne club with 2w+41. Seventh was. Clinton's -Elmer -Murray and Audrey Walsh with .2.w.+440. -slight was Harry Jacobi and Andrea Weigand. 1 eter, _2w.+37. Ninth was Neil.seuerman and Shirley Schmidt, 2w+36. Coxtsolation prize wont to -Ken Barbour and Mabel Wheeler .of Brussels with Iw+33+2. frritiay evening at 7 p,m. Dreg, cPat PeuI' Ienwille aAn son Fpr itetBti6:Ah t4 iwi led 0§e horst Id announce ion of their son, St •' from the Computer P(og r,anuner/Anolyrt Diptamo Program of (_ ones! s College on June 25, 1997. Stephen made the President's Honour list and wrs the wirxaer of the Hewlett PoSitOr0.,Aworrl and the 46) Dano Sy ems 6 Aword. lie is yCluillt Peo lrx.iff' r success saw 16.greens in play for optional singles. First place was ;.Batt Ftinlaysom,. 3w+45: Sekund,:1 a Ryan. 3w4.3944: Third. :Brian '-Helsberg. .London. 3w430: Fourth. Brenda. Empey. Clinton. 3w'-37; Fifth. Dennis Schmidt. • Guderieh. Sixth, .Jim Stotts. Seaforth. 2w:+38: Seventh. Fred 'I511ey. 2w+37: Eighth, Jack Muir. 2w-+36: Ninth pits 'Petesi 'lt'!af'aiIS• tixeter.'2w+35+3. :i' ails-, Ala ;Do ig..3w.t+34; t$ieventh. -Harry ;Jacitbi. Exeter, 2w+33. Consolation: Lois Swit .er. Guderich. -A delicious cake was served courtesy Neil and Donna Beuerrnan. FOKRICOMINC k#RRL THQ4,1 SpN (MAI -NG Mr. & Mrs- Tern Fehr arm • Mr..Qc Mrs: Tern Nolan are 1 pleroed cU announce tlae forthcoming utarriage of their children Itiheawn Marie to LrnestJohn. The wedsiwg will take place, on Saturday, July 19. 11•917eat; 4:311 p.m. at the 44prrorelvilie' United•church Open reception to fotlpw a Sea forth Community Centre (Arena) ti Ed4y,6tal,' 1Tbe w ,wif( tee e Sat July19ih. I t 5t. Stephen's emyil ,Aqua Church,vadvn,(l�t *Utile Thum ,on Jiuly .d ,at Clinton aia,Epiul, ,wajghing 3 tbs. 8 • oz. CongraWtalionstto ipro+d snentiparents, Vadis .anti !Bonne Schad: and Ilan and tAtetimytOIRoutice. 1-Hitppy anniversary .to IPat ani! Angie !Blether= , .otigi- ttrlllyfrom Dublin. _whu,t2d- btate on.Juiy 17. ,Happy ;With anniversary to Olive ani iidwin Huppenntth wbo,s,4lebrateti un Juty :Heartfelt sympathy .of the •iummunity is .oxtentistii to ' families. ndatives and friends .uf iKenneth <I(taemer of Iitette II, and Ronald Beuernrmn of SRR 1 .Dublin who died:teventiy. tCouudil pasties podlatmeatimeut Seafurtb .Council passed a bylaw amending .nnutherr bylaw. last Tuesday night, pertaining tu:fetue s and gates enclosing ptivately•awned swimming .pools, to 4ring it . into line with :zonintttylaw requirements. The following was substi- tuted into the original-hyiaw: 'tEveiy -fence .$)all {terve a rninimum -height of 1.5 metres with a rnaximuin clearance between the'.bottom of the fence and grade of 8 centimetres, and lucvted at distan a of -not less -iban 1 tr►etrc from the:pool.” Ann ‘Marie 8aueanan graduated from ee University: 5t.•Gallrarimcenes on June 12197.0't t an -Homos 6aahelor of Business Administration filagree with a concentration in finance. She •tormeriy •altanned. Walton $ Seatprth.Public Schools . -4 6eaforth Hiph School. She has acceplad a position with Green Line•. investments. The T.B. 8enre. in Waterloo She is the. daughter of .8111 4 Deanne' Bouerman -of . RR 441 Pullin. Conpratulattions "Boo- Ware: so proud 91 ,Y90. love itAom.` pad. Sherry.:emit .Raube. Mame $, 8lak►e. BRODHAGEW eeemeee OF coseteeee ANNUAL CHICKEN Matti natlgy, July 1E, 1097 • at Brodta gen Hell 4:30 - 7:80 pm Adults - S9.01) DtWdren - $4.51) Tinicalis Aline door Taiaamuut available Iltirigr�dt !Mous flaginatnbliapan The family of Slims St Wal Vaxotilogia would to invite you to .attend an Opus Moms in :honour of 'their SAO itiettillimg itaistberasery Jul .Jittiy 118, :1887 from *pm to tl 3ut at the Winthrop ':lr3all Park Pavilion Beet Mabee .Only Adige() ming Mine •Cei41nir .000 xefn9n AWfw .with *We and Inih is are plated 49 M1rtounor the istiOsomin9 artar11999 tityk ittlkkan, Sliaridolo 4100 OWL Tho M*sisling ,(it0rr lulu *iv !plows rig .D1ttly 10, 12? 9t .:411—NbNlliitiMp #isitrMNt cfildtsilip Slhtttah• 'fisstlittios tic *Woo 11t fols1S1gti1 a cpleklat cdi44lmtifltynkisP, tiny 6141 • Swim dab leans tLast the 4 -IN Swine Club ,net ru When Diet? !imitate. *le started with he a-ua tpletisc, then .the ,rull .r:dll was answered. &sib gave us a yuiz. 3Lim ,Gvethult gave we n rtltlk an beads and LOS. x Uri* tour PSunk* Litieba may 3. Star move into. call [fells„ Wised $ $ ar Itr I4111444Ardalarear f, ► J__._,$. trop OW 611410,941.414=i649 6NtSTHURSQA( • 4111(11 01101 oiwootfoofrosi 21". Ambinisyj r+ marry �:aaslit.siitutives and f monde asttittsanud ttv e millibar air %tittle iraelur' e 'l1 71ith !Birthday kyr. .ts r. Owe (Scott) lvn your 411ar. Vie are so proud of you. Uwe from liar *loony j STAT DANCE FRIDAY, .:JULY 25 PERFORMING MCC BEER GARDENS illOO T'N!tlPttt H1 4T .WOCK PARTY Mt!lri 11 SOUND IMAGE 04 f odd) BUCK & DOE for Arita Po. ma & Soba Illkstesveld baturdey July 246 LOT BASH PACING COED SL•O PITOURNAMENT Friday to Sunday July 18th - 20th at Sestgrth Lions Park ;Optimist Park i FEE: '175.00 MIZE MONEY:: iq w nner$.600.00 A runnerup $400,00 • winger 5350"00 e 'tow* 75 CALLL PETE *t 27-124 Way) •arfe2M51 (evening) Make 'the cheque Aayyabt 3o,Athe '$epiuftlT Garltteoaires",.anclflax 1hQ ca pee ed :eft ' dorm to 5R7-4481 or drop it aff.et: Fteueato�fikoot vt0 PApor • foolNato fftWiAi, .9 jt*6rotu witty JULY 21 1!!7 P'PlffedNTO pew Worn 1041 M - AYE ENTERTAIN- MENT ,§1144 OP IN CAW* §I-IffiRIE AT IMO HALAL W74140 FIE TAW MO *POOCH WWI ,a.,1 e ,4411 VOR fswr