HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1997-07-16, Page 12(36. ANNOUNCEMEM 1 (nou�1 it)It ir)1crt>m) t3'TUDEN 1 ,.tOfl$ R tIp arae *we tor tennialilhAnsepi „Way • 1, aeon salt $260.00+trnwlh laliaideend Huron area Oa1t Donee 412 7334 18-2fix la. COUNTRY HOME 1 -1/2 hath 2 oedeosrtt, meson* renovated rooated between &odhaYan and Wintnrou IVo pads Call 346.219B Avarlabk: Aero 1 183(02oc f FREE BEDROOM tinniness/et rent south of tumet6 AmaineAAe nnmmackately Pnonn 5194974916 MODERN two bedroom osis ay Wane *1tr; tarnuy tom. 142 tees. „arport on paved road. naafi et eaiorv, Phone519-527-68TO 18- 9xtter 26, HELP WANTED GRAND 8END Sanders OrnThe. Beech two year experwnee,Arst stair cooks and nostesses Apply unperson 26-2ex)oc SUMIAER HELP WANTED on pig -arm Duties Include daily chores rnarntertance and operably tractor Pelisse mall or tau resexme to A Wa9wnans, R A 1, i3ornhoim, Oe N01 IAO Fax 347-2819 26 29xlcc YARD MAINTENANCE PERSON Looking tor responseWe person for yard maintenance Teas IS a part Irmo position requiring 15.20 hours per week Must be capabhe of cremating earn' equtpment sally Apply in person to Logan Farm Equipment 11968 Ltd.) R R 05 Mitchell NOK 1NO Attention Peter Vandeborne 26-28x2cc PART TIME. I$EROSPERSON required on a 175 sow breeding Monk operation II you are reliable motivated show tnetietnve like working with p19s and have a valid driver s license this opening is for you Please mad or lax resunme in kcntidence to Jos Kolkman FLA 2 Monkton NOK 190 tax 519 347-4054 26-28x2oc - MEET FED PEESPER6OH Must be_exper si with: -.Hams presses •>GiTO *Kent aSmorz • cplourWb,dt %Amer Exc. salary, lzompeny benefits, profit sharing 8t pension plan. idem work environment. Contact: Brian McEwen Meridian Printing 403-875-3362 (L.loydm in ester) 00¢4$7 CO ARAND TRUOK hoar and leowie same . ctrsaorrr waking wakes. ease stabs rand car *maws and tfrafass . Roar Willirott 8t 8rtot h 627-2208 eu ♦9?An111Ai6. 314et2 tYKE Have yaw ieNnga 1t documents taxed at Ilius Mew faapasiter saran. t11001ein3(-.3 Minh. tat ,lap -Aiwa 111eJ1K1, ad •_lath mama t>n sib igielae rails r • *tar,. T't o tache at .are elh sults Haat is 41.00 tear Meet (136T,raslla) For mote mbenilliert Oise 527-0240 31-0Ixff i16FNAiR AND REFINISHiNG of -turniture and antiques, trardatappseg. also custom made eraine teat to your plans. Robert •Ki rr..-iiii1/1, Seafarer Phone 627 0796 31-2741 RNOTODOPTE6 Photocopying liiatlipe available at the: Huron ExpoaMsr ohne, 100 Mac, 5t Seatorin. 8Vz x•11 copses -26 cent& per sheet 8Vr x .14 copies .35 Gents per sheet cianfT and PST extra) Phare 5274241) 214)14lnxe fry in tur CUSTOM ItilluNG adMt1cESSING Kill Days -Tuesdays OUR SetOAL1Y Horne used and smoked maths prucen end exacl)v the way you like it Most makes -r end models done on site MITCHELL PHOTOGRAPHICS 348-4520 32. EADYSIT7ING BABYSITTER FOR 1 child. m my home. week day mornings. Gall -527-0785.32-29.1 MATURE WOMAN willing to babysrt in Sebrmgvitie. • lots of room. lots of tun, lots of room for kids le run Will take ogre of .your chill while you work 393-6176 anytime. 32-29x1oc '(34. PERSONAL AA 1f you Minh you have a drink ung problem Alcoholics Anonymous inns worked for millions Gall 527 1660 Or 1011 free 1-800 706-9833 34-27-11 (36. HELP WANTED AUTOMOTIVE 1VHANIC licensed or apprentice t'h rause aipetienee Preferred. - Company Benefits end Competitive Wages. Contact Rave or Murray at Mitchell, Qnt. AUTOMOTIVE ,SALES PERSON1 People interested in above average income. Experience 'preferred, . Company Benefits, Company Demo Contact Harold or Dew at !Mitchell, Qnt. 1-518-348.84$1 f38.11US NBSS OPPORTUNITY) �1�11. P4RSQNAL. TWENTY TWO VEND1Ny fiefipEO - 100 poopte who are machines. already placed. Cell %Nippily interested in toeing. e 233-3484 28.29x2cc 209l¢s. sech Cal 519-236-3707 • 34-891r$oc (30. EMPLOYMENT WANTED OUTGOING sixteen year old looting to d9 Pdd jobs such as . babysitting, Cleaning. lawn cutting, etc Has babysitting ooutse and hos pchweved Mfeguarding courses up.lp leaders Please call Natalie • tngeat•027-0710 30.27x716 ialEED ,A TUTOR? Exams we approaching quickly. Gall Karen for help in math er, science at 622- 904.e. +gD421IE2 ,A STUDENT staiN to dp,o00p0r jobs atter school hours and weekends Call 622.0956. ask for Mark 30-23xtis (31. SERVICE ORY ,ALUMINUM AND -CUSTOM WE Lp- INO, ornamental raikng, trailers, custom Intones. pig/cattle penning, machinery repairs and fabricatirtp. Phone Peter De Jong 523.4818, Londesboro 31-27.41 ARE YOU LIVINOWITHs problem' Al Anon can help - 1650 34-29-1 37. MORTGAGES ti 1^ iitoitg Absotutety No upfront Faiel Available as low as 6 O% Interest Personal >s i1 you qualify. payments titer"iStetalenlan i10.000 ' 13.33 t15,000 Consolidate your debts Cal (519) 3934211 1.8904$1.1932 A$TRAL FUNWNG INC- mt. kuc riW bA ILE (9f1- *DOWN 64111; Sale+llfI La ' Puldrec Audis* Munsatptll lux Salm Act, '1010 The C.rpunlWodedirW nsearfirestorth lake easter that the 1 ) heed behn will br uftmrti ter sdr'b' pubtu' auction at 1h111) 1n the turcnuwr un the 7th etay ut August, 1907 at 72 Main *neat -South. lsecond flute Council Ctiantbers) Statutth Untaren Description once& Mishima, Sid 44.193.57 tlwa 12. Pan L.or 53, Ptui 3337 nt the Amen of4ioafort6, County of Hum illaisicipal Address. 40,Hrrrxt Straet.tiieetutth - .A11 amounts payable by the ehaasstul purchaser shall Asyliblent tell at the unae of ask by cash, moony, order. or by a ire* deft .er e cque cestifsxdby a hank, trust company or Province .of Ontario' Savers> Offer. The municipality makes no-reproaentation regarding title to er any other matters relating to the land to he sold. Responsibility tin a►rertatt Ing these matters rest with the potential pureita1Crs - This site is garbed by tire'Jttwuelpal Tax bales Act. 1914, and the - Municipal lax Seas Rues The wtc-cre stul-pureharer will be nrgnired to pay the amount but .plus accumulated taxa+ and relevant land transfer tax F.rtutther infermitiseregarding thasiiike,earteet: lamas Crocker. 1reasueer: Certpur.iuun of the Town of,Seaferth 72 shlain'Str'neet. P.O. Bout 610.. Scheidt,-OntanoNOK }WD • (5191127-0160 AUCTION SALE to tie had at Renard Lobe's Auction Buie:l y ter Center,- tor the reslie,of,frtck -Gook of Godertch plus additions from Eileen testes aAuburn and several other consignors W r,41ULY 19 AT B AM - R10010111:IIdBa S: Si sien8-H.P- 36' cut, -Roper 8 H.P. 38" cut. Stell thtYRMw 20". - ite,W.Sa11RPVT: 20 new came roes ends sizes 12 tt x 8 ft -to 12.11 x 2011. , 1RMI f: 2 wtreer traii.r wlIh reeks. SMAT MOTOR: Mercury,644P outboard motor in good condition -,Ai>PLJANC S: Matching Harvest golthedge. Wr inch stove both look like new, apt size dryer. portdllfi .Wetter, shettuntid6er, Pair Queen vacuixn with power head. 15 evil., chest freezer. Maytag washer, 2 dryers, floor model oofour TV, 2 portable TVs, 2 air conditioners -.ANTiQIlLtS 4 -trlURNfTlllE: •Oingerbread dock. mantel cinch. antique dresser and mirror. ohd kitchen cabernet. washstands, -chests of drawers. bedroom suite, bullet. sideboard bottom. *Mow desk. gunstock chairs. oil lamps, modern a n roil tqp desk ( like new), 3 good Ohesierfields, trunks. wooden wheel, good set of coffee and end tables. upholstered chairs. 4 drawer filing cabinet, floor len/Ps. wroilpbt iron table and 4 -rtlat0ti ng Chefs: 13oeton rocker, old pictures, violin. crocks and lugs. $tarty & Bateson milk bottles. large offering glessware .pink depression. crystal, Slue Willow. -Royal Albert, Silver tea service plus 'm4011 more end aroma, some •b.Adrtg. lean sweeper. pas fawn mower 1 yr old. corn flower pyt pictures, pills our usual offering of items-teo numwous to rneition. 2 Auctioneers seeing 1RMS.: •torah or'ohhlque with prow I:D. Auptioneer: ottorsf: V1S+AR>i-T $8 •Minton AP NIP NEWS 1*AOUNE The -deadline for news copy. Gas soled and display advertising for fhe Huron Expositor Sealtxth is Monday at 1 p.m Phone '527 0240 36-014lnxe AMT. ,.IUJt'.19.4''9 Ala - 6etafe o Jack Cook at Lobb AucUotr GAM*: >f AMY 26 AT 9:90 AM t$tylir nstatr plus furniture. appliances from home ui Paul Cornoel ilk Lobb Auction to CRintun e eralgimov ht6 of good items being aeceptcxt tur up eiiung (111. AUCTION SAVE 11111111.4111111110.110 01111 reed *tIL 1 aWti at ate Tainatook UMW, JUL' No SAS fins. - AiYIYwn of fermtlyfs: tools m a ttsarlls.at the mile el 1 DiN1101 monvN ally Dente tor the aerie • .af the late Royer Dow 1$W116.,4SM.N 31 se aro ea. - AucMon of wellness: anletuss and household at the Jacob *Chien Centre its Mitchell tur GOMql alta consignors. KrIti(lE,QF NOMINATION FOR OFF1M Municipal Elections Act: 1996 (s.32) NOff10E is hereby given to the Municipal Electors of the CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF .W F Pl3R 413 (Formerly the Townships of Futtartun. Hibbert and Ligan and the Town of Mitchell • Offices for which nominations will be accepted. COUNCIL- Eleven to be elected as follows: - MAYOR (+sleeted at large) p.,PU TY MAYOR (elected at- large) NINE COUNCILLORS- two from Fellation Ward (termer Township of Fullerton) -twatrunt 1flbbert,Word (former Township of Hibbert) - two from Ligan Ward (former Township of Loga -threetroveMitchell Ward (former Town of Mitchell) PWIJC-lJi74f1'Y COMMft991Olt -Five to be elected as follows -MAYOR (ewolido) MITCHFrLL-WgflP - T-hrrie,tp be elected H1138ERT WiiRP -One be elected Hthlitn161411111111 MrtRA 31'tf'E i9QL BOARR -One to be elected (tor the MuNcpatities of,WeSt Perth. Perth South. Si. Marys and UUbprpe) H1919tlieiiKlfa PLOW UQARP -One to be elected (for. the hlenidl4lity of West,Perth) Haw,wlAlNt+ '4:belt/Oft ;Al 1),M person or threugh an agent: 2) Dpriog the clerk's normal office hours (rem July I. 1987 up to add including OeteLier 9, 1997. that is•the doylaeben Nomination Dry; 0)11 Woe on-Nartinatlon DAY (October 10. 1087), between the h9urs el 8:Q0 a.m. and 5:Q0 P.m: rind 4) The nomination mint be on the prescribed foram. with a commie ,and declaration of qualification and accompanied by milling tee pf 11100. The onus is on the persist, nomit*ted to Mee a bona tide nomUwtioe paper. A pornlnaUon mist be certified bythe,Cierk et ttleCprporation of West. Perth before such perm*. becomes a t ertilied•condidate for the eftke tee/high he pr she Is ineninated- a) noel July i, 1007 up to and including Oetq$i 9..1997 at any,pne of the, tpllowine l9cations: (1) Fenian* AdmirlenT14190,01111dlint, 5692,Piorth4ine.20. FNI1,irton. Ontario 4.2) WONT .'retaWhip QNke. +t005iPrACIlliS ed 1fl94UuW3P, • Ontario r63) won Township Office.•00020141110414le ,Sismholrn. Ofdarle 0.lJMWU'$QINchOaAY'f, uNwOnMHall, i17609NSSt. WUa4Uvid 5)N1.,M&itehACC, Uf6rPtaihdP0 .TQWNBHW, W r11U ARTON AUMINIS(&WQN l 11U.UING 2 P>> HrtritiEN Y 0esOft 1 +at wtasbU d as 4m the event there is all lnsuficap4filokfent : n11elbar p1. c4rf1110 l ciladtdptas.to fell all offices available, uumiraticires all be reopened. for the vacant . offices only, ort Wodnesda".9440114%15lh,,t987 between the hours of 9:00 and 5:0Q,psi,Aennangltackf$N9{Mlnuntlnatiuns. if required, may. b e tiled at r�i1E,TtfWN841W _ N C*4!A 14114 111.411pN 8U8 4° I14 G its,l4AfiiON.-9100.811 Anita AY -Monday, November•10,,i$97 fa04.03131.5;lti-'H:100(9F4Y4Y.,1007 su f ortbor, Iskoo/Mtion.,s:Owe{il l • f. EY TION OWNSHW OF WEST P 1,1 yOntario JACOB % MIR AUCTIONS MAIN orWen (34. EDUCATIONAL Festival School of Hairstyling 552 Huron Bt-, Stratford Looking for a new F --estival Schou) of 11•Ktitttgrlitrp of Stratford is ataohapting application `tor their neict cam. 'Make•up. Maltby .and Nall Technology of eratl at no -extra charge. Financial aesiotanue available for those that qualtty. - For-furfher intomithon sell 519.271-8561- 40. LOST & FOUND LOST BORDER 901:LWE. tan colour 7 years old. friendly. answers to Rudy. lost .m Dubim area Gall 345.2406 4)-38-1 42„'.lii>i t tIERMAMN: Ronal W. o(R,R. 1. Dublin passed away et. his residence on Tueedey. July 8. 1997 in hes 66th -. year. Born in hoick* Township on Hank 22 1903, he was a son of the `sale George 8euenraannand the former Lama &IMgeen On Ootober 5. •1956 tm. ,was married :to Elsie S.emun Following their marriage the ooµple tamed At J.ot 8. Genoeeston -En of 4I19Kitlop Township. He rtes a Nle 101,9 member of -$t Petw's Luthtttan Chwoh, 8rodhagen h(6viAg aerVed on the Gtturoh- General. S neiving besides his wife is their t*imly Gayle $euermann -and hex •mend John 440056eau Of $ayliald, Greg Beuernlarin and his wile Sad) of fi.R 1, Dubin and Oland* •Kemp and her husband terry of Krtotierier • five brothere Kennet and hos wde Audtey of R.R. 4, Walton. Gerald and law wife Jean. Uoyd and hes wife Audrey both o)' RR 3, Mitchell, Roy and hw .wile Joan. Oonakt and fits site Piloting both of SUI 1, Dublin, iwo-siaier6- Jtltroe Simeon of -8rt>SN1agen and Janet Hillebreoht.04* her husband Ray o1 Miahell, six 9rand0hildien. Hillary. Qlvia, Maokenti0 and .Emily $etiermann.Ond-$rOUeny and Garay Kemp ae,well as a number 9f . nieces and nephews. Also surviving is les inother-in-law Lucy Siemer, of Ow Ritz Lutheran Whet, RR 5. Mitchell aril brodrtr6 and meters-m•1ew Jean Moan Of Riofmiood Hill. $eatrnoo and Murray Dawson of Hensrtlt. KKeith and .Pauline Sismpn and $dl and Vicks Siemon of.fl,R A, Waftorm. fie war predooeared by a br91ber *we .In inlan4y .8 broihwr in-i0U' ,Kerr thereon (900) and a iliac. cif)* Mdfer (1994). Rem* areas received at -34* .Lockhart Firearm .Home. 11* Meniraal $t.. Maybe( on Thuradity 24 tied 7 - 9 pin. The funfirat sereioelleaitM3B.at 63 .P,p titr',s Lutheran 9,11loyal , 819dll4gen on FrKtpgr,gt 2 p,n1. with P00or Martin Male* pHiciabog The Ghurcl, Glyn 0146 in atlendence and sang ::HM 4reat Then Art accompanied by ward Hayenpa on the or A.006911e0 reading Was 1000 by Rev ,$ob $pock opyl* 8ethermann spplw word6 pf MOUie b her father. Helly $ook and 'Lynn Hooey spray The Lord is My Shepherd FJ98W bearers wine Connie *era Jennifer eiemon and !i%Itm eeuermann, paabearers were Sill geuermen. Earl Rock. Jobe Moore, Kee Cannoohan, Ralph Siemon a1d Bob Robin60n Interment in $l. i eIer'6 Cemetery, 8 odhagen .4/2- 29x1 �!• WSW (42. OEM'S t,algr ,and ilppnne Flanagan am vpry;pleespd• O announce the birth Cif their .doisehler• Kathleen Margaret se9r4QodaY. July 7, 1997 41°110teRAWIlio,klospital. weighing / Ib l2 qltOWis a little sisleefor Lawrence., Andrea, Erin, Joseph end **Penn, and a new greaddeuphtef ler Laurens, Maloney 9900143 lhenks t0 0r. Salsbury and .the 114(6109 self 4t G,P,H •tar their excellent care A3 .44/A1 a MOOR: tame TersaarM Nhurwwtew died at home rt*y, Jure 29 He Mats 81 $..n Tudtrrsmlth 'township on January 26. 1016, he woe the son el lea Ian. Roy and Elms (Onoh) qct. lir. Pepper was a ulci1)) rtli was member of err u Church M r os sure 1116 laraMwrs acrd sailers. Norman and Edna Amar of R R t, Hanes*, Cltttard and latera Pepper of R R 1 Daahwaod, Viola Taylor of fiertorth, Eden and Amoy Rimer of *toomhetd, Etewwr falconer of R.R 5. Dunton Gladys w.0 88 Refill of Minton Many niaoos and nephews apo survive him The funeral service was heal on Juty 1 from the Sean* -Falconer Funeral Homes m Clinton with Rev. John Langton of Dntarw Street Unified Church officiating The paltbearsrs were tarry SicClnchery, Bob Riehl, Earl Meer • LesMe Falconer, Don Ritey and Art Rutter Interment rn Clinton Cemetery 42-29x1 411 NIBS SOD egret and Todd ars happy to 8111111114436 ti* sate arrival pf their first barn son Ethan Forbes Ha .vias teen on Juno 29, 1997 at Beatprth Curmnunity Hospital. Proud grandparent; am teal and Marjorie Deus and - Gan and /Awry. Deg Vie Aimed Hie a mend a t cry Memel thank It w fa Drs. arards. Percival and Feeney Thanker *lee to the stat s>f .our local respite for their support and etloourapanment. 42211x1 MMIIILTDel • Laverne and Marj -Hamilton wish to ennoUnoe the .arrival 9f trier ttettond grandchild. Sadie Aileen, born July 4, 1997. Ray and Carolyn and bitther William are very happy A -great praredehild for Jessie- Boyd. 43-29-1 46. IN MEMORIAM i ',WAIST: in memory et Vernal lrlaiat who passed away July 17, 1990 *moms linger an Verne Peppy 46.29x1 SOO T: M tome mothers, et our wile, moter• and giandm ti'*r Dante .$ontt. who passed away July 10. 1906 In Syr i►orr* aIle is fondly remembered ,Sweet montages Ging to her name: Those who loved her in Irle sirKeirely. • Still love her in death tuar hhe same. The depths of sorrow we cannot fell, Of the J066 of one we loved so well. And white ehe sleeps a pewee! sleep. . Her memory we Woe aware temp Sadly mussed by her husband ohildren end grandchildren 46 20xtoc (o. cues or mom FLANASAA1 • I Yiou')d like to thank everyone for the oarde. On Vi6dt6 and phot* spas. attar ;carr 8ut4ary Al Clinton Pelbiic Reapilal Thanks t0 Or Salsbury. Dr Anaod and all the statt• at G.P.H and Ocureaun4 Nursing Services for thee' good ogre Speoatl thanks to Mrs Gaffney arid the Grade 3 01x66 91 $t Patrick's for thea cgr46 and kindness Joseph Fenagan. 47- 20x 1 We erwuld like to thank .eyoryoae lir attending our Suck and Doe. Special .hanks to the wedding poily Loc o job*031 done We had e WINO dere Richard and Tracy. 47- 29x1 f9RTAINE A peelers thank you to my family. trieods and neiehhours who attended or sent gilts to the oommuaity bxtde' eh9wer. A special tlletlks to -the ladie6 of Northside Witted Church, Unit 6 who prgentrted a .m.plorable evening •ygyr lundneeS and thoughtfulness Drill never be forgotten Tracy 47 29x1 The family of the late Reo Williams express their sincere thanks t0 kNt , caesuras and friends for the iit10p# pat was shown 4hthd(1111100 Oipn'6 illness and his 44 eth The ,mass and sympathy pads. phone calls, charily AIKttaiions and visits were greatly ted A special thank yeti to and neighbors who helped le Ay Ivey at the reception Oe rhalpaley. The Welbems Family. 47- 29-1 ,IAIM A.A7 I would like to thank my family fpr their support during my stay at *elect Cemmwuty Hospital Special tteinke to (k Shepherd; Or Woldnilk and ttie nursing staff tor their Gere end concern Therihs to the teatp lmAmbulance Service and ailthAgOt who assisted in my recovery. A special thanks to Susan, ,GOurkley and Caleip1) ,,tette if$0019111. 47-20-1-