HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1997-07-09, Page 4A-•Tr1E MAWS lX OOMNI, .W1y V, 11111117+E. Your _Community Newspaper Sinct MID TERRI-tYNt4 DALE - General Mawr & Advertising Manager KEVIN CARDNQ - Advents rig Safes PAT ARMES - Ohm Wonoyer DIANNE McGRATN Subscriptions & Classifieds DAVE scar - Blairs GRfcsOR CoMllll u tieporter 4J STOREY drunbulwn A. Bowes Publishers Cornmuntty Newspape• ,85CR,P1ION RATES LOCAL 32.50 o raw, n adrbnoe. Piss 2.29 G -S•1 gMORS 30 ou o year. vn advance, plus 2.10 G.S r ti$A & torn 2844 a yam et advance, pias $7e.00 pomp.. G.51 emerrpt .§1195Cit+PttOt tit!►NEs Pubhhed yby Sgr,Id-Stor Pubhahug of 100 Mev, 5+ Soaker, Publsorr on rnq�i eag.srohon No 0696 held or Seofoni,. Onion.' Adverss.rg a «caped on co ndihon►loos un she erred of a rypogroph esot error the akeruN11 space occuprai by she erroneous ism • smasher well a remanable oho..•onm for sog war', will not be charged. but the balance of the adversset em will be pad for of the vppt'cdshe rate in the •rem of a rypogrophncoh erro•. adverss.rg 90ods or seivwa et o wrong once, goods or seheces may not be sale Ad.ereseg .s merry an oiler to soli and may be withdrawn et any duce The heron Expose*, ,s not r•spasubie for the ions or.snags of unsoacded mgewsutps, photos or ower materials used for reproduchon purposes Charges el address. orders kr suoscrplons geld wedeln e ose copes ere to be sem to The Huron Expos.b' w.tir> v. at+ty 9. 1907 Ednortoi and business Mims • 10011doin iebeL,16ofert r• tesheee istel 317-02r0 rax i5t9) 377-211S8 Marling Minns -P O. sox 6H, saticaih, orwio, NOK two meter,oer of the Conadran eommwwy twwspar e' Ateoc.ahor,, On,or.o Commend,' Newspapers Assoc,ahon and the Ononofrets Councr1 Views expressed on our opinion page(s) don't necessarily represent those of The Huron Expositor or Bowes Publishers. The Huron Expositor reserves the right to edit letters to •the . editor or to refuse publication. Letters to tie Jditor: Is the taxpayer paying legal costs for lawsuit? Dear Editor: This letter is in response to the "story' written by Mr. Charlie Smith. which was. printed in the Expositor July 2. I would like to know why. Mr. Smith paid S2,500 to the town ot Seaforth towards lin cost of the lawsuit mentioned in his letter. if -Mr. Smith was in the wrong. as this seems to indi- cate, then why did he not pay ALL legal costs. If he is not- paying utpaying all cosh then who is - tic the taxpayer'! And if so. why? I have no problem with this nice nevi building being built. as a matter of fact 1 welcome the use of the new ear wash as dues my husband WW1 the Targe hay for trucks._ 11 you were to walk the twain street of Seaforth Mr. • Smith will find a few empty stores, indicating that nut all is well in the town of Seaforth. So why would we hinder a business person who is trying to keep their bust- ncss in this town. paying business tax and helping to make the entrance 1roin the south end a pleasant. sight' Mr. Smith speaks of by- laws not enforced, but docs not indicated which by -taw is being broken. i understand that his next step should have ben the OMB for an impar- tial hearing. Ur dud he skip this step thinking he would - have lo put up some money to register his complaint opt- ing for the taxpayers to pay instead'' If this .business person has complied with all the build- ing codes and obtaigcd the permits necessary. as ,I Chautauqua - a dangerous place to be funny behind enc. She stopped dead. let the bottoms of the bags rest on the sidewalk. and turned, tearing directly at one. Quickly. 1 snapped up my wet, pretended to read a line or two and peered over the top to set if she was gin looking my tons She was. only now wlth eyes steeled with contempt. IllietelI•ait,,enee.egain, on CanadaDay 4urrautnded .entiedyy;by Americans who Ztrlc ttending, applauding and aiming along Thrillers and fitripes Fonsver.in a massive outdoor amphitheatre with the Unttad States Army Intl.. lBnnd on atop. )Ii sounds tuthor•ugparsiotic of me. but. the fact (Atte tttatter.is, I'm a itpy fur CMNIE and my assignment is to send back w•handsthe underwear autos of'.l:J.l;. soldiers. so irethe.nvtmt'of a ernas4on1 r war. we tan .roti up behind:them and give them all "veggies". ('&ou don't think we're guing to gv weaponeo-weapon with these guys, du you'' Their crossing guards are better armed than our navy!) OK, the truth isi teach humour writing courses at the Chautauqua Institute near Erie. Pennsylvania fur two weeks each summer. Chautauqua n an amazing retreat, a one.af-a-kind working town where enlightenment and entertainment burst forth in a nine-week.gruwing season that sees Tony Bennett singing and :.wearing under the lights of the same stage Garrison .Kettlur read from that morning. Chautauqua is deeply religious. highly intellectual and very much against alcoholic beverages., In short. it's everything I'm not. assume- since construction has been started they have. then why is Mr. Smith wast- ing my tax dollars On lawyers in the first place'.' if Mr. Smith started legal proceed- ing against the town. and then withdrew on his own should he not be held respon- sible for cost incurred'.' If not. .then what is to stop other people tying up the court's time and the taxpayers' dol- lars. Maybe Mr. Smith should have researched his claim before taking•it to court and avoided this expense in the first place. ' Mr. Smith indicated that the town is holding $10,000) of this -business's money. It would seein to me that the psi .un who started this in the first place is the only one get- ting off cheap at $2,500. As tor the chain link fence. what do you think that all drivers in Seaforth arc so bad they can't turn a corner to get in the car wash without driving on your lawn? I. for one, think I can handle it. The last thing i would Iikc to question is the name of his cumpany..1 had been under the understanding that his company name was known as "Bbitcrsmith".. previously •known as Robert ;14e11 Industries. Mr. Smith may i suggest putting a few.flowers in front of your business ,to enhance its appearance and leave the rest of the business people to .attend their own affairs. O concerned citizen and taxpayer Shirley Bruggcr Annoyed at people who abandon iiiiiinals Dear Editor: Thanks .1u an ad in the. Expositor. "Smokey"..the abandoned cat and her family have been given a home pn;a farm with a kind map. '1 hope .they are all happy. The other cat:lhat was with "Stnekey" is happy at ,Maplewood. She's a mom .now ,too, 50 Win 't bc,retirigglfpr aatrhil� ,But l'm still annoy. f4i,lhe who dru (peoplep,q ',twee ,anineds. •My neighbor Weft .me at 7:30 on ,p rStlt4flliy .morning a few WCgk,s APO sete,if 11:0 ir44;q044$141 ,pt4i p.. wl1hp a ,q r • wiefe, lite tat ' 'off +i�1 ypq Pd$,PP 1Ihe, ' 41#19' ,ro> It WO 1E410414Lli oto e '' fNMiNnfe t 0141 c4Nt t f Virxents and'loft ft,111 a.ti4ld- What kind :of people arc these, who drup,llta1r,Animals off on the side ,of .the road like an.cffiplty tbetcr bunko? They 001114 91y sot (Nt of line when (cod .was $ivi41g ,atlttbotito anti ace wgtttng+for theirs to come,iothe,mail. I'd like to suggc t1 aeve,ean ,(spoil tip Ith 4t8 we tlinft l tN1.A1f?4ksMeant ,4,gf 4f1tyIt Mllcp ,al it night ,4t>d!lot alli411e , dunt- ,Fnalshi} ,�I4 ill fli, and thcp ,Iqp ttthh41t1,q ( ' i pfatniItar ,1Q if1 tIP )(poll tfur.ihcroselves.itsi tl 12 SUcry to sotto{t, )49,14v4f•At y p. VIP (cat moi( 1Ir R ail ,c;:irc fx �(r 1 .three .11t t I��_t}a .allfl In fact, they'd probably kink me out if they knew who ] was, which they don't. because down here .1 wear a stick, biauk toupee and go by the name of Ritsky Ricardo. l'm constantly harping to the students in my class to get off their duffs and go looking for the comic opportunities in their daily routines. Listen to your kids, eavesdrop un other people's conversations. interview your grandmother utter you put two shots of Tequila in her tea. Chautauqua than be a strange place. lust ask a tour guide how they managed -to get 10.000 .Maniacs in a theatre that macs 5.000? And is Normal Hall really site best place to stage "The Three Facies of Eve?"Yes, 1 tell them, Chautauqua is rich in quirks and eccentricities. That's why they call it an institution. Go forth and search and ye shall find the humour. 1 tell them. It must have been four years ago. 1 had given my class just such a pep talk, and, as was my routine after class, l 1 cleared my throat and retreated co the patio of the want back to my paper. Hot Buaki cafe when it was peeked around it and final)) located in The R.efocuary on laid it down. 1 was beat. Bestor Plaza. 1 had my Whoever had whistled was coffee. my Denial and my not about to do it again and Daily, laid out on the this woman was not budging. wrought -iron table I was 'Lady." 1 said. conjuring up facing Jen Rossetti in his the innocence of Job. "I was radiv booth and behind me, not the one who whistled at Kiralen Engstrom. your. Chautauqua's sculptress m "Oh,1 know u wasn't you." residence, was turning gobs she said. "it was that damn of wet clay into things of bird!" she rxmunued. anger ceramic beauty. Molly, ever nsing in her voice. Kirsten's big bright Macaw, Then she turned. hoisted her was prancing around inside groceries off the ground. her cage and spitting looked back at me and said: sunflower seeds on the "It's always that damn bird. ground. Just once. why couldn't it be A Chautauquan morning a man''" Then she stomped was unfolding as it should. off down Bestor Plaza. in That's when 1 heard the even more of a noisy flap slapping of shoes on than when she had arrived. pavement and turned to my Now 1 tell my writing right to see a large. shoe students they have two woman. dripping with sweat options in capturing comic and struggling with a half opportunities: they can either dozen plastic bags of make a concerted effort to go groceries as she padded humour hunting or put their heavily up the sidewalk. As feet.up _relax..mind-theirowti she passed in front df me. a business - and the connedy shrill wolf whistle erupted will come looking for them. Volunteers needed for local blood donor cltncc i)ear Editor: but due to cutbacks they will Our small group of volun- Thc Red Cross Blood no longer donate the pop. We teens is desperately trying to (-honor clinic is fast approach- must now go out to the gen- keep the clinic in Seaforth. ing again this year. Aug. 21. eral public for financial assts- but ifedon't get enough o gh Once again the clinic is in tante to .buy lop. juice and supper from y need of volunteers to phone cookies. 1 •hope from this let- this hae l loseit. Seaforth lei peope .to remind the donors rex we -might receive cash ppeo of the time and plan of the donations from c people or has always had a good turn clinic. also people to work businesses in the area, su we out in regard tu'the number the evening of the clinic. don't have to ask for dons- of donors that give blood. more important we need tions. 1 know the businesses The Red Cross hlis records sponsuts to donate pop. juice are being hit all the time to showing that Seaforth tins and cookies fur the dunurs to donate 10 one thing ur anuth- been having clinics since have after they give blood . 1 or, this plea is going out to 1986. They have collected have contacted Coke -Cola the general public for sup- 1486 units of blood. Since and Pepsi. our usual sponsor, pun. blewd can be separated into Disappointing when hard work destroyed Dear Editor: !coking good for the growing who are not members of our Now that "spring'' has season. You can understand society and therefore don't passed us by and summer is how disappointing it is when receive our year book. upon us, your local hurticul- our hard work is destroyed Perhaps it will "ring a bell" tura! society has been busy for no reason. the next time you see flowers planting the baskets. boxes The following is a poet) uprooted ur picked from our and flower beds that beautify written by our president boxes or beds. our Main Street. Eleanor Horst and published A POSY PARODY Our volunteers arc few and in our year book. We thought l am a Pelargonium, gerani- it stretches our resources to it might be of benefit to have um for short. get these all planted and kept it published for those of you And 1 live 011 the Main components. one unit has the potential of saving four lives. Seaforth clinics have saved/enriched 5.944 lives since 1986. ' We never know when Our mother. father. 'brother. sister or our children will need the service of the Red Cross. L.et's keep this vital service in Seaforth. Help us w help you. Please call 527-2177 after 6 p.m. it you wish to volunteer your. Cline. or donate money. Jinn McNichol for no reason Street. planted by the 1lort. 1 grow a big red flower. pretty as Can be. l'in proud to live 011 Marin Street. tor cvers one to see. People stop and look at mc: it makes them tech real glad: And I was doing pretty good. but now its getting CONTINUE') on page 5 Ed Daly installs first radio in Seaforth in 1922 FKOM THE PAGES OF f I1*IE **MON EXPORIW 11R JUJ iX 46,4897 THE ROAD RACE - The second in the series of handi- cap road races hold by the Victocia.bicycle club was run on Wednesday evening. There were eight starters and good tirnc was made consid- ering that the roads were not in first class .condition. The course was (corp :the Royal out the ,Huron road to Mr. Angus McDermid's and return. George Baldwin .tin - 'shed first with Fred Crich at his hind wheel. but as Crich was allowed a handicap of one minute' he will score firat ply. ,C,M. Whitney of .Ihc sleek cxahaogc, who was looped µpun as a witlticr. colli4tcd With a ;farmer's .rig abottt a mile from the town. break] ,his wheel and was unable (o go.aU the way- Tbc Seclte.irs follows: F. Crich, G. Baldwin and G. Che , epNal: J. AbcRhtast. Campbell, A. Fg heel.. e befit tlltte was ,{�la4e tyy t 'r. Baldwin, t?gitlg 2,St1t14Ht 1 • • ups •encouragement (mm ,our citizens, as they ,have un sev- eral occasions given their ser- vices cheerfully and gratu- itously ,in aid .of ,worthy and patriotic objects, And it ,is nova the tum of the citizens du return the compliment and ,lo give the .girls a "bumper house.- 1.M -'Y 7, OM Boll ,Co any Sell tThreshing ,Out it - The tRgtg. Boll Angtne & 1iih[esher rCo. 11-441•, Sc fgi:th. have just gild .Atte ,of ,their arise 40 ltd lP TrhgtArb, +tgg41tlerr .W4t' straw cutting separator tv William i1t'iG44e$Af. of ACi1ppen. PartPteta .Aird rthcealters are lbeSisttthtg 4o tlea49 ,the swat ,cA4N+e,oieittce 9f )haY,ttyg ,their iihmshlt18.,41ohe mith Wosene tifacLAr 4416 A ,of scam 014(cIAS 1141 1141 ,1u,lite+41eart� . N F ratio tie :f At 0 *ltl ,of •>Zt r• I04lkAy►. 101* Ca�� ►i9 �r0 tR 'IAP'44tti W R• ,,p *Oa Fief picks up daily the market reports. baseball scores and .many other interesting things. The ether evening he listened te a concert being given in Madison. Wisconsin. and on July 4th beard the addresses .of a ,n,vtoker of wean peat A1141loan fferakeriTs- S,t Weals almost ,unbelievable that such things eau be true. but that they arc, is .being daily 4te49onrarated by our yMtu1K ;friend. who deserves a great jI .of •credit for his ,entcr- ;prthe and ,i cnuity. , Y da, PO Pob,It,a C,rcamery and )Pop;lt,ry Peekcrs. since ,tic diragtcq�!� AP May, 1.946. Aims ,4N plant and. Ntv,e *Poet .1,1,p- 4ate KaOkkoerY atld Modern Allies keymoat q�: ,off 419 As Wittib 2 j t I ,of 1I 2i9 cet494,0 iw. ,Ace,, *c pAy 1, ndV'- ' . 9 tc1tY rte Y ieltty. Atilii1}t t Ate ,f ,10 cctlta Atiip ,e4rgetl. The ;bug* ,e t111pt1i f t411 \WY. ge c{'- 11 r t a , v.40 *Ate 141'.tV`• Acsca44 tW ' luhnsuo, publicity chairman Johnson. publicity chairman for the carnival. Carryieg thousands of dodgers. the air- craft will visit each of the towns and villages iu the dis- trict. dropping .dodgers. including dodgers that will entitle the bonder to free admission and other prizes if presented at the carnival. The air trips will be made un Tuesday and Thursday pre- ceding the two carnival days. fUi,Y 29,1972 j)uugles Anstett. sun of Mr, and Mrs. gay Austen and lin Nash. sun of Mr. and (ars. James Nash. returned Sunday from a week al the J)avey Kcon and Billy Harris hock- ey school in St. Catherincs. Dotig , .nsteir won the trip al a Pec Wee hockey tourna- ment in Mitchell held last_ March. 4** Huron County parents will have to a1;.ccpt more responsi- bility fur their ,cbitdren wlat�e ,takitag part w ceriatn ouiduur Aeuyitics offered through ,the Where swimming is o po$- sibility or where participation Anvotv.as use of a Ix14tt, cAgee ,W ,otJter Small wac d )n; W�tCF,e pr»s�Ar1 QO �F y 91k1i'f 04,9 Or AP AdOuPi t) ee der rt aapkft#tun pgv4¢- ,:ifs rge.$ilippty oyfKi;v, e h :4owhccicrocut .4zeft- - oii►e4$Y �„{,qq aUC44T#10 f,C M FC4 `tot P