The Huron Expositor, 1997-07-09, Page 2soma 111111141111111110111, ass % vow
OPP .ttiicksr
New audiac Vehicles taken out of service in Huron
system words
Arson pagel
,n plaur .the seiCiarin g aUte isi-
tt ar.uld *ratan. n. ht's ,uum-
rprietutl -of s asun bauttiun .uf
bedside .and .teilontatry units
.austuhad .tv.u,usmtnil tnunutur-
ing •omit ilocatesd at the aurs» ttg
srt.atiun, ,uuvsding Ru the
°This aa+ynatleun vwlll mttsanue
our .tletiiacry'.oLiauWtity patient
mare., for tit wail anile .uta
ptinyniuiatta and swaps av
make 'taste, some an uttrae
,abut .111riiritialrierilf and timt-
tar ,etleeaiaitma;" nutted
Pitt ttutdl stoat of the mew
ayyattum tis uppr simatdly
pii#54UUU and \Will tie funded
tin full byAte luanthttion.
Saudi burplub
Despite nigh ztiutts un fund -
Linz, Seaford} Community
iii piWl managed ,tu thalamic
its thstuks fur .mite oar =ding
iamb 3t., 11997. A annall aut-
pltss ,vif .silpgrvaccmutelly
ii4t5+t1Ot) •teras ttet.'ugtaittell. said
111itrorniting Pi yiticiwha
Kitlttguitng ,chair SmiCkeaca,
S`Ciisif(Of *tuff stiatk AlUitinik,
Ida .and- 1hibattt :alPI
Uvrivi zuntad ;in limit i tazts
me tone stantitntnd niu uvaalftd
ams aiiitmrtnt eS1f ptjsyi *ants Ao '
tuforth :itoOitul, spmtifttaitiy
sate. Blown & intmctls mud i6tr.
d ao- Nth'Uro ,in the pant
- .>iasetliitrey
Margaret 6mttle. pwaidont
,uf the thostpitatl .altitK ti t !,
litprirtritt .a asustkess4UI -year,
ittuluding ;the itutsthass3s oA a
ptMttabie ,onimotor for clay
cowry and a d;,,5994.Q0 =fray
• fur sftw t>{piacaiiflg Blum, both
pucTttasod;by :funds raisd'by.
the dtacitiary.
The •metitberahip tiincludes
Provincial like incur
'rs, two local lite; intra(►
nites. pat IOttnef, :a provin-
•oisll life •rougher-, stud finis
y r.
Seaforth fC,gfaivik ikt)1',
Hospital :is dedicated d) �pcvl
viding quality 'health survir:ea
to the .people of Swot) .anti
The Odovitail wititl4
iii panio:40W 01.00 i11,099**S;
eilAWiltttiivituit@d. eitqies,
'9afr scoakHiWI! gm iswe;i
improvad woritaimi N
vi services. and increased
awtaettesa sof :svAll,buitig. .
*White Ake �r 00
praysid0: 2S hgtlr ,ggaqrgopr0
survic:e, goners) .tticdical .
surgical race obstetrical cycel
and syccialty elinit s.
We ;ate committed dv poi
vitlityg eftecttiye ,4ji Hyl
Patient programs .to
changing community needs':
a compassionate manner_
tOOea'leillJt® ihn in pro t
ApOI2miss Is eiisable and
tercel/ Bunte w pip tutor their
mom tip and a Dail' ari mo-
lo ams haggled atbeae are ane
"nileestrut;" taut are
atandatdianitn signs
math am ;thio or rywntbeilAcipo.
lPtu .uurmti pant &sample is
the sign for Sit. il.aAahts and
Steadied Fonlionl lacteal con
e ws*, 4911 and .at the
'f iptiway WE mita.
in lima Gatinnyt, feu sam-
ple diitrac tttaa9. signs us
priautiriririd ilitiegr*ays 21. Si
and 4 s)teuild he sand At, lead
stators to the (Huron Gcuunrg
Thr .ut ui cii oupponratl a
amnion Arum The Planning and
Illteuteilopegad Cuitiriudize
Obit* MO the tag:nalge pa-
van iitanefot the tourism
iamb" an Sum Gtamty and
Aa pant gull the egg reassa ,
TAMS Will pay the ,utwnty
puma tee tuf i a Baa par sign
valid for a teen-;leraer aterai.
taus Star*
The Mom m County Ismaili -
mem that; ductidrd luta sea
spend a wme a►te racy Amo fahve
NOM money.
At ;the AuJy .1 muslin; of
Hun>n Ctan y Cuuntal tat ants
,devidad • *at CIL
inftrastruottur Stena auont
!WC. mould the iniad so sttwdaa
goad 1Mdataaaaunattt Syattr+Pn
(*inn %uudy :at a cost of
$114.100, 'YU OA* ria &o be
aumPlet1 lbsleptesviatir 2.
The duciston ifol.loaws .a
'heisting :about the autszd for a
wads study Merl 0.1*
a9tyttil ,matting ,cif smuusiil.
The ibrt ,was ps&soutold
Ay a �uunaultigg ixosiegerand
that in tthe digin of
•ieatruu1unifls : y nils tilCOyiellg,
-noway ids W s+dtinaider
.ultm+uuat►ves Aar a)tne t tri iage-
,of jigs soul `stAPAV=
altaauatiatl3s ai?tiisth eoutd bay'
nouns), *Wimps dollars
cigar the ANtit JU years.
Comity Sattkdra
'Otte fund ihe ma* Sxtuld lite.
dltilid . s & AwttoutittVP toktip
fiirAll sayia s - - ao tgbaci8
CoAtAlklf CoAwdit 411ir 4
41114101110‘t Alezads to .de earAita
tftfis par.
oCounty C
Museum t®p reserve land documents'
There VAS ;a NAAHA4Akefgi41 #alp cki►zeu for "aver xv " ,ways," tilde OPP press release
Yutiiote IOW dant )Y dnesday Nota 4.11441.5 Wig laid for states.
orad iillmwsd y f>i+ufvtu "anus kegia+ered or no aticloir," 'Owing ingZ the past year an
witty .and dose for "roam** ►i* iloane' iaerensinlg nromber ef' harm-
/Q• 1%4 a f f }$7 y8 kiln IOAKI ANW190111:i IMMOVE otatwitti aaltikeites kw kw
ase Aird 87 TayF# ar aims for fowl to kw wending in f)n
Ref moat qtse., or 49 of "Aix -kip% avkiie sMspien ted, Mnsaife m WI' on 4U ftm4-
Ae4ar tit cA * t9f •- pair of 'Y4. tb'tPy 0Iig9 i this pfi�tl�ii 8 of
altar al t • itaikwAs seg avow Alataivs4 "'rata kv °l9t<IireW' f#e io e** to off slur=
u Aa1 lr.O w,a , i atotcr, Amyro �c#assific ati(m of**, bar pros Mew from iiia ytc�edcf,ic;#i, ,Gfantd Send ,clad yea's #icteaixe " kwAti okivIttogot. "liar ,
Wim.• POW 49104 40104 wwff y OPP kw ntarivgd
lkiKyy- vAges b1t opo aye& 044t 9t 'vi9YdC ; ' "`f€$6t- faafllPiAcrt9f N
Mild lit) she b z fur '` .Viwfist- ay toffA+tK'�e i5a7,proper go-- t*Ae ��4 fr.
plosion .of e -top shat .intd itltfatictu," "wJp[oper M- idiie MOO& Manner WWI)
being tnet iioically .nuance," OW," and "faeliwig£u t.*y iranspwrt IrMFcs dove being
atcvwdiog iv Ow Karon atictic,.i r." optervtd ilucavlfyy"
l ,A y disMighwelait t9f 4kw '"i 014,i19a'B Mss etie o t--
OrAtifiraO AroyjA4410 PsilisR• 6IE;pt40 I ►+PI Okefet ii Mile= IQA4Oiia 4w by w1$E0lm
sax ,qb gee *wow & 4 for ***W t t6,19 pe wi slryy 0,44.47,4poike4
''elcffite,�.vr now viiinttai uu* - oyprarti saitcayk�0,w�wtou 440mi ,vssisl.ed file OPP with Ow
kiwi at,icker," 4wd anc►tAier yefaxcieb cis#Acv AMr high- 14A11'
Options which the roads
tastily will consider could
-ie from Lccpimj the rad
wilco. as a is„ a basial local
moticipinies anamme
si biiltti
y far e county
within their onmiaipafity aid
ethw snare ie orally and sys-
Trbe body will alio provide
ND cuarview et what ootid be
dune so nuke dieCOMP/ mad
systems Wee saki*. i wail.
analyze lumbers, coverage
arras and relistnibate and
adjust arscwra los soca or road
Nue smuts. ts. pampas aid wort
lathintroolswe grunt
Huron Carney Raid S3 and
its three bridges west of
Emilia will be repaint l New
year thanks to a 521*. 641
grant from the Caanda-
tOmtario Infrao urttwr Motks
Comity Engineer Sandra
Lewriow made the aeuuu+rteo-
nw t as the July 3 =dams of
Hoon Cly Cuunoil.
The funding s-ovsiats of
51924431 lion the Federal
nal Provincial government
and the remainder from the
muton ti cic era..
Hcujtx to eligible for the the
many alum involve the raw
t& a-
+ i'iitat.ion and repair .01 Wan,
p rlla1w , water mad sewaxe
fis4aifig es auad- the project
osteon/ haw lee 1>e completed
The cowry tstlaase So repair
aibe road .cud bridge ; wide the
auutw7 because Cowley Road
$ lace the higt t vara ,Y611 -
mucous o!- any te-touaty read.
reaelbing as 1)40 ata SAW
tvellatiew per day its the tam -
Avec it .is mad that ntinea-
r wiiucfeasr when Ore
iaternatioual PJowitl t4 b
wawa to Heifvao Cot#,#ly if)
The J99.
wanly 0906 w t ecoif
Nile !ba' sifts in the spring of
Mod cad xeawf the * igi-
anay it* the swami tOf I0#9$.
'lw 410 Ghat, Jaoirom r, Lawson
nikisil the 4' nit " le get
nile'biaacc;b 31 A{.yWipes
The icotuaty owittien of how
kw *kenOw will
i#le illigiplbLetod Dead*
der which has saved the inrur-
Matioe on many decaying
paper documents, but some-
times it just cart compare to
tie original. Sometimes. it's
jest mance to coolly see the
old scrap of parchment paper
deed Mid" great -prat -grand-
dad pioneer signed wbcn be
boogie the fancily faun_
Lastcreek. the Huron
Co■aty hansom stepped for-
w ent to Haire sure grandpa's
Beed we always be thee.
Pit meted by a coram direc-
tive from the provincial gov-
aam on to destroy aU original
land deeds that have been
miaofihned and that pre -date
1950, flans Secede. the diems
torlcarator of the museum.
met wilt the agonal manag-
er of the Ontario Registry
office in Godeticb aid offered
gimme anesarm as a safe haven
far the documents.
Although the directive has
since beets banned and the
destruction of documents las
been stopped sauce February.
trccdc wanted County
Council to know the museum
could house the collection
which consists of over 22, five
drawer filing cabinets,
The council supported
Breede's initiative and
approved a motion that, in the
event that the current ban An
the destruction of the pre -
1930 original land registry
doconsents be lifted, the
Hewn County Museum would
become the repr,sitory of these
Breeds acid er, hong us the
bow its Ass place, no action need
be taken -- and as fur as he
knows, ihere is no inscnsson at
present (*lifting the ban.
1ptlt ebvivfad thav ever be a
change, nge, Dretde said he was
pleased with the ctounty'a
"preatlive saartd" on the ma-
im lie cashed it ai "good s(>'lid
move toward the preserva-
tion of theme important di,m-
nstents. -
Peg PIMA* SAti i mic r lm -
in$ is port but not the
penAeat of Al things, moan*
duo mistakes are sometimes
marls in the microfilming
process nod flagg ml or'iginia
dok.nnweaal i.s diatroyed after
no torah ming,. the histiories1
re.eAr4 is.iost Byer.
8ouensy's Beauty Boutique
145 UMW SL Tom and Helen Wilbee
Total Image II
110 James SL Dave and Cathy Go tick
Main Street Video
36 Victoria SL Egmond Al Nicholson
Keatings Pharmacy
31 West St. Bob and Shirley Dinsmore
Seaforth Jewellers
115 Goderich St. E. Sharon Wood
Archie's Service Centre -UPI
132 Main Street N. Lois Hodgert
Sizzlers Pub and Rest.
26 Uoyd Eisler St. Neil and Donna Beuerman
Seaforth Goff Course
135 Mill St Gerry and Sheila Feeney
loThe Seaforth Business Improvement
Association would like to congratulate
i the winners and thank everyone who
participated in our 'Raise The Flag"
Contest. The winners may pick up their
$25.00 gift certificates at the Town Hall.
A Review of activities at
tIK Awrvwwn (;roup of S C H tatg Mit upper
bounty to :ricprsas ow groom& W the vubiskers They brighten up she whole
Hotpoint *bow dory not hoe Tier old gyne maw; seat tonne pw)enit rartawtcing
rod eaacrs twang Mao tr,es. Hatt of W A1.1. of you Mane Flynn, Chum Hata,
AjWw 5 l:k+Naur Hurts, Lloyd a heron Om:tem, I)urothy I)iI4m, Rlydye Van
Elionmod, Elisa Not, ()m c 4 Ws Hooray and Warren Whiten/tic
Ia rstyerdt W Ma want Fapoew» ptsrurs fawurnng (Maly* Wkiu iksr k+ Macon
Awkoossi. doe noodled ftuwat want ewrnplin>Rnrs of rhe Soifne h Fou4nunkst
"mock Ford
cogogiattiothatinW Omni Wood, bag Nun her rrcaxnt uvula -ant
a c.;varprishracar Olean* .cwaa4 rhe uebsnrta5 of CI)F. trenified paabatas
F,I4ee:sr96 4rinoasrrwdag a4vva*:a4 karuwle4grc and uomptsrese:y m the 0014 of
1444044 Mtn:Woar 1Vay w gid f binnrt, wets ,.+ prowl of yow
tato t1leriar JPpl1li1J1i11JJK wh»r!i awe hs faLedvttaiati(iAl'ttfinitt-
yt4w4s wag imus raper30$44 ahs dtwad+ of a lo444 ,at C,mft4e0014110y writ Is
4044 ra nod err raison a Wu Flood whoa peopia may .+r that tenni, iunah-
tarss ,tared Ratko* If W spadasioncd by Hoorn Hospfcs Voluntiatr tiervit:a and will
okvwf Ax lant4 We4:, .JUI.t! tttlb ibt woundd y n)vWisge walls hold ,m Ahs faro Arad
044 Wiedrarcfdsy of gym wish, at 1i ami pm. 4 Mnplswna4 Mow, Church
SNQ M.• 6e41440 trslfr Phrs444 its& 4lax off parking !off Anys snowed ae
must mdbArok w to Wind For honour ssfoniwitoa, wawa haw Wotan 522-4)$97
S*»rtcy istw'wxu (Nfkx 511-0435 itica 527- (4x)5
of Fico are as sxper.tagr Mom J4-31.1 work' pregnws
taut t PfQaaras u. 40-yw W 6444#41 1C oo,amoo ry liuspa 4. you we ca. ourapc4 w
9044 for : sl,ON*pf datdrfassiota fraforriwn'm on J5 s dsp,1UIX SI*sN 7:00
paha. fA C•HAtt Fifa. is 317-1 b5(► f:ar 119.
fartwfrafiWiirP miff visa lar vyvifvbia tot to how Karon bsvris, arssslrfedlag
WIN*faf+vr F•Oft prow Offnalfrfdforpr Nippon vat proh1Yrn nil yang 0 renqu 4
Pup jyypj ff W iNiii9E irlf igOON4 900, *Awe e .nawac' 527-i4tr1 Psi 21H tit 532-
Tprfrs., JU1•V SIM Of u -a n•
gust N14..3: TOW; )r lame! 410 cJ is4 K
flfrYtKVNk, �: *41 faf IAP 001$0Aw1PFF. 5114 sppriFi-
N4- 07.-1049 119
a self help program
offttmd W Irp for, providing ispport arid pra.:rual aafurnration by rratnr4 factliha-
Wrs for pOW04. faintltcs nod friepds through informal d+u:utewp group* You arc
004,94 tit t Ns Nv hiific tvr MN WO Ms rfpfHroltim de rftw4g4 awl ywf ars wf$-
soose iq cpgap fo yus lyjip. fffeiu seisuoo will ix hcid mmol pw,44 jrl(
+ip {.9.f, .p,0, W Os ScvfQNh Mvrwr. laws Sint for information conWf$
low 1 racy 527-5460 ow. 527-5947) w S5arh y i)iosa+wfc at 527 OAS lays
527- 5105) ••Wc $460:4. We Shur. Vic Support ..
When you buy any Certified Used Car or
Wu* during July 1997 at Moaee's.
$ 000 °I)
Chown to win tip to 1 Wiwi* cash award,
Maim Your lrenit DAA/ And Spin Till You Win (minimum win Z100.0)
Mon. -RN*