HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1997-07-02, Page 4IiitiPrZornoutnity 04fewapaissr Sim NNW TERR - J NNp�UALii .reL • SL Mouseer AdvabeienOrillailletr !�VfN CAWNO-AriserrisieciSoles MT ARMES • cines M reeler DIANNE AlWrilA3H Substriplions & Classifieds TAW SCOTT - bailor c,'REcso CAMPiill >, BARB STOREY di im tAtiouses Publishers Coernurrly Newspaper 24612Pr10N flee§: LOCAL 32.90 o yew. n adrooae, plea2.28 G.S.T §tN ORS 3O.00n year, n odranee, *1 2.10 G.S.T UM organ 115A4 nyeor ruadsonee, pfrs $78.00 postage. G.S.i,oivapt We.5C111►I N RN Pu6Waci reelIy by Supno!Stor PubWnrpet Merman sr . Stafoet 1?iubbcesen mow eaeotobon tyo. 0696 kaki otseafor h, ammo d iveres,oQ a eceepfadsn conaanon shot . t the spent of o rrpogephool error. ties snows re apace ocglpled by the egronows den. fapdror with o reseonoi+fe *beelines for r0nsbes, wif) act <e alrcvyad. but tat animas of flee advwlaserd rig ie paid for mule eppiroobfe tele to li. semi of v IiPpe/Cpfnoal error. fre ria nu gaadt or aertheea ft 13 „rang pose. goods or searv,a n may not he sold i,dowest%) et am* on slur to sell and muy be „ritftoro.rr, of a ' erne the Muton boos,to•aso`t �ee�cneb poiater Ore ion or dame(' of ensoi,o nd mononsa s, onus or eine, moments gad ler repradvcbon pwpoees Changes of adonis, orr{ors for tooecrpbont oro vafiaii,• 'rah. topers am to be sent to rhe Nuron Esposito, Wid.MleaMY, sisSY. .'11e7 Eciesecl and Rwiieess Mises - tOOMetin iwest.,iee(eAh kgeOritthio SSW 1274114D Alex M9)327410 MritieeAiieas •P.Daexa9, seetwtt,, flNesia, Sat %Wo Menrner of ore Canod,on Commonly Nerrapope, Asxwrohon. Contac,o camnvn`y tlr ipePas At.tocwhw, end the Groom, Pias Coon{ Views. -expressed on our opinion pages) don't necessarily represent those of The Huron ixxiositor or -Bowes Publishers. The Huron l ttpositor reserves the right to edit letters to the -editor or to refuse publication. Ed i to ri a 1 School's Wit, drive safely ,Behoof, out andso are the hundreds of school .kitis enjoying their summer vacation. They're swimming. playing baseball. soc,eer.,and utber spurts or having fun with their frirmds. And toget to their destinitiun. many of them walk or bike. ff you're driving. please be aware of the children. whu. in tlte.enthusiasm of no school for two months. might not always be thinking ,about traffic anti all 'uf the rules of the road. (Lees have a safe summer. - D.W.S. Levers to the Editor Story on lawsuit against town contained inaccuracies Pear Editor: The front page of the June 18th edition of the Expositor contained misinformation and inaccuracies. It is disap- -pointing that your paper arcade no attempt to confirm its information as factual. The lawsuit brought by Robert $all industries fLimited .was stat "asijudiciit- cd". The facts are as follows: Robert ,Bell Industries Limited withdrew its claim against the Town on June 5, 1997. In legal parlance we discontinued the action. We discontinued our claim after discovering an obscure but pervasive aspect of 'Ontario Iaw. Case (precedent) law hat established that a mumicippli- ty is per_ obliged to enforce its .by+laws. We .were thor- .upghly itstopnded :to learn this,>bpt.the Town of Scoforth is pill hold responsible to uphold its laws. The 'lawn was flu( "award- ed" S2,50O.UO one costs. The Town was - "awarded" $2,5U0.0() toward its costs. _On June 5th, in court. the Town gave a clear undertak- ing to •Robert 13e11 Industries Limited.. The Town has pledged to ret,Tin the' develop- er s $1UfQti91110 djusit,lo ensure -the development .Oats tbc,dcveltfpmont agree- ment registered on the devel- ,cper's-title. ,i mottg important features required tby that agreement. and, not yet provided. are a .five !foot chain link ;fence adjacent 10 our .prupe.rty 400 traffic,blvcking curbing also adjacent<to our property. Tours truly, (Charles Smith. :Sc.,iP.f tlg• President, Robert Ate II1ntIut1e;jcs I.imited Thank to community jor Big Bike ride ;Dearbil119r The 'Newt and Stroke Foundation .of NifitA4io, Alunon Chapter. sends .;ipcere ,thanks to,the comMIMity,fir its •F RpQrt of OW I$ike Ike 'Stroke lint ifAr t4t*0 eYcR4s,'Whj$ WOK thafd,Hi 0941044i Siw11+,v, Illtile f8. 'Rcigl�i�,� lir44e 14 00.0 • '04111 .(C 1 1f9u193$1$$ the itike alike i�'40 1 *r awl Mon' lip {,1�4� OO*fpr,c - rf iximg uputr qr 1$444ifjc :. ,Disc cit ,f?P rglir gf f ikf• Oho*.0070Maks 41 tier heart ;duelist.1ciS#iEie ,teseorch and i44141i4l 1f41109- Mith91tttthe 4 rs4'iii4i- .yiflN4tb ttkke (.aiAl MI tbatw1ii11a. (the •man)/ teats .whotPiliiiCi mtasl .A AGRi A� 111144418 PARC6, ithe JtO § IFRit4040 (PRI* ieti9 **** ',t;Asir' tient . 4i1.40i$1e• • ffb4nk Y1$ MII 4r,yistrARft- ttiRltcd 'siiPPRit nit i imaggtAi- tv W911 ltirf�! 41', ly. �fc.V�u�ith 41i141ar AIWA1Pt4tl�il ftilittkrs -� r t; m.viAvt;)P (ehoetrciS►tilkA}?V4$itswi 611* e1411A11t-t gK�f�i h?4!t�aP Would the teal Jack Pethick ulease stand uo? tlaadk fRsthisitt awass.e,nime $try -fptubatttyf t1le,mtrs►Altein- lik.ed itewaptgpar reportana elrr to _work in tate ;ales galtatny.at Queen 'a %ilk. Mr ayes friend tsr,aerrgront..ihisall l- legguw, tile; politieinns.tmtl the civtl,asnvanta,.ns.0 ,reportartfontheI1 Laudon Were &rests them-oven:1J thetentario ,,guvemment and.pulitic al atfairs.alII of his.tuldltillfe - fcnm'hditah ihnhum in [the 1940s.tothe early daya,uf B(IllIDavis. Irak .was nal the wutat onset man. at,QuetsmslPa$k. i u.ia rding:to:hsllow news- man :IIttm, O 1JElearn, ' ethiek was -tin .worst.tiressed man in the whole damn-.wutld." • OIRe am.elairmtd Hook's suits lucked:better in s pite. un the °fluor than.they.did on look. in• thin- daysalmping in your clothes .was.wbyrprutl- uat of ridgy nighrhinges. Jack tett strongly 'that cleatn- ing and pre saing .was -a dis- graceful way:ty mpand money. • :He was of the. tett salami and although an objective newsman, he every mueh liked and tespeeted:nestle Frost. And uf.suurse Jack was a favourite -of Mr. 'Flint who was.wull aware that .ate Landon 'Fnee Pam waa.suld throughout the Tory heartland of Westem.Qntariu. Jack s'uv- ered every urn: of the 22 by- .elections won by •frust during his dozen years as -Premie. John Robarts•tuuk uver ttte Pannier's office and.again Jack had a aloe and friendly r. GLiiefit ci1lttmt!1 by Clare WeSiCeft re and tow! , . '. •niiur as they ,were .both :frum Lundun. tRubatts became leatbar,ofrthe government yin 19661 -.and that .year radio fumt,c arae to:the;ksgislaUtne.. i!runnenG1ube anti Mail rspurtes Godfrey lltiudsun 'arrived 'to siover,Queeu'6 Pa* fur FY - the it rst:iv:rep ort news:by omen: instettd.of print in the history of ttte leg- islature. Ext. tt for the .woks tthe house was sitting.the only 'full/time reiptmesrs .were [nim the .Tele Brum. the'C lube and the itur. Although lifhutnsun newspitpurs andCimadian 'Pleas wine beginning •w tatke muco interest in' Ontario g w- ei'nment business. 'theearly .195Qsthe house only sat fur six .%woks, alwuye ending 'the Thuncday before •Gaud Friday. By the mid -'1956t Premier Frvat added a ttw els .in the X11. fiasv TIrilrPb But rich for the salary was a mare 12;ttN0 a year with very mutat _eopenact, pita; 41 coach pabb tar the fT$L far travel in Onuuio. A.uouple cif the MPPs uiiad site tree past w gu 'hum tby drain cawary night and had the neat morning to save :the e.gamre of a hutdl mum. Some had adeal for 15 Riegle at the (Royal Ifurk and tonne auiyntl at,the Ford at Say and ®undab Sou 13. Jadk'6 gallery meads bulked after flim Nowell this • poper .almost ffimd him. Fur leek, drinking meant paining out ur falling atikap and stay- ing that way !fcn.t aatend d periods. Iib was mut .uraaam- :mtm,tur live entries tin the same Haws item iv arrive at the news - desk at :the Fame Press - all signed Peithiek - hut,tdl written .in .a different style by colleagues 'Who •knew he was mitaing,ur iuo hunge ter,ty file a stcxgr. In the opting .uf .1954 atter spending a .weekend at my in- laws 1 eanght the al►'Iindsor-to- Tirruntu irate ase passed thruugh'Wuudstuelk. 11 went inty the eoacth amuker to have a stigarette and found Dade. JSe .had hoarded :the train -45 minutes earlier :m London, tm his .way to et/write ,opaino -of 'the llannstature. 'We -exchanged hello's and when J asked how he was the answered. "Clare, t have a he, of a problem." afiuming !c meant men y 1 unit a e - dung at, 'a'm f' to a frit whom true I cam let you haw u couple of dot - '' "That 't not the problem." And at he looked dawn 1 c:attght what he meant 1 twat out with the pup,' he said .'And they poured TUC (ITI the train without my bloody shuns." Forumately 1 had enough fur a omi w got urs from Union Statent to the legislature budding. He ticnew he could borrow a pair from Thomson ccAum- s iaat and thnking buddy Dam O'H am. For Don kept retro dodos for the Friday night*, his initiating meant he wouldn't =I a it out of the 1 fret met Jacek durgtg the (holm by-tilaotiun in 1945 ha the slays when politics was :only sgpcmttsd in print. Berme partitions discovesr d radio ..air radio discovered puliti- t7ians - and television was still a decade away. There was standing rodeo .only at Carom's }fait. it was a tally in support rfthe Genn tra'tttive tsutdidate Tcr7�r Pride. A monument maker f tan Exeter vitt° in late years married toy Grade 3 teacher. Marty Sell. The guest was con- servative t1 '1P brim Cathcart front Sarnia. Later to become Minister of TsaveJ and CONTIARJED on page 12 Legend for:picturns :in Yesterday on facing pale Looking at Seaforth over the years All pictures are from .Frank Sills' personal rphuto albums and collection of Seafurth .mteauorabitia, and flee published to ;honour of Canada Day 1897- Scanning and flaying by • The Kowa it %pas icor antiguellar Carupbell. The .pietitlos nee titkntiftml, ,.eburs p ussttltte, hula ails (top of the page, roughly •in rows, left lo:right. MOW 11 - j - Watermelon hunting, Toni Sills, t?..JFrank Sills: 2 - ,Daminian Uay (now ,Canada Pay) ;Parade ,in Sealurth 1938 or 39:j- Orampu Tom .Lhtly. Penciled on the back of this very old photograph is wtitlem "They say he wits the first white man-in-Egmondville. .ROW 2 1- Jackrabbit( hunting; g- Settfor.th Highlooder.s 1938/39: 3- High School Cadets. IIQW 3 - 1.aad2, Train wrack weyt,af.eafatiti. ROW 4 - "The Rink"; 2- klockey ,teaam, :eacty 40s beat Paisley 4-1 in finals. left to right. `Farmer" ttloFaddee, Stade (?), ,Gard .Muir, Jack Nittholsun; - A :Seufodt#t- arm winter late 11439s.; 4. - Tow ;cud hank ate' skiing at mdse Qully" f - Woskti et St. hews; 6 - the goundhouso.; 7 -- ,w#141c,,also; late 19 - MOW f Fuel Wallis and ., 'I,,.an;, the MAW* 2 - /Mettle n ' , tbiN, olitfaat, Ftcnkk C ' ' s, eGyr l wry.: $ - Seafarth Lawnbowling Club. SOS' f6 - double, 'man and Flank SiJis; Z - Seatorth Col iate;,, - Yory 014-studio����1�y�ihoto of pieaInikkotott early Settfoeth res(idatit., *tdrttw tCatder; 4 - Seafartb Old )nays SRetmioe :1944; f - Seatorth fituotus soccer team 1913-9: * - Dora (1001y) Sills., bertha (If3aly) O'tt:otuaal, ivfargytcot (Aal) JyleVerealax., Faker$bea. ! - 1 - ;IMMO IR&oixttelat awl; g - (*woo-) Madcet Sunni Jacking *eat.; - Ilov pg went me Cxestlericlet Street ,Wert; .! - Pi aruiby Oaty. 9, hilargacot toy. . Ontarw Savings Offke opens 75 years ago !bFKQM RAE (1'41485 kiky 11*1E'llUA9N f 9 1W It d ILNYy,,A$Y7 QORNt 1 taO t tf;LAST - A. cvupk of Avenks ago .wc •matt- tioocd ,the slealtng luf a +bicy- -s11e Atm . Allomtudnr Mustard. of }ugiuld, ?the supposed . thief *iiig .a young man who, according to has otflfo Autry, (had •aleft ,in -the hay delft Atter height, sand rte whole r. 'Mustard gave breakfast nejtt :morning. The fellow came 'to Seafur1h with Mr -Mustard's .wtiufl,.and jai i.w t .ith,,:Maines. Acnvldi 4 1klarc,•Af?Ihib tQwn. flowinitg� them ,another .whcol, whin t he failed to .ration. $?his ,whe471 was ultimately .traced to !London. and ,the ,man Who stole it was ouptured in St. DOM*, and tRumnars 9f y1'j jt -c6 - tit PAY thA.'re Iden iticeause Monday ,.wnA monk* WOW - ;UV khat ,dqy. and rP9 Asan tfghtillsIhlliryt W,,t(tlpt!thetfice A1aStn rf4f*$ -$9 rAA4eRio• 1(pi!t .Il*01 ?the,tin)s ,' t le ,.y,(e4e Mk* tate ati#0 60.1the �it4eut6., 113,4t Iffcs 4p Ainocir, tboli,tt�l�"tcsItfl�fl6 ASZi1 alis loot* a'itle It�itlilti tt rRltt :Ailfl r 4*4 tt9 foetal . Iht1t •opO►ileusesttit Aht t t W49 (RieRIR tlh e JYi!it6 ARROW ORR, MO lit JW,A6 ,14149 A,i14t ij(4r• ikf MAI *Ake IOflt141/ 41 thA! 'Ake t1Ria fiii ttAAT iW�`' .Otwor t� PAP r9 , ` ,. op. Pg11119/3 t4ttit• �Nt %.4mo6 tri rif Nil t t 4R4t4ti egtt M ,t+>`t es ,914190:11( ti4t 41013 t * • ,411914.4rMAR, itP 4 P iCi11tf(0A g9 the YersAgone ,afl4netlteyditto 'tltga111jl1 t - .ting ,out of'kgd, Amt Ake), tnt& AA , (51ii thane rotate s9, as the alalias 'kept up sttfah 0 ,cteliiat(al i nkat ;that M eep was,imposaible• *Au* ltd hlactrla's• t$aitdd - At •the .atMNal ,mpotiag ,Af the Seafuriih 00,41111nndcrs' *and. ;held ,iii t4ft4ir ti4t9ttit6 afitgr ifkriVillifte ,Aa iftIlea4 e.Ye(litlg. ?the 4a11at11,tiii$ tS�l?t;t ,ceieA WOW 44 40: iP,reSiChlilt• aYMalY,in iIt%aplile'cc.; it fat 341.cce tpttasidctit, JEf1-• fes; free;41114ry And tce;eitornr. Peiltau �-• tRaid• The ..boot] :now ,numhnra tthir- ,1y,twt,�o ,IneMbeero..and ,is lolls of ittle ,f tjt rmtuticipl Orygppi- 7•atitNtsiia Aitestectn e9►tt4acw and rip tp4*atk, ,in ithnir new twitCICTRA, iltte gilt .An oXcce¢r- (tjcti14146ttte, npcie.• ,9i1(ar19 §49,14 90 ,4ffffkke ¢Mtic4r*y ,Ain t- 4iy$.• ��Ptlh ltinstt • t411s AKA! ailelh of ,0e iti,S�91v�iliscd pelf t�i1w ��'cit t 4GC aP+g6 =nedi$111.4. 194, lPp. 49r 41iti Mow !Mr• CRWii{tilgk Ain t ltia 4* ,Anti +titAt� ,,lige 1, t !t a�thkgh aro 10 And IiitAmtlq(4 , tlhg ,t9twP 11414�,sPf *Fie AliKeKn iw►P (Riff F,14hc4i (Ilia s4o0 Feitttilirjl:, ttkeKt ll. ,tet • (,�. AV* f4 r9.a4 tw 4 .`+flt'lyy„eo`c t.t . hCRRgp •, �,tt J1Kt At ;1St;it4• 'Pe WteE s** AIR emokivOli 6410"I(10 .#*4' 4, 090 d�amitiiaa ditAy aPSnalmiti was;madted by a ;wall-att444- 0 softball tuucttameet, Awed by ,the Ue arts Aateur AMhI4ti1 ation andmtela at ttte f,it drfPnd'.- fn Abe evening the asstwi,ation held a dance in ,Carilpy'6 Activity ill IUWO ,tr.1t WMO*1* ,4e1tttrud at the Vitals Rack ,INttere• ria .addition rW ;the R4(tt>gll ttauriilaiilCilt, fteygat ;hun4c4d pfelikiaker4 4414 .4 4Y.Stitta,ge Alf Ache ype,ilfeca :Y44Attter Ito 1hgkd Anittun6 ,find t(ami�;gitikeAi s• easels, ,of Ace.10,444 -1ik14P h ttPain Iran .Awg), ?4ticow,ixtg thiin tion )whale ,a6 the Ja a6 All J649Nl1( l this(NP rtk dW NOPON #441Yiki M40* 4P4'17.41 Ik414141it0 att9tcldnr *We ,4041 .P AKA ti1r j1f?trly• �F *ALS fla4 d It' If• 04/4 4sAr. kik . 1tIva r'o mftwe, 0 'tow� 9Y,ecd 'ict9t4t Oblk i Ake-• it& AvtAchita#, Ar 111.§,e49/10. -#44f4 fkAgc+icn+ f tii144lecd AP a6' tr $tetAitt A f ieiRl0,f41 AK%14 l *GAt1{ (4,4W fit A - RA1 .sea ts. IRA,ayid ci., J6•e er ,qts µ• ale !P 1r,,Q,,, 1t1419 *Mt , •— s Al t k.yttcett ,t0O) Kieest(nlce..weal nuwp Staffs haLl ployur, fins a doable f ra1tture Qf his leg ht+ a ;result of .an .04W1L400 .41.440$ 0 ifturc -0*h game ,it' Staff* fricidny *vetting. The ateaikant ,% Rn a1 4I ,P6 he 'W 6 At41P4'49 14t49441 ilatfrif vas >1P 40p - M n w ,n MAnketil SW' *8, +91t Steafnetb tt;9an(1J *a* '`..Jb,,f as adrased ,that scants *AO fr fgr(q(tculn,.ng {vr ,4 w Wif:434 $treot i,114V6t,r,414 4te•yte.,9p- meat. Council wits AoNFAucAl of the duel&loft at 0 14e9ti.4g Monthly 'ntgkit- >Eaclncr, the DarU1W41t M1►f TdAffOrdatioe add Co,togninictiliions bad sa d ;that u grants would* lsvn11- ab>le ,ibis Yew. 1-4ter tiktc1h- Atter .�{�,, t ;the mates ;be ,[ensu ilAed and Muw #a6 ABY, Ahttlwo..11141 btc .44Y,(1 l,t bile ,i flghe Welk •w0i soutpleg4M*�io.� Fool • ASigitttkeld r`oAlf 0* Foil acrd141440 is iS04449. rots stoc0Ais . tilikoof*44 ),9f4trAc St4 9 A919tiYtelt SVM* BASF . 4611! t Atte# tt49 F+QOPfrice ,tP NR_1* 00 kcialteff ills 44te4 ,41c NCO #f FO- �'llle Near0 PAY/ of We /444#00,07#,y6/44 W 2414:1451;t1itte•