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The Huron Expositor, 1997-07-02, Page 3
Mid -Huron ,Landfill Site Queries abt hazardous waste &ii 1Y'MAslit.W.KIl(tr1' Expositor Editor How du .yuu properly .dis- pose of ias:w idous hwtsehold s waste. Kr a •half.tull can of paint yuu might have lying around your gupge' Members of the `Mui.Huron Landfill Site (MALS) ..Board talked about htlw to handle the numerous disposal requests they get ter paint and other hazardous items. at their lune 19 nicotine in Hulme: wilk. The towns of Clinton and (iuderich have held "paint exchange" days in the past Where people can drop off cans Of paint the) no longer need. and others pick up the colours they're looking ter. At the end -the leftover paint is poured O. a barrel and someone always lakes it. says lien McKay of Clinton. "It ends up being a slime;- - green colour." ()thee manager Ben Munnings :gave the sypervi- 401 '•a 'rttpurt 'fur the absent 'Frank Postitl. Possible solu- bons are holding a hazardous waste .day whereby .each .car is.ehilcgtlda flat rate teig.1 20) regardless of the amount of hazardous waste they bring in tune •ten or 10 cartsof •paint) or have a .company like 'Laidlaw leave a bin at the site, ter a tee, for people to dispose of t Eccrduus waste. It's nut Just paint people need to get rid.ut. Thene''s been request.• about how to dispose of sulphuric acid, batteriea..pesticides. "We frequently get culled by people who have a half can of paint or used"oil they need to get rid of." says chair Laurie Cox of Ciuderich 'township. He cautions that if, the landfill site doesn't pro- vide some venue of disposal fur customers that hazardous waste "will end up beim! hid- den -in garbage and 00 our site Ken Hunter tel Guderich laid 1Bluewatcr aleasjtfli)g will stake empty paint oasts. Sic motioned no theme ilduasiggs pride lath ll ai iilsw 11i,spusing ,df thazt rtiuus waste, and 'hoatigg a lhaz- ardous waste •day.at Ilse site. A report .will 'he given meat meeting. Insurance eleseeeesd The ittlHLS board passed a motion to renew its insurutWC ,with Bunter. 'Mar...Ewan, Feagan Insurance Brokers Ltd. of Godttrieh. Eassinseeing tP arms is The MHLE board agreed to call fur engineering,pntpr►sals as its present agreement with the consulting engineers Conestoga -Rovers and Assuciatus (CRA) expires at the end of the year. The board passed a motion to contact Conestoga -Rovers and three Racal engineering firms to bid on surview for the landfill site. ,A decision will likely be made at the October Of 'November meeting, accord - Hunter. •aoYimt'1Yittid Fussiest 'this spring 'the t *nerd etas presented with:t me,options *um CRA to 'its ,request for possible expulsion at the site. The ,third .Option. the least lowly. allows the site so expand loess than 40,000 cubic ,metres without "smote through an Environment Assessment (EA) bearing. This would roughly give the site an additional une- and-a-.half to two years lo its Existing expected lute of between nine to 13 years depending on which report yuu read. &luwever. there is a time LIMO to apply fur the ,extra 40.1)00 cubic metres, other- wise .the site will have lo go through an EA if they want to expand. Hunter will have a report for the next meeting on CRA's requirements to pro- ceed. Albums, history not -found in t e,for radar reunwn the books could not.:be Lound County and the Air Fame .for backlog project, as well as then. they would never be the past 25 years." Senior Archival Officer found. "1 was resigned they Apart from tepicttrial histo- Isabel Campbell and archivist were gone m 1994." ry from 1941-1971. the infer- Ilene McKenna. The hooks remained un the nation also includes a. goner- She expressed her pleasure misses list until earlier this al history 01 the base, alone at seeing the books returned year. when they were redis- with differenthistories un all to the urea. noting. "1'm glad covered. and they arc new the schools that were located happening' in my life - back .n Huron County as • there. including 'those fur lane. Now that the books have been presented to Malcolm for inclusion in the museum which will be called the Air Furse Radume Museum of Electronics (Radar and Communications). he hoPes to make them available -tor public viewing as quickly as - pussible. His goal is to have a photo- graphic library set up. and in 'a fitting conclusion to this piece of history. he hopes to call that building the .Edith M: Baker Photo Library. ARK ART - Erin Nicholson (left) and Gabriel Lawton of the tat Preebylerian Chureh Youth Group Painted this antral for the °hums( basement. that was dedicated -M memory of Cassie Nicholson as part of the service on June 8. Noah's Ark as they rendered it began • teat December. Tote mural measures about 16 by 11 feet. and is done in oil. They mixed their own colours. Its complete exoept for'anter Oaf of OlearoQet. ttrld e trams, which is in the wprks guated from DeelLawtonnot 1 bghradSo#.00l last'Sea Januarforthy and paints signs owe. Niohotaon lust finished at the local high •school. Gasses Nicholson faked to paint. She taught Sunday school at the ohuroh for many years and those who knew her said she -was a very warms, wise and loving per- ie:XL' conrriNUIa) Iron) page tug .the history along to Ottawa that Baker discovered all -of her work was missing. She noted that in 1973, she wrote and asked that the 'argesf photo album be opened up. and pictures be sent to her.. -That's when 1 Lound out they couldn't find the albums." she said. outing stat she calls the years between 1973 and 1994. when a hard search began fur the .bucks again the "wasted years. When the albums and histo- ry were not found in 199r7: when an Air Furse TeleCO n Assueiatn,n reunion was held in Clinton. Baker said. "I decided that was it." and' if Matculm ticked them up food "services. the military from Ottawa. police, instructional tech - The whole episode. Baker nique and guided missiles. said. has evoked much emu- ..Baker noted there is also a tion. starting with joy' to be _ section tett the churches and doing the history, followed• the canteens. adding. "Every by anger and disbelief that section is covered." they could be lust. and end- She,is thanktul'tu Malcolm in with rage. "And 'now it is for his assistance in retries -- ending with ply. because ins the books. and also Corporal Malcolm has them passed on thanks to t)r. Serge back in Clinton." she said'. ' Bernier. the Director' of adding "They could have History and Heritage. who been benefitting Huron initiated -and supported the AKEY BRAS PAINTING DRYWALL quality worknrans11,i ' tree estimates wn1Et t u:.t ,Intra Call loot Best GIC Rate fIF 555% 5 yi:. as of June 30i9 % _} IN5#*aTMttiNTS 4.773 5-513 Qfiilt�ir�l�idt�filGlfJ Huron County's Complete IVEHICLE RENTAL seadquarte,r. Cl Small & Mkt -sized Cars 1 passenger & Cargo Vans, Pickup Trucks tJ Daiiy. Weekly, Monthly il Insurance Rentals & More *Ole Uehvery 1 1 1 1 1 r CAR* muoK 8511' Uiviston of Suncoae+t Ford 500 Boron Rd., Goderlch GULL COLLECT Ask for Nckn 524-8347 tw• lt11111Mw i•i.•VM, ark i I1tI V-3 i D) 0 2Z© Grooming Salon 11 Main Skew South, 5.aiorih 527-0319 Tues. to hi. 8:30 to 5:00 Sat 8:30 to 1 :30 by appointment Closed Mondays Flea Baths and Moisturizers Reasonable Rates Christine Craven Over 6 years experience Jvlake a winning match 1 1 NO SERVICE CHARGES with a Credit Union Mortgage •N0 MORTGAGE RENEWAL FEES •NO ADMINISTRATION FEES J • WE •IMIA L. UP TO $500. OF YOUR LEGAL FEES TO TRANSFER IN YOUR EXISTING MORTGAGE from another financial institution V ` 0 LOWEST EVER MORTGAGE RATES 5.0% Six month or one year closed mortgage with a Credit Unlon mortgage Cell your Credit ,+�r,w+f.r..8v«1.a«wrr •,+Bates subject 1}p change MIMI COMM _m! UNION 48 Ontario Street S10) 040 *Wit IMP.RIh LOANS DEPT: °LINTON 482-a468 tH4ET zd6tQ634 OPEN: MON to THURS. 9:00 a ,m. - 5b0pp. Hal 6m. -8:90 UNTIL r ..Y....., ) s,...,..,., ..,'- .7 tr,_, t ll, rib ...,.. 1'; Li 16, 1997 b JULY .,, Y. 1 • -" DIMETAPP w.s.rtN►. _..rteW Mt:ler __ Advil Bonus $ 99 r11,sev: Tablets i ' 116 Tablets 7 30 . • Preparation It '` - 4 5 J2?Q5IToRiES Shrinks.Hbrnvrrhadi ...AO,is....vy„s Relieves Porn and lleh g ma— .. �. 24 Supposttortes 8. 0111/11111/e 04'(0, P0t11NC:V MU. 7lVITAAfth MULTIMINtBAL f-UPANLA fCetttli0�ds lam fllaZittte� , :� • '0841A.1,'"4 W, omen:. (30 lM tw': - -. Centrum Forte or $ 99 Centrum Select. 130 Tablets s • c Central Keatines Ramer 67 .'Iain St. Seaforth 527-1990 To Catch .. . ci. a Dream . • •1 N, 'i. FA I S 14i .15, f. J i .11_) , Catch a Dream ,45 ti)IJ iu Lunda n. Pro tie FROM kW, when they fust sicced at the Calgaty Ol yn pi,Cs,'Lo ,their Ined.al- tuinntngpefformance in fLiliieiaai* wer six - years tater, Isabelle I3ri sear ,.and Lloyd become two of theI st -. stars / slog world has to , Uper. In their mi,tobfiagropiw, I3rassew- and E4sLer show us the iliegghts and tows of ter ollttering a halte,tir career But, more than Argy11000 46e, Meal revesd haw OA* ,0.40 idt44€ will and s Uppoi1 of each other -enabled ,thein to catch Ia *earn. . ,f5'QQu�i„t��,dtong �.���gg . $2 7 95 Shop if/ 'Peek it- at 1 42.49 "Your Cotranumitu tYi&W5P M tlPFiStiggttete O tr#F