HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1997-06-18, Page 14$4.TWE NNRON axtmatlraS, above 1*, laser
Summer camp for bodke9 players
Seaturth will yadldfiratte
Canada Day tibia tear on
Tuesday, July 11, ' aMn:4rgain
the Firemen%will Wait) the
day with thttairanaual break-
fast at the tire hall beginning;
at 7 am the 'tentage Walt
Poker kaily will4telft in
ViCtutw Park. Call all . attfer-
astrd people please register
hhetween 12 and -12:30 pm.
-Huron County. -Child -Find
.wilt.he bolding >t mini attmsi-
.val in the park 'from 1 W 3
pm. Face Painting ,tad Aids
Ganes will be let 4P. ?hc
annual ,Giant Fireworks
Display will end off Mei*.
The fitewekks will be held at
:the high school and will
begin at dark. Admission to
the fireworks is $i0 per.car.
This is a great family day, so
cone out and enjoy your hol-
Want to learn how to play
tennis, or improve on how
you .play'' The Seafurth
Recreation Department will
be offering Tennis Lessons
fur both tens and adulis.and
both beginner and advanced
sessions. The lessons will
begin the first weak of July.
Adult lessons will be held un
Thursday evenings and teens
will be held on Wednesday
tnornings. Fur more infor-
mation or registration please
call the Recreation Office at
Youth Basketball will be
held in July on Monday and
Wednesday mornings at the
Seaforth Public School
beginning Wednesday, July 2.
Youth basketball will be for
interested children from ages
10 to 13 years. This will be
eight weeks 'long two days
per week. for -more inlurnia-
lion' please call the
Recreation Office at 527-
'Tile 'Seaforth Recreation
Office will also be hosting a
Computer Camp for children
ages 8.to 14 years. The com-
puter camp will operate out
of the Public School from
July 7 to July 11. and July'14
to Juh 18. The camp will be
2, one-week sessions from 9
am to 12 noon each day.
' Participa ni<caL1;iuister for
• either weeks or both. For
more information please call
527-0682. • '
Once again the Rec
Department., with instructor
Next Friday�
102.1 Road Band
WWI telib illy \wilt he offer-
ing a aummer,conditioning
,sump. This camp .will lac for
'i eekey players wishing to
aline in tqp form
for the upcoming season.
The saw will be held
MMonldey, Wiednesd.ay and
:Friday mornings at the
Sstafnrth arena during the
month of July. Registration
.Fee .will be S75 which
inciudos a'P3bin. C ell -427-
tiS82 for information or -tag-
St. ColumbanMinar Sumer
would .like .to invitre.sveryone
to attend the CIX ..Country
Video Dance at the 'Seaford)
and District Community
Centres from 9 pm to 1.am.
on Saturday. July 1.2 Talkers
are $8 in advantr or $10 at
the door. Tickets are avail-
able at Sparky's. All pro-
ceeds will go towards the
Minor Soccer program in St.
• Columban, as well as ,the
field renovations they are
currently doing.
Senior Shuffleboard is held
in honour of
Rev. Cheryl Ann
June 22, 1997
from 2:30-4:30
at Egmondville
United Church
Recreation Centre
June 30 to September 6
• Youth Rid GrpO
Adult Lessons
Pre -School
-*Aqua Fitness
,Swim Team
rrpaily Recreational Swims
For information or 10
register call
At the 'Seaforth and (District
-Community (Centres every
\Wednesday afternoon from
'1:30 w 3:30 pni Last week's
.winners were:
W.'Pr szcator 362
J. Bailey
E. McNaughton
Ii.. Preswator
K. Lingetbac;h
Zone golf tournament
held at oath golf club
Last Saturday tike sort Cl
golf tournament .was held at
the Seaforth Golf and
Country Club. Zeae ripens
officer Linda Gridzak mons
24 teams took pan. Reedits
ware as follows: Seaforth
Senior team No. 1, first }ileac
seniors, Seaforth Resider No.
1, 1st piaee ,tloguiar; Saafonit
rapilarNo. 2. third;plaeee.--
ular and Seaforth regularNo.
3. 4th place regular.
Congratulations to everyone
who entered. The winning
senior and regular teams -will
now advance to the District C
golf 'tournament to be held at
Saubk Reach July 26.
Linda would like to thank
everyone who helped to
make the tournament a suc-
cess, especially Ann Wood
for her help with the beef on
DUBLIN Siiiktball FUN
Wed. June 1$, 7:004:00 P.ttil.
Dublin Community :Centre
$1 &1.00fper child •
fi wk. Program
July 7 - Aug. 15,
'by Barbara beott
On Saturday, .lune 21 .a bus -
lead :of comrades from the
Goderieh Legion will visit.
Time of arrival not known
today. Contact the stanch and
come out to welcome our
t umrades.
"The June regular =aim
will be held on June 19, g
At the going down of the
sun and in the morning we
will rentemher'them.
2ad Animal/
at -the Community Centre
Tiekets atll..,tt27-2 12
'7.00 Advance *8.00 at the Door
Featuring _
An evening to enjoy!
ast.n..Di1111 a211111ULT as
,stain r -
FearsomV'S 11trR8AC>FAS'i AT TIME i9Rtt3(ALJt-
a.iowfnsai .t VICTIM* ta►Yk - liataaVnta *14D
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awitla tearrrrfan
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sumo MONO melt: LAa a/ Ghana. coca, a
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,opsin - ear Jima. >✓ air. rwr a '
Sum al aramilb - Orr wino Clarolow.
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llowlokra Mom. LAC
• tot ,x.r 11-....e
Graduated itchy 18,4997 -from the University of Kansas
with a Bachelor of &citince.w Journalism - Advertis:ing.
Joanne plans to spend a year in the advertising field
in -Kansas and then continue on with her studies.
Farbiog Pok & Reel, Huron Sports Brush, Mace Suvci Hair Care - Rob
Outfitters - Jenny Duffy M6n's Kenney., T.S;N.' Sports Bag. T.V
Pioneer Wooer Jacket, i]&U Bruck • Cable - Leslie Oak Halogen Battery
Farms - Hilda Austin. Put Alban. Light. Seaforth=Bike Shop - Ruth'
TrtaugJe ' Discount - Ttish Snell. 'r•Sbfrt. Sun•Nofh Systems
MecGtegur.,Men's Cap & Gloves. Ltd. - Annc Silks. Basin Faucet.
London Linen Service - Erma Seaforth Plumbing & Heating
C,ossello' Beans & Popcorn. Marjorie Rock Two P,cve.Plrer Set.
Rosebaak Ferias - Karen Taylor.- Dave Moore Fuels - Crotty
Hand Painted Saw. Mug Schrader - Champagne. Glass Thrue.Picee
Beverly Boyd. -Sweater. Queen's CanitIerrset,.Keating Piny -
Hotel - Doris Allan Calculetur , Judy Pakyinak. Twp Stoneware
Portfolio, 'Jeffrey Farms - Ashley Mugs.' Beechwood'Pottery - Rita
Hoboes. Desk Set: Pete's Paper Clip' Duncan. Maple Syrup, .Whitney
- Mary Keynen. Lamp. Seaforth •Kibey Nasal Home - Ruth Saefl,
Hospital Auxiliary. Manlier ' Doane •Hat & Pen. Burke -Painting - Kill
.Mitchell Avon Cookbook & Shower Kelley. Support Cradle •Pillow.
Gel. Karen Lynting• - Uarlenc 7 Tootles J. Devereaux Cbiropeactur -
Crawfond Soap & Towel. Hospital Marjorie Maloney. Cumputor
Auxdian Member - Ptul HoggaNt. Program "Micro Sdft Works". Harry
Baseball Cards. Archie's Service Den Haan - Grace:Comish. Silicone
Lubricant. D& U Glass - Joe
•Verbesee Swuni Mask. Middegaal
Pools - Helen Wesenberg Igloo
Cooter Set. Hensall District Co -Op
(Seaforth) - Adrrenoe Hutchinson
Janus Erna Egg, Jason Van Dorp
Isabelle Craig. Basket, Fapeo xlvitk
Country Store - Rob :Kenney.
Calculator Portfolio, Jeffrey Fame -
Ma neem Dearing Foe Extinguisher,
McKillop Mutual insuraace Cu -
Joanne Sans. Shampoo & Blush,
Studio 75 Family Hair Can•- Vicki
Dalrymple 3 Mugs & Pens.
Provincial Savings - Phil Haggalh.
2A K Gold Razor. Jeffrey. Farms -
Hilton Wholcgrain. Miller's - Kate Teat! ,Tin Chocolates `c
Mason's - Neil Bell. Two large Canals. Hamilton Trucking - Joan
Flake Oars. Two Small Flake Oats, Whyte. Cylinder Grease. Murphy
Halton Wholcgrain. Miller's - Bus Lines - Vi Glanville Baby
Mahon's - Phil Hoggarth Two Large Sleepers. Auxiliary Member - Olive
Flake Oats. Two Srnall Flake Oats, Betties. Lamb. Hospital Auxiliary
Member - Marie Palen Sugar.
Hospital Auxiliary Member - Ruth
Cluff Tide. Hospital Auxiliary
Member - Rob Kenacy. Cap. Dave
_Moore Fuels - Adam Bricker. Swim
Fins, Middegaal Pools Shea
Oats. Hilton Wholcgrain. Miller's • Austin. Avon Products - Majone
Mlibon's • Carol Leaning. Carpenter Ruck - Ann Van Dooren . Maple
Mates. Dave Moore Fuels • Isabelle Syrup. Jean Cbesocy &Francs -R.
Craig. T -Shirt. Sun•North Systems - Totem- Margaret Lee. Shampoo
Ltd. - Marg Satiows. Road Atlas. Kit. Total Image - Barb Shannon.
State Farm Insurance. Jim title - Dream Wheels. Stcdmans V,S. -
Gwen Hubum. 1917 Model T Bank. •Melissa Pushdberg. Man's Sweats.
McGaven Farm Supply Ltd. -.Ron Cardno's Men's Wear - Roslin
Murray.4 Bayles Microwave Higgs Hair Dryer & Girling Iron.
Popcorn. W.G. Thompson Ltd. - Hospital Auxiliary Member - Grace
Shirley Morrison. Microwave Coital'. 4 L Windshield Washer.
Popcorn. W,G. Tbompsuh Ltd. - Shill Service Syron • Mary East. 4
Irene Finlayson. Microwave -L Quaker State Oil. Kelly Auto
Popcorn. W:G.',Tbompson Ltd. - Service - E. Querengeser. 4 L
Shea Austin. Spiniog Animal Top, Quaker State 'Gil, Artily Auto
Kids Kloze - Bernadette Bakker. Service - Shelley MoMillan. 4,1
Photo Frame. Seaforth Jewellers - .Quaker State 00. Kelly Auto
Pat Malone. Two CJ,B.C..Mugs. • Service - Judy Scarrow. T -Shirt.
Canadian Imperial Beak of Winthrop Store - Denver Geddes.
Commerce - Hilda Ausii+. Cap & Pioneer Truck Bank, Van Limn
Pan, .autke .Painting - Blaine -Farms • B81Kelley. Computer Game
McKellar. Carpenter Mates,•pavc "Dangerous Creatures". Haig Den
Moore Fuels - Tom lrtasse flax of Haan • Missy mow. Glass Clogppr,
Groceries, Two Auxiliary Members - U & U Glass - Dorothy Hays. Pleur
Leonard Strong. Avon Products.. Mat. G,G- Goottler of Oublip -
Tbslma Coombs - Marjorie -Claus. Christine Ryan Hat (Cap). ,Dubtip
Aloelic:Ptroducts, Ana Cronin • Galeal Store - T.- Duffy.•apceball
Halon Wiesoabetg. Cook Book; PMzale and .Cards. Ambles' Service
Hospital Auxiliary Maribor - Jean Centre - Jacob Duffy. 4 Jars Salad
pregen..4 L Aatifrocze/Windshield Dressing. Seifonh -Creamery -
Wasber. McCarthy -Auto - E. Kathleen Williamson. 4 Jars Salad
QuerertgosGr. Story ;Book, Kids. Dressing. Scsfuxth-Crcatuey - Alex
a$ia.c .1Catett;Pittt. Office Htiasl, Irvine 4 Jars Salad pressing.
4dan.Tarn011eCommerCird Primers - Seaforth Creamery - Once Cornish.
Gayle Campbell., Photo Album. iListex.loterior Paint, (3,atke.Painting
Titanic-DiSe9JItt - Matjocie Rock.' • I,ois,Cogk. Two Piece Mier Set,
auild,eg Model 1967 .Chev ,Qa►ve.Motm,Fuels - Joanne Jewitt.
Convertible; The Hobby Shoppe -. Cap, .Dave Mvpre;Fuols - Helen
P l.1Iatcy. Pioaccr Tbertrws,•f*1? . Weseaberg• 4 tL motor 00,
p4k Farms Ltd. - Jennie 'McCarthy ASP-taArbara Cook.
Ladies' Top - Auiil y bray ,Kay iPto4h4!,+, Ruth Ann -
Irieaber - lee Scorns. Paint, Burke Amon !Vanrcomputer Garne
Painting - Beulah IfticKay. Curling "Golf' • ;Inv aftatent Centre - Jim
Ikon. loan'sHairstyling - Mildtal Morns.Ideple Syrup. Spring Valley
Traviss. Can4le1 & Napkins. .Maple Product* -,olive Papplc Ear
Auxiliary Member - Yam S000ticut. ,Rings Mark by:Rosh Beultenwelkr,
Grocery Basket. Seaforth Grocery • Auxiliary - William J. Craig.
,Jcanette,Bvcrshcd. Curing Iron & Sweater. Auxiliary Member -
Centre - Patricia Non. Glass Cleaner,
U&U Glass Betty Burns 'Relish
Dish. Pauline Bennett - Toni Fehr
Lawn Ornament "Day Dreamer".
Shewan-s Ornaments - Peggy
Perkins CD fur Computers
'•Fsncyclopedaa". Harry len Haan -
Patrick Moires Glass Cleaner.
Dave's Auto Bully - Lois McUwain
Book and Sewing Kn. Lynda Huard
- Margaret Lee Acrylic Painting,
Eva Laing - Jeanne Evershed. Two
Large Flake Oats. Two Small Flake
Oats, Hilton Wholcgrain. MmUer's -
Mahon's - Viola Riley Two Large
Flake Oats. Two Small Flake Oats.
Hilton Wholcgrain. Miller's -
Mahon's - Vicki Dalrymple. Two
Large Grain Dias. Two Small Grain
Oats. Hilton Wbolegrain. Miller's -
Mahun's • Peggy Perkins Two
Large Grain (Isis. Two Small Grain
Patricia. O'Rielly. Sweater. Auxiliary
- Member - Johnathan Thomson
Pepsi. Auxiliary -Member - Verne
()ohmage Cat -Food. •Miltun J Dietz
Ltd. - Dann Dick Dog Food. Mikup
3 Dietz - Tom Jorgensen. Garden
Set, watt Maanmenaaoe -Joan Whyte.
Cushion. Hospital Auxiliary
Member -noble Miller. Maskx Dog.
Seaforth Automotive - Uerek
Mpgt)onp _' !Doff. - tAuxi{cacy
Mealbtir Ann Cro l' White
.Cushion. Hospital Auxiliary
Member - Joan Wityte.-Common:
.Bag. Hospital Auxiliary Manisa' -
Mane Nigh Smart Cookbook,
Auxiliary Maribor - Vi Glanville`
Dell,•Hospital Auxtliaty Metnbor -
Emily Vincent. Sweater & Cap -
Doreen Johnston - Marg McClure
Huanmmgbtrd Feeder. Auxiliary
Member - }Kyle Feeney. Breycle
Lock. and Pump. Bought with
Donations - Megan Malone 4 • 6
Cup Carafe. Ann & Paul Copeland - -
Jtran Flanigan Slacking Shell. Sills
Home Hardware - Geurgc.Goodaran
Roasting Pan. 'Joy & Alt Russ - Jay
Johnston.Heb»et. Bought with
Donations - Pat •Malone..Cluthes
Basket & Gloves. Sills Home
Hardware - Hltzabeth McGregor
Clothes Basket & Cap. Sills Home
Hardware - Gail Seagrer. Child's Set
Dishes, Bought with Cash Donations
- Joan McNaughton Smoke Alarm.
Seaforthinsurance Broker Ltd - Bill
Jtyan. Deluxe Aatique Photo Frame.
Bought with .Donations - Gwen
Harburn..Hair Care. The Looking
Glass - Tease Kamerman. Loony
Tures Clock. Sills Home Hardware -
Uanielk Munro Flashlight, Joy &
Alf Ross - Clara Uucharnmc
Pruning Shears. Donations - Paul
frisky Heavy Duty Deadlock. Sills
Horne Hardware - Maureen Dearing.
Baby Powder. Shampoo & Puppy.
Joy & Alf Ross - Joan Whyte.
Draiaptaster. Sills Home Hardware -
Juanre Boyd. Turbo Fan. Joy & Alf
Russ • Monica Kenney. Soap.
Seaforth - Vetere ;Hessalwood
Smoke Alarm, Seaforth Insurance'
Broke 4td. - Ttudec •McClure 4 L
Oil. Hairy Zakr -.Lloyd Okwshcr. 4
• 6 Cop Carafe. Anti & Paul
Copeland - Isabelle Craig
Screwdriver. Sitls.Howc Hardware -
Nomsn Young Intoner Lases Paint.
.Hildebrand .Paint r _Paper • .Phil
.Hoggarth. Baby Quilt. Jean Drager -
(lob Tyndall- Rog Shampoo &
Brush. Linda Wilson - Brian
.Crawford .Glasses dr Ornament,
Wads Wilson-•Cttislire Ryan. Bath,
Shaagpoo Got & Cutlery. Linda
Wilson - Molly Thomas. Ladies'
Swwttcr. ,4i!tdl+ .Wilson - )(Ay
v'Routkc. ,Child's ,LAw,n ,Choir.
0onptipns - Tcrcrp ,KJ pagan
White iLaNn Cha r. rpllAAtiltftt
,Betty $gf isbury. A{it�i((iit�{c Agip
ROW. p1e, c!etlh S !Qt*kigt 14 9101
GrQnp-tRMih.fi ll. Toy4kMkr,
tporalllew - Alba tNalflgr- iTptin (sal,
Werth dr Osten ,Yeah,Grptp -
irtAye ,Hi4ke3•..Grocery ,Beaker,
Scaforth-!rood Ml(ket •,i'gicl,lilticy
Hat, Lade ,Wilson -,Kok •MsNfkn
Maple Sytr p, etospital Awl l ►ry
Member - 4111!apgk• tB
,Kurncrs •,l4 Tu{nson. *
((Ole .Book , r j Spin •Mnll!•, 1 tY
p(ncr - ,P#m Soocniswy..
roles, .RCctpc -Bt
oo^ ,at
glabers,;,bji(ty )Corners - y
Alaaherc iftalq pjlt, Shipley
Piautaore • ,Wo d)Il. ,P ioale.
SeafoMm,Ho{pi0li Atulililtt
Shwppe - tiMrlfgatet Metier•
Scafottll 100spttal AWIk
Nathan ,Alec. ,Puzhle,o
Hospital Auxiliary,4),ift !CMS*
.Hospital ,
Andrew • Van Vito .,4lftot's Car
Cover, Handmade Infant Wc ;
Maarten Licari Susan St 'r
Karen Taylor Combo Salt & Pepper
Mitt. -Fra -secs Malooey - William J.
Craig. Ladies' Sweater. Bee's
.Ladies' & Men's Fashions - Susan
Halfpenny. Toy Truck 1955 Piet Up
Truck Bank. -Vincent's *Farm
bquipmeni - Larry ()epee Child's
Huuded Sweater. Sharks Staffen -
'Mary Helen McLachlan Child's
Yellow Sweater, Shirley Staffen -
Mike i'# . tttajr tkusP• 1 &c&Guei
- Betty Salisbuc,y Walt Decoration:
Shirley Steffen - Helen Wesenbcrg
24 K Gold Razor, Jeffery Farm -
Ruslan Higgs Watch. Canadian
Imperial Bank of Commerce -
Wesley Rue. Al Smiley Sunglasses
& Case. U. L.1 LaPlante - Voris
Ryan Watch. Chris & Gary holing.
Wood You Like To Paint • Bill
Chesney Doll. Bought with
Donations Srisan Curtis. Coffee
Pot. Ann & Paul Copeland - Lruda
•Butson Flower Arrangerncm,
Hildebrand Flowers • Ruth Snell
Rabbit Ornament. Sharon Wilson &
Pat Kueher - Janette Holmes Plane..
Plant Paradise - Helen Wesenberg
Flower Arrangement. Lynda Wilson -
Clara Uucharme. (sen Mats &
Towel. Auxiliary Member - Kuehn
Higgs Cookbook.. Auxiliary
Member • Christen Bellow.
Cookbook. Hospital Auxiliary
Member - Ruben Pinner. Town of
Seaforth Game. The Town of
Seafolh - Joanne Hempel Town of
Seaforth Gaines. The Town of.
Scafoub.-.EnnaCostcllo. Cucii;Cola,
Becker's Milk • Paul' Mitchell CD
Deck, Hay Stationery • Isabelle
Craig. Data Wan Dise Mailer. Hay
Stationery - Phil Huggarth .Data
Ware Disk Mader. May Stauuoery -
Fay Irene Montgomery., Hostiteh
Stapler. Hay Stationery • Marg
Small. Book & Markers: Hay
Stationery - Bevy Kolar. Pens. Hay
Stationery - Leona Nigh. Markers.
Hay Stationery • Verna Hcsselwuud
$10.00 - Alma Pinkncy. Gilt
Certificate 2 1/2 Dozen .Eggs.
Donated by John & Michelle
Wilson. Silvercreajk .Farms - Edna
;Bell. Gift Certificate. Three Assorted
•Subs. New Orleans Pizza - Mane
Rigier Gift Ccti amre. Make Up -
Bousscy's .Beauty Boutique -
Patricia Nutt Gift :C-enifmcate. Value
520.00. Wilson Auto Service Cberyl
McLlwain..Gitr Certificate. Value
$5.00 at Seafunb Grtwcry, ,Hospacad
Auxiliary Member - Ashley Moines
Gift .Cctlificatc..(Inc Regular Oil
Change for Most Cars, .Qil, .Grease
& Filter Wash & fienom.
MaLaugltltn Cbev - Olds • ,Ig!wµc
,Bolmcs. Girt Certificate, 2 1/2
Dozen -Eggs. Arend & Yenny
&maker - SandraMoatgtitve'Y- Gin
lficatc. Value ;20.00. Wo 's
till • il,insey
ti,l j, , .aaulteitt {AMS - Mp�y
try(. - t4il(t Ccclt(ltate, ue
*2l. �taic s .Stptigp,ltestaura Val1 •
;avian ,ltgnlcy. ;p,l(t ,1 crtificate.
,Romantic Cutter Ride ,Por 2410b do
Glygiafrtice - FjrancesSucwker Teatero• 0111
little, 2 .1/2 4uzen ,Eggs.�Al41Bt� tl(5fln• Mary,E
ill Cctteficatc, Vatic
. ,Lloyd gIclpstrer
eak, One Moil( of
aiding $r Repairs. Brian's
- t1l1eldt'tli • Wendy Rex (Al Smiley)
Gift Certificate. Grease. Oil Jr Filterifor.Car Of 14ht Truck. Teatero
tr��aur ,P(oduct.* • Brenda Foliar;
Gift Ceitificate, 2 1/2 Dotal .
Silverereek ,Farms - ;Iubbi Mi
t oft Ccr;ifrcatc, Unc ,Ladles' Wash
Sel, Joan's Hairstyling Jean
Pinder Gift Certificate, One Men's
or 1 :'res' Wash & .Hair Cut. Joan's
Hairstyling - Glen Steffen Gift
Certificate. Wash & Vacuum.'
Teatero Motor Products - Anne
Copeland .Gift Certificate. Value
$20,00. Walter McKenzie
Photography - Gail Price. Gilt'.
Certificate. 3 Assorted Sdbs. Nen I
Orleans Pica • Trish MacGregor
Gift Certificate. Undercoated with
Oltiug. A 1. & U Refinishing - Arnie
y,•filtt�rern1i : *owl
ne''rsstlos $i Two Fibilrs
Tel dulg.:K C Sit bits - Mary 3
Snowden. Gift Certtficatc. One Free!
.Oil & Filter Change Fur•Car or Light'
Track. 313 Auto Repairs • Joan;
Flannigan • •Gilt Certtticatc.`
.Firewood Value 545.00. Lloyd Kiley i
Ran Jarttcs Gift Certificate. Twa'
Unek Sack's Fish & Chops. Freeze
King Ltd - E. Taylor Gilt.,
Certificate. Two Horse Sack Riding;
Lesson Value 540.00. Fred & Bud
McCaughey -,Rob Kenney Gift
Certificate. Hot An Balloon Rade for
Two. Cloud Chasers - Wesley Roe!
(AI Smiley). Gift Certificate. Value
S I0.00. Tucker's Meat Shop -
Denver Geddes Gift Certificate.
Breakfast for Two. Janet's Country
Donut Calc - Karen Taylor Gift
Certificate, -(Inc Dozen Donuts
Value $4.00. dance's Country Donut
Cafe - Linda Smith. Gift Certificate.
Value 520.00 in Merchandise or
Urycicaning..Scaforth Sewing!
Centre - Dianne J)olmage Gift
Certificate. One Dozen Donuts,
Value 54.00. Janet's Country Cate - J,
Trish MacGregor Gift Certificate. 31
Assorted Subs. New Orleans Plica -
Bonnie Hastings. Gift Certificate.!
Doggie Gruoining Value $27.0t).ltt
Doggie Deere Grooming Salon -I
,4aVernc Robson Gift Ce'rtificate.{
One Manicure. Total linage 11
Sarah Powell. Gib ,Certificate..One
Cut do Style, J:ilro's Haar Design -1
Howard Allot. Gift Certificate. One 1
titan's Hair Cut, Bob's Barber Strop
- Kostia Higgs. Gift Ccrtificatc. Otic
Ladies' Shampoo and Set. Donna's'
-Beauty Shoppc - Sandra Pouste
Gift Certificate Value $ 15.00.
Sparky's Place Family Outing ;
Brian Lore. Gift ,Certificate ;Value
$4.25. One Dozen Denpes. Taut' Liu
Bakery & ,Cheese House - Bernice
Halley .Gilt .Certificate Values
510.00. Toronto Dominion ,Bank -.
Audrey O'Rourke. Gift Certificate.1
One Dozen Donuts •Value 54 25.
Tasty Nu Satkeiy & Cbecic Nouse -
Susan Uac.}k. Gift Certificate..
Wuerpo's Shoes - Carol Marry Gift
Certificate Value $10.00. Aaap's
DM* S1wppc - fiatb PAuynlPle
Gift Ccrtificatc VM a $10.00.
Wil4rib'f Shoes • Bea Kale. Gift
.Ccrtificatc Vaf pc 510500. Anna's
:pros Sihuppe - Jure JCwa snick- Pill
Certificate ;Vaipe $15.09, Suan's
Sewing - Stauey Beaven. Gift
Certificate Vpluc 515.00. Snsf!4'5
Seat - Sandy Pouvre. Gift
,04•ikos.Ate, &pope Costaetica, A
P,rlYMe Skja ,Circ k Make tlJp.
cC,pnsukMio9. Awl gl ti i - Frances
hero. Clift ,Certtficatc. (Inc
',Facfrll, te,l-ot ring Glass -
ure Stix 4 ate- Value 520.00
#940S011/11 Ioannc ,Boyd
Cash Alia, Vatuc 520.00.
,Qoijersmjt -Magee Kenney. Gift
Cet(tificat; . Pedicure. Margit( cu
MO it.ce •• )t4,11 ell. Gift
CO tithe. ;QQC i(raS$ie i A; j'r»a
cse Lid at
Trap • N Mq1
Value $40.00
Fees, Scala*
Seaforth q f & C'ount' rluh
Anne Cupar.