HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1997-06-18, Page 1346, IN MEMORIAM MOKENEtE un ►ovate memory of the Rev Arwrew H M oKenzw sotto passed away alter a three morel stay m hoaptsal to Penticton BC tolowed by a Meet seven weeks at the Seaton Manor on June 22 1406 come to mu garden alone Whale use dew is still on taw (06,16 And the vuwca ! hear tailing un nit ear The Son of God discloses And - He walks with me And - 14e talks with rise. And - He teas rami am His own And ire joy we share as we tarry there None other has ever known This hymn Ant* ow used to folungly say was the tavonte of his wile. limber! It is true we sill fuel Andy s presence on parties as .well as that ot the Son ot God whom he served as a Nrasbytenai, minister tor 51 years Remembered fondly uy friends tar and wade relatives and a targe tamely of seven children and their spouses. htteen grandchildren, one great grandchild and his widow Isabel 46-25x 1 47. CARDS OF THANKS MAY THE SACRED Heart of Jesus be adored and glorified. loved and preserved throughout the world now and torever. Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on us. St. Jude worker of miraotes, pray for us. St Jude helper ot the hopeless, pray for us Repeat this prayer nine times a day tor nine consecutive days and your request will be granted Pubtication must be promised - J 47-25x1 s. DUPEE 1 would like to thank the Seaforth Town Council. the Public Works staff, John. Doug and Paul and the Arena staff, Jen. Greg. Doug, John. Graham and Marty tor the was on my retirement. 1 have enjoyed working with you all. - Don 47-25x1 HENDERSON I would like to express my sincere thanks for the care I received while a patient at Sealorth and Stratford Hospitals. A apecral thanks to Dr Woldntk, Dr. McNaughton and Dr Gonen all the nurses and staff 1 can't thank our family enough for all the help and support they gave us. Also a special thank you to Rev Cheryl -Ann Stadelbauer- Sampa tor all her prayers and kind words. Also for the phone calls and cards I received and to all the people . erbo offered rides tor my wife to the hospital - Art Henderson 47-25x1 MCNICHOL - COLQUHOUN We would like to thank everybody who came out to our Buck and Doe A special thanks to the wedding party, family and friends for their support and hard work - Jason and Atana 47-25x1 BENNINGER The family of the late Ann Benninger would like to thank the doctors and the staff at Mitchell Nursing Home. Whitney -Riley Funeral Home. Father A. Del Grano. Father J Hardy. • the Dublin C.W.L , friends, relatives and neighbors of the family for the care and support shown to us during our recent loss Your expressions ot sympathy, cards, donations. flowers and food were sincerely appreciated Your kindness will always be remembered. - 47-26x1 147. CARDS OF THANKS LINDEMANN yam* you tor rnakene uur wedding alarsaaaNiu We would Mks, to Mani, eve81!osse who helped Us ethereal*: the wedding at Nonnside Unaeo Church and tuCepUor, at the Agricultural Building on May 2411 A specal thanks to our families and wedding parry for aft timer furl wort, and patience To our grandparents Audrey and La Vents Robson and parents Klaus, ano Colleen Lendemanr, for providing Muir homes tor the wuddrng party to prepare tor the clay s even►b fns vans and videography were also provided by ow grandparents Thant you to Rev Rich Lucas tor the beautiful oeremony and Carolyn Grlthn the organist io our photographer Gregor Campbell who took some beauUtut pictures at the pond of our sister Katrina Lindemann and fiance Brent Dietz Thank you tor an the gins and cards we received We will always cherish our speceat day Kurt and Michelle Lindemann 47-25x1 DOLMAGE - THORN We would like to thank everyone who helped us celebrate at our BBQ Stag and Doe Thanks to our nineties and wedding party tor helping to organize the event and thanks to Paul tor his entertainment We had an excellent time and tots of laughs Thanks - Tom and Leanne 47-25-1 - CAMPBELL We wish to thank -Dr Edwards. Dr Norton and Dr Percival, the emergency stats the nurses. and all the stall at Seaforth Gommumly Hospital for the excellent care and attention -they gave Robert whsle he was in the hospital You all made our time at the hospital. and Robert's recovery a speedy one A special thank you to all ountamlty and friends tor their cards..gitts. visits and prayers They were very much appreciated and will always be remembered Brad Brenda and Robert 47-25x 1 i`I NTE E Real Estate ANNOUNCEMENT TONY VANDEN HENOEL Wilfred Mctnrce Is Company is pleased to welcome luny 4anden t4engel to weir Union awe luny comes with a wraith of.Agncultural knowledge bavutg ►)airy farmed in McKillop wwrnhtp for 28 years. Tony is muted ts, Mary redo has ban with our Company for 8 years 'legatee Tony and Marr will help you with all your real Calle needs. You can reach Tony Ai Me Caution orrice at 482-$591, or at hone at 233-3168 To List or Bqi give es a tri 1'.J /\1 1 ;1 1 1 ' 1 r :l IfA 1r )1J 1, r• , Community Calendar WED. , JUNE 18 FRI. , JUNE 20 1:30-3:30 p.m. - Senior Shuffleboard at the Arena 6:30-7:30 p.m. - T -Ball at the Highschool South Diamond 6:30.8:00 p.m. - SquUl Girls' Fastbatl at,the Optimist Park 6:30.8:OOp.m. - Pee Wee Girls' FaatDoll at.the Highschool Nath Diamond 6:30-7:45 p.m. - Youth Roller Hockey at the Arena - Black Hawks vs. Flyers 7:45.9:00 p.m. - Youth Roller Hockey a1 the Arena - Leafs vs. Blues 7:00-8:00 p.m. - Step Training al the Arena 7:30-9:00 p.m. - Reds Fastball at the Lions Park 8:00.9:00 pm. - Fitness is Fun with Druadta at the Arena THUR. , JUNE 19 6:30-8:00 p.m. - Mite Boys' Fastball at the Highschool North Diamond 6:30-8:00 p.m. - Pee Wee Boys' Fastball at the Optimist Park 7:00.8:30 .m - Squirt Boys' Faatball at the Lions Park 8:00-9:30 p.m.- Sluggers' Sto-Pitch at the Optimist Park 8:004:00 p.m. Men's Roller Hockey at Arena - Young Blood vs. Hurricanes 9:00-10:00 p.m. - Men's Roller Hockey at Arena - Red Army vs. Lightning 8:30-10:00 p.m. - Bantam Boys' Fastball at the Lions Park 7:00-10:00 p.m. - Men's Fastball Tournament at the Lions Park 9:00.11:00 p.m. - Aats' Slo-Pitch at the Optimist Park SAT., JUNE 21 8:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m. - Men's Faatball continues at the Lions Park 8:00 a.m,-12 Noon - Men's Fastball at the Optimist Park SUN., JUNE 22 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. - Men's Fastball Tournament at Lions Park - Finals in afternoon 8:00-11:00 p.m. - Men's Silo -Pitch at Optimist and Lions Park MON., JUNE 23 6:30-8:00 p.m. - Squirt Boys' Faatball at the Highschool -North Diamond 6:30-8:30 p.m. - Houseleague Ball at the Highschool South Diamond 7:30-10:30 p.m. -Minor Sports Council Doubles Bingo al the Arena - tonights host is Minor Ball 8:00-11:00 p.m. - Men's SkrPitch Al Optimist and Lions Park TUES., JUNE 24 9:00-11:30 a.m. - Parents' and Tots' Playground at Northside United Church Basement 6:30-8:00 p.m. - Ladies' Softball at the Lions Park 6:30-8:00 p.m. - Mites Girls' Fastball Game at the Highschool North Diamond 9:00-10:00 p.m. - Ladies' Roller Hockey at the Arena - Blues vs. Ducks F you're organizing a narprotiit event- or rnteresk fo other Seeoorth wee residents, phone the recreation office 527.0882 or the Expositor et 527-0240, or nail the information to Cornmuotty Calendar, The Huron Lwow. Box 89, Seeforth, Ontario, NOK 1M.1 well in advance of the scheduled deme. Free Mating includes date. time, name of event end location only. Spece for the Cornrnunrty Calendar is dpi $,dory The HuTnArlider TIS NMNN* i1IMMLJ '$ . Asst 1141. gA1-413 Two tournaments on local greens The Seaforth Lawn Bowling Ciub hold two tour- naments at the greens this past week. Thursday saw 13 greens in play for the Mel and Esther Brady memorial tournament t'or ladies pairs. In first place wore Pat Standeaven and partner of Woodstock (3W+48). £etoa!ad was Sandra. Jarmain and part- ner from the London Thistle Club (3W+44). Third was Laura Johnston and Mabel Wheeler of Brussels (3W+39). Fourth was Mary Higgins and Isabel Annis of Mitchell (2W+47 op2). Fifth went to Jean Shillington and Audrey McKinley of Clinton (2W+45 op2). Sixth was Thelma Coombs and Mary Finlayson of the local club (2W-#42 op15). Seventh went to Eileen Adamson 88841 Olive Papplc (2W+42 op7) and eighth were Betty Tilley and Catherine Van Doornik (2W+42 tsps). Ninth wont to Jane Treleaven and Marg Solomon of Lucknow (2W+38) and the consolation prize also went to Lucknaw's Muriel McKenzie and Manan McKinnon (1W+38 pts). Wednesday there weir eight gttens in play for the men's pairs tournament. First place went to Jamie McLellan and Chris Johnston of St. Marys .Morris Tract officially reopened June 5 (3W+60 op2). Second was Lee Ryan and Jim Stotts of Seaforth (3W+44 0116). Third went to Jerry Hyde and Bud Grant of the London Elmwood Club (2W+47). Fourth went to Henry Drachenberg and Roy Triebncr of Euatar (2W+46). Fourth was Joe Dorsch and Wayne Wright of Chesky (2W+44) and consolation prize went to Kevin Rumig and Dennis Schmidt of Goderich (1W+46). On June 24 at 6 p.m. is the monthly potluck supper, with bowling or cards after. All callers are reminded to call their lists. New ones have been printed and distributed Hostesses for the evening arc Grace Broadfooi and Olive PaPPle- On June 21 there will be the flat misbd pairs tournament at the Seaforth greens. Just a reminder to any new bowlers who would like to try the game of lawn bowls. The month of June is tree to those wishing w try. Greens are available Monday and Friday afternoons also Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings or contact a lawn bowling member for other times available. Good bowling to all. The Morris Tract officially re -opened with a ceremony in Benmillcr attended by Huron MPP Helen Johns, among others, an June 5, capping a two-year campaign by spacial interest groups and individu- als and the Ontario govern- ment to preserve the largest hardwood forest in Huron County. "The 144 -acre property is an important part of the lower Maitland River Valley corri- dor - identified as an ecologi- NEW PROGRAM cally significant ages," states Locally generated funds a press release from The Friends of the Morris Tract. "A remarkable 21 different natural communities are found... varied habitat pro- vides a home for 14 species which are rare in Ontario including Gulden Seal and Giant Sunflower. Birds such as the Screech Owl, Wood Thrush, Ovenbird, Scarlet Tanager and Pi seated Woodpecker nest here." from at least 282 donors and fawned photograph sales apointed to slightly more for the Morris Tract." than *200,000. The Nature Al tic reedit official Wen - Conservancy of Canada, ing, the provincial natural through its own supporters resources ministry announced and contacts with corpora- the Tract is a flagship project tions and foundations` was for the Ontario Parks Legacy successful in providing the 2000 program, a four-year balance of the needed funds Partnership with the Nature needed to cover the project Conservancy. The MNR has costs amounting w more than Provided *6000.000 to the $300,000. A Toronto photog Nature Conservancy to help rapper interested in preserv- r it acquire $4 -million worth of ing heritage properties held a special exhibit, raising more than $32,0000 from ticket Chaos theme for artist exhibition Walker and weaver Janet Baillie will also be presented. Artists will attend all five days of the show, Saturday through Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and the final Wednesday, from 10 to 3. "With unique personalities, working in diverse media and .materials, exploring the visu- al and philosophic implica- tions inherent in this theme, one can expect some chal- lenging art, not just pretty pictures or easy solutions," comments," painter Walker. "Chaos/Equilibrium" is the theme of this summer's annu- al Huron Society of Artists' free exhibition at Bayfield Town Hall from June 28 to July 2. This theme was set in the dead of last winter at a "regu- lar feast/meeting" and a press release from the society hints "experimentation at each artist's studio has produced 47. CARDS OF THANKS some very fascinating results, with only weeks left to the exhibition." On exhibition will be 16 artists - paintings by Anne Eekhoff-Hamilton Tristan S. Eekhoff, Shirley Owen - Hewitt, Bill Creighton, Ron Walker, Elfie Enns, Judith Elder -McCartney, and painter/ sculptor Leda McAlister. Ceramics, iron, glass, brass sculpture will be • presented by potters Sylva Lessor and Robert Tetu of r Beechwood. blacksmith James Wallace, glass artists Philip Sommer and Pauli Sommer and also sculptor/painter McAlister. Artists working in mixed media Jane Stryker and Bev DOLMAGE Thank you to the people who hosted and attended my wedding shower held at the Winthrop Church on May 29th The gifts from the community of friends and family are very lovelyThanks so much. - Leanne 47-25-1 Loan approved When Hullett Council met June 3 it approved advancing a loan for $1,000 to the Auburn Hall Board, land in ecologically sensitive sites, to become part of the provincial parks system. Topless talk in Grand -Bend The mayor of Grand Bend told a resident's meeting at the popular Lake Huron sum- mer beach earlier this month that the village council's hands were tied the recent Otnari) Court of Appeal rul- ing allowing women to go bare -breasted in public. "We are not ready for top- less chickadees parading our street," one man said, point- ing to an article in a Windsor paper directing those who wanted to swim topless to head 'to "Grand Bend 'and Wasaga beaches." Another resident at the June 7 meeting, a woman. was of the opinion that maybe its time -Grand Bend grew up like the rest of the world. "Let's not assume problems before there are any." she cautioned. "I don't want my police and bylaw officers spending their time doing this when there are important issues." Chairman Pat Henry said. given the court ruling, any changes would have to come from the government. Mayor Cam Ivey added there is nothing they can do about it and not give the national media a forum. Church meeting Delegates from the Huron - Perth Presbyterial attending the recent 50th annual meet- ing of the Hamilton London Synodical at St. Giles Presbyterian Church were Joao Edmunds. Jean Evans, Janet Gibson, . Robina Alexander, Sally Scott, Jean Carey, Ida White, Shirley Aitceson, Edna Simmons and Pat White. The theme was "celebrate.'. Edmunds, president of the Huron -Perth Presbyterial, invited the Synodical to Knox Presbyterian Church in Stratford for next year's annual meeting, the same church where the first ohe was held. 'fourasm fundraiser The Huron Tourism Association roughly matched the $3,000 raised last year with its second Evening of the Arts Gala. More than 140 people attended the gala fond raiser which 'featured a silent auc- tion, an art exhibit attd a pre- view performance of The Wizard of Oz et the Huron Co Playhouse in 4*rtlad Bend, 31. Proceeds of this year's gala help the association promote tourism and economic devel- opment of the area through advertisements and possibly roadside signs said Joan Karstens, chair of the Huron Tourism Association. Last year, the money went towards installing J5 signs at the entrances of Huron County, welcoming people into "Ontario's West Coyest." At also sent 12 high school stu- dents to Superhost training. CLASSIFIED E D MARKETP1ACE "Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country" CONING EVENTS KV WANTED LORETTA LYNN, PRAIRIE OYSTER. GEORGE FOX, WORK AT HOME part time. le!! time. Health industry Hank Williams 111, Blue Rodeo. Campng. Aug. 14th, 15th, ABOVE AVERAGE INCOME Ask fo' FREE BOOKLET 181h. 17th. Havelock Country Jamboree. Havelock 1-800- 416.631.4152 539.3353 T►oltets. NOSTALGIA-RAMA SUMMER SHOW JUNE 22, 1897 'SALES KW OWED 10-4. 85 Dealers, buying and selling small antiques, :ATTENTION STUDENTS$ Mite a lot ot money seting glassware, 4x1118.010 advarWin9 postats, fins. calarldem. thocoiafs bars. New products available. Ndttng to pay in postcards, StarWars, toys, dolls. Coke. books, docu- advance. Fast delivery 1.800.3833589 menu, Malaria, sports cards. tools. bogies, breweriena, aulomobilia, railroadania. Victorian beadwork. pho- tographs, ephemera. Fairgrounds Auditorium. Wood- stock, Ontario. Dealer inquiries 1.905.278.7363 SNORING PROBLEMS?? Unique, effective, 'NEVER SNORE' kept!! New to Canada - Doctor ..445P.4 -46V -S.:, .-444' provides quiet tested herbal formulation - male, niters' - oamotets GREAT BOAT/RV AUCTION! UNRESERVED! Repos! New and Used! Over 360 Units to be SOLD! Saturday June 21, loam, Banie, HWY 400 exit 85. Aero Msane Auction Sales 705.734.4777. a . - GOVERNMENT FUNDS. Government assistance pro- grams information available. for your nee or existing business. Take advantage of the government grants and Wm Oe!114004154615. SEX IS UNIMPORTANT! Both Men and Ladies can make lots of cash from the NEW TOONEY VENDING nlachite. First lime Awed. 1.800.6626.7414,24 his CHOICE GROWER DIRECT FRESH CUT FLOWER store franchises we now avalW6le in Ontario. Canada's favourite way to buy Bowan! Call Don Holaway at 1.800- Money Back Guarantee. Call anytime 1.888.4144224 PERSONALS MALE IMPOTENCE prevented and corrected at any age. even with medical problems like medications, surgery, diabetes and injury. Free information/advice: Parlor - mance Medical Ltd, Box 418, Vaknwunt, B.C. VOE 2Z0. 18008630121. PREGNANT? ADOPTION? DO YOU IMAGINE bedtime atonies, teddy bears and family tun? Please consider a wm loving couple 10 raise your baby Gal' Lynn and Stew) 1.800.6504892 687.7258 today. SiSLOINOS CAREER 'UMW LEARN AUCTIONEERING. Classes held Aug 16-22 and Nov. 15.21/97. For information contact Southwest- em Ontario School of Auctioneering, A.R. 45, Woodstock. Onlifio N4S 7V9 (519)537.2115. STEEL BUILDINGS FOR SALE... Ends included. 16 x 24 32'x'00' 21 x 300,760.00. 26 x400,62 .00.32x44 $6,835.00.34x6608380,00.40x80 n. pioneer 1x70 *13,044.00. fie 5 Ii0 (122,888.00. omen. Pioneer 140(1 888.6422 STEEL BUILDINGS • FOR AGRICULTURAL. INDUS- £PUCATIONAL OAP$. TRIAL, recreational end oonyrnercal uses. 20 years expe- Engineer Canadian made. CSA A660 certified. rience, TRAINING institute of Canada Om on. Sys - campus and tarrespondeoce courses toward a Dipbme stamped. Factory direct piles. Steelway Building Sys in Counselling Practice, to begin this month. Free cats• terns 1800 265.7710. Logue, cal! 24hrs. 1.800.665-7044 laillits YACAT)OWTAAVEL 111 W W' `-A- :- . T - coISING. KOA NIAGARA. 8825 Lundys Lada, Niagara TRANSPORT DRIVERS NEEDED. A major carrier is F. Award winning campground. 3 heated pools, indoor aooeptirlg 4199110ollons for our Graduates. No expeiienoe hot orbs, sauna, children's activities, playground, wagon required - excellent pay. For interview or application con- rides, miid.goll. 3 miles from Falls, Casino. Reservations tact Ontario Truck Driving School (London) 1.800.263- 143004t0A-MYST,1.906356-CAMP. 4771. INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURAL Exchange • Ages 18 ,.- .' *NM, - 30 bilin agricultural experience to live/work till Wilily n Australis, New Zedmd, Europe, Japan. COeh/dMMs CASH! PayIrlp $100 le *10.00(► fa carlwras and tenses .1- 800.263.1827, Calgary, Aborts by Nikon, Canon, Lela, Minolta, Pentair, Hasaelblad, Olympus, ZOO, Ow photographic equipment too. York 'NS olie INTERNATIONAL 18004633332. SAWMILL $4895 SAW LOGS INTO BOARDS, Planks, USED INDOOR AND OUTDOOR wider sides. For further beams. Large capacity. Best sawmill value anywhere. intonation, tall Deymon at 1.204.773.2186 or 1400 - Free information 1400-5664899. Norwood Sawmills, 066-008. R.R 2, Ktworthy, Ontario POE 100. • It? Attardtl**' fk's fast 011'4 tEAty * Ori *Mt DMM:N Ahs ' 4Jgaltyrn Ontario *7d • Freshen Ontorlo *128 • Wola!tom Ontodp 0130' Central Onti* f 1a' *AO Ontario *390 for • National Paeapsm Available • GNdh4$$ PI( OM1ifmo land in ecologically sensitive sites, to become part of the provincial parks system. Topless talk in Grand -Bend The mayor of Grand Bend told a resident's meeting at the popular Lake Huron sum- mer beach earlier this month that the village council's hands were tied the recent Otnari) Court of Appeal rul- ing allowing women to go bare -breasted in public. "We are not ready for top- less chickadees parading our street," one man said, point- ing to an article in a Windsor paper directing those who wanted to swim topless to head 'to "Grand Bend 'and Wasaga beaches." Another resident at the June 7 meeting, a woman. was of the opinion that maybe its time -Grand Bend grew up like the rest of the world. "Let's not assume problems before there are any." she cautioned. "I don't want my police and bylaw officers spending their time doing this when there are important issues." Chairman Pat Henry said. given the court ruling, any changes would have to come from the government. Mayor Cam Ivey added there is nothing they can do about it and not give the national media a forum. Church meeting Delegates from the Huron - Perth Presbyterial attending the recent 50th annual meet- ing of the Hamilton London Synodical at St. Giles Presbyterian Church were Joao Edmunds. Jean Evans, Janet Gibson, . Robina Alexander, Sally Scott, Jean Carey, Ida White, Shirley Aitceson, Edna Simmons and Pat White. The theme was "celebrate.'. Edmunds, president of the Huron -Perth Presbyterial, invited the Synodical to Knox Presbyterian Church in Stratford for next year's annual meeting, the same church where the first ohe was held. 'fourasm fundraiser The Huron Tourism Association roughly matched the $3,000 raised last year with its second Evening of the Arts Gala. More than 140 people attended the gala fond raiser which 'featured a silent auc- tion, an art exhibit attd a pre- view performance of The Wizard of Oz et the Huron Co Playhouse in 4*rtlad Bend, 31. Proceeds of this year's gala help the association promote tourism and economic devel- opment of the area through advertisements and possibly roadside signs said Joan Karstens, chair of the Huron Tourism Association. Last year, the money went towards installing J5 signs at the entrances of Huron County, welcoming people into "Ontario's West Coyest." At also sent 12 high school stu- dents to Superhost training.