HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1997-06-18, Page 5• • • • • or H • New toys have life -span of about two weeks C NTINUHD from pogo 4 +Iektw E *MOUND Orate guy, assentor program- mer/director at 1ometkiRd of Glasgow stadio, aid be .wait - al until aoosieni•eneas around belooatsying the bonding thing with his ,vittual pet cranial "Fin!Fin." ' Spoaking.weeds of affec- tion into -your r monitar.usrt math in ridicule from.your ,00Nottttgues, `ime noted. n didn't have time whistle that •ya'rc utppcmed to attract his,attention .with so. betiastuaelme.rrstipoads to\your vorce,'.I tried calling sooth- iugly, for him instead. "'ihatdidrtrt eikcholine . asid I bad ttxU ale him.down tame of tkte cetet biding places he hangs out in..,On first impressions -lie looked quite sorrowful, sitting- on his branch" "Little things matte tore lough, ?FmtFin's owner .;•idedJ. ".f}ie sits there and sdtaes.a shifty look_ round itafete,erooning away like : rartlk-Sinatta..iHe was itarv- if�, andlt tried feedinghim. but he waat'tinterest+ed.tHe nudely turned his back and flew off.st,got angry then: '1 be'e's: tone ,whtupenng awiayt to it to have a lemon fruit and it just ignored me. fSo ',gave. din anited�apgao�of '}.I ibuteitt+7}camp CONTINUED from page 4 Shirts at only $20 .each and Adventure raffle tickets. If you have contributed to our. Camp,Fund. we want you to know how -much we appre- ciate your .support. 'If --you • haven't yet bad an opportuni- ty to support .the fund, it would .be .a big -help if you would bay a raffle ticket. The $10 ticket price is a direct donation to the Summer Camp Fund as all prizes were donated by our generous sponsors. (You .can order a ticket or _t -shirt by phoning 524-7356 or• 1-806-265 $198. With your, help we _ate .doing our best to provide safe • and happy summers for the neediest kids in our commu- nity. - Yours truly. Catherine Hogg Volunteer Sitto/CAS Fundraising Committee The now xrtt)tail;pet' Tamauotchi - which moans ante eg swan- at it. • "Fin. Fin runs on real time w maybe the longer he knows yuu the friendlier he becomes. But 1 still felt tike shinning the thing off us perch " Of course the experts un modern social trends -have to get in their 2v, worth. analyz- ing what's with this "weird new market. and of manufae- tuned demand... for.exactly what" "The guvemment-s.last social trends surrey (.this,is in the U:K.),predicted'that ower the next:few decade a third of us will live alone. We will have fewer :chi ldren. fewer people will marry and those who do will be twine as like ly to divorce as now. The gaps to Our domestic, lives will tinereasin$ly the illietity A1111trjghteethen..1 guneb •thistmakeb ab moth sense ab any.uther way uf,catplaining thib:phenonu nun.that you canine the telt,mortgage un is:about to swamp our uunti- .norttal atones. 'Remember. 9(uu:heard it un )Saiatflebarf Brat. And, that's Milt all— Another aimilar uvirtutd!life :form.aanws the Bg.Frmd ib stained.Ctrtra:ems, a game sof trial ipariontttttiod with ainimals naffed 'ltlurits, ethitlh "earth moliteri " (haven't 'heard .about Ahern ainuc the 160a) tam thttttsil. !ftad, ;play with and tcanh tttrom 'their fiat *milli. There ts.a'baby-aitttrtg aer- viue available via (the niter- nat, itotthat:Ohm .onnies.ccan holiday .abroad'without feel- ing;$ttifty... sPetftgps it's 'time for -virtual Pampers and kin.y 'litter. The world seems ready fur it. Reality. What a concept. as they say. Twain was right en. u.longrlime ago. This is indeed a strange world.'If you dreamt upthis kind,uf -thing:people would say you were a looney. ,tom Saurian(' on Sunday, td*y It edition. This is a;gnl?entstewspaper. 1 . ' x n . est oras u t romarty area : . i ' s ave le : On Ware rewire wed in Lopdesburo this jalopy cis waiting for them after the ceremony outside of the church. work of art ran loud just like it looksand was put together as a surprise by the bride'sfatber. Ivan. Going topless could be dangerous during aerobics Secluded beaches. forestwaitingone month for the glens. designated areas and guy from the gas company to "No Surprise Zones" let's come out and replace my look to Europe on this one. meter. C' mon Roxatie. give Now put that top, back on me a fighting chance bene'. Roxane. Seriously, I've been CONTINUED from page 4 lift and separation... surly look it's private, it's for limited viewing and you're the one selling tickets at the door. If it's public, everybody Carl enjoy it without idle fear of old people dying of fright. Please, let's put nudity and sex back wbcre itbelongs. Qn the Internet. Etcuse one, but,Idon't.thutk woriten's liberation specifically called fair setting free the bazongas, okay? Besides it could be dangerous. A midget walking into either Gwen Jacobs or Roxane Reid during an outdoor aerobics workout could get slapped to death. Thank Ant for Our Thank yo Id everyone wlrt' voted for me and•earnpaigttt•ti for inc over Ibe.past several weeks. Your support was greatly appreciated. Colleen Schenk in j{e pi.)1iraOnIndo Mintage Act, A.8.O. 1p9O, Chpptar 0;18.,. S$t 32. >Oirt1CtIE 0,AkeeitliG OF TAKE N9TICE•that the Council of -the Corporation of the Tote** of ;Tuckersmth;paseed tByt,gw Number. 17-1p97, on Ms gob .{ yy f1 190.7. WO( The 4ntarbI'.eritene Act. R.Q.6.1990. Chapter o e ', sec leo 42 - AN EAPt,Af4ATION of . the -p nppsp and effect of .the by.1a v. describingithe.lands to .which the by-law applies. is prpvided WOW - The conipleie by-law is available for inspection at my office during regular ottioe hours. Dated at the Township of Tuckersmith this 30th day oWply. 1p97. • J.R. McLachlan. • Clerk -Treasurer. 42 First Avenue. • Vanastra, Ontario. NOM 1L0 • THE 4DOMIVRA1119111Of i' irOWNSAINIP -1114KWASOW110. �y4.wv 1419• fl7-I1997 added: wavy,ri711A�1%rI7P,s op. i>e �.. 1�-L_aJ 171*P, if . 91! OD land and,buildin i reed by Laura Cra�Jf009/ t,municipallY as rRornarrik Residence", Part Lot 6, Concessiort 4,,HUron Road Suntity. Capon application by the Owner. and atter consultation with the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee, the Township of rTuckersmith Council granted their.consent to repeal the dasi9natin9 **law, as the original intent,9 , l ( Pre was on a v s. ,Thls.byLaw also repeals ,bylaw number 20 4o 1983 insofar as it ,'diode Part Lot 6. Concasp1Af a, HNfolt,t'itofl. ppoy Rf lhf+ 1 gwrohip 0 Tuckersmith. UAV 4014400MY COW iftwoot cunt OpeRa stiost t 27,.100 -- Investment Planning -- Retirement Planning - Eetate :Planning - SP111109. * wryvompyoigtve • Cast fewlvie to *ways* • 2i5 tt p •I/.; - _-, •., &we 1•i, 1tt1•7-$ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••••••••••••••••• 7 tin MIENSALL 1 • s & S� oyer of Grum mum a' • MOM MMAKaZIL header E.UUlth.. owner Amber Townsend Buyer orf Ite ervr.Chu iptun Cott t1 iEsitiALL Ll(M119 -110E I% Df1Z tIK�t-. SI 41)11b.. owner Chris Wanton The Kunsan 0011 Club with to comma thou upprecsuutn, to all tilt buyms who attended the Mensall Ftur Calf Club Sale Saturday atternoun and who by thou beak biddmg made the sale a auutSsa tit lb WC Sapp** stub as this whueti Seeable» the cunututtrt tv cum un with the program among the youur neuter Ili our cunununn) We cat. all share u pude m their uutitrrnptrshnertu Ttuutl. yuu-Hensoli Livestock Ltd tut the use of yutu Watson and supplies Aueuuneers. Larry Gardiner. Bntd Muusacau. Ar.0 Jack Rtddnit and ,fudges. lab Charlton le Atli Freund and to all the trttekcrs for hooking the tattvas atter the Sole Thank yuu to all the buyers. hatlpms. donuts of trophies, money. Fazes nrsettcs and Wier prttcles Your tnnwmduu supper and gem -tawny is greatly app eewied b) the hon all Calf Club 1ttt97 i!L`BItiALd, Chard Champwv • 1. Lauting's Food Musket Rracrvr Champion • 2. Henson Co•(IP brussels Livestock. Denfold L,veatuek. 3 Veal's Meat Market. 2 Metzger Mats 2 Algoma Tui. 2 Loudon Agricultural Commodities. (Sraturtb Div Wayne O'Brian Feedlot. 2 MTS Fane Supplies. McTaggatt"s Food Market. 1 Lunch Abattoir and Masi Madtet. Country tgput. 1 Hyde Bros Fatm.&luipiuont. J Reasall:Ltvesun:k Ltd. 1 Becker Fartti:Fquipment. l Hunm Tmvtur. 1 }hrnsatl CattleCoatptut). 1 J :funk Trucking. 1 MOM Townsend fire. 1 1.2 �(.*.Lk' CLAW llttll'E S Hay Mutual lnsurantx Company. MuKillup Mutual Insurruu:- Comptm). I Tudieranuth Cutumuntcautms Corporation. 1 Wayne Shogun Construction Ltd. 1 A & H Huhmann's 1GA Feud Market. i Muria) Motor Products. 1 Homutb. Taylor & Partners. 1 Plainview Reatauram, 1 Sara Townsend Plumbing. 1 ¶remoer Cuiutuur hal Pruett% 1 Jobe Num At churns tg. 1 Casale Hayter. Canine Xiteheas. 1 ,Zane Agra. I Mctager Vat Services. ) Seiler beef. 1 Cargill Auctions. 1 Clarke buts . 1 Nut -twit Puckett,. 1 To Catch a Dream MOM 19436, when ,they frost skated at t4e Col,florY .Ol yes pi+rs, to ,their Ineda- U104440gawformance in taehaan r sit! years Oita; Isalaelfr Irasseur and MoUd AaSier %+i4N a be -4;0W two lite brfghateSl awe Ow skating Pork, has Le quer. ibtek #iia 'ta , /Brassteir 4441 AiMer 4400 Kusa WOO and OweT'f #x#41- (#0140,Ay OfflaiteA,w'Aigreer. OA& I14401 th#411A 410000Q 44,1, they ,6U4 bow ii i' Momiltablie will owl s14yipo# AgaciA 90,2i-e#wl d then v r 44cix ilmo" A�A�l,p .„Bos,,�h`,. Olt p 4$249 � }�tt`'rtrtR'!1'N$ IVSti+fl s27 ri 640P 1 Pick It up at l'A r�G�,►n mmmNte,P r” M Aa} fimt Aegis*