HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1997-06-04, Page 13(26. HELP WANTED and Co. Lei is rid to announoe the intment ot Grant Bratlt.y a sales representative. in the Seaforth office. ()rant brings tem over 10 years of Real experience. along with a arming background and first knowledge n Gomorra! 'Estate and Leasing beads any of the area residents treacly know hem as your rural Q carrier For ail 01 your Real state needs please contact rani at his residence 527-0263 or at the Seatonh ice a 527-0560 r SEEKING DISTRtBt1TORS tete Story Tetter Canada - represenbng .a unique line of ctuldren s educational felt products. is seeking distributors in the area E)(pertence in sales or early chddnood education an asset For al appointment tali Joyce 518- 641 -7144 atter 3 26-23x1 r dAelemelll Ors ill leetinioise -foci ihence an asset -3rd or 4th team apprentice will be con.ade ed -full time Drop resume to: S'rtufnct Ford 500 Huron Rd., Gatieridh PULL & PARTTIME POSITIONS AVAILABLE -General Labourers *CNC Turret Press Operators •PLC Break Press Operators oPou$try Equipment Service Techrucians Interested applicants should apply at: Ford Dtokison inc. 53 Wellington Street, South P.O. Sox 1000 arrotiEI.L. Ontario NOK 1NO SERVICE TECHNICIANS & APPRENTICE TECHNICIANS Be part of our customer oriented team and also be a part of a new dealership experience. With your G.M. experience, yuu are the person we are looking for in our service department. We require licenced Technicians and Apprentice Technicians with at least 2 to 3 years experience. We offer better than -aver- age wages and an excellent compensation package. r If you are an individual who enjoys a busy environment, send your resume to the attention of JEFF RENAUD, SERVICE MANAGER. No phone calls please. Only those people who * are qualified will be contacted by phone. r DENNIS PIERSON CHEV OLDS LTD. 856 QUEEN STREET KINCARDINE, ONTARIO NZZ 2Y7 Town and Country Support Services Town and Country Support Services requires a Community Support Coordinator to administer Community Support Programs as assigned. A flexible individual, with exceptional communication and organizational skills is requ red to fill a temporary vacancy in our Clinfon office. The successful applicant will be required to work 21-28 hours per week, with travel within Huron County as assigned. Experience or education in program planning, community development, volunteer management and working with older adults and the physically disabled required. Qualified applicants are invited to apply by June 10, 1997 in writing to: Mrs. Jean Young. Executive Director Town and Country Support Services P.O. Box 969, Wingham, Ontario NOG 2W0 The COMMUNITY CARE ACCESS CENTRE (MAC) for Huron will accept applications for the following positions: CASUAL CAM MANAGER 'Hie successful candidate must possess a Baccalaureate Degree in a health or socials services discipline and be registered to practice in Ontario. The successful candidate will be working within a multi- disciplinary environment. The Case Manager determines eligibility for programs and services and manages a client caseload effectively. ?Afff-TIME9U?AT1ONALAIFRAPLST The successful candidate must be registered to practice with the College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario. The position will involve the assessment and treatment of clients in Hurun Courtly, primarily in a home setting. PART-TIME eU KYUt$AP�T The successful candidate must be registered to practice with the College of Physiotherapists of Ontario. The position will involve the assessment and treatment of clients in Huron County, primarily in a home setting. (temporary poem - Juwe 25 to September 5, 1097) The successful candidate must possess an excellent telephone manner, the ability to deal pleasantly and efficiently with clients and co-workers, and the ability to ,work within a team setting. Knowledge in the use of various types of office equipment and experience in general office procedures is required. Proficiency In comduter sidUs is an asset. "lease repiy in,writigl:6y thine W1$ T Lo: Darlene Bogle, RD, MSc Clinical Services Manager Conununity Care Access Centre for Huron c/o Health & 1.11:0 fiery Complex R.R. 05. Clinton, ON. NOM 11.0 We thank,ait candidates for their interest, however only those setfecwd fur an interview will pe contacted 1111111, 411011111D 6ANN UP TO Wwhp ouaonwr einem oats au house. Pariah mew. Raab hours File isoeMet reset les. 091 1.4 6.6314154 1643114c PLEASE MUM independent oonsutlents needed et Lake Huron area Earn extra income, Iraeltid's intim while havigp tun. Later rnissbwrt )tial awn hours. mil 1- M-4824444 ffi 23x1ac Ford Drckison Inc. is currently accepting proposals from indi- viduals for mttaourcing mcg wading of various parts. Need own vehicle tor peek up and delivery of parts It interested please send a resume. equip- ment list and available hours per week to Ford Dtokis n Inc. 53 Wellington Suet, South P.O. Box 1000 MITCHELL, Ontario NOK 1ND (27. WANTED GENERAL DIET Lose up to 30 lbs 30 day programsstart at $30.00 magic Gat 1-800-211-8744 27-22x3cc WANTED Buyer for wearer pigs weekly from new 150 sow unit Phone 527-0363 (barn near Ktnburn) 27-22-2 SEAFORTH WOMAN looking tor ride to Stratford wotfung at Manchester Plastics works 2 shifts 7-3:30 one week 3:30-12 second week Gaff527-167227-22-2 2& BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY RAISE CHINGHILLAS as a profitable lull or part time business We provide graded animals, supplies, market, financing Excellent tax benefits available Canadian Chinchilla P.O Box 1684 St Marys On N4X 101 519-22e-6117 28-23-2 30. EMPLOYMENT WANTED NEED A TUTOR? Exams are approaching quickly. Call Karen for help re math or science at 522- 0648 30-22x12 , A STUDENT wdiing to do outdoor lobs after school hours arrd weekends Gall 522-0956 ask for Mark 30 23xes (31. SERVICE DIRECTORY) GET RiD Of tat forever Free tape Body management :-800 214 '75e 31-21x4cs FAX SERVICE Have your important documents taxed at the Huron Expositor office 100 Main St, Sealorth 1st page Beni x 11 $4.00 additional pages to same phone number $1.00 To receive a lax at our office the oost rs $1.00 per sheet (GST extra) For more mtormation phone 527-0240 31-01xtf REPAIR AND REFINISHING ot lurniture and antiques hartdstnppcng also custom made furniture built to your pians Robert Kerr. AR11. Seaforth Phone 527 0786 31-22-tt ALUMINUM AND CUSTOM WELD ING ornamental railing trailers. custom hitchespigrcatt0 penning. machinery repairs and fabricating Phone Peter De Jong 523-4816. Lorhdesboro 31.22-0 PHOTO COPIES Photocopying Service available at the Huron Expositor office, 100 _Main St , Sealorth 81/1 x 11 copies .25 cents per sheet. 81,'2 x 14 espies .35 cents per sheet (OST and PST extra) Phone 527-0240 31-01-dnxe t91.162INSIAL IOW YOU LIVING with a :drinking z Al Anon can luting Phone 84.213-1 DIET MAGIC Low iw to 80 pomata m sO days a r`n ett 880.00 Phone 519.740.6294 84- (ssAuncs101311211MIS) A attoir an Meat Mar et H .83 - 3 1 2 miles east of Exeter Try us fix CUSTOM KILMNG sad PROCESSING 1011 Days -Tuesdays�� OUR SPECIALTY Horne (wed and smoked meats processed exactly the way you like it. Pro essiona Aspha t Sealing & Repair Driveways start at '40" 2 Year Guarantee CALL TODAY (MPEMSQNAL TROT RI PINSis. Itbep!peutic touch, 42400 Iter seam. 419- 897. *2 - .22xda A.A. If you think you have a drink- ing prOblpm Alooholtos Anenyrnoua has Worked for millions. Cal 627- 166O or toll tree 1.600-7064633. 34-2241 AND Ortega in the ate of .DHRISTINfA CIA SWUM AN moons tutee dares easiest Me .tisk ot Diatom tole Soule ot the Town of Seaforth. to the County of Huron, who dad on or about the 4th day of April, 1997; are hereby mind to es xIin U pnr chi s oilier dams to the undsre grad on or before the Spit day of June 1997. Mtn which dile the assets will be distributed having Hord onset to Minister; mired DATED at Seatorttl, Ontario this 22nd day of May. 1997 M ceasN0, 9lswsi1 b leu, Aarri ws send Soiielbors, 77 Win &nest, liestetrth, Ontario NOK 1W0 Senators tor the Executors • NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of ROBERT JOHN DAVID ROBS OWN ' All persons havng dams against the estate of Robert John David Ross Gwyn of the VtMage of Brooelield, in the County ot Huron, oto ded on or about the 22nd day of March, 1897, ere hereby noticed to send in pill parasites ot their darns to the lrndsragned on or before Vie 301th day of June 1897, after *tech date the assets w11 be drstntxged having regard only 10 claims then received DATED at Seaforth. Ontario this 21st day of May. 1997. McConnotf, Stewart 8 Devereaux, Barristers and Solicitors, 77 Main Street, Seaforth, Ontario NOK 1 W0 . Solicitors for the Executor NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS in the Estate of DONALD BURTON MUIR All persons having darns against the estate of Donald Burton Muir of the Town of Seaforth. rn the County of Huron. who died on or about the 1511 day of Apnl, 1997. are hereby netted to send in fuft particulars 01 111611 claims 10 the undersigned on or before the 23rd day of June, 1997. alter which date the assets will be dist bun d havng regard only to claims then received. DATED .at Seaforth, Ontario, this 14th day Oi May 1997 McCONNELL, STEWART 6 DEVEREAUX barristers end Solicitors. ' 77 Main Street, Seaforth. Ontario. NOK 1 W0 Solicitors for the Executors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS in the Estate of LULU WATSON Ali persons having clams against the estate of Lulu Watson of the Town of Sealorth, sn tete County of Huron. who died on or about,ttte 8th day of April, 1997, are hereby noticed 10 send in full particulaf6 ot their darns to the undersigned on or below the 30th day of June. 1997, atter which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, Ontario this 30th day of May, 1997. McCONNELL, STEWART 6 DEVEREAUX Sarrieters and Solicitors, T7 Main Street, Seaforth. Ontario. NOK 'WO Solicitors for the.Executor fair MUM INPRIMPIPP4a. lata 4. "di (35. *Ma TO *Iowa Nils MID .0 TOMS In the Estate of 4IWIAANET4141MNION LAM rltl psalms having dims against itis aisle of Mergritt Pswason Lamle w to Towrehla w Ndho01i. to has County of Huron, new Mod on or about the 12th nay of March, 1197, are Mosby naWd to sand M WM parlicders of Mee . .ditti s to the undersigned en or biters the 80th nay of June, .1997, tiler wren tete the assets will be distributed having r.gard way so darns then rowed DATED at tlastorth, (motto this 110th day of May 1997 MoCONNaLI, SiEWART & DEVEREAUX Berrimme and Yoiicilore, 77 Mein Street, 9eslorth, lktlerio. NOK 1W0 5olntors for the Executors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of JEAN CUMMINGS • All persons having dams against the estate of Jean Cummings 01 the Town of Sealorth, in the Gounty ol Huron. who died on or about the 17th day of Apnt, 1997. are hereby notified to send in lull particulars of flee claims to the undersigned on or before the 30th day of June, 1997, alter which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth. Ontario this 30th day of May, 1997. MoQONNELL, STEWART 6 DEVEREAUX 6erriefers and Solicitors, 77 Main Street, Ssdorth, Ontario. NOK 1W0 Solicitors for the Executor (37. MORTGAGES 10 & 2w Mortgage Money 4b.o(urty rro Upfront rues Avec ibee as bw as s -so* Interest Personal Loans (1 you quditty, payments • 5,000 • 41.66 h.tfi000! '10.000 • 83.33 '15.000 '126.00 Consoidate your debts Call (510) 3614211 140D1117.41132 ASTRAL FUNDING INC. (42. DEATHS MoCUNC1tIEY, Keith of Seatorth passed ' away at Seaforth Community Hospital Seaforth. on Saturday May 31, 1997 in his S9te year Beloved husband 01 Edith McCenchey Loving tattier of Diane Badley of Scarborough. and James McGlenchey of Seatortr Cherished grandtather of Robert and Clare Badley Jeff Badley. alt of Brodhagen, and Tanya Badley of Scarborough Dearly loved son of Agnes Mceltnchey of Seaford Dear brother of Jack and Barb McCirnchey of Calgary Alberta. Bill arid Barb McCltnchey of London Don and Gan McCtmchey of • Winnipeg Manitoba Bev and Gloria McCinchey of Bayfield. Grant McCenctney ol Grand Bend Derothy and Keith McDonald of Edr^onton. Alberta. and Mabell and tan Grockwelt of Bermuda Predeceased by 2 children David Keith and Connie Ruth Ann McClmcney +n treancy 1 granddaughter Heather, Lynn Badley in infancy. his lather Garnet McCtrnctiey and sister Betty Scott Friends were recurved at the Box and Smith Funeral 'Ghapel. Seaforth on Monday where the funeral service was held on Tuesday, June 3. 11/97 et 2 o dock Reverend Arthur Horst ottterated Interment in Egmondville Cemetery Pallbearers were grandchildren , Robert Jett and Tanya Badley, and nephews Derrick McCiinchey Randy McClinctey and Wayne Stott As a Inbute to the hie of Mr McClrnchey a tree will be planted to his memory 42.3-1 MACKENZIE, Gordon: On Sunday. June 1. 1997 at his residence in McKillop Township Gordon. MacKenzie re his 87th yea( Beloved husbatsd of Helen (Brown) MacKenzie Loving lather of Sharon of London and Rick of Morrisburg Dear brother of Lillian (Laing) Bayton of Swill Current. Saskatchewan and Dorothy Papple of Egmondvdie Also survived by sisters-in-law Leena Boxall of Regina and Doris Dreyer and her husband Howard of Maple Greek. Saskatchewan. several nieces and nephews and special family friends Jim and Margo Ross and James of London and Val and Shelly Townsend and Alana and Allison of Kanata He was predeceased by his parents John R and Mabel Alberta (Rinn) MacKenzie. three brothers. Leslie. Kenneth and Ross. one sister-in-law and tour brothers-in-law Famliy , received friends at the Whitney•Ribey Funeral Home. Seaforth. ah Tuesday. June 3 Funeral service w It be held 81 the funeral Moria on Wednesday. June 4 (today) at 2 p.m Rev Jane Kuepler wilt officiate Interment in Maitland Bank Cemetery 42-23-1 36. ANNOUNCEMENTS AU ANO NEWS DEADLINE The deadline for news copy, clas- sified and display advertising for The Huron Expositor. Seaforth is (36. ANNOUNCEMENTS) 0240,36.01-tfrlxe Monday at 1 p.m Phone 227- (36. ANNOUNCEMENTS ) 0240. 8408,0brip9r'C• Mr. fliparChrissie Dew if Tasewal r and tornrlsty of Nilsen Township passed away suddenly at Tesewater on Friday, May JIo, 1557 V his 62nd year Owen alra.Nord on April 70, 1686. he ems a son of the lab Swtisy Dow (*555) and the tomer Anne Christie (11199). Roger had farmed at Lot 4, Conoss,ron 10 of fibber! Township movini to Tsuwater m 18518 He was assdokird will, tall trlsland at the Tesewater Custom Traolor Ptmt He was a member of Tesawater United Church and was a tuner member of Ribbon United Church at Staitta He was a member of the Mitchell Pioneer and Hobby Association and Tudor inane 0141 AF and AM, Mitchell He is survived by a brother Mervin Dow and his wife Batty of Mitchell. tour ushers Velma Doupe of St Marys, Gladys Allen of Mitchell. Wilma Butson and her husband Jade and Margaret Wilier and tier husband Russell, all of Staffs and a sister -in -taw Mary F Dow of Mitchell Also surviving are a number of meow and nephews and their tarnikes He was predeceased by a brother £Inver (1091) and by two brothers-in-law Lome Doupe (1980) and Eldon Alien (1906) Friends were received at the Lookhan Funeral Home, 109 Montreal Bt Mitchell on Monday 330-5 and 7-9 p.m where the funeral service was held on Tuesday at 2:00 pm with Rev Bradley Morrison of Teamster officiating assisted by Rev Irene Richardson Pallbearers were Stuart Dow. Brian Dow. Robert Doupe. Barry Gammon, Kedr. Butson and Gordon Miller Interment in Roy s Cemetery, Fultarton Township Members of the Mitchell Pioneer and Hobby Association attended the funeral home Monday evening at 6:30 p.m and members of Tudor Lodge $141 AF and AM held a service at the funeral home Monday evening at 9:00 p.m 42-23x1 HAMILTON, Mrs. Anne: Mrs Anne Hamilton passed away peacefully at her residence. Cedarcrott Place, 280 Church S1 Stratford on Monday, May 26 1897 She was born in St Columban, Ontario, daughter of the late Frank McQuaid and the former Mary Hart She was a resident o1 Stratlord from 1928 until her marriage to Benson Hamilton m 1943 During this time she was employed by the Royal Bank 01 Canada With her husband she moved to Whitby in 1944 and returned to Stratford in 1984 While • in Whitby she was a member of St John •lite 'Evangelist Roman Catholic Church and in Stratford, St Josephs Roman Catholic Church mai m recent years, Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church Site was a 60 year member el the Catholic Womens League She is survived by her husband Benson Hamilton of Cedarorofl Place. 260 Ghuroh St. Stratford, or* daughter Mary Anne Bonfrgir and her husband Frank of Maple. Ont„ two grandchildren, Paul and Laura, a brother -in -taw, Ross Hamilton and his wile Carol of Wingham, a stater -in-law Dorothy McQuaid of Waterloo, and several nieces and nephews. Predeceased by brothers James. Frank and Thomas McQuaid, sisters Mary Power and Norah and Florenoe McQuaid, a brother -m -law. Lawrence Power and sisters an -law Agnes McQuaid, Rosalee McQuaid and Lois Hamilton Friends and relatives orated at the W.G Young Funeral Home. 430 Huron. St Stratford on Wednesday, May 28. 1997 from 3- 6 and 7-9 p.m. The Funeral Mass was celebrated at Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church on Thursday, May 29, 1997 at 1100 a.m Rev • Fr. Michael Beohard was celebrant Interment followed in Avondale Cemetery. As expressions of sympathy, donations may be made to the Canadian Food for Children or to the St. Peters Seminary Vocation Fund. Parish prayers were said at the funeral home on Wednesday at 8 p.m 42-23-1 (38. AUCTION SALE SAT. able L4 AT 9:00 Alf - Antiques, furniture. hyd tog splinter for the Estate d Robert Garrick at Lobb AucUun us Clinton. fit ~via f tit rigs rl .19,E wow ,omikiIpntt► Qf Ilio Y 4(%*VOf « W SPOT SPRIWIN. OF WEEDS inAgo sots im 90mr69000 SB►, ____ +x.41,900900 4PQR Y 1219 14 W441116. 440091040 4g 0e .0000 O: # itT R%L , irailof 40. IOW and 911,1A>b. jb7'97. T9Oe OQnUQ 5d N1110 vise** per lb* 400ge WOO OO ► Ontion NW9f U i.4 V000(410 POO/ 6* c 19r4m10000161111091404100001110441090C.9911914000400001Y4004244W NOTICE