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The Huron Expositor, 1997-05-28, Page 9
ROLLER Room 11R104014,31.E ACTIO11 - liaaatortlt`•s Senior lames ..aorttin- waysT D tied amends at Maplewood Manor wtth$ome.nrolunole. wig at WDA J)IVISIUN ONE t May 141 T1ltaaar>rtl i ausrartaValt ` iT.t1i htiattettitwlAbli:1it* DiRstlty. -Steve *Wan. MusD Wlelady. t1a1i1>7rlif)tAa�: 411l1N: t D W i.•r8t'.tti0AptlelitN..s ;hurt. _ �i�y Roistered d iwwi paw :re taut? .'Mitimil lLare weal'* r ,in .%.1001111110latn• rthey.Nrrfid•ie titidllieauit eduadtmasson VI{midaN,oulas”rttiatipsio t t itlf t�" !r W iatliwt •'•Vtf iw'.' twleere b e riVViuttai d hove last 'maimitsweistattoMenet. Our newspaper hila it Mohr* *wait, Wu. Tatty p.rticuirr wire with proper names. since »*buds' ttkv to are their imam spelt wroug in the paper. Spier dtpeads un the uwuu»t or advertwu}: *bid. W.• Nall dsiiatt JGt1RKHt)ARl► revert shaab fur your part:water.ttpert, If awed tie. then smite them isv*Bthleat the nreeats;fbe lixputlter ghee or wherever. Our number r, 321.0240. Ask for Gregor. It im alb.erstallUnx •pi St. ihntte C athd I is 1H b Sat11r11 won maces .at 'ant wadi: Ma West 'Ragland! mutilator tor tttte- \V& tnin'OntarioSasiontieiy Saha ti . sacwiafIan t(*.v1tG23SIV) at. St. lPhuma AauinrsslottawihinIL.ondon. tCatty *hide, \Who ;litres trip :the attest Brom tHatear aux , in 1tigntanikIlbe,monanatttar. Move scam, 14, \won .the mashie mile (1;'OI.m) •fur midget Alias in .a ;time ,nf 5t011,()..and the •half,miie in 2:27.a. 'She wan .the'Ionian nage'by.u;ttalf->telrund, and the shutter by a bigger marlin. about titres:eunds. Prtc�e, .18 and an O1 IC stu- tknt at SeafurlhMistriet }High School. Won- the -senior gibs' 1111).metn'hurdles. 'lieu isive- ty".m'urtiing to observers. :Her time .was t`S.4. The:tun- ster.up :from Limdun finished in 153. Prit4e also :finished ttuurth in tete _4f1)•malre'huddles in a Itinte• iif tl iltl11. Rib 1lanmaat, Ake them 1Tlgmunti>HiIle .anti a St. Ittmw's atutiMnt, sithalkati Aga tftatt.atep k ut' thirt1ighiste Bin - 'thea t in midget *lays .aoingo- ;titiun. the tan ,an 1111:9 tin'the straight !IUD -imams. awn - mouth :to tette 4041H11ar a 1111:7, and rtesurdad _a 'time if 114117 in tote 1100/matte titttcdlas. es Aid Aar tttiptfaurlgiaaitgs. lAtmt' Manion , .0 Lao tar 18», Tran .a atnnlg Irene list tthe junior sit% af0•untitre •tturdless :to 'finia 'finial) 'third in .a lime of .41.1. The winning :time was a dines .01.a astuand faster, 47:8 damn Nittnaretti .uf MANS won :the .wheriLlthttir shut put eattibitiun .anti was manual in 'the LOU:34m. Also Tgpres eat- ing SUMS, ili?atte Liietuz was second . in Itheanthtilatim 1101) litmus and 'Randy Cook fin- ished fourth. it an Stoup. Cuuk and ,Ryan Hewitt fip- ished ose l..third anti -Worth :for the 'Oatestin the .antbulata- ry 3hul•put.tuthibiliun. r . Ir (r (r (r (r tr (r a' Ir' l' it it Ir tr 1' 1► 1, 1215T AIM t � P.riday May SOtN .� 610 r •1111111'ni t Dow1fi tawR1 Wiitcheu bet. CIOSiettl T rte f e out iniac ii Op1e �'�� �elit�`iltltll�!�S fl tail'®©t�s5iaramitalatalaioaso • • • ootet— • O. BOOK YOUR SERVICE APPOINTMENT TODAY! wet 11I■1■rllt;l UNPOIMPISIlt, W -0 lanai co -1 me Se amisow tlttr 'WIT wMI1 the annuuntsa4, ds will the Drum 'i;IMvytnr'ftt$1t and Irrionialk A.thlntr'oldie Year. CC nufhwn to wife, Madame. Ihr shanghais ,df iheciitry Iletg and Seswit Mesons will ti1xc, attend fit's vomit t nt a 5d 't'y nidi*, iperruntlity tJ vm Wan Hume. as will Howie 'Marano 3r. !Pia twit WIorbs 7 flttnntnru*il Cummr>ittr<or thab t an :at 'work dot some 'lime Uel that ttawn, ltelmmanuataing tthr •'lttiitvt1a111 filhonur." sato) Canadian Plana .unt a •dt►usr tate irmateat thedilay jftaynr to 'the rine tttllftuf dhis=new Wanner ltlltntttnttt CWtatiwtlb gW1It "'bourn 11fatim' +,Gioutniun. the •*sawed ;pLn tar tw seossr tame 9) goads tin -en National tlteaihoy Lowe was - don, tis •atttmattled tin isc at a -awed thanyuot sand t►wwrdb �ttj�ttt tut tthe teens ,un ante 1113, *there 'the muse .tuu- •atanding mtitusrihedltpy allmyeor WNW president One tltf title !head tOtuadhns tfur tilt junior !tutelary ttlonusttaires. Bim Caugthd11, tit; tthe thew Q teeident tuf tthe faddish) and 1 1iatriut ;;. enemy .hasualation. Hurricanes finish fourth The Masan tBiurfni.duna:s I,wwim steam Inadte .a ibiig *Rath. lmidtiinb Saadi town - .at tthe mutant idiaiiraiunal ttsam aituttt>lpiuntthips at ?Thunder Say. tte,atunng .about '91)tteams. - nu: :team swims ,out 4l \Vanuatra and Its ,unwthed !by liCentirn Faire ile u'1 1%mundville, with .taailunt ,uut *hes 'Moak,' Cutter .uf 1$larputhey along with Steil Ti'ristan. tlndiatiWtdliy, Mitt Duna td Guth:inn* osam thio ke gukd mathils at !tits Thunder Say int. Candi► haggle 'scud 'the web thrilled with 'the athero win) team's patfuemanur at tthe'hig ,diniaitlnul imtall and au!p'tilled shy lits autumns .ugainat ttcams Irun1 huger ,urnttnit,, such in ;lite "lust Thunder Say -squad Nein year tthe fiiiItntlttt:aut* huple An win tit. ,abs Addad The Tranaportathxi twi rterw•brutal gf'tile•:t1umv Perth District Health Cowtdl trwtfes.you mjeat us fur a wuthfrfg nesarawn along: Cdrisamityltaimrpostatiest imic Seniors and Physically Challenged ged Residents Aiuttstry of Transpartatavn minmetUatiues wtillnewent.the Cvrnnwnity Transportation Assistancemm (CUP./. 71tis program .uppoits;pructicul•wid tmnutatiue wags gf managing and:dettuarinp transportation services in avast .elective marum • OtherMittislriespartiCvnNute ins:tiro 'tPpvvugrnm ietttttde -liteMatistrie6gfCommunftJ billrocitU,Seruives:3:dttcatfon via/ Tutting. flealtli arta Citiaenattip. Recreation and GUfture. ,..� • _ . Meg: ii*WRIIVA1011 OA, *WV MOW 100On We fain ALM& taetisiue.orts•tulue;been nwde in furnn•GsuMyio.Ptusut' tete transportation issue. Let's wie-this: work to L3&raftatinttOtt.' Our fusion is 'to aettseue an access tale. cwr tinaied• irwispogatlon system ;Please Rtit'P to the ptiC by:1.2 aeon on * oodav Jurw 8. ,188.% Phone:tti 19)SA8.4498 Sookeith & Min Community Cameros HOCKEY PLAYOFF POOL '96-97 111 u. IrOVIDIMPOS hs. as Of May 15.97 it whirrsy TowrtotrnC Aimee 9 8 Ill r 09 Jahr. limn Limitary S "/BrrCut, Scat ?I. Karsten Cant' liriap , Team Aratwe b Set t:ltr 111 19 *lege* *1 11. lima De19 'list Arabia* Ser Olt 1; rt8 htnwtb Mew iw• i 14 SW Drat 15 Mr Bev 1r1 115 +HoWte M*tlker 11 17 Es4L1 1t* 19torrnn,111urrnarr 2 HE E1eft ED t[eagen Brew •1 Jensen 1 22 } Ea cant* toe FA. lhsatlea 1r8 25 Serb 1' . E5 14110§ ra the'Halt an 27 Slab - 2 25 1'sttarnup 1 ` 2E Latsaayr BD .ChiirttDn aimms 31 HIM 2ntJ2 32 Domtar HI 373_ DWI* 34 Dave Saab'.1 35 Siege* 36 *abort •miller 871114.111 . 313. 'milk 39. 1•tt'canal 49. Mao/4 P4344412 412 41. Tern totatasughttm * 1 42 e rY Y tri 48 tSuraisy Daum +lelrtte ire as otos e1 46 Terry °caw us 4t. -iglu Dette-11 47. -Terry Stay 112 48.Hob*1 49 .D1.1f'1 60. Drab 13 'this ad apwtaaret by 225 223 117 114 ?1$ 111 211 21D 209 209 209 206 2D7 206 205 205 254 254 234 aLe 2U2 2D1 2D9 2DD 199 1911 199 199 1n 199 197 197 11;15 195 195 195 195 195 195 195 190 1114 199 192 192 49'1 191 191 191 191 23 Gotlerich 5t. East Sea1orth 527-1200 ANYO en9'R ail poora+03 pl le13-110,tk 004 0 5 reM1 - M LUBE •OIL• FHLTE ire ✓SCG -a ENSURES MAXiMUtt :l.•i AND IS ESSt:i'' • , t All WARRAN 1 ` ti)tUDATIONSI d 1 ISBE•0111, >♦ TIMER -:+ 'Ail PloGPORA le rf7in o c ortgitte pj o premium re 9° , PII Al*14.11P il •aatn�dd t �• �l w— 11111111T 4111.. Z96 • 9011 41$1114111100*A9OW .:,tonic* Knopp* t.valicles anti rest'ectiono r Limted time offer Please ccnlud service • •i *44 oils jwr fluid 7 r� • *.e INSINI �:F TYNE Y'!!* cENSSUE l,AK 1K irtU€tt fiCONOW FIEWORMANCE WifiROW §V4Rir COlalia§ itaNICtE�ib� +tONs 99g` s rill • I t.i'-1'-it' iii'; 441, tA. ,..,., < ( ,. CODERICH CHRYSLER JEEP dry 4 r; r �' "r'l1 ? r r.. r . ".'t �' ►` I 8312 •.1N 1 It U 4 re 1 74110.4