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Wsdnssdav May 28 1997
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Seaforth links to famous d
. Harold
The nameGraham
is likely not known by many
in Seaforth - but Harold is
quite familiar with the town
and surrounding area.
To some the murder of
Lynne Harper will be remem-
bered for although she was
from Clinton and the court
Proceedings were held in
Goderich, her body was
found part way between
Seaforth and the RCAF radar
base at Clinton.
For others who were not
then living in Canada or were
not yet born, the name
Stephen Truscott may mean
little or nothing. Although
the judge ruled that court pro-
ceedings could not be report-
eu in the press until the ver-
dict was in, millions of words
were written in papers and
magazines from coast to
coast in Canada. It was big
news as well in papers in
United States and around th
world. And was followed by
books by distinguished writ
ers such as Isabel Lebourdal
and William Trent. The
Truscott story is now part of
Canadian history.
Paroled about 30 years ago
from Collins Bay
Penitentiary, he had been
charged and convicted 10
years earlier for the murder
of the 1 2 -year-old Harper
After the jury foreman read
out the verdict, "guilty with a
plea for mercy," the presiding
judge, Mr. Justice Ferguson
said... "The sentence of this
Guest Column
by Clare Westcott
. ur er cases
to rather lurid and graphic seen again. She was gone -
evidence. Remember this was disappeared. Themurder
still the 1950s when even the apparently took place at
word 'sex' was spoken with Johnson Harbour in Brace
some uneasiness and dim- County and at his trial
dem' Kendall was convicted and
A month before the hanging sentenced to Kingston
was to take place the federal Penitentiary.
cabinet reduced Truscott's
sentence to life imprison_ found.e body *ever been
The prosecuting attorne
for the Crown was Glenn
Hays, a Seaforth boy - an
the investigating officer i
charge of the case was CI
inspector Harold Graham
he OPP.
Graham was one of the t
omicide investigators in
ountry, in fact he was the
rst police officer in Cana
o get a murder conviction
ithout a body...and this t
Imagine the surprise when
y the Seaforth Clinic staff saw
his picture in t aper. "My
d God, that's the tet we
n chatted with whi e he waited
B to see Dr. McMaster."
of Inspector Graham's record
as a police officer moved him
op to the top and in the early
the 1970s he was named Chief
Commissioner of the Ontario
da Provincial Police.
Oh yes, and he kindly dis-
patched the new OPP twin jet
helicopter to Seaforth in 1975
for the town's centennial cel-
ebration. It landed at the fair-
grounds and took the mayor
for a ride to view his town
from the air.
But there's more...Arthur
Kendall was allowed out of
Kingston Penitentiary on a
day pass in the 1960s and he
walked downtown. And he
has never been seen again.
He kept on walking and some
say he and Beatrice are in
Vancouver. There was a
ve some years ago to find
and bring him back but
ario's Chief Crown
mey decided it would
too much money.
d more...Fate does funny
CONTINUED on page 5
- This photo, submitted by
Clare Westcott, shows
some Seaforth paper boys
in the late 1930s. Westcott
first delivered the London
Free Press in town in the
mid -1930s. From left: Art
Fraser, who was killed in
W.W. II, next is Clare
Westcott, then Joe Smith,
who went to the U.S. during
the war and later became a
member of the Cleveland
police force. On the right is
Jack "Bub" Elliott, who is
now living in a Stratford
nursing home following a
stroke. The four started
school together and stayed
together until about Grade
10. Westcott ended up
going to Toronto in 1950
and • working 'at the
court upon you is that you be
taken from here to the place h
from whence you came and c
there will be kept in close fi
confinement until Tuesday
the eighth day of December, W
9 and upon that day and h
date you he taken to the place S
of executi and that you
e there be ed by the neck th
until you re dead, and may
- the Lord have mercy on your D
s soul." CI
It is difficult today to pic- fiv
ture a 14 -year-old boy in a kn
courtroom being asked to pr
stand and listen while a judge mo
tells him he is going to
hang...until he is dead. you
Although I was living in the
Toronto I was a bit concerned don
in the weeks before the trial •
for my mother was chosen to
be on the jury panel.
However a decision was
made not to have women
jurors - apparently it was
feared they would be exposed
ad a slight but interesting
eaforth connection.
A man from Monkton by
e name of Arthur Kendall
as a 'sometime' patient of
r. McMaster at the Seaforth
Inic. He was married with
e children and apparently
ew the doctor when he
acticed in Ethel before
ving to Seaforth.
arly one morning the
ng Kendall children heard
it mother should, "Arthur,
't," from the bedroom.
Evidence later in court
showed that Kendall had a him
girlfriend by the name of Ont
Beatrice whose husband was Atto
a sailor on the Great Lakes cost
and was seldom home.
Mrs. Kendall was never An
Expositor on-line
The Huron Expositor has entered cyberspace. For awhile,
about six months, we've had electronic mail (E-mail) but now,
along with all the other papers in the Bowes chain across
Canada, we now have our own web page. Readers with
Internet access can now visit us at:
Each week we post five new stories, from our regular news-
paper, for web browsers to read. We also feature one digital
photo for a little graphic enhancement to our site.
For those who want to send us an E-mail - maybe a letter to
the editor, a press release or just a note to say hello, our e-mail
address is: huronexp@odyssey.on.ca (Please remember if
you're sending a letter to the editor to include'your name and
a day -time phone number where you can be reached.
Another addition to our news -gathering equipment is a new
digital camera. For those unfamiliar with these new high-tech
devices, they allow you to take a picture and virtually see it on
your computer screen just minutes later. There's no processing
or darkroom time or messy, toxic chemicals. The image is
downloaded onto your computer where alterations can be
made to the photo to make it more "printable" - ie. brighten-
ing faces, getting rid of shadows, etc. - some of which was
possible in the "old" darkroom. (Please bear with us in these
first few weeks as we work through the bugs). Presently we're
using both "regular" 35 -mm cameras and the "space camera,"
as it's been dubbed.
There, of course, are a lot
computer program for the new camerare l that canures tru available y "aonlter" erth"
the images taken, including the ability to move people's heads
or body parts, to erase blemishes, to erase backgrounds, to dis-
tort the shape of just about anything - in short, to change reali-
ty. For someone with a diabolical mind, this could lead to
frightening things in the publishing world. For our purposes,
we will practice responsible newspaper ethics when "altering"
All these changes could be just the first steps in a total revo-
lution of the newspaper industry. There arc arguments on both
sides of the question of whether newspapers as we now know
them will exist in the next century. Who knows what the
future will bring. One advantage of reading the Expositor on
the web though, is you won't get any ink on your fingers. -
Letters to the Editor
Editor 'almost' said something
unkind about city of Sarnia
Dear Editor: wouldn't want Joan Muir
Watch it Dave! You almost Bissonnettc on your case,
said something unkind about would you?
Sarnia, a city near and dear to
the hearts of many of us. You Jean Ross
Porcupine reunion -
Dear Editor:
The Golden
Avenue/Broadway Public
Schools Reunion '97
Committee would greatly
former ystudentour s of thein se
two schools located in South
Porcupine, Ontario.
These schools have been in
operation since 1911 and all
former students from either
school who may have attend
in South Porcupine.
For more information, or to
provide names and mailing
addresses of formcr students,
please contact: Will Saari,
Golden Avenue/Broadway
Public Schools Reunion and
Committee, P.O. Box 2049, ago
South Porcupine, On. PON oro
1HO. (705) 264-0811; (705) Mwo
267-6222 fax; internet e-mail
saariw@vianet.on.ca. alw
ed from 191 I to 1997 are ter our assistance in this mat- acti
invited to attend, s greatly appreciated.
Festivities are scheduled to SincereWregards t Lo
take place August 1-3, 1997, Public Relations tOfficer ll Saari the
Council keeps police p p ice Investigation secret' %
PAGES OF in / 2,
JUNE 11, 1897
Edward Cash, of this tow
who is one of the oldest
ness men in the county,
who is still hale and he
and in harness, can mak
boast which but few can
He has lived under four m
archs. He remembers d
tinctly of the coronation
Queen Victoria, wh
Diamond Jubilee will be c
cbrated in a few days; a
the repeal of the corn la
the abolition of slavery in t
British Dominions; the Iri
Disestablishment bill; t
Reform bill; the Indi
mutiny; the Crimcan war a
other stirring events whi
have long since become hi
torical. There are several of
crs in town also, who ar
older than he and who ar
till hale and hearty. Amon
he number arc Mr. Joh
endcrson and Mr. Fran
cott. We hope to have al
hese worthy men long with
JUNE 2, 1922
uesday morning last Mr.
E. Hays left Seaforth on the
orning train, reaching
ronto shortly after ten.
om there he went to the
ion Stock Yards where he
-based a load of stockers,
by noon was on the train
in for home. That is quick
rk for any man, and most
uld think it a big day. To
Hays, however, who has
ays been a man of quick
on, and who is only 82
rs young, it was simply an
in the day's work.
cal Briefs - Seaforth is
only town in the county
out olted streets. - r
busi- Jack Pringle, of Milwaukee,
and spent a couple of days last
arty week at the home of his
e a grandmother, Mrs. J.H.
do. Broadfoot. - Mr. J.O. Rose,
on- city treasurer of Guelph, and
IS- a formcr well known -
of Scaforthite, spent the week
ase end at the home of Mr. and
Igo Mrs. John Beattie. - Mr. and
Mrs. James Stewart, of
ws; Winnipeg, are visiting at the
he home of Mrs. Stewart's
sh mother, Mrs. S. Wallace,
he Silver Creek. - The Seaforth
an Highlanders Band, under the F
nd leadership 6f Mr. W. S
ch Freeman, gave their first con- n
s- cert in th Park on Thursday m
h- evening, June 1st.
On Wednesday at
Convocation Hall, McMaster
University, Hamilton, the
1947 class of Hamilton
School of Nursing took the
Florence Nightingale Pledge.
The class of '47 - 97 nurses -
is the largest yet to graduate,
and included Marguerite
Westcott, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Arnold Westcott,
* * *
Following an acute heart
stack late Monday night,
red S. Savauge, one of
eaforth's prominent busi-
essmen, died early Friday
orning. From the time he
me to Scaforth fr
oronto in 1910, he too
ry active part in the bu
ss and church Iifc of
mmunity, and his influc
s felt in every circle
ich he moved. His chee
ile and ready jokes will
ssed on Main Street whe
was respected and like
fC DUBLINNEWS4-'After ve
n spending the past nine 'IC
k months in Scotland playing co
I hockey for the Fife Flyers wa
and Kirkcaldy, in the Scottish wh
Ice Hockey Association am
League, Harry O'Connor, mi
youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. he
D.J. O'Connor, Hibbert all,
Township, returned home on
Saturday. His team won the W
Airle Trophy and Harry fin- lap
ished seventh in the scoring Ang
schedule, winning 64 goals wen
investigated by Provincial
Officer J.W. Cuip.
JUNE 15, 1972
Seaforth council decided
Monday night not to release a
report which had been
received from the Ontario
Police Commission. The
report came as a result of a
request by council to investi-
gate the Seaforth Police
Decision to seek the inves-
tigation resulted from a
request advanced early in
May by a group of ratepayers
who originally had asked that
a public enquiry be held fol-
lowing the resignation of
Constable Keith Ruston.
Mayor Frank Sills asked the
press to leave after a motion
to go into committee of the
tea whole had been approved by
si- council.
the In the discussion before the
vote was taken, Councillor
nce George Hildebrand stated he
to thought the press should not
be excluded and that the
bereport should be published in
re its entirety.
* * *
hen a front spring co
sed, a truck driven b
elo Phillips, Seafort
t out of control on No. 4
hway, south of Hensall,
Friday and somersaulted
, spilling its load of fruit
the highway. Mr.
Ips received bruises and
ere Shaking up.
imilar accident occurred
mile, west of Seaforth
o same day, when a
owned by Haase Mill,
hrop, turned over,
g • load of in over
and 23 assists, He states that Hig
Canadian hockey rules are on
used, though the Scottish twice
League schedule is entirely over
different to that of Canada, Phil'
All teams and players took a sev
part in the Etta, tttr;tr
ey history, but when he twos
Association came across with on th
more money, they all wont truck
back and played as if nothing Wint
had happened, apillin ggrraa
the road. The accident was
* * *
It was later decided that the
report would not be made
available to the press in
whole or in part.
Mayor Sills said Tuesday
the report in the main dealt
only with personal matters
and reviewed discussions
which the investigators had
had with council and others
involved. As a hesult he said
it contained only information
of which council already had
He said the only recom-
mendations had to do with
administrative procedures
and the provision of addition-
al reports.