HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1997-05-21, Page 13(40. LOW &;FOUND t'M LOST rand lonely end want to go home. I'm a grey Starnes) type .young cat and 1 don't lite twvilts le associate with Gammon -barn oafs. Please can Jean Rocs at 527-240S and bring me home 40-21x1 l34. JOJCIIION St,a. L (46. IN.../ a R1AM TFAT8HO: Leo James Died May 20th, 1993 In memory of my husband and best friend. Oh, the oomfon the mexpresettee opm1ort of feeling sate with a person Having neither to weigh Ihoughls. nor measure words. But to pour them all out, lust as they are Chaff and grain together. Knowing that a faithful hand *01 take and silt them Keep what is worth keeping and thenwith a breath of kindness blow the rest away Always remembered To my Leo Frances Teeter0 . 46-21-1 Ca with your News 'tis at 527-0240 (36. ANNOUN ' ifs HELP WANTlill j, 35.0i0nCE TO CIMITOilti TOWNSHIP OF 1 MoKILLOP *Person ressutred to UoeneeI dogs in the Township 011 MoKittop Uuhes Include issue% licenses dog tags one collecting tee: Persons applying must supply own vehiote and complete Wens tngtoasty 31 1997 Appecatroi m Wiil be received by the underatgnea unll! 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday. June 3, 1997 Teawatup Of MoKNlop eh:Manon McClure. Gerk.Treaswer R.R 1 Seatarth. ON NOK 1WO (519)S27.t916 HIEN !S! at th ink ifilka°"2 '' Limited T.tme Osler FREE SUMMED Suncor Pack Joir Avon today Enjoy earning extra Sm.onee$ Gall Sharon Stephenson 519.887-6305 26 31. SIiRVU&EDIRETORY GET RIO of fat Iorever Free tape Body t 1400-2t4 '759 31-21x4 COMPUTER CQfSULT)NG networking set up. serv►oing. tutoring at your bu&nless .elle 01 your horru. F -or mote inlorrrlabwt and rates phone 519-522-0676 31 - 19x3 REPAIR ANL, REFINISHING of (.Inutile arid antiques, handautpprny alSo custom made tut nate e built to your plans. Robert Kerr RR*Saatonn phone 527 0786 3 1.16-r ALUMINUMAND CUSTOM WELD INC ornamental tailing beliefs custom hitches, ptgpcatuu penning machinery tepaus and tabncalung Phone Peter De Jong 523-4816. Londesbofo 31-18-tr QutLrTY SEAL Commercial 8 Residental Asphalt Sealing and tslaintercancr !_all ludas For lour Free Quoti- 482-3776 262-291'<. i. 1? , A attoir an Meat Mer et Hw .83 - 3 1 2 miles east of Exeter / t 3 / rry us fur CUSTOM KILLING and PROCE55iNG Kiri Days -Tuesdays OUR SPECIALTY hum,. (.bred awl smoked meat, pn+ctssen etectty die-Nds you fil a c, REPA Most makes and models on done )Y"'i�' MITCHELL PHOTOGRAPHICS 348-4520 IS YOUR LAWN RUDY MR SVM l • Wedo... *Seeding ••Sodding .•Dethatchiiig !Aerating !Lawn Consultation .•Full Landscape Design .AR+ crape G'WiawC viteirrr ;toil Mason dna- ', taia()Mario()Marioth, io t4QK t 0 ' oweiwerwessossAle c3f1. PERSONAL ARE YOU hung with a drinking problems At Anon can tla1p Phone 527.1650 34-21-1 AA. 1f ypu,ihint you have a drtk- ir1 90440m AUGoholics 4On0r)ymous Ittls ,worked for millions Call 527 1450 or toil free 100496-W3 ,34.18-tf P$OTtOE"TD OREDiTDR6 AND MIMS at thy BialleAt 'AIARGARETAIMINAIIII All pawns /weep tdsaasrggeMll the .eturse of 14.010ffteigan 01 lie Town cit O.dee, moils County of Hulme, itbos8adanrsr about we Std day otainohs11117, mu hereby nabbed to s.adifrreill pwucu*fs of their Wiens loam twee/signed on or before lyre fiat day et June, 1997, after which dere lie assets hMII be drstnbrMd having eagai d oNy 1u Claris torr, remised LMTEV et Seatortn Ontario toss 1610d/ of Mae 199/ MLCONNELL, STSVIART 6 DtVFRis.1UUX Bernetera.aad lsYeilese. 77 winilasel. ateNswh. taraseho: Nei 1VID 8oticdrrs kettle Efrleoutors NOTSWIDINIEDTTORS RS intiwe*ate of M persons basals dares Mans* the estate of Loretto Shea of the Townsrup of •lseKiUop. in the County of Huron. erns find on.or about the tett day o1 February. 1997. are hereby nothect to serol tit full particulars fats 01 their Wiens to the unoarafgned ion or before Yue I6tn day o1 June, 1807, after whron dale the Assets will be eistnbuted having regard Only to darns then received DATED at Sealorut. Ontario this 121h day 01 May, 1997 McCONPIELL. STEWART 6 DEYeReAUX )aaf►isiers and *abetters, 77 Sale Street. Sedonth, °Maio. MK IWO Soifcaors for the a e:tem 35. tions !rO aeorrou NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS in the Estate of !$LLA WATSON All persons having dawns epeeist Me .estate of Isabella Watton of the Town o1 Sealorthen the County of Huron. who Wed on or aoout the 2nd day of March. 1997. are hereby nabbed to send in lull panlculats of 4001r'atms to the undersigned on ;or before the 9th day of June. 1997. atter which date the assets wet be distributed having regard only to 'aims then received. DATED at Sealorth, Ontario this 1st day of May. 1897 1.(cCONNELL, STEWARTA DEVeREAUX Buristera and Solioieeu, 77 Sew Street, Seeferth, Ontario. NOK 1 WO Solicitors for Ow Executors NQTtCE TO CRI*DITORS AND OTHERS in the Estate of IRENE SENNETT Ali persons thaveng Claims against We estate of Irene Bennett of the Town of Seaton, in the County of Huron. who died on, or about the 16th 'day of April. 1997. are hereby nohiied 10 send in full parttcuiars Of thee clatms,10 the undo/siined on or belore. the 9th day of June 1997. after which date the assets will be distributed having regard Qtly to claims then received. DATED at Seakwrth. Ontario this let day of May. 1997 McGONNELL.13TEWART DEVIREAUS Behar .sand Solicitors, 77 Main Street. Sealorth, OAterio. NOK 'WO Solicitors lot the F xecuturs NO'S•TO gtel'tOR$ At4D- OTHERS In the Estate of EIAABETH URSULA PEYEREAUX At persons having Gains against the estate of Elizabeth Ursula Devereaux of the Torn of Sealorth. in the Courtly of Huron. who died on or about the 25th day of January. 1997. are hereby .rroli+ed re sarldin lull particulars of their sterns to the ImUwaigned on or before the 16th day of June 1997, atter which dale the assets wall be distributed having regard only to claims then. received. DATED at S.Ator$ti, Ontario this 8111day of May, 1997. IlcCorlball, Stitrawt4 Devereaux, 113arri$ters and Solicitors, 77 Matin Street, )Sealorth, Ontario NV 1W0 • Sofioitors lot the.Executors (ffl.,monoAcia 1"a 24° ongsge itoia.y Absolutely No Upfront Fees Available as low as O.W, interest srsonal Wens- 11 you qualify. paymanus 610. AppWX ' 5.000 ' 41. '1500 '125.0o Consolidate your debts GII ({519)36340211 111100417-1632 ASTRAL FIJNOINOINC. WJE TDDNBDITOR6 AND OTHERS In the/vitiate of 'DONALD BURTON MIS Aft parcofw Hiving alasas iessimet !Yte e$talte or MEW amenNhfllyr of the Town+ of Seaterlb,ittflke i Gourl y of Hume, polo d sidekar about Ise 16V+ day of Ape,' l are hereby noueed to seed evlfA •panicWus 01 timer rlearesestwe d iOsratprnd a, or speleasektelled Soy of June. 1187, atleresetelr rale the Mets will be gilt twerps end oNy to colosteten Isoewad eit kTED at 8saiortr, Dream, Mrs of May 191? , STEWART 6 flEVIIIIINLUX Yeniesesearrd tishiotioge, 77 Yain3wet, tleeteflb, Aruarro. MK MD Saharans teethe Eixeoutots (40426RNONAL zw f'o ch)c,T,44Mit �.ar, ' I I I eines Gatherinf $L !IVH` 1sTVPS YOUI 4Q 00 N FS� t Lohse. ir,ifw l,.$pelnee0. Health. Finances •- 1367. Accuracy T4p lAp.. Main St.. Grand (send OP. ...HOURS phone .for n p. -t.. 10 TO 10 DAILY r.K,. 'LOOB 1. t Grit. GMT 9i.1Aff*.11111 - wad. opens cants. turntwre. • toots at LO b Auction Glisten Ptak rtp_trush ..2 tractors. carat soar mtrs antiques. furniture -to beld for Darrell and 3bWood It. rtes north of Auburn Wen ►, sae cyst Mose Oi Tara+ 1s meld 1Prenteker2 7205 11111011111. 14.13.42. MSALL, OtrT- PhitFax:11th-418 Auction Sale mums., WAY 21/187 `.8o • Hansa!' .Community Centre MurrayIva d Elie Craig + Malang This is a nice clean-otteriop of nearly new household effects plus cotethbies. 21- Panasonic ootour T,V., *lend. Odes doors. table 8 4 Chairs (nice); occasional chairs (good): twirl side table A • telephone tables: glans top coffee Utile; **Seise. 4 drawer 8 5 drawer: woolen chest: braided rug 12' x 9. side tables: LA -Z -Boy: Creme clock: double bed. linens: ceiltnn fixtures: love seat (like new): brass lamp. plant stands: mirrors: pictures; patio verticals: Steers: Singer sewing machine: red carpet 13 x 11: 2 wooden pop oases: bottles, capper: china cabinet: coloured glass; oamping Istit; golf .cart: Silt press. trailer hitch/torsion bars: 2 -Dashwood Industries windows 48'-w .x43011.: 112 lon pickup: bug deflec10r. Lawn -Roy push mower; nice selection of smalis..A13 machine: Consignments Weioo me. Pr itties Food Booths 8rad'MOusseau Auotiorwr 236-4558 • I tilLIWORONSIBE 3b. ANNOUNQEM1 N1S AP wow ftroADUNE The deadline for news oOPY, 0(As- shed and diap(9y 00anUsinp for The Huron Expositor, 6eAttorth. Is mongoy at 1 p.m_ Phpne 627- 0340 36.O14frixe WIG UWROM 811lrtrll+llR, Mall' ate, the7a8 N. 1' LARGE AUCTION loi antiques. apps shoes; ndMGMbt a tools K m101_ hent, at the ,, Aucaor r Grace VIE 1btben 8t n) macho* Ttunsltlwf aft 22 at 8:00 OaktaYb $Mnc wet, mirror Oak nen mein. 8 die1tiekimelt panted oak floosie, 8 treadir sewing ni cttrnpe. organ Masse;settee with stencilled book press back chairs lookers. sieseseN. McLagen vIctrole. oak war phone trunks highrere ,MlfWr (gook, gingerbread crook, weight clock picture frames calendars. wicker dueler: batch, crooks, slant top desk round urik lathe. weans dtetr, rtleumpt peens, bodge temps, class Jl Was bad with tions fwd; 20 reNigh bells: wooden shovel, milk battles arm toys, tram basil: lid'h00*1sy games, oak dining room chars, coal al lamps and iiii aftosas eollalbte dishes eciudrnt depraawon R. Prtreels unweptamine. Occupied Japan, silver biscuit qtr W. sod Stsie eine belle tor.pliass Addafly dinnerware. Referee crown asweer:depmx. 260'4ols efereell callecibies end anhquer an the raaah. A pleat cant% town B Downie Towneeip twnsrs tigilestnott1Mnatlsupnght freezer, Woods all fridge, Kenmore -ledge (3 yr 041): Frigidaire_ Sleet freezer datum: cote T V.a .{tarn $)coos merle touter hutch maple table t3 5 chats, 12 Osco (letting of 1847 Rogers Reflection pattern: •Karn piano nein p esteifield stateshone cabinets, end our usual large offering of •lnneslMide leas tom,; Tun frac '11 hp riding mower. 1976 hardtop tent •iralter !waled: '12 It fiberglass boat arm motor, homemade boat toiler t and 12 seine guitars compressor, MTD 6 tip filer torches. Cartes G250 AC -DC alecert wettes honey extractor lank, nursery stook including melees. mountain ash linden, spruce, ltowenng shrubs andevergraens rem: Give Smith and Estate of Norman Medlalien- AUDTiDNESHS: DOUG JACOB AND ODE SEEM 271.78134 -6113- 0874899 LARGE AUCTION SALE -to .be teed at Richard 1.obb's.Auction #lultdmg m Clinton for Graham Kerr of •Seafortb. Ctft McClinchey of Clinton plus atldAto►ts $R11tf1UiAIDlittC, ,'May 24 AT, AV SPORTS(CARDS: sets: singles. wax boxes. nwertorebllie ant COINS: Approx. 50 tots of corns and papier money include 1947 panted 31836: -1827 Royal Bank *6:1936 52:1954 Devils notes etc. thus is a good o ftering. SUOSNGi MOWERS: Yard Pro 10 HP nwefy new, riding mower 3 yrs. old. push gas mower eNDwaLoWER s TILLERS: walk betwixt srtowbtower, Ford 8 Wetter: other tlteiS• -PARMSZSURPMENT AND TOOLS: 3 point Mich wood sprayer: Gookshutt 7 ft PTO trail mowers, Seders 3 PT retort ttyd. tog splitter, 3 PT h001 pellet fork. 2 furrow Ferguson plow: Ferguson cultivator: cab for ON -Ford. stone boat. buzz saw, chairnsase barrel of grease. tet of.ptpe threaders: -tDltre wood stacking binty chains buck saw, roll of atyroloew. alumni extension Ladder, skill saw- electric 0r1Ns: hand toots, hyd. lack 1'V tower: portable air compressor: etc TRUCK CAMPER: 8 ft. sleeps 4. has fridge. stave and electric treater: fibreglass truck topper APPLIANCES: modern fridge like new. 2 other bodges: 2 CotOur TVs. upright Ireexer: chest freezer: 24 mom stove 3 yrs red like new. wringer washer. antique wringer washer ANTIQUES. FURNITURt;., •eTC. bowed glass chine cabinet: 2 other china cabinets. round drnrng table with centre pedestal and claw feet: 6 malctwhg dining chairs: otter round dining table: oak dining table with fancy legs: bonnet chest, chest of drawers with mustache pulls. desk with Queen Ann lees, drop front secretary twokoese: treadle sewing machine. °Gee clock. erne blanket box. trunks. beds and efeeeere. antique dreeeers. rocking chairs. odd chairs: 5 chesterfields. htossrer bottom: 10 x 13 Gree rug: Cream cans, waahetanus. oil ternpe: JohnDodds'Sea/oral bottle: wooden rage chair: 2 carnival type pieces. old picture& dishes and glassware: bedding plus our usual large offering of Items too nurrwrous.l efilenton • -NOTE: This rs a good offering. 2 auctioneers seeing at the same hie TERMS: GASH OR CHEQUE WITH PROPER 14).- Auctioneer: .p:Auatif neer: 'fltoherd .Lobb 619- 482'7898.a►nion • (43. !HIR IS litIEWAN Slave and Pam are thrilled to announce the both of their &on Christopher Steven Shewan He was born Apnl 29. 1997 at 4.40 p.m at Stradord General Hospital Propd grandparents are Mery and Joyce fireman and Home and Yvonne Hopgart Great grandparents Marem Morrison. Lorne and -Ethel Shewan. Vietta Hopgart _arid Harold and Naomi Pryoe helve >3 spe0iat,plaGe in all of our hearts and have special spoiling privileges We would like to thank Cif Percival and the nurses at Sealorth Hospital as well as Dr FWlyer. the nursing and surgical staff at Stratford Hospital A special thank you as well to friends and family for alt their support and warm thoughts Chrtatppher Is so blessed to be brought into this world 9,4111 0f loving friends and tensity 42-21x1 (36. ANNOUNCEMENTS i !NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS DESTRUMM Of WEEDS Notice is .Hereby Given to all persons in possession of lands within in the Municipalities of the County of Huron as follows: Ulatk fieldtiP L. Andrew c(Ii borne 0. Kpy cvettericti L. Crenaton C�,o�p""y $1 . Ammerman (mom "!-'f/ 'A J.,Zlmm�•man Hpyr' ,M.E. arllb H) .8. $haddl k MCKillop ,�1.,MoClure .Morris 'N. Michie Kn� e . Stanley rik Wort 6! J. Stawan 6tapt>on 1L put, ,0.0hhs Tuckeremith al. , LOPRIA t :L.,Rhair Tumbrsrry P. $44slfar USOCome 43. fk)t400Pf{Spi146,lihtOW 00100049004 ,0, Statutes 0t Ontario, 1980. Chapter W5, fifoilion.,0,46 a0123,,q>,lgtfw;noxious weeds growing on lands are destroyed tby the property Wider by J. 64144199.1. and ilicasiobasatheamm. the Municipality ' may enter upon the saki lands and have weeds destroyed, charging the costs against the land in taxes, as set out by the Weed Control Aot. The Co-operation of all citizens is earnestly solicited. JOHN GIBSON Weed Inspector, County of Huron Clinton illl .I Finer Goderioh Seeforih Winghwn Itiro t yth *russets ,Hensall Zurich S11Rr1s M. Jefferson E. Bell L. McCabe J. Crocker 8. Adams 42. I1*A11fS -5 MILLER, Gorton L.: Mr Gordon Le0I*W0 Meller a temaWnl of the Mitchell Nursing Hon* we: tomer* o1 MoKiitap Township Inc $rodhapen passed away at htl, reardenoe on Thursday May 16 1087 ui his Wits year Bort, iv McKee* Township on Jut, 10 1911 tit Was a son of the lett I.tenry C Miter and the tormer bertha *totem Oe October 2S 11385 ire wa6 marred Iv Yuma Bennewiths situ, predeceased him on March 16 1975 Sole:wing then m 111090 the couple- tarmac I11 Moieties Township rnnvmp to Brodtiagee to 1664 'Mr Miller vial, a fonder ,emplayee al the Whyte .Paolino Company m Mitchell Neuhauaer Ohrok Hatchery of Stratford and Krvet:let ManutacWring in Stratton +te resumed in Mitchell aurae 11161 He was a member of 'St -Peters iutterran Church.9rodhagen ant was a tomer member of the Bredhagen Chamber of Commerce He i6 survived by firs tamily faster* Moore and ter nusband John et R.R 2. Dubin Leonero Maier of Kitchener and Untie Webster ant her husband John of R R 1 Gratton • grantictlfltren Conroe Moore of Guelph 'Mark and Steele Moose of Khwnrth Lisa end Julie Miter of Kitchener and Janson and Heather Webster of RA 1 Gratton Beans: his wife he was preoeceased by his stepmother Bertha Turshentaur Stalimaoher two asters Freda•Mitel and Tokrdo t3eirerntarm. a daughter-in-law Karen Miller one by a grandson Grant Moore in rntarioy Fiends were rengtved at the Lockhart Funeral Hoare 199 Montreal Bt -Mitchell on Friday from 2-d and 7-9 p.m The funeral service was heed at 8t Peter's Lutheran Ohurch 8todhagen on .Saturday at 11:00 a.m with Rev Arthw Horet officiating Pallbearers were John Uetinewtes. Ray 8ennew►tss O41n Nowaok Doug Colbourn. Wilbur Chambers and Rot. Soolns interment was in St Peter s Lutheran Cemetery 42-21xlcc 47. CARDS OF 111ANKS - PRAYER 'TO THE 8leesed Virgin (never known t0 tail). Oh most beautiful flower of Mt Carmel, Outdo' vine, splendor of *given Blessed Mother Ot the Son of God. Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity Oh Star of the Sea, help me art' stow me that you are my Mother Oh. Holy Mary. Molter of God, Queen of heaven and Earth, I humbly besot you $om the bottom of my heart to help me in my neoesslty (make your feistiest) There are none that can witha$aod your power, 'Oh, Mary, oottoewed without ern, pray for us who Mere reoouree to you- (3 tithes) 'Holy Mary. 1 place this prayer in your hands". (3 times) Say this prayer for Three oonsecutIve days and then publish it and it will be granted to you. Grateful thanks. - C.0 47-221x1 ROSS see been singing -my rose i6 net. so is my oheat -from lying on my face to rest stnoe Dr Wokkltk and Or LaPlante onoouraged me to look atter my eye that had gone -on the bbnk" 1 appreciate their concern t m grateful to Dr Gondol at thee Ivey Institute in Lembo for his expertise and for calming my tears regarding the surgery His team and staff of New Vie were moat comlorting 1 have been showered with kindness Thanks to so many thoughtful errands for thea encouragement with cats visits cards. flowers. meals. snacks tea and candy. even some imported refreshments and an ice cream Done Thanks to Legion Br 166 andMary OeJong for the visit. card s►gned by comrades and floral sw . 10 •Rev Nick and the 'flock' of drat Presbyterian for thea support and prayers When 1 reluctantly realized It needed drivers. Ned $nd 114990 1MoGay.n. Betty Carditt and Mairg.Dale came 19 my rescue Groat ohautteursl I arts blessed with a loving caring family and true friends Look after your eyes 'See' you' Jean Ross 47.21xi ,$OAMQN 1 would Iike 10 thank my family. friends grid relatives for 41 the beautiful gifts See received Special thanks to Tracy.. Aunt Ctwetl and Aunt Shirley. Uncle Allan and Aunt Karon. Gail colt helper& at Cavan. sot hosting the showers in my honour - Tina $osn)an 47-21x ins k(r yottM. Wf4 . o .thf;nk eYgrypole 402,_41110r079 ,ow /MS and 09e viol yw ooRwod younwlf. as much Ave {lid. It ,was groat to Apo our .famiiigs, gold friends 6pecial thanks .10 ,the wedding party fora job well done We had a g eat time Jell and Tina