The Huron Expositor, 1997-05-21, Page 3Mistie last
Am y 195
CONTINUED front page I
brought lame corrections to
the..sttentiun of . the jury after
the initial charge.
Sfioofhccrs evorku1 full-
ume with 'Morris. preparing
for. the trial. Two officers.
Guderich Constable Mark
Johnston aunt OPP. Detective
Constable Arden burrow
were _assigned to the• ease for
almost iwo years.
The investigation into
Mistie's disappearance began
June 2 when Anne Murray
reported her missing- to the
Utak-rich Police Service.
Misiie was last seen leav-
ing Goderich District
Collegiate institute on `May
31. 1995,arcand4 p.m.
Through her testimony.
Anne said she believes Misue
went from Guderich to
Clinton. London and finally.
Toronto before her trail dis-
The search .for Mistte
Nicole Murray continues.
May 14
The Ex -Files:
Spotted Mistakes:
1 i Page 9 - -But the Came
up short" - should be "they- -
thee -
Ina McGrath
2) Page 3 - "Me.nebership -
n ad should _bc
"Membership'. - • Marg
Henderson .
3) .Page 15 Angelo
A t i mit E,itt.fh_
May 7 i .z -Files:
, l) Page I ' "food'', instead
of 'ivut' -. Paul Haley
. 2) Page 4 - `"musci" instead •
Of "music" --D. McQuaid
3) Page 9 - "ride" should be
.rider" - brad Barry
April 30 Ex.Files:.
Spotted Mistakes: •
Pagc 15 - Recreation
Preview "arc' instead of
."area" - Ethel Walker
.2) Pagc 1 - ,"'Gcidhof"
instead of "Getduf' - Jason
MINE IMMO iliK11411111VOR, Mi is, 1111S7-3
ENViRONMENTALI.N` FRIENDLY CRAFTS •- Students at 8aafotth Public School (SPS)
held a craft sale Friday of things entirely made from recyclable items - vtrifd ivy, bark jew-
ellery, juice lid fridge magnets, friendship bracelets train old magazines. etc. Morley raised
from the sate goes -to beautifying the school.yard.with.plants arta flowers. Back row, from
left: Jason Brugger, Craig Wilkinson. Lisa Campbell - parent volunteer. Scott Campbell,
Barb Shannon - secretary of Student Advisory Council. Front row: Brad Shortreed, fan
Gordon. Kim Hayter - CLA teacher.
Chance to question Huron -Bruce
candidates tomorrow night
Expositor Editor
If you're unsure of what
stance Huron -Bruce candi-
dates have on agriculture.
education. health care or any-
thing else. you have a chance
to ask them firsthand at.jan all
candidates Meeting lotnurruw
night (Thursday).
The Huron Federation of
Agriculture (HFA) is hosting
this public forum for our rid-
ing on May 22 from 8 to 10
p.m at the Guderich
Township Hall . in
'Chairing the eve nine is
HFA president -Henry Boot.
.of RR 4 Clinton. A panel of
throe will sort through ques-
tions from the audience to
avoid deplitattton ul olatlirilts
and each of the live Candi- hopes for short. concise
dates will have a chance to answers. from the five so a
answer m turn. good variety and large nurn-
Quesfiun' won't just be ber of questions can he
tossed in the air for all Candi- tabbed.
dates to light over. The HFA Although the event is being
president says it won't be a hosted by the Federation of
contest of who can holler Agriculture questions to the
the loudest and interrupt each candidates_ dun( -have. to be
-other"- 1lke the recent tele- limited to Tarin issues. Even
v iced debates of the federal though we all live in a farm -
party !cadets. ing community and "agrieul-
Hopefully near the end of tura is the largest employer in
the lurum there will be bene Huron County. we have the
for the chair ask for questions same concerns - education.
direetit from the floor. health care. etc..'' says the
However. lv prevent chaos chair. •
and avoid attacks on eandi- All five candidates have
dates. Boot says questions committed to attend this pub -
how the audience, will have• lie forum - incumbent Paul
to be precise and focussed. Steeklc. Liberal; Jan
Johnstone, NDP: Colleen
As well. he says tux' evening Schenk. PC: Doug Fines.
won't be hill of long speech- Reform. and Dave Joslin.
es front the candidates. He Christian Herilagc.
=i ii g :co ple•
te on welds ,at lc nclfill3l
tremendous amounts ' of
water." said Postill. "Thr
engineer, was herr last week.
. He thought we • should go do
--- PUsiltl.
Lxpusitor Editor engineering costs were
once again questioned at the
Conestoga -Rovers & landfill board meeting.
Associates (CRA) have fin- Rob McLeod of
ished the drilling and capping 't'uckersinith Township asked
of five test wells on the Mid- why CRA requested $1,000
Huron Landfill Site (MHi S). in relation to the site amend -
Site Supervisor Frank Postill ire its Storm Water Control
said in his report to the board System certificate with the
on May 15. All the drilling Ministry of Environment and
went well with the exception Energy (MOW).
of one well. .numbered It's (the $1.00(1) to prepare
OW l0-86. "They wercon the the materials to submit to the
phone hall' a, day talking MOI?)::" said secretary Larry
about it. They used a smaller McCabe of Guderich.
bit and it worked." said "We've been having
"Thc only thing that con-
cerns inc is the engineering
fees that seem to be getting
completely out of hand. 11
seems like they're nickel and
diming us to death." said.
McCabe mentioned how
the MHLS board tendered kir
engineering a couple of years
ago and CRA did come up as
the most reasonable fur costs.
CONTINUED un page 5
THE HURON %OSI1 OR is giving
FREE classiiiiked word ,ails for all
students lobs fir $tip'
Please bring in year summer help
An MUMS bietwe
aft wegAes poi t, awkihre swite
:rt► Senior istacilwiiies at
»1 AK7 TO HEART classes have now conuluttad A special Thank
to the toliownit spars tut their participation in the Program Dr.
Sue Norton. Carol Bowitet. Physiotherapist. UM TOW. Pttarnactst.
Donn, Appavuu. Dietitian AVMary Atone fNhav,.,Community Psye:htatne:
Se, sices
TEAM $PJMI!1 was evidenced at thr recent Grants Opening celebra-
tions ut the newly expanded Seatunh Coup "Do.1t Centre ' Thanks w
those members of our Staff and Board of Dtrccturm sur participating m
the hot dug barbecue Public supper► was great despite the coils tempera-
tures Approximately S420.110.was ntistd tor tete Hospital 'Foundation
MIRD Yinda1 t' iaMEUaNt'•.t3R.tft 11' which may be highly trettefictul
to individuals who have experienced the death ul u loved one.
Confidentiality will be upheld in artier to unsure u sate place where peo-
ple may share their tears. loneliness and prublimis. U ir• sponsored by
Huron •Hospice Volunteer Serveur and will be held 'JUNE 4th tic JUNE
ltttti (bi•monthly meetings will be held on the first and third Wednesday
of every muntli at $i 0 pain. eF` Maplewood Manor. Church (Street.
dturth tenter through rear door ufl parking lot). Anyone interested is
most welcome to attend For further inturnwtwn. contact Juan Stewart
522.01497 or Shirley Dinsmore Office. 527.0655 Rea. 527-1005
'1,1VJNG TJtfftOlt(ilI CANCER: ili1lIPP »(!I' _GROUP a sell -help
program offered at tee wilt providing support and practical inhumation
by framed facilitators for patterns. tamtlies and friends through informal
discussion groups. You are invited 10 juin us to talk ur just bluer Ain
registration is needed and you are welcome to come as often as you
wish Next Session will be held Viedneetalat. MAY 211 h at 7:30»,m, at
the Seatudh Manor. Janina Street Fur inti mlatiun contact Joan Chesney
527.1650 (eve. 527-1947) ur Shirley Dinamure at 527-0055 twit 527-
1005) "We Listen. We Share. We Support
OB PRE -ADMIT CL1NW it vuu are an expectant Mum 34-38 weeks
pregnant and planning to deliver 'at Seaturth Coninwnuy Hospital. you
are encouraged to attend sur sharing of admission uilornlauun on
'Thursday. JUNE 19th at 7t(IU p.m. in,Cont. Rm. 2 ere -registration
527-1650 tixt 219
Information will alio be available as to hum Karen bearle,
Breastfeeding Facilitator can provide Irreutteetlntg support and prob-
lem solving it required. Fur lurcher ar nnntediate information. please
contact 5'27.1651) Ext 219 ur 522-(. ti9
)NL'RlltiAjgl. ItyKORM00301%; g 8SJON'1'hurs. JUNE 191b at 7:30
p.m. Coni. Rm 2.
Presenters Or Heather Percival 6: Betty Duwyn. P hysrothec tpist..- .
regtsttalfupis r..S•tlandappreciated 521-1650 Eat )9
SHELTERED and W ' ' •Tit
kt We've Kept Our PLANTS From The Cold
�►o'. They Are in Prime Condition
See. Our Excellent Selectleia Of dpi
+ Annuals • Perennials
.01• *Hanging':Baskets ,. banters
As well as Garden Seeds. Bulbs,
Peat Moss, IvIkalches & More.
9va99 -
DAE': Fk".V THE GKCyivE,'
;;E,.E`10AKt �e1�rvU c. ,v :E
Steckte s
Pant Grawera
..Since 1973
Fdbw our signs - 11..• mites west. town 3, : Infos north of Zunch
or East o(i Hwy 21 South of Bayfield at Stanley
Sir:Woad 15 titan take 1st nght
66- 122
i. "r • et.
During the last eleiiop the J eople'of
Huron -Btuix voted to support rue.
PauI-Steekle. to represent you in
Canada's Parliament.;) was entrusted
with the duty to act on younbehalf in
Ullitw;t. At host trine, my eommitmem
to you was Priority -file people -,Over
the course of -my trtalldlte,l have
Gndcavotge$l 19 ($1llitt.4hat obligation.
As our country prepares to entcr,into
the 21st century. interest rates and
inflaIiori are low and, ear economy is
tp aingtfastcr than that,gf,any other no ion. ''c have male
anbstap;igl.progress. howcyt:r, there is still much mote to do.
Il' /04ras;lstafwe we;,cptt,4pe4t 49mgrrow's challenges together.
l4(AHifI1 11►R44R10414fMR441di;e olcot fei4t) serye,tis.your
Ai a ,iflAfigi4iffORP',.ktft111441. WCillidic404M,41Y
SrA441}1lilf0rt44t,;CIAptti% 11Niprity,tfi(it Ifoepost.,is,4he
C#491000 1110411riker4_
Ahe Rge,(9lericll 0,1110-0 44991094259
- .04 494$ gm