The Huron Expositor, 1997-05-14, Page 3i
P tom 8Y OAvv ICOTr
LEAP : .G, IN THE RAIN - Grade 7 Students from
Seaforttt -Public School leap -frogged down Main $traet in
the rain last wends and cooked hotdogs to raise money for
their upcoming trip to•Kttchener.
The \cam for the Crown
CON11NUED front page
set Miser un Tuesday. May
30 but had called Mistic to
ask her (0 leave out some
clothing she wanted to pick
up belvre a trip to Windsor
011 l-nday.
She said Msue told her to
hurry up and .come over
because there was someone
• she wanted Taggart to uteri.
Untie!' .•runs -e. anunaUVII . sbc
.aid Misue was excited about
this person but didn't give
arty details. including
whether it was a guy or.girl
While Taggart didn't go to
• la)CCt this person. she said the
two had iniac plans to meet
at the Burger Bar on Jam t .
Original reports oI Mtsue's
drsappearante said she was
laet•seen-around43 p.m...Jdlay
3 t
leaving the highs tc,bool.
When Taggart went to pick
up lie, clothe, 110111 Mistic
that night. Amer thought her
daughter had gone to band
.-practitx. Both girls were
member' of the Scaforth
Girls Marching Band which
normally .practiced on
• Wednesday nights.
Under cross-examination,
Taggart. -who knew regular
band practice had ended the
week belorc. said she cov-
ered for Mtstie. thinking her
best friend was doing swot: -
thing tit which her mother
wouldn't approve. In polio
lntetviews. both Steve and
Anne assumed Mistic was at
hand practice. When they got
huint late that night. they
told police Mtsue's bedroom
dour was closed and they
thought their daughter was
asleep in her 1001n.
Un June 1. Taggart said. "1
went to the Burger Bar.
Miser didn't show up so 1
went to her house."
Antsy hadn't seen -Mistic
and Taggart said. "We went
out looking for Mistic that
Taggart took Anne to the
homes -tit it couple of Mistie's
trends. including Cook who
lived above The Men's
Under truss -examination.
Taggart said when she ,went
to Cook's apartment. Anne
waittxi in the truck. She said
Cook only opened the door
part way and wouldn't let her
• inside. He said Mistie.was
not there. After checking
around lo..wn. ,Anne took
Taggart back ,to k's iipan-
mcnt bet.ausc Taggart was
.kind of made Inc a little
suspicious that .he Numldn't
Iet rue in the drier," trite. esti-
ficd. .
There :was no answer $t ate
door the secpd tient.
Anne •IT S1340l0A e
,a(lcr tltcY,f 'pvc.aiPtal 1.
More and'i. ft,rt4
WentppttI.+4+, ifpr
Un bac (}wit j
in tl►0tOrP .
ii,49 fk S ,, irtg,;.,
tpQk4a l Ft 4 41WPAtliT ;
,busflpr rsctir;ylgtHip,w
,Also 1pp r,clpss-.Sxamut,a.
Uvn, T ficd, 11 1
up oil l� ta►trlter.M
Elly summer and they talked
about thy tact Mastic had des -
appeared 'Taggart said he
never said anything to her
about seeing Steve and
Matte together the day she
disappeared. barrier in tete
trial. Ryan had testified to
seeing Mislie leave with
Steve in his bunt on May 31.
Jeremy Cook next testified
he spent tn0St of the after-
noon on May 29 with Miste.
alter being introduced to her
by Taggart. Un May 31). she
cater to his apartment after
school and left around 5 pen.
with plans to do the saIne 011
May 31. but she never carie.
He next saw Taggart when
site taite by Jure 1. looking
for Mistie.
. 4ps yr doss -e taminalion.
:teak gave Mote,kietails about
-lite-two days -that -he • knew
On May 29. he. Misuc and
CONTINUE:) on page 5
The arigameat Ihrilbe Mame
• C:ON'TiNUE!) front page 2
'Stratton! to pibk up:timeliest
trailer -while Anne woUttliso
to London atter work (vipiek
is t-shitsstthey needed 'fur ar
ocu t011111awt ttlloo oh* ttrp-
When Lite got too 'Snag
!Barbour that .csvening, .>tcotntt!
7ipm;Ise. testified ite.. wJlim
IB7ttile ntaar•the salt mine,
arthoaante over tolank :to
idiom. Mho),thad.a.lightaeon-
aeorstation 'Where 'he 'men-
tioned taking the strip to
He also . mulled uxettang -
ing pleasantries with a man
he didn't -know on. the boani-
.walk as he .walked to his
Once there. he noltc'ed the
refuseleft behind by Misfit!
and Taggart was gone haute
•he took the boat ter a short
trip onto the Like.
He remunthered seeing
Ross Caner. who testified
earlier in the trial about see-
ing'I1urray. and initiated a
-brief exchange: of pleasantries
as their boats passed In tire•
cttanne i .
On his return. etc waited
briefly in the basin for anoth-
er boat 10 leave the _docks.
before preparing to. load the
boat on bis trailer.
At that time. he enlisted the
help of two fishermen on the
pier who he re<-otltnixed (runt
thy Park House.
He took the boat to Rick's
Wash and Waa and later. he
and Anne decided to take a
do 'e in their car •
"It started uul. we didn't
have any particular- place to
go... -be said
They travelled on Highway
?i and Anne suggested they
visit some IrtCltds in lie St.
Columban area. That couple
wasn't horny anti Ante sug-
gested they visit Heather and
1err. Crinttn. rtetghburs from
their turner home
"We readied it was the
right time Jerry would he
coming in from his chores.'
Murray sant. 't'htt was
around. 11)
He had a couple drinks
with Jerry and Anne drove
-tbent Monty atteraalion.vtsit.
The 4..oupte noticed
Mistie's door was closed
when they got up to the
apartment but Murray said it
was normal for her to sleep
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If r the purpose ,Af Noccay.141.$ the An>+4a1
itiepOrta rAf 104e ilfh40,41411;44MottIrS ,aP41 NIC
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/41eo0oQ sof 11AiEecertQtr' , ,ifrSrr Itis
• /14410 lq t hif . tKlit9t , 441 tfAr 4
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1##ff ' 't' i tiltbr cGAns ,b4igrie it* rilogt1
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«W Atf is u441 4444414-
M .I4Y ere 441%k S .1 t t X41 cSlf i�l4r t 6-
_- - tl-►t_. - �113ic,'Seicrcta>y
yeti icaieorailatad.
The +tmctt !atoming, 'Stove
gotulp refit,:31), Planning
to arum Marotta,. Amu woke
up.whlle he'was getting ready
and the amid .it was ut.viriva
the wain! t ;goitlg rte get back
Brite iscp.
/tile 4tlggvated'thoy go !fur
b isokfaat ,Anti •waa .abuts: tiff
strip .at Mu kGutieitdb
:Restaurant .when Anne alaid
Ate, didn'1wan t tweet thaw.
'tit vas Anne's ; idea. 11t .was
a -situation ,whirr .Anne
tetrad not nut oto gut'there." he
Because it 'was a ,nue
morning. Anne suggested
they .drive to Rate's Station at
When they tante 'buck. it
wa.s getgng clear to dime for
school .and Anne'hadttnbe at
St. 'Mary's where she taught.
Stave said he was about to
make a right turn from The
Square to...West Street to go to
the Pari. House to pick up
Misfit: when Anne reminded
hint she would have already
left ter school on her own.
Steve normally drove Anne
and Mistic in Anne would
take Misfit. '
hrunt there he went to
Toronto to work out his
liquor licence situation
Murray outlined to detail
the trip to Toronto and the
process he went through. dis-
covering tie would have to go
back again June 2 to gut a
certificate he needed In
He got baek to Cloderich
lune 1 around 7 I .rn.
That night. they were coil
opined about Mistic :. where-
abouts. learning she hadn't
been it) school that da) -
Day 8.
Friday, May 9
.Steven Meernnoy :c testimony'
concludes and the Crown
conducts a lengthy crvss-
Murr,o continued his tcsU-
rnuno about los actions 00
the days before and after
_CUNT1NUI?U on page 5
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