HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1997-05-07, Page 1542. DEATHS
ANDERSON, Luke Jordon:
Suddenly, as the result o1 an
aocldenl on Saturday, Apnl 28.
1997, Luke Jordon Anderson, in
his 10th year. Cherished son of
Ken and Diane (McDougal)
Anderson of R.R. 01, Londesboro
and beloved younger brother of
Kyle, Adam and Cody, aN at home.
Lovingly and fondly remembered
by his grandparents. Thelma and
Ken Johnston of Blyth and Marjorie
and Eric Anderson of R.R.e1,
Londeaboro. Also sadly missed by
several aunts, uncles and cousins.
Special fnend of Brett Bean,
Jessica Wheeler and Shawn Drost.
Predeceased by his grandfather,
Gordon McDougall. Luke was bom
November 2, 1987 and was a
grade tour student at Hullett
Central School. He played hockey
(or the Blyth novice team. He truly
will be sadly missed by all. Family
received friends at the Whitney-
Rnbey Funeral Home, Seaforth, on
Monday A private funeral service
was held at the funeral home on
Tuesday, April 29 with Jane
Keupfer. Cavan United Church,
Winthrop. officiating. Classmate
and dear friend of Luke's, Brett
Bean, of R R 11, Auburn, gave the
eulogy. a very special tribute of
their happy times together. Luke's
cousin, Lyle Kernighan, played
-What A Friend We Have In Jesus'
and -Amazing Grace- on the flute,
accompanied by organist, his
mother, Marlon Kernighan. of R.R.
4, Komoka Flowerbearers were
Jenna Arts, Mary Jane Horbanuik,
Jessica Wheeler, Shawn Drost and
Brett Bean Pallbearers were his
uncles. Jim Anderson, Wayne
McDougall. Bill McDougall and
Kevin McDougall. Interment in
Maittandbank Cemetery, Seaforth.
Memorial donations to the
Children's Hospital of Western
Ontario, London, would be
appreciated by the family as
expressions of sympathy. 42-19-1
HUGILL • REiD: In loving memory
of Leverne Hugill, May 10, 1985
and Lori (Hugill) Reid, May 31,
We think of you in silence,
We often speak your names,
Now all we have are memories,
And your pictures in frames.
Always remembered by Alma,
Janice and Martin, James and
Gwen, Lyn and James, Leanne
and Ted and families. 46-19x1
MUNRO: Treasured memories of a
dear uncle William Vaughan (Buz)
whom God called home on May 6,
A smile we will always remember,
A voice we will never forget,
Fond memories to treasure
And the loss we will always regret.
Always will be remembered and
loved by his niece Mary Helen,
Bob, nephews Shawn James and
Curtis Vaughan 46-19x1
NOLAN: in loving memory of
Frank Nolan who passed away
May 9. 1995
There will always be a heartache,
And often a silent tear,
But always the precious
Of the days when you were here.
We hold you close within our
And there you will remain,
To walk with us throughout our
Until we meet again.
Remembering you is easy, we do
it every day,
But missing you is a heartache.
that never goes away.
No one knows the grief we. share,
When the family meets and you're
not there, •
A special smile, a special face,
A special person we can't replace.
Sadly missed and lovingly
remembered • by Joe and Helen
Nolan and all the Nolan family.
46-19x1c •
Thank you to our wedding party for
putting together a great buck and
doe. To Tracy tor organizing the
family shower. To Lloy for hosting
the shower for my friends. Thanks
for all the beautiful shower gifts.
Special thanks to everyone who
celebrated our wedding day with
us. We will never forget your
kindness and generosity.
Jeff and Cherie 47-19x1
I would lite to thank the nurses of
the Seaforth Hospital and special
thanks to Dr. Woldnik and Diane
Woad while I was a patient. To the
V.O.N., friends and family for their
visits. - Bruce Johnston 47-1921
To Aunt Fran. Ron, Jaimie, Lowell,
Lynn, Andrew, Shelly, Ron, Mary
Marg, Daniel, Kory, Larry,
Chariynn, James, Donnie and
Steve, we would like to thank you
all for making our move as last
and fun as possible. if we have
forgotten to mention anyone -
-please forgive us - we were too
busy barking orders and arranging
furniture to notice everyone that
was here. Again, our heartfelt
thanks! - George and Ellen
We would like to thank everyone
who came out to support us at our
Buck and Doe last Saturday night.
Special thanks to our wedding
party, family and friends for all
their hard work. The memories will
last a lifetime. - Ang and Chris 47-
1 would like to take this opportunity
to express my gratitude to Dr.
Edwards and the nurses in the
emergency room at Sealorth
Community Hospital for your care
and concern at the time of my
recent mishap. Thanks also to Dr.
Roth and Dr. R. Wchards and staff
at The Monsignor Roney Clinic at
St. Joseph's Hospital, London for
your professional care. To Fr,
Hardy, K of C Council 6289 and
co-workers at Process Crane
Services for your enquiries and
concern, I express my thanks.
Many thanks to friends, family.and
neighbors for your phone calls and
visits. Last but not least, a very
special thank you to my wife Rita
and my family for your love,
compassion and encouragement.
All is very deeply appreciated. -
Don Moylan 47-19x1
Thanks to all the Novice and
Bunny players and parents for a
great season of ringette Thanks
also for the great gilts. You know
us well. - SueAnne. Sandra,
Andrea, Sherry, Alkson 47-19x1
Community Calendar
1:30-4:00 p.m. - Senior Games
Shuffleboard at the Community
6:309:00 p.m. - Youth Roller
Hockey at the Arena
7:00.8:00 p.m. - Step Training
with Drusilla at the Arena
8:00-9:00 p.m. - Fitness is Fun
with Drusilla at the Arena
1:30 p.m. - Senior Games
SNOOKER at Gordon Murray's
8:00-9:00 p.m. - Men's Roller
Hockey at the Arena - Young
Lightning vs. Young Blood
9:00-10:00 p.m. - Red Army vs.
10:30-11:30 a.m. - Storyhour at
the Library
SAT. , MAY,10
11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. - Tennis
Show, Clinic and Sale at the
Tennis Courts
Happy Mother's Day
MON., MAY 12
7:30-10:30 p.m. - Minor Sports
Double Bingo at the Arena -
Tonight's host is Ringette.
Doors open at 5:30 p.m.
9:00.11:10 .qr. P rents' and 'tots',
Playground at NortlisIde United
Church Basement
9:00-10:00 a.m. • Fitness is Fun
with Drusilla at the Arena
10:00-11:00 a.m. - Line Dancing
with Drusilla at the Arena
1:30 p.m. - Seaforth Women's
Institute meeting at Northside
United Church
7:00-9:00 p.m. - Dog Obedience
at the Arena
7:30 p.m. - Senior Games
EUCHRE at the Legion
8:00-9:00 p.m. - Ladies' Roller
Hockey at the Arena - Ducks
vs. Leafs
9:00-10:00 p.m. - Wings vs. Blues
7:30 p.m. - Seaforth_Hospitat
Auxiliary Meeting in Conference
Room 2
WED., MAY 14
10:00 a.m. - Senior Games
10:30 a.m. - Senior Games
1:30-4:00 p.m. - Senior
Shuffleboard at the Community
2:00 p.m. - Senior Games -
CROKINOLE at Maplewood
6:30-9:00 p.m. • Youth Roller
Hockey at the Arena
7:30 p.m. - Seaforth and District
Horticultural Society meeting at
Northside United Church
7:00-8:00 p.m. - Step Training
with Drusilla at the Arena
8:00-9:00 p.m. = Fitnessls Fun "'
with Drusilla at the Arena
If you're organizing a non-profit event of interest to other Seaforth
area residents, phone the recreation office 527-0882 or the .
Expositor at 527-0240. or mad the information to Community
Calendar, The Huron Expositor, Box 69. Seaforth, Ontario, NOK 1 WO
well in advance of the scheduled date. Free listing includes date, time,
name of event and location only Space for the Community Calendar ,s
donated by The Huron Expositor.
The family of the late Marian
MacDonald wish to express their
heartfelt thanks to SiNercreek Apt.
and John St. neighbors, friends
and family for their support, floral
tributes, donations, cards and food
that was brought to our home.
Special thanks to Dr. Zettel, the
hospital staff and the ambulance
attendants. Mao thanks to Home
Care and the VON. The family
would also like to extend a thank
you to Cheryl -Ann Stadetbauer-
Sampa, the pallbearers and Chris
Smith of Box and Smith Funeral
Chapel for helping us through a
difficult time. A special thanks to
Mabel Strong for helping with the
lunch preparations following . the
service. Your acts of kindness
were greatly appreciated and will
always be renttembgred, • Golden' .
MacDonald and Family 474001 .
'ma HNRON IIXPO$ITOA. Marr 7. 1 11117-1 is
Zone convention held in town
Sunday, May 4 the Ladies
Auxiliary to Branch 156
hosted the Zone CI
Convention. Seventy-eight
delegates were in attendance
and guests from Zone C2-C3
and C4 also District
Commander Mike Atkinson
and his wife Zinc, Zone
.Commander CI Gordon
Delong and Mary, Deputy
Zone Commander CI June
Pyette and husband Ed;
Deputy Zone Commander C.
L.A. Velma Young and
Sports Officer L.A. Linda
A parade to the cenotaph
under the direction of Parade
Marshall Jim Brown and
Sgt. -at -Arms Errol Skiltender
in charge of the color party
was held. Rev. Cheryl Ann
Stadelbauer-Sampa gave the
address. The Zone CI Ladies
Auxiliary wreath was laid by
Provincial Chairman Leota
At 2 p.m. the convention
was called to order and all
12 auxiliaries answered roll
call with 78 delegates pre-
We would like to thank Dr.
Rodney, Dr Edwards, Dr. Zettel,
Dr. Atack, Dr. Kronick, Dr. Parker
and the staff at Seaforth Hospital
and London Health Science Centre
for the excellent care they provided
for Kelsey. A special thanks to
family and friends for their gifts
and sincere cards. 1t means a lot
to Kevin and I to know so many
people care. Kelsey is resting
peacefully in the arms of her
Grandma Mercedes.
- Kevin and Kelly 47-19x 1
A special thanks from Caleigh to
Dr. Norton and Nurse Kay for the
tender care and love. Hugs and
kisses. We thank you especially for
taking care of our little one. - John,
Susan and Courtney 47-19-1
1 would like to express my
gratitude to Dr. Woldnik, Nurse
Joan, the Nursing Staff, and Linda
for the special care extended
towards me at Seaforth Hospital.
Also thanks to Art and Bob of the
Ambulance Service for the
comfortable ride. We are very
'fortunate to hav9'yotr alt as' part of
our community. Thanks to Dr.
Shannon and Golda at Stratford
Hospital for the added support. A
special thanks to my dear husband
John, Courtney, Caleigh, Mom
Mary and Dad John for all your
love. - Susan 47-19-1
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by Barbara Scott
sent. The meeting was
opened by President Pat
Schellenberger and the colors
were presented. Head table
guests were introduced along
with the visiting dignitaries
who included Past Provincial
L.A. President Evelyn
Carroll, Past Zone
Commander CI Peg Coombs
and Past Legion Zone
Commander CI Cleave
Coombs. Branch 156
President John Lansink wel-
comed everyone to the
Branch, Mayor Irwin
Johnston brought greetings
from the Town of Seaforth
and MP Pau( Steckle brought
greetings from Ottawa and
also presented a Canadian
flag to President Pat. Reports
were given by all 12 secre-
taries giving a perfect atten-
dance at the convention.
Provincial Chairman Leota
Pierce was introduced by
Zone Commander Eva
Brown and brought greetings
from Provincial Command
and spoke on the work of the
Auxiliary. She congratulated
Comrade Eva on a well run
Entertainment during recess
was provided by Marion
Pullman, Brenda De Jong
and Matthew and Jessica De
Jong who entertained with a
skit and song and dance. Ken
Sturrock entertained on the
piano and Mary Doig sang a
Scottish song.
A delicious dinner was
served by the May committee
with the assistance of
President John Lansink, Jim
MacLeod, Tom Barry and
Mike Mcidinger on the bar-.
The Branch is holding the
barbecue this Friday. May 9.
There will he meat draws,
horse races, entertainment,
etc. Also the draw for the
quarter of beef will be held.
There are still lots of tickets
left so get yours as soon as
The Ladies Auxiliary will
he hosting a Sunday dinner
for the public on,Sunday.
May 11, Mother's Day. L.A.
Ladies desserts and help will
he needed for this event. The
team of Fraternal Affiliates
bowling team recently won
the howlin\j tournament in
Clinton. Congratulations.
The Ladies Auxiliary gen-
eral meeting will he held
tonight, May 7. This is clec-.
tion night ladies. plan to
At the going down of the
sun and in the morning we •
will remember them.
Hullett favours purchase of fire truck
At a special afternoon
meeting April 26, Hullett
Council passed a motion
favouring the purchase of a
Hub Fire Truck for the
Clinton Fire Arca "with the
amount being contributed by
the participating municipali-
ties toward the purchase
being $196,843 (plus taxes)."
The motion further notes
council favours "the proposal
as presented by the Clinton
Fire Department whereby
they are willing to fundraise
for any shortfall of a pre-
ferred vehicle... (and that) an
agreement be in place stating
that any shortfall in fundrais-
ing'will not have to met by
the township."
David and Stacey Plant of
Conc. 13, part Lot 23 also
attended. Meeting minutes
note "discussion was held on
the merits of the possihlc
expansion on (their property).
Council felt due to the cir-
cumstances in which they
were placed, they would
agree to the proposal so long
as there was no opposition
from surrounding neighbours
or the public, and that they
would not oppose thc sever-
ance and re -zoning."
New Democrats acclaim candidate
Jan Johnstone of Ripley
was acclaimed as the New
Democratic Party candidate
for the riding of Huron Bruce
at a recent nomination meet-
ing at Blyth United Church.
She is a correspondence
course student who said she
used to he a Liberal party
supporter and campaigned for
MP Paul Steckle before.
becoming disillusioned.
Bridal shower on May Day
St. CO
About 30 relatives, friends
and neighbors attended a
miscellaneous bridal shower
for Pam Nolan, fiance of
Brad Beuttenmiller, at the St.
Columban Church Hall on
Thursday, May 1, hosted by
Pam's family.
An address was read by
Gail Sararas and Pam was
presented with many gifts
carried to her by her nieces.
Prizes were won by Mamie
Delaney, Cecilia Ryan and
Jill Sararas.
Much visiting and a deli-
cious lunch was enjoyed by
Pam and Brad will be unit-
ed in marriage on June 14,
1997 at St. Columban Roman
Catholic Church.
Marie Hicknell spent a few
days recently with Margaret
and Chris Rooney and their
CWL convention
Margaret Smale and Mary
Barnes represented St. James
Parish as delegates to the
recent 77th annual conven-.
tion of The Catholic
Women's League of Canada,
London Diocesan Council at
Chatham from April 28 to 30.
• by Cecilia Ryan
new son, Austin Edward of
Midland, On.
Laura Ward of Kitchener
and Mark and Debbie Ryan
and Jake of Kitchener visited
on Saturday with Cecilia
Gerry and Karen Ryan.
Jason, Amanda and Jeremy
and Cecilia Ryan visited on
Sunday with Sister Mary
Eckert at the Ursuline
Convent in Chatham.
We still need some players'
names to go with the pictures
we already have for the fol-
lowing Seaforth House
League hockey teams that
will he running with all the
others in our annual Winter
Sports Edition: Oilers,
Sharks, Leafs, Panthers, and
Could someone who might
know any of these please pop
into The Expositor office dur-
ing business hours (9 a.m. to
Campaign starts 5 p.m.) this week to do so,
and save us more running
The Winter Sports Edition
was originally scheduled to
run this week, but manage-
ment has since decided to
delay it for next Wednesday's
edition of thc paper.
The Coalition for a Smoke-
free Huron -Perth launched a
smoke-free restaurant cam-
paign in the area this week. 1t
will be distributing stickers
that promote its viewpoint
and concerns for the next
MPP claims change won't disrupt kids
CONTINUED from page 1 ernment's motive.
"It's just and adverse reac-
tion to change ... not know
where it's coming from," she
Huron board of education
chairman Paul Carroll con-
firmed only that the hoard is
working with the EiC to
advance the hoard merger.
"We are moving forward to
the new entity so as not to
disrupt the kids or their edu-
cation,";hc said.
the board's effectiveness if
all its appointments and bud-
get decisions must first be
approved by the province.
"I sec restructuring, includ-
ing finance reform, as an
opportunity for the provincial
government to take control of
Johns is hopeful that as
restructuring and finance
reform proceed, people will
be less skeptical of the gov-