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The Huron Expositor, 1997-05-07, Page 9
We&s H! set to get underway soon 'Ladies softball at. the Linins Hark .+v ill begin May :13 At ta�9ti pn,. long animated i dy tall tips and ability) is•very *welcome to. cote out -And play Ladies tloltball is•be J every lueaiday eveninv at the Lions Nark •Hor mote intor- nutuun please tall Joanne at '527-1676 or Bonnie at 527- °302' Tb. Seatorih Rrcrualion 1)epartment is currently rkulg till'\ tem su§m er Ilvittas tor VOUtii•'ankl (intent `+.•caturth trHh School Jason" Shortreett,tcarned :1 goal medal along with his team. the "lm -tri C itt Spinner. at the Junto! W m:telt•hwr Basketball C'hamptuushll' n+ Kitchener April is tt+ 20 lie lives rn McKt1l' Township Short - reed scored once a. the Sp/nnel , won for the thml- stralthl veer. this trine deleat- •i,' tht tluebet: (itadtalurs Ott;, Mit• rub A challenge! h: St;;Jlt+rth Heart Throbs \lay.' Issued .1 challenge Lt+ ant sett tit' groups or ctLtn- n+ut;lt, i I'1anitatlon' ler the Iouni: annual Big 13ikc Nish' tot hear auto stroke research lt,a' t tvt131sI lu town 111 a \noon; I roc big i)tkt' o; this iuntl+al�r: ••t," :t colossal 31' scale' Olaf lead\. lit 29 pedal 00. lemic\\ kn, 10u1\.•.. 614:4, 414..i111:.: 1.' .; prt:sis.teJt;asc 114/iii 1111 lV, 1i /lean anti 511014,- I•t•ttndaLain `A driver 1'. pi0) theft for ,girt}•. • ken. v• .hntc tic Seilurth rt'Uit (33 J MP.' X start> at the .01111114.11111 t VOW I .2.41.1t.tN 114)wI.tott.i Se1CCI then Irturii•• ur !Mani SIi, ct back t.r til.• a1 4:11,i L;acf link' talc= Iu j 15 tt; �I' 1U1Uulc 41111 Ihc c9C111 foil It 'ii _ t1+ -t11.111 . Kalli ha- .� captdtiT.• attr,rdllti' to the pies. I.ieasc. ••everybodycollects piedees. Each ride is to have Jl 1east S50 ton pledges. Partial teams an: also wel- cullietlbut not prel_crred. Partial teams.will be put tueeulcr. "Iertifm: pries .are a.%artled "1 he more tench you 142... the 111011 pineS you \.arra t-a3e+i Bath 11d. 111t.01e' 33)1u1- n,at1u11 a' • ..-tt4(1. • 'adults. !rite tollowing pro- graasswill basin in+July: +Off Custht oninj Camp with Brian. (l'2teitt. a \Youth 'B.asketbiall Longue, tCeimpoter• Clamp and Tennis Lessons for 'Youth anti Adults. Watch for informa- . lion on a l I the above .pro- •ltlaBs Connor oat sew. ter Umbel inquiries please call 527-O88_ . -The St. James C'.W.L. invites you u) their annual 3ts1(tNG FLING which .will be held un Wednesday. May 'l. This fun night will be held at the Sealorth Legion BOWLING MEW (R eflqUIriTir . (April 29 (Playvolttauntresod I1/(iH SINGLE: Arts Van Uiopon iIJt;lt 7kItfLE: John -Station MN if1V-1ic/t VIAN,jitt• Steffen 26912\51(_79 Van 1)tcpon 209/290(2bu Liatph Johnston 2n3/2233I24r+ Georgi . Johnston 26t/2t9l244 Lune\ (>ngsttan Z211.21/ 2 t 1, Darryl Smith 206/201/2111 Jo.' Voonslra 226. Ckvdta Storey 207 Bis xtt '1'11M AtlO StaIan.. Van J/upon 7s' 1 k Johettea TS I,6 Johnston 71+4 Unggrian--6S2.Steish *rbttlfN' _\hili/ISSNOLE-Carat Johaston 229 MGR TRIPLE: Johnston 617 //Y.'P'flitt 'LION MO Johnston 207r224: Kuth Dully 222, l.uwsu i),et 207 STANDINQS eagle, 157401. Animals 15611. Fighters - 15265. "Diggers 15059. tiatl bowlers 149111. C:Iullbcr+ 1491.%' • SOC€EJt WESTISI R1N ONTARIO ' 1ILYI,M1411fiL (way 4) • - . 140416M1(AMS 4 StocalorA4.1 o11'i', MIME GAWKS: SUN: Chatham S.C. tit sr, VOLIWII- BAN1, 5 Rcpt. • •HIIR©N,GONPt RENCE (t4tay l $iHLS 2 6udtalch ISO 1 c April 241 Chinon 2 SU1 S 1 HAPPY 0 ' t. ,S D Giue your mom something special on her special day.' A beautifully decorated.basket filled with all yQunittofn''s faucnicites. • Chocolate Baskets fW$2d•wtith chocolate • Gift Items.* Chocolate Roses Gourmet Food .•Hund-dippeti chocolates .• Gift flaskets,•..flsvouredteas, Coffee..l3everages -For Your trtitgrtairli PARTY• Cheese • 1'lhit • etablas. .FOR BABY We carry • limit -knitted sweater sets • Stutltxl Toys • Collectible Bears • Fix -lies • Rattles • First Year Caleltdars aside -loch more .Vie also have chocolate cigars Urup by acid visit our retell showroom • ur call us today OPEN Toes - Sat. 10 am • 5:;111 pin HWY. 4 South of CUNTON t tuvirevawirewy acruss trwn 4822J232 wwithtthe•dnoF$•gpenuig at 7`3Upn. Come enjoy alBake TAW ,tlinathainrwatt, Bassen and rfoa. (Draws and Moor .prizes 1,41114 st'hold. t)lhyntt miss the fun. '8oatottth Minor Soccer twill lbs !\eating .a 1111"HOR `BQIC- tOUR (COACHES (MANIC . Rhis.ttlinic +mil l t itttdhtik t the Theory of3Coaehiag, linjury Prevention and !Drills. Rhe clinic will he :held on Monday, It* 26tfmm 71w'9 pm at the ilaafosth and ' District CCommunily (Centres. If Iron thaw (Won ,willing km hdW with Amcor. didntt Jutow -anything About it, titin is \younAhmtcr,tutthratge that. All Bentforth 'Minor Saucer parents are .wels:ume to. attend .at no.Charge. Please dII:the IReereatiun tOffiae at STI- Olig2 ttr•mister .or'for ;mmr information. 'fie• mobilQD WKO Jen DelyectChio (if •E rnondvllk miss, orae of four area youths to win a sliver medal playing for the Bhtewater Hawks , peewee LB team at the recent , (dntario 4tl:1I \Women's 'f) t 1Hnokcw Association championships. The other three are 'froom Mitchell. They lout in overlimc, 1.1) to Brampton in the final. Ilidliw lea& plamelli'Bct)ring Dave McLiwain of'Staaforth is the top point -getter so tar in the International 'Hutikut League playoffs. according to Tuesday -morning's statistics. He has [2 points for the Cleveland Lumberjacks; from a goal and 1 I assists. one point better than the current runner-up. Clavaglia of Detroit who has five soaks and -six assists for 11 points. Three players arc -tied for third in IHL playoff scoring. aft with 11) points. Going into tonight's (Wednesday) action the 'Jacks. bead Orlando .2.0 in their beit-of,,swien :F.astorrn sSettfotth .$o (District Cotnml.unfty( entree, HOCKEY PLAYOFF FOX 196-97 -11A14KelihRDIROf Pts. asof-May 1197 1. Chubs 107 2. $ilk W C-416111141 .103 3 Bobby Gull W '743 '75 102 4. Terry Goy.#3 . 101 5. Dave Soon! 101. 6 Riehl 100 • 7. Sorb II ' 100 8 ark *1 100 9 Karsten Garrott • 100 10 flipper II s9 11 Prank 1 99 12.rBob-I enderson 991 13, lave Suet\ lit 98 , 14. Tom McNaughton Ml 97 15 Murray Townsend • 97 • 16 . • Bobby Clalke *16 97 17. YzioCup 3 97' 18. Brian Robinson 96 49: Bob M3 • - . - 96 20. Yzoicup 2 96 21. Leers Reis Bast 03 96 22. an Date 11 - 95 • 23. Terry 6r70--#2 95 24 Amen 1 95 25. Hoz 92 95 26. Nez 90. 95 , 27. John Van Ueshoet 95' ?,B. Tarty GrAy 01 94 29. •6unday Down Henke .01 94 30. (loot( 94 31. Tiiiam 94 32. 6UX.2BU 1 94 • a lopes 94 34. Poor Pio/4s 1 93 35. Wager I 93 6. t iWe Aclintas 93 37. 6unOey Down Home 03 93 38.NANAR 93 39. Howie Meeker I 93 40. (ails: X12 02 41. al 42.0 .H-1 43- SI41(;28U2 92 44..1.n,Iprtrr, aI 92 aig o 1 92 46. (lave 6cott 11 92 47. Wally 2 92 4&94b2 .91 49. JassiCA surpass 91 50...Ita0.1402 91 This ad sponsored by 92 92 23 �oriefioh St. East ,,���> ptSh ( h F 1 0 0// 0 0 0// 11 1 0 0 0 0 0 r' ,' <' 0. Sew per:- •'. Sewer chimes • NklIXE•.11!1 4 ±': -' - SgH4- • W,HtTiE • imito Se 1 Y adored Itokie awhines in tM "ecMQQL' ►• Dl»�: t cula,at>o�e s au�111r 4vefs1. - e,*Opp M,Achines.m,i be AI Machines a(atnade of metal and ettw o0.441- rios,-derwn, carMs, sp y i *.ivinyl and slut. 400t9.0) ►nP_e.tti00011OM• factored by W1 'w00 MACAW fcamParlYAV10109P,400O * *FL Ail Gisoikaib,404661.10 Prior<00. rTlieee machin9s�r t44Atit.dAW41Q11 e(Caft thB 1,hese 6yirte fs rpt Mac111o00 flierttserpe•Macl$ 1' 040 4000011010A (0t)400 icigalsoW on b01110 y Available. 1419,41Clit excess tab 4Rd:- +l 90 ate 0ew..wllh a.10 year wartanty:,WYh Owl dial and sea \stale happen, ftraiptit Sewiti�' hem, m000pmen,soMiti stitch, embroidery, 11,4ASTVIONID4)I +$ CHEQUES.14 . a \titter rjtasr.. • . t" 1�ilnli�i' 1 c , ,r • • , r ' ' '�'• , , r . 9 . t• Conference snnu-finul Detroit and Quebec an also Heti at a game apiece Out in the :Wua.1 Conference. Long Beach Ica& Utah and Houston, teats. San Antonio, both with two pines to nolle edges in \Mise Will 14'11121 series. !NE 9N/pMr WMMwt, wtr 3, tt.s.-a 1 SORTM INSURANCE BROILER LTD. 527-1410 "Jruunng Your Hwinces k •Our rlfusrnese Meme • Cunmieritoiali • Aute) • Farm • Le •eita Pro mcie Tamen Insure/me tC�I1 Vow 'R are Today • %en Caidnu • ern rletsc}I • i a h Watt • • 4aiwme Williamston SHOW Corse chttdk out the latest in tennis equipment and clothing at The Seaford] Tennis Courts located 'beside the high itdhocil SILT ![*Y 10. 1997 11100 atm -30010 pot Bepreaentatives from Wilson will Use in attendance. Fur more information call the Seatiortb Recreation Office at 527•.O[ i2. Wateh•1ur the TenWs.Leeson wltti inatructur Elattk Hirttanotytc cutaitlg nmol. Carol torr Recreation Mier for roost. information •Wt NAVE 11 ALL FUR La0.A1 CASUAL L3VINC" i'LV5 CiKCJU PK1C:ES ALL YLArt LONG • Fur C)utdours • Pauls • Garden Arcus • Swrrropnis • testwm b • Antral PAsrs. lees.a.1 fission . • Sae times - • Arrant rn (.440S• Simply Ow Femur r.v.c {mugs sow \window • lle utrio.i' 1'. rJVi•i versos/ moss.- ND BEND 238-2110 Nwy. 88 E (2 foliar (row the stow plant) Mort. -Fro. 8:ao..4 - eat aoroo* + ,ArAafl(liA4 t,_i411r1 $44rt�, 841'14K61044r C1i4l1(",1 ij1Nt fU4j4L c1Jv4K Seel4 7oot *acet Wtekt Da+y _- w SHOW US YOUR KID', We knowyou are; proud of your-hildren, so let us reward .you for it. Simply show your ohildrens' ,piotures to customer service and receive a ,FREE scratch'tiaket on Saturday, May 10th. White supplies last FREE CARNATIONS! to the first 200 moms in the mall on May 10th at Zellers Court 1) A getaway ,weekend Ito ,the .tilenrniller Inn and Myth Festival. 2) A makeover oumpliments of The Cut Above 3):A.cosmetic Off !basket compliments of Sears. FREE (;4It t �ti't-;MS•'l•',N 'Lou plime is cqt 1 Stratford ILekeaitl$e Seniors QUILT SHOW Starts May 12 P,, 1 wig'CANCJN eitsy,whenyyi sbppAestival Marks It3Ce plate rales t re rt cuslomet service deyl 117}Sl`lL w. mop.6114,ei'�` 14 -AIL-