HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1997-05-07, Page 8t'►.rtr7
Rase Dawe kibitzing with pros
tisdinbk. **often as rtat,ttbpy
iwdfitMc the' fees' in tirr ibitx-
hit7rhis .ya tntleelisniorillt0A
Tarr maw Wanda m
'haw. Thdfieattfaomaheiptast
willtt>ruit rghin lIbrestaat'Bt.
12- I5. )ht about two twins
.yeikee t ieel. tilttxe. 'You .wiI I
mettle groats from the past
eat!•have. a.ettassoe a) walk
armadas" of tine grmattest
courses inns ada.!IPatethis
due on •your.aktuMr and
plan taateatd this.grmat golf
event - Tha eninrCMssie-
hl the nmantitee aurae of •
the golden oldies from ow
arra will ite;phymg in their
own •version of the aanior
tour when they. participate m
the Scattrtth Senior
Invitational. The. tournament
is•scheduied for Wednesday.
Nay 21. Granted there won't
be the Chi•Chi's and Amies.
but there will be swine great
golf. No pressure here either.
Whatever 1 listen to t,-om-
versalivas at uttr WW1 senior
event 1 am reminded of
another great saying - "'lite
otrkr 1 get. the better I used
to be."
1f , a' the sayrnggoes, "Oki
age: and treachery willziways
&teat youth and aki1J." what
happens at a senior:golf tour-
nament' There's a lot of oki
lege and a lot of skill. Not
only that. there is probably a
lot of treachery involved tax, -
001 to mention the `'youth" as
rn young ethetan. It mutely
makes for an imtorar,Yuz mix
and a lot of funl'be groat
golf that is played is almost
an .wade
A couple o f years age 1 l had
the chance p, aucnd my first
Senior PGA event. the
Kruger. in Cincinnati. After
attending numerous MA and
LPDA events over the years 1
was surprised at the atmos-
phere dunng the Kruger The
• galleries were smaller. not .a
lithe Tad=
by CA. Dnig
go I tut ask tor'
Thoit t realized why etc
atmosphere ts difiereeut out
there cut the senior tour. The
pressure to perks= well.
'shoot a great score. and win
the: bit bucks is less on the
.scnlor tow
First. there's no teat. 11 you
mess up the first round then
is no oerti to press, press.
press_ to get those binites and
rnake that awful eat, just to
lot, lot just enough to allose get a pity -cheque. What a
you to get closer to the pias- blessing that is for all the
ers aild not have to Jockey Io, players. The tournaments arc
position all day long The: . three-day events for the must
part. gust t^nciay. Sammie.
Sunday -A nice long weekend
to play t htttc golf and pick
up .i couple of hundred thou-
sand '11w courses are usually
set up shorter than on the reg-
ular tout and the players and
tget this i cackles tcx1. get to
take .t flower cart. If that isn't
pruot tame yt that a caddie
must be more than .a -bag-
toter- then l don't know what
Must of the players have
already Heade their Iurtuncs
through golf . Some by play -
mg the regular tour !or year
and chalking up the price
money. zithers lx a toinbina-
twn 01 goat) golf, good mai-
players were congcival and
chatty with their lelloa cont-
petitors as well as with tete
tans. Chi -Chi. Leta Arnie and
the "buys'. wore not only
playing great golf, but the.
were entertaining the tans a+
the same unit'
Since the Kruger. I have
attended a low more Senor
POA events. including the
Senior Legends of (jolt at
King Valley last somatici. and
on each occasion marveled et
the shot -snaking and kibni-
ing that.u.•currtxl Winne., tlx-
rutittd. These guys were not .
just (Saylor, great competitive
golf. they were actually bas-
ing tun' What more could .a
keuag. sari gonad tuck Their
Duds are gmwrt and through
college, the hawse: is puri tot.
and there isn't dere element of
urgency' to take- money
that's sten with the,yotstttig
players on the manuals taut. •
Frnaliy, theseguysstaow^Un
their beasts that what they're
doing is a tater bettenver-
uai of "fanalom 5 ' Hainan -
ung arsenal rearing m
RRSPs anti vatting for senior
discount day at the local
reuarrast.•Not only dist, tate
can do a at +0'
Su they're tut there week
atter weak playing the senior
tour. They can uill.make the
shots and the golf is great to
watch. The players came in
all shapes and sites. The
acxvmpsrtying golf swings
fellow the sane trent). There
are tele "clones'. on the
senior tour. 11 you thin: you
have a tew swag flaws just
watch some of the seniors
seat) realize they. make the
most of what they have. No
flat -bellied young whrpper-
snuppm' pro ts going to
change their swing into a
mecharucal version of. Inn
Byrurl. You leave the senior
events thinking tf diel can del
tt - you can tut.
In arkiitiun to great shot-
making. it's the kibitz:ng that
keeps the fans straining
.against the gallery ropes. The
players joke with each other.
high -five each other. (Unix
on the greens and use laxly
English. Drench, Spanish. and
a multitude of other lan-
guages to talk the ball into
Seefortb.Goif:& (Country
Club;aews:forthis eek:
The highlight of this weak
was the aevwnd annual Spring
St;rambk:. Proceeds from the
tournament go to the Seafurth
and District Foudbank. It was
an abitolutety miserable
Saturday. with high winds
and driving rain. yet 126
CONTINUED oe page 10
Murray came to clean boataftr hours
"CONTINU13U.lrelm.pagc 5
haven't stopped lool:urg." he
Terry Wain. who was a
Park House cook at the time.
testified she salt ilftistie
around 2:45 pan . t the Park
Huuac- They tate :+tout her
trip and Wain safe. Mastic:
seemed excited.
Paula Underhill Krohn;
testified she saw Mistte talk
mg with students at tate guid-
ance office at Goderich
District Collegiate Institute
on May 31. -between .1:311
p.m.- and 4 p.ua.
She also testified that on
June 7. she went to Mastless
locker with Sieve and said he
quickly -put her belongings in
a garbage bag. "not taking
much cart: with it."
Through cross-exain►na-
tion. • LeFrancc and Underhill
Krohn) indicated Murray
freely offered information
regarding the case- '1'o
L.eFrance, he was upon about
-the boat cleaning and he took
the information to the police
of continents made b',
Underhill Krohn.' that the
guidance cuunselur had seen
Mistic on May 31. 'Those
comments were made time day
be cleaned out her locker.
Jim Seca'. a patron of the
Park House. testified he had
seen Miotic around 3:30 or 4
p.m. that afternoon at the tav-
ern. Under cross-examina-
tion. he could nut recall see-
ing Mistic talking to Dean
Murray or Wain.
Robert Cudrnore. Richard
Simonato. Owner til. kick's
Wash and Wax and Dale
Million testified in regards tel
Murray bringing his boat for
cleaning on May 31.
Cuduiurc said Murray
arrived une'pcctelt). want► -
ng to leave the boat. He carne
around 8:30 p.m.. while the
business had closed at 5:30
.in Cudmt,re• was doing
wrist wort lot d neighboring
Cudmuic saint he called
Semn:au to ask what to do.
giving the phone to Murray
to speak it. the business
Under cross-examination,
Srmunalo did nut recall
speaking to Murray but
Cudnturc said Steve told Mtn
11 was alttght tel leave the
boat there and Rick would
clear) it in tlx•'twining
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Although Rick had a note
to gall Steve May 31 regard-
ing the boat -and possibly
using a special wax on at.
Kick said when he spoke
with Steve several Clays earli-
er about the boat. be.had ands
rated a Saturday was a better
day to have it cleaned
because ot- the work
Million testifier) that while
he was cleaning the inside in
the boat. be was,kneel'ng un
the carpeted floor.
said. "Tete carpet was realty
wet. Soaked."
• Under cross-exarntnatitrn,
be said it seerned sensible to
have the boat cleaned at the
same time Steve was plan-
ning to have it waxed. even
though be had testified earlier
the twat did not look like it
needed to be cleaned inside.
Day 4, MAY 5
`testimony begins frr»n wit-
.nesses who report •iseeirtg
Steve with Mina e,eo this
boat the day she .dieap-
"My )emits were wet. CONTINUIiD on page 10
soaked right through.. he
mos t. IS RUN.
111401111E131101114011t1UNITIV11 Valk
ittrattosti Wetter& MIAOW 'is 'looking torr cumtniried
wandttternalatlrindW$th*istoo'set on its Sward ef'Directors
rttttl ttwoptttU ssoMMith ea. !11 you area •vemiident of Perth
kCounfy: ,sre;prepiereel to atommtt your time and energy so
itu rapine) tbuuttteaa: and taal 'you can make a diriewnce 'by
••dtietittg.a.gond .aommunitvy,perupect►.ve on hospital
Issues: Ave avant Vent k ,with you!
%applications, midi an accomae:ta tog .resume should
fere eitbmttted :no later than *ay '19, '1997. at Which time
;tete aeleetton!procese will begin.
in the interest tit enhancing continued community
tnvotvement and representation in the hospital, the Board
will asap all and any. additional applications on °Hie 'cur
lutuse rslerence Witte Illuminating Committee
.Pteaar send applications to:
Nominating Committee
ittrattord General Hospital
General Hospital Delve
'Watford, Ontario •
tal5A 2Vb
Vow arm
Candi:dote far
Mkt run -au*
DOUG l 4:
ogarriethirtitklinsenage.thlhiren at�tllraeitiea,inrPldttfrsl d �iortwtuehip
.4ikflistraniaritsabuainaealnrrrwr:andeieallnyer•uivse 1W76
eel iaRtA,asethania1 segiaaandigaratluaterfnenstliiefilianUniQge
riektlengdimetantraber IAf(Ciiadettat, {Chamber of rCammer^ee and
atflisieweitaatantinueue sena artatt;laaal peetsrteams
•e&ga nitine ieftmtier, Aeivittg,stn ttbe IlliuromiBtuee Sefoem Suard
i)()liC: >;EJAI A' ES IN:
atiallasvccortatavernmitittilhat awes Imam of your tax dation, for
tnestIttaGoratitt aratrAnutulaiNd. eaSeeutily and :lam fer:int creat
eitavaaansibliaGaziailinBeessiateRlan - ene'tbat•you will be proud w
tatati(: (►1''1'F;1:` l Oi :
ii n•,'tet:.' r IItt11.t
• .. ":rel:" ..hlll-. ., •.elft•
1:..... ,.. 1
Huron County
have been
Be Involved!•alt
Asad a draft Qf1'tioigl uukbpr of workshops ,
scheduled theorkahops will be gives iv two
The first set u( generally Coatis ata individual topics.
The tatter set of wotrkfttto U have a tisane several Focus.
Tp c t,L•Ac
• y '7
Natutal� Danica ll i$pt
,BLit ;t~eotiyal ($asetuoat),
ay 8
:t coaaway...:. _
faititaeps Cootie,
13$ Afliiip St. §, ..
Lit ay 15
Ettaati ei a olltS.o6
X14 1ott -low Municipal
ali . L.4 fate ails.. .
ay 21
Settleraont Patinas
Stanley !Township otgaluaity ,
Cgltre, Varna
8 ► p. .
Ilk 22 .
Natpra1 :1 iron telt
:14pba11 Community Cell to 1 .1 1 • .
.4y 28
Conamunhy _ $$40144
' Conk4i1 ;{cion •Second :
` bi.:1, at : ,:a
8:00 p.m.
t� QP 0!A4'•_�
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